#kit plays totk
lightspren · 1 year
also though
i finished the geoglyphs quest line and uh
i’m. so sad. i’m very sad. why is this game making me feel these emotions. i’m sad.
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darkdragon768 · 8 months
Nintendo games have become too easy...
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lluvguts · 1 year
riju needs to give link a sand seal plushie for emotional support on his travels he needs it 
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kitausu · 1 year
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Hehehehe I'm so happy!!
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blackbird-brewster · 5 months
Alright fam, I speed ran Pokémon Violet in a week and now..... IT'S FINALLY TOTK TIME FOR MEEEEE
See y'all after the credits, because I know I'm going to hyperfocus on this game 🫡
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I got Tears of the Kingdom for Christmas and boy howdy this is so fucking fun. I might get around to writing some stuff about it but right now I just want to keep playing. I was right when I predicted months ago that it would consume all of my free time (and eat a bit into my not-free time).
Related, although I originally planned for my WIP Linked Universe fanfic Descent to Darkness to be a sequel to my previous fic (Oops! All Links), after playing TotK, I’m thinking of using the TotK iteration of Wild instead of BotW. His character is a bit more fleshed out, he’s had more experiences, and at the most basic level, his new powers are fucking sick. With the exception of maybe stasis, this new kit of abilities is cooler and more fun to play with, so it would probably be more fun to write.
Thing is, I would need to decouple OAL and DtD. What I’ve already written has barely anything to do with OAL though, so that’s an easy fix. Plus then it needs no explanation that you don’t need to read all 87k words of OAL to understand and enjoy DtD. I mean we’ll see how I feel when I’m ready to sit down and write more, because like I said, I just want to keep playing the game.
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sassynonsense · 3 months
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hiya again, I will add in a bio, most likely tomorrow tho, unless I get off my lazy ass, stop playing TotK, and actually write it.
Here's spot, the first cat to be uploaded. I would usually upload the screenshot of the spinny wheel, but I can't find it 😑😭
(credit to the artist of the base I used, it's amazing lol)
Will update by tomorrow, but here we go 👍
Spot was originally a loner, before joining a group at a very young age. The group also included Calcite, Spot's future mate. When he was a kit, his family would travel as a small unit, but his mother and littermate were caught by a monster. His father eventually couldn't take care of such a young kit, and so abandoned him, and his future group found him. They took care of him, and he was good friends with Calcite, becoming mates later on. The travelling group of cats eventually came to the area, and shared the new location idea with them. A few cats agreed, along with Spot and Calcite, and they joined the travelling cats.
Gender: Male - he/him
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual
That bio was so bland aghh 😂
Constructive criticism is VERY welcome, hope y'all like the first one.(I'm still editing it)
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honshew · 6 months
first gratitouille of 2024
been playing a lot of totk. still really blows my mind how much they were able to build on top of botw, which was already pretty good. i'm remembering now why i took a really long break from it, the reason being it's exhausting not bc of the game itself but bc i cannot put it down once i pick it up
my sashiko embroidery starter kit + book came in today. i found a hole in the knee of my favorite pair of jeans and i've loved seeing pictures of visible mending, and i thought, 'this is my chance!!!' i have some fabric squares ready to go and i already know what pattern i want to go for--i just don't know anything about sewing or embroidery. the set i bought comes with four sizes of needles (with large eyes since sashiko thread is thicker), three different kinds of thimbles to try, a threader, and three fabrics with patterns already on them printed in water soluble ink! if i do it right i'll have three simple embroidered kitchen towels, and hopefully soon after, a patched up pair of jeans.
unfortunately opted for amazon for the above purchase but look at the picture the delivery person chose to take
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waywardsalt · 6 months
this has been a good year for new games for me, ironically bc i had a shit time with totk and was able to better recognize what i like. totk is a game i have not touched since beating it, while every other game i have played this year have be considerably better and just. idk good experiences
so some reflection on the games i played for the first time this year that i really liked!
i played fire emblem engage this year- i literally forgot that that happened this year, i've only been counting games since totk, and i've played some good fuckin games after totk, but i honestly had a good silly time with fe engage. the music is great, the story is a bit flat and hammy at times but was still engaging (hah) and i was pleasantly surprised by the development of the main character, and it was pretty hard even on an easy difficulty, which each map sometimes taking an hour to get through as the story progressed. plus i can't deny that the referneces to other fe games with the emblem rings was a cool selling point, i'm not too familiar with the other fe games and it was interesting to see some of the characters from them. loading into lucina's paralogue and instantly recognizing the map layout and music got to me pretty good as someone who was introduced into the series by awakening. it was great!
i played persona 5 royal after totk and. what a fucking palette cleanser it's one of the best games i have ever played and i've... somewhat liveblogged my first playthrough and snippets of my second, it's fantastic (not flawless tbf) and just a lot of fun. the music is great holy shit and it was also just a great story to experience, with some interesting messaging throughout with the confidant stuff and the things brought up by the third semester. i didn't even initally get persona 5 with the intention to play it myself, it was for my sibling, who played it once and put it down and hasn't touched it since while i picked it up on a whim and was hooked by the music and style and gameplay and... holy shit it's so good. i don't even mind okumura's palace too much.
i managed to get myself a copy of kid icarus uprising (and also got the guide book by accident, don't ask, it's helpful anyways), and... they sure did make a third person shooter on the 3ds and it sure does. Handle. in all honestly the controls are kind of a mess but the game feels really good to play when you get a handle on them, even if i keep accidentally sending pit falling to his death in the ground segments because just moving him is a bit rough. the game is also surprisingly hard, and i wouldn't just chalk it up to the controls, and the music (esp the tracks for the air segments and the way its timed to the game events... ugh) is fantastic, and what i've seen of the story and characters so far is charming! i have only gotten up to past chapter 9 out of... 30? because each chapter is fairly long and... those controls. it's great!
i also managed to get my hands on shin megami tensei iv! i first found it through the fantastic soundtrack, played the first through hours after it failing to boot a few times and getting fucking destroyed by the earliest enemies because holy shit this game will beat you into the ground if you try, and was like 'hm i wonder why they went with that specific sound for a lot of the ost' and then got to fucking tokyo and i. i do not know a lot abt smt iv's story and i'm grateful. getting to tokyo was a bit internal 'holy SHIT' moment and i am so desperate to figure out what the fuck is going on with this story and world it's really fascinating. i haven't progressed the story in a while even through i know where to go just because i'm trying to level flynn and my demons and do side quests because i am not going to underestimate any new encounter ever it's fantastic.
did i start playing clangen this year? i might have. it's good. it's fun. i've played it on voice call with my friend a few times. i'm currently hooked on starting with 1 apprentice and 1 kit like a lot of people are doing on here, building cool stories based on it. it's neat.
that's (probably) all of the new games i've played (and enjoyed) this year so far, but i found out that fallout: new vegas is ten fucking dollars on steam (20 with all of the dlc) and i might have to give that a shot after tracking down a bunch of mods to keep it from crashing, and just from what i've seen of people talking about it, it sounds like a game i really need to try either this year or sometime next year. i'm mostly still just floored that it's less than thirty dollars.
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novantinuum · 1 year
The Ballad of Aryll: Chapter 7 Preview
I'm not posting the full thing on AO3 yet because everyone is so busy playing TotK right now, (as am I, and I still need to do my final edit pass lol), but I do want to share a preview! Here that is, a scene from the middle of said chapter:
Beyond the rhythmic beat of hooves against the dirt path and the clanking of weapons on his back, most of this leg of their journey is awash in silence, the two of them content to sightsee and enjoy this idyllic present. Idyllic in the scenic sense, of course. With a slight frown, his glance drops to the young blonde girl sitting in front of him, her shoulders hunched uncomfortably as she attempts to compensate for the subtle back-and-forth of Makk’s swaying gait. Even an amnesiac could recognize the depth of this poor youth’s internal strife. She’s clearly mulling over something.
Sure enough, she speaks up just as they’re passing another one of those strange stone pillars.
“I wish I can see Mother again,” she says, her tone remaining upbeat and conversational despite her body language and the delicate subject matter. “I miss her laugh.”
He offers a soft hum in return to signal that he’s listening, not sure how else to respond. Especially since his hands are busy gripping Makk’s mane. Hmm. He wonders if they’ll find a saddle and bridle kit anywhere, once they reach civilization…
“She has a really good laugh,” she adds, peering up towards the sun as it dips behind a small cloud, “the kind that makes your whole tummy rumble. I haven’t heard it in a while, but… if I think super hard I can still imagine it in my head!”
Another passing silence.
(What can a person say, in response to a child’s pending grief?)
Aryll swivels her head to peer back at him, her eyes glazed with the faintest whispers of resignation when they meet his.
“Are you sure you don’t remember anything about her? Anything at all?”
He shakes his head no, his memory wholly void of such personal details. It feels as if the more he attempts to chase the impression of those lost years, they pull even further away.
“Hmmm…” she muses, pressing a hand to her chin as she contemplates this likely unwanted response. “Then I guess it’s just my job to teach you!”
Link nods his approval, the ends of his lips turning up into something approaching a smile. He’d honestly love that, if for nothing else than to pass the time on their ride.
His sister’s face lights up with glee. “Well… I guess we’ll start with Mother. Mother’s name is Kelra,” she says, her voice becoming more energetic the longer she monologues. “She’s like, really, really tall, the tallest in the family. And her hair is so blonde that it almost looks white when she’s out in the sun! But that’s just because she’s part Sheikah, y’know? ‘Coz the place we’re going? Kakariko? Our grandfather was actually born there! But Grandma Lilree’s not Sheikah, she’s just a Hylian. Sometimes I wish I was full Sheikah, though. Like, did you know that a lot of the Sheikah can do magic? They have a natural sensitivity to…”
The young girl continues to happily babble for the next duration of their trip. Most of it’s about daily life with her grandma and mother, scattered facts about their family tree, or random stories about the places she’s traveled to a century earlier. For instance, Gatepost Town— a sizable settlement that once sprawled at the foot of the Great Plateau— used to host a grand festival around this time of the season: the Festival of the Sages. A celebration famous across the lands for its colorful firework displays, multicultural cuisine, elaborate costumes, and public combat tournaments featuring the best and brightest of all Hyrule. Her parents took the two of them when they were really young, according to her story, and she got lost in the marketplace. Apparently she accidentally mistook another man in royal guard attire for her father, and followed him for three blocks before realizing he was a total stranger.
They make a few more stops along the road that day— once to eat a quick meal and let Makk graze, and three times for one of them to relieve themselves. On the whole, the ride is brisk and peaceful. Not a monster to be seen. Beyond all the brash, territorial bokoblins he had to take care of just off the plateau, they’ve spotted no encampments near the roads so far. He wonders why. Do these nasty creatures— far more acquainted to company than a bokoblin on the Great Plateau would be— make a conscious effort to avoid travelers, or have they simply gotten lucky today? It seems there’s no sure answer. Before long, the sun begins to set behind them. The air grows crisp, a faint shiver riding up the back of his neck.
It’s around then that he begins to smell the scent of slightly burning meat wafting across the breeze.
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brainrotdotorg · 10 months
I have never, EVER been the kinda person calling out Arin for being shit at a game. But TOTK is painful to watch. Like, I miss Allie so much because I KNOW she would be knudging them in the right direction and reminding them of forgotten mechanics. I Get It now. How truly frustrating it is. All the power to Arin but it definitely feels like watching a kid trying to do something (like a fucking craft kit or smth) and they're just like 'i got this. This is going so well' and meanwhile a fucking vital part of it fell on the floor and they forgot about it and they're just still going and you Cant Say Anything and you just sit there waiting. More invested in whether or not they actually realize it's on the ground than if they succeed. That's what it's like watch TOTK. I will never be a hater, god damn arin i fucking love you but please always keep the stupid walk through up or play through TOTK in your spare time I'm begging you (his disregard for the side quests that have important mechanics explained/important gear and not bothering upgrading his hearts and getting one shot by almost every enemy is Killing Me Slowly) - HM, not saying this as a hater. Just needed to wail about how I wish I could just lightly prod Arin in the right direction so so so bad plEASE JUST USE ASCEND AND SPLASH BERRIES PLEAAASSEE
literally his fucking cluelessness in almost every game is incredible its like each time hes learning how to play a game for the first time . thank god he's funny
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lightspren · 11 months
i have ONE BUBLEFROG LEFT and I have NO IDEA where the bastard is at. DAMMIT.
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alelelesimz · 1 month
excuse me while i yap about splatoon <3
okay the splatfest is over i lost too many times but i had a lot of fun!! made some new friends and everything! i also finished the catalog so now my wrist can finally rest lol. i've been worrying bc at the start of may i was on lvl 40 something and i didnt think i could make it but i've been playing a lot of ranked so that really helped :p now there's 11 days left of this season, maybe i'll get my rank to A or A+ fingers crossed
on the other side, i have this rule for myself that once i reach 5 stars on a weapon i need to find a new one that i like and stick with it until i get i get 5 stars. i got my beloved brush to 5 last month and i've been switching between weapons a lot but i can't find one that i like :( every main that i like has a kit that i hate so idk which one to use. i've been enjoying carbon roller deco but i dont like the trizooka on this weapon in particular. may be a skill issue but ugh! i've also been trying out the enperry splat dualies but i'm not a fan of dualies and i'm kinda tired of shooter-like weapons? i've already 5 starred two shooters yaknow.
anyways in other nintendo news, the other day i went back to totk :D i'm gonna finally 100% this game aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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kitausu · 1 year
Is anyone else just OBSESSED with Link's new arm? Everyone is right? Everyone is losing their mind also about this yes?? Because GOSH I love it.
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acre-of-wheat · 1 year
first of all links awakening is my favorite zelda so thats a cool coincidence and yes the music is amazing, totk music has me sallivating igs rly good !!! second of all i think im in love with you after reading the negotiation like that was wonderfulllllll ive read it twice now. i cackled at the first line and knew immediately where it was going. i loved both their insecurities meeting halfway as they worked the details over, especially loved the list and jade initialing shes so funny istg. as for the smut it was 10/10 as usual, i loved that the first time kit broke rules it was jades doing, it felt really natural for jade to initiate, like she was taking the burden of being bad off kit for the first time. also also the crawl part KILLED me - barmaid anon
That is a dope coincidence! I'm glad totk is living up to the hype, I'm looking forward to having s lazy day I can dedicate just to playing it.
I'm so glad you liked the fic! You know I adore your work, and we write in a similar vein for these two, so it especially means a lot that you enjoyed it!! We can definitely be each other's biggest fans!
They have a million insecurities, which is part of the reason this chapter is so damn long! I was so happy to be able to write everything coming together for them in the end-- the reward of their patience and love and hard work for each other.
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lightspren · 1 year
oh my god
i thought i recognized rauru’s voice actor. I finally went and looked him up on imdb
I’m scrolling through, not really seeing anything that stands out
this bitch. was in the Sailor Moon S movie. do you know how many times i watched that movie as a kid
jesus fuck I cant believe i recognized him from that because it’s probably been twenty years since i’ve seen the movie, but i probably shouldn’t be surprised
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