#kit x syb x jacob
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A moodboard for the yet unnamed polycule of @direwombat​ 's deputy oc sybille la roux, my deputy oc kit cross and jacob seed.
Those two ginger bastards always catch their prey ;)
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direwombat · 1 year
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run, rabbit, run | kit cross x sybille la roux x jacob seed | ~2k | M
much love to @socially-awkward-skeleton​, for letting me borrow kit and play dolls with her, i hope I did her justice <3
All Sybille wants is one good day. 
Strike that.
All Sybille wants is a day that isn’t bad. Perhaps a middling, uneventful one, if God could spare the generosity. One that she can look back on and say, “Yup, nothing exciting happened, and it was great.” She’d give just about anything for a fucking break. A single day to catch her breath from the ragged pace she’s been pushed into.
But apparently that’s too much for her to ask, because everything is going downhill with the speed and force of a goddamn avalanche. The Valley is free, but John fled to Joseph’s island before she could take him into custody. Rachel is safe and the smothering clouds of Bliss are slowly blowing East, out of the Henbane, but she lost Cross to whatever the fuck is going on in the mountains.
One second the two had been drawing up battle plans to take Joseph down.
The next, her former coworker (and friend if she’s feeling generous) was sliding a bowl of what Sybille chooses to believe was raw ground beef through the bars of the cage holding her hostage.
She did her trials, and this time someone was kind enough to leave her next to the bloody pile of those who died by her hands, rather than on top of it. 
But the amount of time given to lick her wounds has been getting noticeably shorter. 
She runs, pumping her arms and legs until her breath goes ragged and the taste of copper tickles the back of her throat. The frigid pre-dawn air pierces her lungs like ice with every inhale while her muscles burn with exertion. 
The worst part is that she has no idea how long they’ve been tracking her. It’s only within the past hour they’ve decided to close in. The Chosen hunting parties were annoying, but she knew how to avoid them. But of course, that meant Jacob started hunting her down himself. That was bad enough. At least when it was just him, her odds of escaping were a coin toss — it could go either way. But having both Jacob and Kit pursuing her? 
She’s fucked. 
All she can do is be smart about where she runs and pray she’s faster than they are. 
Clawing branches rake over her skin and clothes, slicing shallow cuts and ripping strips of fabric from her body. At this point, she barely feels it over her thudding pulse and her feet pounding against the forest floor. The blood beading on her face and the ache in her bones are nothing compared to the beautiful and excruciating agony that will likely come when they catch her. 
When, she realizes dreadfully. Not if.
She sees the trap coming long before she stumbles into it, but the momentum she’s built isn’t stopped so easily. It’s little more than a flash of red hair darting through the densely grown trees, but it’s enough to tip her off. She’s heading straight for one of them — Kit, she thinks. Not tall enough to be Jacob — but she’s locked in her current trajectory. Any kind of pivot now would just break her ankle. 
It all happens so fast. 
A whistle rings out.
She dares to look behind her. Jacob is there, his rifle in his hands, but he isn’t aiming it. 
Pain explodes in her shoulder and the force of the arrow’s impact is enough to knock her down. She falls, ass-over-teakettle, down a sloping hill. 
She’s lucky she didn’t break her goddamn neck. 
A creaking moan is pushed from her lungs as she lay stunned in the dirt and pine needles. Slowly, she pushes herself to her hands and knees, feebly attempting to catch her breath. The world bends and swims as she moves her head, and she’s not sure whether it’s because she hit her head or if it’s from the Bliss so crudely injected into her bloodstream. With a grunt, she breaks the fletching from the shaft, but makes no move to push the arrowhead through. If history serves, someone will take care of that for her once she’s unconscious. 
For now, she moves with trembling limbs, crawling to the closest tree and seating herself against its trunk. Pressing her hand to the wound and applying pressure, she watches as Kit and Jacob stalk down the hill towards her. 
“This is gonna get old, eventually,” she says as they close the distance. Fuck her lungs ache. She spits out a thick wad of foamy phlegm into the dirt beside her. “This can’t go on forever.”
“Maybe for you,” Jacob says. He swings his rifle by its strap as he shoulders it, coming to crouch in front of her.
Kit circles around the tree, leisurely twirling her hunting knife in her hand before stopping and squatting beside her as well. “Getting tired, Bunny?” she asks, and were it not for the hungry gleam in those icy eyes, Sybille might have thought she was bored. 
“You know how these things work,” Jacob says condescendingly. “You run, we hunt. Predators need prey, Deputy, and that’s what you are to us.”
Sybille rolls her eyes and scoffs, but it isn’t enough to hide her body’s betrayal. For some sick fucking reason, hearing him put it so bluntly causes her pulse to flutter and heat pool low in her gut. She squirms just enough where she sits to get Jacob’s teeth to flash dangerously. “I think our little Jackrabbit likes that idea,” he says to Kit. Then he turns his attention back to her, his voice dropping lecherously. “That what you want, pet? You want us to keep hunting you down? Do whatever we want when we catch you?”  
He makes no attempt to hide the way his eyes rove over her body, pausing only to admire the low dip of her tanktop’s collar and the way blood smears tantalizingly over her skin. 
And as fucked up as it is, the notion makes Sybille’s cunt clench, and her underwear, already damp with sweat, grows even wetter. The idea of being pinned beneath the two of them, their teeth at her throat — helpless, caught, consumed; Jacob fucking into her while Kit sits on her face, the two taking their pleasure from her with only the barest regard for her own — is one that excites her more than she cares to admit. She swallows thickly, her chin tilting up in what she tells herself is defiance, but is actually little more than a means to bear her throat. 
When she doesn’t answer immediately, Kit’s fingers thread through her hair, almost tenderly, before gripping her roughly by the roots and yanking her head back. “You’ve been asked a question, Bunny. You should probably answer,” Kit coos, all false kindness and venomously saccharine. Then, she leans in close, nipping at Sybille’s earlobe, and trailing the edge of her blade across the exposed skin of her sternum. “But between you and me, it’s more fun if you don’t.”
Everything about this is utterly humiliating, and the mercy of a Bliss induced sleep evades her. She supposes her God isn’t a merciful one, after all. Her eyes flutter shut and she lets out a shuddering breath. “Yes, sir,” she says. A flush blooms far too hot across her face. 
Kit pulls on her hair again, nails digging into her scalp, causing her eyes to fly open as she cries out in surprise. “At attention, soldier,” Kit sneers. “Eyes on your superior.”
The growl in response that Sybille lets out is low, but ultimately toothless. Nothing more than the sounds of a cornered animal long since beaten into submission. She refrains from hissing an incredibly petty, I outranked you at the woman tugging at her hair. As if the ranks they held in their former lives meant anything anymore. As if she spent more than just a few weeks as a Staff Sergeant before getting herself blown up and sent home.
She may gnash her teeth, but she knows better than to bite. The muzzle trained her well. 
Jacob takes her jaw in one of his massive hands, further pinning her in place and forcing eye contact. “Yes, sir, what?” he asks. The smile tugging at his lips is infuriatingly smug. Victorious. At this point, they’re just playing with their food. 
She has half a mind to spit in his face. Probably would have if Kit weren’t there to swiftly put her in her place — although, her stomach flips in a way that makes her think she may not mind that. Instead, she flares her nostrils and swallows what little pride she has left like a bitter pill. “Yes, sir. I want that.”
He clicks his tongue, moving his hand just enough to press his thumb to her chapped and bleeding lower lip. It takes every ounce of restraint she has not to swipe her tongue out and draw the finger into her mouth. “Use your words,” he tuts. 
Maybe it’s the blood loss or maybe it’s the Bliss, but her mind is so foggy that the words slip out far easier than she thought they would. “I want you both to keep hunting me,” she says, her eyes hazily drifting between the two of them. Her voice sounds so distant in her own ears and she barely recognizes the sound of it, thick and rasping with desire. “Want you to claim me when you catch me.” 
Kit makes a low, pleased sound. Her grip in Sybille’s hair loosens, but she doesn’t let go entirely. Not yet. Just how she’s still managing to cling to consciousness despite the weight of her eyelids, so too does Kit keep her locked in place. Neither of them have been dismissed yet. 
He swipes his thumb across Sybille’s cheek, smearing the blood from one of the many scratches. “Good girl,” he says, before moving in for a bruising kiss. He crashes his mouth  against hers, his demanding tongue pushing past the seam of her lips and prying them open. She moans, her free hand darting out to claw her fingers into his field jacket, unsure of whether she’s trying to push him away or draw him closer. 
The heat of Kit’s body closes in and the cold kiss of her blade is instead replaced by her hand at the base of Sybille's throat. Another tongue licks inside her mouth, causing her to shudder and for her eyes to roll back in her head. The feeling is so foreign, so overwhelming. She’s kissed both of them — Kit only once in a moment of mutual weakness, and Jacob many times against her better judgment — and her experiences have left her dizzy and breathless. 
This time is no different. 
The intensity of both of them combine and multiply exponentially. Biting teeth, probing tongues, Jacob gripping her jaw like a vice so she can’t move — only take what they’re giving her — and Kit’s hand squeezes just enough to restrict airflow without outright strangling her. Her back arches against the trunk of the tree holding her upright as they both steal the breath from her lungs, hungry and consuming. Claiming. 
Just as she asked.
By the time they part, Sybille is about ready to pass out. Without Kit or Jacob supporting her head, it rolls like it’s too heavy for her neck to support. The fingers gripping Jacob’s jacket loosen and her arms drop like lead. She sighs, looking pathetically at both of them as her vision begins to blur. “I don’t…I don’t think I can move,” she breathes.
“I know, sweetheart,” Jacob says, and he ruffles her hair like she’s a fucking dog. Even more embarrassingly, she leans into it like she’s one, too. Then he’s lifting her from where she sits on the forest floor. He’s careful enough to avoid jostling the arrow in her shoulder, although at this point, she’s numb enough that he could probably push it through without her feeling a damn thing. He heaves her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, and he says, “Let’s get you home.”
“M’re trials?” she slurs sleepily. 
“Not the kind you’re used to,” he answers, rising to his feet. Kit does the same and  gives her a knowing smirk. Something playfully malicious glitters in blue eyes. 
But before Sybille can ask what the fuck that’s supposed to mean, the Bliss finally pulls her under.
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and can i also request “Not so fast, bun.”  for kit/syb(/jake) (but only if you want to kfa;lfd no pressure)
This literally took me forever to fill, but I finally completed it and I think it's my first legit threesome fic??? and I'm so glad it got to be for the polycule
3k words later and here ya go my friend!
18+ Smut below the cut (this gets raunchy)
Warning: knife play, cunnilingus, p in v sex, snowballing, creampie, nipple play, pet names, fingering
"Rise and shine, bunny." Kit's low, smoky voice cut through the silence of the early morning as she smirked down at the dark haired woman curled up in a ball on the dirt floor of the cage. It was the wake up call every "recruit" prayed they wouldn't receive. As pretty as the redhead was, her eyes gave nothing but crazy – a sadistic gleam trapped in a cold blue stare, as deadly a threat as an iceberg.
The ground was frozen and the wind bit with the snow that was starting to fall in the Whitetails. Sybille pulled her coat a little tighter around her trying to keep the chill from getting to her core as she rolled over to face her captor and Kit’s eyes seemed to soften – if that were even possible – at the sight of her favorite toy’s reddened nose and cheeks, lips turning blue around the edges. 
"You look tired. Did we keep you up past your bedtime?" Kit mocked as she tilted her head to the side.
Sybille refused to respond, merely looking up at the redhead through her furrowed brow, still trying so hard to act like she didn’t really want to be there. 
Kit stood at the cage door, her boot tapping, she was getting tired of the little game. It would be so much easier if Syb just gave up and gave herself over to what the soldiers were offering her. "I brought you breakfast, if you're interested."
Syb’s nose scrunched at the thought. "Not in the mood for meat."
"No, I suppose you got your fill biting off that poor fuck's finger, didn't you?" She rasped, her eyes roaming over Sybille’s body appreciatively.
Unlocking the cage, making sure to close the door tight behind her, Kit showed no fear with the prisoner –  even if Syb had the propensity to get violent after going through the trials. 
"Surprised you're so comfortable bein’ in here considerin’."
Kicking Syb’s boot, spreading her legs open, Kit kneeled down between her legs. Her hand stroked through the longer portion of dark tresses that fell on the other woman’s forehead. "You might have some teeth now, but mine are still sharper." She gave a cold smirk. "Jacob and I thought you might like to come out of the cold now that you've had your sulk."
"No thanks."
"Oh, don’t be so hasty, bun." Her thumb tugged at Syb's lower lip, rubbing her body heat against it, warming up the tender, wind bitten flesh. "We weren't even planning on punishing you this time. You've already proven how well you react to the praise."
Ice cold eyes made brighter by the white of fallen snow met with the evergreen of Syb’s own. Leaning in, she pressed her mouth to her former ally and kissed her tenderly. Her warm tongue pushed in past cold lips, hands cupping against Syb’s cheek and neck firmly, holding her in place. She could feel the flush settle in the Deputy's skin and the increase in her heartbeat against the palm of her hand. It didn't matter what the she said now, Kit already had her answer.
"Come on, Syb. At ease, soldier." Kit stood up and pulled the dark haired woman to her feet. Wrapping her arm around Sybille's, she led her through the maze of cages, back up to Jacob's office. 
Paint-peeled white doors swung open and Kit strutted in, as proud with herself as a cat with its kill. She may as well have been carrying Syb in her jaws so she could spit her out on the Herald’s desk for him to see her catch.
Jacob slid the pencil he was holding back under the metal clasp of his clipboard – the time for going over reports had ended – stretching back in his seat he met the Deputy with a smug grin. "There's our jackrabbit. Hope ya weren't feelin’ too cold last night." 
Syb tightened her jaw, still trying to fight the situation she’d been put in the middle of once again. "No worse than most other nights."
"Glad to hear it, Deputy."
Kit shook off her knee length leather coat, tossing it over the back of one of the chairs, and looked over her shoulder at the Deputy. “I don't know what you’re just standing around for. Go on. Strip,” she said with a nod of her head.
Syb cleared her throat and went silent staring up at the ceiling above her. 
“Oh, what? You’re suddenly shy?” Kit turned around, her hand on her hip as she slid the knife from her holster. “Or maybe you were hoping we'd have the pleasure of doing it.”
Swallowing heavily, Syb lifted her chin, the flush already starting to grow up her chest and neck.
“Looks like you’re getting some color back. Guess Kitty here, said the right thing.” Jacob's pale eyes gazed lasciviously at the Deputy. “Go on, angel, I think that’s what our jackrabbit wants. Well, isn’t it, soldier?” He asked with the raised brow.
He commanded and Sybille was forced to obey. “Yes. Yes, sir, it is.”
“She really is starting to get the handle of this.” Kit gave a sideways glance to the Herald, a cruel grin on her face.
Unzipping Syb’s coat, Kit tossed it to the floor and brought her knife to the waffle knit of the worn Henley underneath, slicing it open from the buttons down to the belly. All the while keeping her eyes firmly focused on the Deputy. “Such a good little rabbit for us,” she cooed as she traced her knife over the bare skin of Syb’s chest, leaving light pink scratch marks against it – not enough to break the flesh, but enough for the nerves to be set alight with an itch – drawing a hiss from the dark haired woman as metal met the skin. 
But that didn't stop Kit, pain was part of the pleasure. 
“Not a fan of knives, Dep?” She tutted her tongue. “That’s too bad. I am.”
She ran her fingers down the straps of Syb’s bra and with a quick slash of her knife, cut them, letting Syb’s breasts fall free of the material and her nipples steadily grow harder in the cold, biting air. The point of Kit's blade traveled down between small, perky breasts until it reached her stomach, stopping as the tip hit the other woman's belly button and she slipped her hunting knife back into the holster on her thigh. 
A sigh heaved out of Sybille’s mouth. “It doesn’t fuckin’ matter what I like, does it?”
Kit’s brow furrowed, “Now bunny, that’s not very nice. We’ve always been good to you, giving you what you want.” Cupping Sybille's face in her hand, she kissed her as her other hand explored down the dark haired woman’s body. Massaging the Deputy’s breast in her hand, Kit rolled her nipple between her fingers, pinching it tightly making Sybille moan into her mouth. 
“That’s it bunny, let me take care of you,” Kit whispered against her lips as her hand trailed down Syb’s waist, slipping down the front of her jeans, and past the waistband of her panties.
For someone so fond of violence and brutality, she knew just how to apply the right pressure and speed to a woman’s body to make them beg. There was a certain grace to the way her fingers could move, a dexterity to how she pulled out every little moan and gasp and stifled whine she could get until Sybille was left clenching down around nothing – empty – as she was brought to her climax. 
Even as the Deputy came undone from her fingers, she whispered praise into the dark haired woman's ear. "You have no idea how much I love the sounds you make. So fucking pretty," Kit purred. 
She started to pant, her anticipation getting the better of her as she pressed kisses to the edge of Syb's jaw and finally inserted her fingers into her. Curling them up against the walls, stroking that perfect spot over and over, letting her fingers get coated in her bunny's arousal. Pumping them in and out, the slick sounds of Syb getting wetter around her becoming louder, filling the office. Finally slipping her fingers away –  leaving the Deputy desperate for more – Kit brought them to her mouth and sucked them clean. Her tongue sliding down to the base of them, licking at the skin that webbed between them, collecting every last glistening morsel that coated her digits. 
"God, the way you taste…” Kit looked down at her fingers now wet with her saliva and a smile pulled at her lips. “I could eat you out for hours."
Pale eyes flicked up to look at Syb, with a hunger the Deputy had only ever seen in one other pair of eyes. That same pale, predatory gaze that was more animal than human. 
Sybille swallowed hard, her lower lip trembling as she focused on the redhead’s mouth. "P-please."
Kit's eyebrows rose, feigning surprise. "Oh, you'd like that?" she asked in a husk as she dragged her tongue against the burn scars on Syb’s neck. 
"I know I'd like to see that." Jacob got up from his seat after admiring the show before him and heavy footsteps crossed the room, his arms wrapping around Kit's waist, tugging her ass against his stiffening cock. Pressing the meat of her into him, she began to grind her hips as his teeth nipped at her throat. "Fucking into ya while you use that pretty little mouth of yours."
"Is that an order?" Kit teased.
He grabbed her braid and coiled it around his hand, pulling back on her head to rest it against his shoulder. "I can make it one."
She purred with the rough touch used against her, her tongue dragging against her teeth as her eyes fluttered shut. When he finally released her from his grasp, Kit was quick to grab Syb’s hand and pull her towards the cot in the corner of the room, and push her down onto the mattress. 
Sybille’s hands fell to the button and the zipper of her jeans, fumbling to undo them under the pale stare of the two redheads in her midst, but Kit was quick to slap her hands away.  
“Not so fast, bun.” Kit licked her lips and pulled down on the zipper teasingly slow, sliding Syb’s jeans down her thighs and legs, her eyes drawn to the darkening spot between the Deputy’s thighs. Gripping Sybille’s thighs in her hands, she spread them wider, kneeling between them, pressing her fingers to the spot moist with her anticipation, adding the friction of cotton against her needy cunt. 
"So wet for me already," Kit hummed approvingly.
Pale blue eyes stared up at Syb, as she pressed kisses to her inner thighs, drawing closer to the apex of them, before running her tongue against where the artery pumped, teeth nipping at the sensitive flesh – playing with her food. 
A shaky breath slipped past Syb’s lips, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she laid there watching Kit work, her fingers squeezing at the bedding. “Please, Kit,” she begged.
A half grin tugged at the corner of the redhead’s mouth, white teeth shining. Icy eyes rolled sideways to face her prey. “Bunny, are you getting impatient with me?”
Jacob chuckled from behind them, arms crossed over his chest. “Told ya we should have promised her the stick and not the carrot.”
Kit looked back over her shoulder at the mountain man, batting her eyelashes. “Have neither of you ever heard of foreplay?” She turned back to face Syb, and wrapped her fingers around the band of her panties, tugging them down her legs. “Apparently you both like to just get right to the action, huh?”
Her fingers dug into Syb’s thighs, her nails dragging down them, leaving long, red scratches behind. Spreading the folds apart with two fingers, she licked long stripes up the length of Syb's slit, her tongue lapping at her like a cat with a bowl of cream, until coiling it around the hood of her clit. Hearing the pleasured moans and having the other woman thrusting up towards her face as she writhed against the mattress let Kit know she was on the right track. Her strawberry lips wrapped around Syb’s clit and she could already feel it start to pulse, swapping between sucking and licking while slipping two fingers up inside her, the wet sounds steadily growing louder with each thrust in and out, her fingers getting drenched down to the knuckles.
With Kit’s ass pointed up in the air, Jacob slipped around behind her, freeing her of her own jeans and underwear. With a rustle of cloth and the jingle of metal, his jeans were on the floor and without wasting any time, his hand snaked around Kit’s hips and between her legs, rubbing circles against her clit with the pad of his thumb as he cupped her mound in his large, rough hand. Pressing the head of his cock up against her entrance, he pushed up into her with a single thrust of his hips, stretching her open and making her moan against Syb's cunt, vibrating into her, causing a desperate keening whine in response like a chain reaction. 
Swapping the positions of her hand and mouth, Kit's thumb rubbed back and forth over the tender and aching clit, while her tongue entered Syb's cunt and fucked her with the same desperate need that Jacob had into her own. It didn’t take long before Sybille's walls started to flutter, so close to clamping down the same way her thighs did as they squeezed around Kit's head, keeping her in place. 
Grabbing a handful of auburn waves at the crown, Sybille’s nails dug into the other woman's scalp and another moan reverberated through her – Kit was always all too happy to have pain used against her, it only heightened the experience. 
A darkened, predatory stare watched as Syb started to grind up against Kit's face. Using the other woman to get herself off, chasing her end. "Feels good, doesn't it, rabbit?" Jacob growled, stuffing himself into Kit, bottoming out inside of her. 
Sybille could only respond with moans of delight and pleasure as the icy stare of the eyes between her thighs looked up at her, Kit’s lips curling at the reaction she was getting from the dark haired woman as she swallowed down the salty sweet taste of her.
Jacob's hand wrapped up in Kit's braid, pulling her back towards him like it was a leash. Her mouth glistened with Syb's slick arousal and his mouth crashed against hers, kissing her deeply, tasting both her and Sybille at the same time. With Kit now sitting in his lap, he continued to thrust up into her, hips snapping against her, wet flesh slapping as his cock was now bathed in her own arousal. Their moans turned to animalistic growls every time his length disappeared inside of her. His fingers gripping at her hip, desperate and demanding, hard enough to bruise – nothing new considering the layers of bruises that stained her skin ranging from yellowed and fading to the freshest of deep purples.
Syb sat up, resting on her forearms, her cunt left sensitive after the redhead had brought her to climax several times, and she watched the proud and powerful Herald's lieutenant coming undone – Muscular thighs shaking, eyes squeezed tightly shut, sweat staining her brow, clawing at her own breasts over her shirt – it was a sight to behold.
Jacob's hand traveled up the front of Kit's shirt, lifting the material, exposing the scars that spread across her abdomen, blooming on her skin. Cupping her breast in his hand, the other fingering her clit as she continued to bounce on his cock.
"That's it, kitten. That's my good girl," his voice a deep growl.
Whining, soft gasps tumbled from Kit with his words of praise quickly turning into throaty moans as Sybille crawled forward and laid between her thighs, the Deputy’s tongue now licking up the redhead’s folds – returning the favor. Coiling her arm around Jacob's neck, the other hand grasping at the back of Syb's head, Kit continued the brutal pace of her riding.
Jacob sped up the pummeling thrusts into her with each snap of his hips, her cunt fluttering and clenching around him until he finally came inside of her, coating her velvet walls. Her nails dragged against Syb’s scalp, her eyes rolling back into her head as his pace slowed, rolling his hips back and forth until finally pulling out, his cum dripping out of her. 
But Syb kept going, eating her out, licking up the drops of Jacob’s seed while she was at it. It felt like her heart would burst out of her chest, her lungs expanding and contracting in a rib cage that could no longer hold them. Her whole body was on fire, sparks ripping through her nerves, and a scream ripped from her like she was being tortured. 
Kit wrapped her hand around the front of Syb's throat, stroking the skin softly before pulling the other woman up to kiss her. Jacob's cum still collected in Syb's mouth, not yet having been swallowed, she happily slipped her tongue into the other woman's mouth and accepted the taste of her lover's seed as Syb’s hands fondled and caressed her body.
Jacob stood back with a smirk, pulling on his jeans and doing up the belt. “See, I knew there was a reason I needed ya both.”
Pressing her forehead to Syb’s, she used her thumb to wipe the corner of the Deputy’s lips, before bringing it to her mouth to suck it clean, a smile creeping across her lips making her eyes sparkle in the afterglow.
“Kitty here can be quite the handful.” Jacob said, resting against the edge of his desk, the flush in his skin starting to fade. Like a switch had been flipped, he was back to being all business as he spoke to the Deputy. “Take the carrot, Jackrabbit. No more cages, no more hunger, we’ll look after ya.” He turned his attention to his second-in-command. “Won’t we, kitten?”
She nodded, her eyes softening the way they had earlier as she looked at Sybille. “Come on, Syb. Be our little bunny. It’s a better life than what we had before.” Her fingers stroked against Syb’s cheek gently. “I promise.”
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The Wildcat & The Hare (kit cross x sybille la roux)
A huge thank you to @direwombat​ for letting me play with Syb in this fun little sandbox. This is technically part of the polycule AU, but Jacob doesn’t really show up until the end, this fic is more for the girls. (I hope this is okay hglsdhlkasg I couldn’t help myself)
Minors DNI
words: 1126
mild bondage, nipple play, smoking, pet names
Kit sits on the desk, worn combat boots resting on the seat of the chair below, twisting the freshly sharpened hunting knife in her hand, the pointed tip pressing into the pad of her finger as she stares at the recently caught Deputy. Sybille’s hands tied behind her back, tired green eyes staring back up at her, a cigarette hanging from the side of her mouth as smoke trails up towards the ceiling. 
Frosty blue eyes trace over the captive, taking in the scars and the bruises that scattered the sculpt of Sybille’s muscle. Tongue dragging over strawberry lips as she pictured adding more with her teeth and nails. She sits there in silence, watching, waiting for the ashes to fall from the tip of the cigarette. 
As grey flakes fall to Syb’s thigh, her head tilting back as the cigarette begins to slip from the hold of her lips, Kit slides the knife back into the holster on her thigh and drops down to the floor in silence. The sound of her boots hitting wood nearly impossible to hear, like a house cat landing from a height. Dusting off the Deputy’s bloodstained jeans, ripped and torn from when her and Jacob had fought, Kit grabs the cigarette from her lips and slides it between her own. 
“Thought you didn’t smoke?”
Sybille looks at her like she’s some sort of monster, as if she’d changed faces since the first time they’d met, since she’d fallen to the Project and to the control of Jacob Seed. When really this was who she was all along. 
“I don’t.” 
Taking a deep breath in and then exhaling, Kit blows the smoke through her nostrils in a steady stream, unfazed by the burn. Soft, swirling plumes blow into Syb’s eyes making them flutter shut. A ghost of a smile pulls at the corner of her mouth, watching the dark-haired woman at her mercy swallow heavily. Straddling Syb’s legs, she scoffs as the Deputy stares up at her with a furrowed brow. It doesn’t matter how much of a fight she tries to put up now, at this point Kit already knows she is interested, it’s just a matter of breaking her down. 
"Oh bunny, don't look at me like that." Kit says as her thighs lower, taking a seat on Sybille’s lap.
"How would you prefer I look at you, Kitty?" She bites back. 
A cold smirk graces Kit's pout, the look of joy not meeting her eyes. Jacob had made the mistake of calling her that just once in front of the Deputy and she hadn't forgotten it. What an odd thing to remember. She pulls the cigarette from her mouth and crushes it into the back of the chair, leaving black burn marks on the wood. Dropping the butt to the ground, her boot stomping down upon it, putting it out completely.
Tilting her head, Kit traces a finger down the length of Syb's neck, following the curve along her shoulder. Noticing the Deputy's struggle not to lean into her touch. "Did you really think I wouldn't catch you sneaking in? You can try it once, sure, but nothing gets past me more than once.” Her eyes fall to the bobbing of Sybille’s throat as she swallows heavily. “Or maybe, the bunny wanted to be caught?"
She drapes her arms over the back of the chair, wrapping herself around Sybille's shoulders. Their foreheads press together, as they stare each other down. She doesn’t get a response, met only by silence and the stiff jaw of her prey. 
"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?"
A shaky breath passes over Syb's lips, and as if she can sense a quickening in the Deputy's chest, Kit's mouth crashes against hers. Plush lips pressing and sucking against the other. The taste of smoke in their mouths mingling as the ginger's tongue slips in without asking for an invitation. 
She catches herself moaning into the mouth of the dark haired woman pinned below her, falling into her own trap, a predator at the mercy of her own lust, bloody or otherwise. 
"My pretty little bunny," Kit speaks softly against her captive’s lips, a lecherous smile following after. "I just want to tear you apart."
One hand slides over the curve of Sybille's waist, cold fingers glance over the bare skin under her shirt, goosebumps trailing behind each soft touch. Until she grips at her breast, ripping back the material of the cup of her bra, thumb rubbing circles around her nipple until it becomes stiff. 
The Deputy’s eyes force closed, her breath hitching in her throat, as cold hands work their magic against her. 
"You like that, Deputy?"
She can see Syb fighting the desire to answer, the need for her captor to go further. Her jaw clenching further as she is forced to bite down on her tongue not to speak.
"I asked you a question." Her voice goes cold, dropping an octave. The darkness inside her rising as she can tell the need for punishment is coming once more. 
Thumb and forefinger coming together, Kit pinches down on the hard bud, causing Sybille to wince, teeth gritting together.
"Yes." The word trailing out with a hiss.
"That's my good little bunny."
She always rode that fine line between pain and pleasure with her prey, for every punishment she was also ready to reward. The carrot and the stick was her favorite method of bringing Syb to heel. 
Kit’s mouth meets with her throat, tongue licking long lengths up it, followed by her lips sucking until bruises the color of red wine are left behind. Her one hand resumes its massaging of Syb’s breast, the other gripping at the short hair on the back of her head as her hips grind into the Deputy’s, getting herself off to the sound of each one of the dark haired woman’s moans at her hand. 
The door to the office swung open, Sybille flinching underneath her like the rabbit she was, ready to jump and run right before jaws would clamp down upon her. 
"Somebody's been busy." 
Jacob’s gravel seems to reverberate through them both, conditioned to respond to him. 
Kit pulls away, finally removing her focus on the Deputy, to respond. "Just getting her warmed up.”
Marching over, he wraps his arm around Kit's waist, nuzzling into her waves of red hair. A cruel smirk on his face to match her own. Mouths filled with shining white teeth, ready to rip and tear at their favorite pet together. 
Met by two pairs of icy eyes, Sybille’s eyes go wide. Kit’s hand still upon her breast, she can feel the Deputy’s heart thumping in her chest at a mile a minute. 
She was going nowhere. 
She was trapped.
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direwombat · 1 year
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💕 OUR MUSES' ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP (+ JACOB) for @socially-awkward-skeleton
happy valentines day skelly~, i was motivated to get this one done today~ bonus wip of the polycule muzzle fic under the cut as a little lightly smutty treat <3
There’s something sadistic and hungry glimmering in their eyes. It’s the same, predatory look a carnivore gets when it closes in on its prey. The chase may be over, but now a different game has begun.  
Swallowing thickly, she fights the urge to shrink back as her heart skips in her chest. She eyes them warily and asks, “What is this?”
“You’ve been misbehaving, Bunny,” Kit says, sliding off the desk and sauntering over to crouch in front of her. Her smile doesn't quite meet her eyes. “You know how we feel about disobedience.”
Sybille’s brow furrows in confusion and it takes her a long moment to figure out what they’re talking about. “This is about the finger?” Her memory of the incident is vague, partially obscured by the red haze of the trials, but she does recall the explosion of warm blood filling her mouth and the crunch of bone between her teeth. She turns furiously to Jacob. “Tell your men to stop stickin’ their damn hands between the bars!”
“Trust me, they’ve learned their lesson,” he says, rising from his seat. He stalks towards her, dragging the chair behind him, smiling wickedly. “But you still need to learn yours.”
She scoffs and rolls her eyes, giving her head a small shake. But then Kit’s frigid hands are sliding underneath her shirt. Her core flexes under her touch and she sucks in a sharp breath. Kit lets out a surprised, but pleased hum when she moves a hand up to cup Sybille’s breast. Her smile widens. “Laundry day?” she asks, hiking her shirt up to reveal her bare tits. 
Indeed, she hadn’t been wearing a bra when Jacob had hauled her back to the Veterans Center. 
Between Kit’s ministrations and the general chilled air of the mountains, Sybille’s nipples are already stiff and peaked. Her head tilts back, clenching her jaw and biting back a moan, as she breathes heavily through her nose. 
“You’ve been acting like an animal, honey” Jacob states simply. “You don’t get to be upset now that we’re treating you like one.”
The growl that rumbles in her throat only emphasizes his point. 
Kit leans forward, taking one of her nipples in her mouth and pinching it between her teeth while she rolls the other one between her thumb and forefinger. The punishing pain jolts straight to Sybille's core and this time she can’t suppress her groan. 
“We gotta punish you first, Bunny,” Kit says as she rises to her feet. “But if you’re strong and take it like a good girl, maybe we’ll give you a treat.”
Sybille takes a deep breath and resigns herself to the game they’re playing.  They’re gonna use her. Chew her up and spit her out like she did that man’s index finger. She’s not sure whether she’s a rung above or below Deputy Pratt in their little fucked up hierarchy, and while it sickens her that she allows herself to be treated this way, a morbid curiosity overwhelms her. Dark desire pools in her gut and she desperately wants to know what they have planned. 
You are meat.
They stare at her, awaiting her response. She supposes she should be grateful that they’re at least giving her the illusion of choice. Her chest heaves and she swallows thickly. “Fine,” she says. Then she challenges, “Do your worst.”
“Attagirl,” Jacob breathes.
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direwombat · 11 months
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direwombat · 1 year
direwombat's fic masterlist
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decided to go ahead and pull together a quick masterlist of my fic since not everything is in the same spot. will do my best to keep this up to date lol
far cry 5
jacob seed x female rook [nonspecific deputy]
fragile creatures (on collision with our judgment day) | M | currently on haitus (rip)
claim me, oh claim me | E 🔞🔞🔞| a/b/o au smut
oc: deputy sybille la roux
a room with a view | E 🔞🔞🔞| AO3, tumblr | sybille enjoys her view from jacob's room at the veterans center
the howling | M | AO3, tumblr | witch syb x werewolf jacob supernatural au
wrapped (not in linen or lace, but leather) | E | AO3, tumblr | syb gets railed while wearing a collar.
until it takes | E 🔞🔞🔞 | AO3 , tumblr | jakesyb + breeding kink
paperwork | E 🔞🔞🔞 | AO3, tumblr | jacob catches sybille snooping through his files. he punishes her accordingly.
prompt fill | T | jacob and sybille share a moment after their battle
prompt fill | M 🔞🔞 | jacob and sybille have a little wrestle in the woods
prompt fill | M 🔞🔞 | Caress to the cheek after a moment together + jakesyb
prompt fill | M | Chin lift to make you look directly at their eyes that just make you follow aimlessly and without much force really. (bonus if they kiss afterward) + jakesyb
prompt fill | E 🔞🔞🔞 | sybille surrenders herself to jacob
prompt fill | T | ⛑ - Some tender first-aid + sybjoey
prompt fill | T | 💤 A few extra hours of sleep and ✋ A hand carding gently through their hair + jakesyb
fc 5 polycule au
run rabbit, run | M 🔞🔞 | jacob seed and kit cross hunt their prey through the woods
oc: augustine la roux
a mouth full of praise | E 🔞🔞🔞 | AO3, tumblr | joseph seed x cultist!original male character
confiteor | T | AO3, tumblr | in the wake of john's death, sybille goes to joseph to confess.
oc: paola orsini
wine drunk | T |
prompt fill | Gen | paola has dinner with rafe
party favor | Gen | done for oc kiss week
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thanks for the tag @poetikat @detectivelokis @direwombat to fill out this little survey:
Three ships: If it's not Kit x Jacob, then Syb x Jacob/Rook x Jacob @direwombat - 2 separate entities, but you write them both so well. Echo x Erron @roofgeese and Morgan x Joseph @purplehairsecretlair
First ship: I think Spike x Buffy are probably my oldest. But the one I was most passionate about for the longest is Green Arrow x Black Canary
Currently consuming: spanakopita, rice and potatoes
Currently watching: WWDITS season 4
Last movie: Muppets Christmas Carol (I haven't watched any movies since Christmas Eve)
Last song: The Wolf & I by Oh Land (Thanks again @roofgeese for suggesting this one for the ship)
Currently reading: lots of fanfic, slowly but surely getting caught up on Wildfire, and making my way through all my bookmarked fics that I haven't read yet.
Currently craving: writing elves to finish writing chapter 10 of my fic for me lol
Tagging: @strangefable @adelaidedrubman @strafethesesinners @passinoutpieces @kittiofdoom @derelictheretic @clicheantagonist @kyber-infinitygems @confidentandgood (no pressure as always) and anyone else who'd like to give this a go :)
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direwombat · 1 year
tagged by @detectivelokis to do this little q&a~ (tysm!)
Three ships: oooh jakesyb aside, i gotta say: jacob/kit ( @socially-awkward-skeleton), joseph/morgan ( @purplehairsecretlair), and charlie/her men ( @detectivelokis) but all of my mutuals oc x canon ships are canon and top tier ships to me. i have other ships from bigger fandoms, but i haven’t really been reading fic for any of them recently :///
First ship: gonna say zutara (avatar: the last airbender), because that’s the first ship i remembered actively shipping, but i’m sure there were ones that pre-dated that. 
Currently consuming: flautas and guac
Currently watching: fal;kjsfd; The Unexplained with William Shatner (don’t judge it’s one of those “these are cool stories presented in a dumb way but it’s fun” tv)
Last movie: god i don’t remember. i think it was kate (2021) (mary elizabeth winstead gives off some major syb vibes in this one ngl) but i’m not 100% sure. i watched a bunch of movies during the holiday break and they all kind of blurred together lmao
Last song: i know i’m a wolf by the young heretics :)
Currently reading: f;lajksdfla;jdkf recently a lot of c*d smutfics, but also i’ve been meaning to pickup wildfire again and ugh i haven’t been reading actual books recently, but earlier today i was thinking about picking up cultish: the language of fanaticism by amanda montel (partially for fic writing research but also because the topic is one that genuinely interests me)
Currently craving: nothing right now but i’m thinking i might make popcorn later this evening
Tagging: @socially-awkward-skeleton, @thomrainer, @purplehairsecretlair, @aceghosts, @adelaidedrubman, @strafethesesinners, @fourlittleseedlings, @confidentandgood, @strangefable, and anyone else wanting to fill this out!
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