#kitten only one baby bottle tall well they’d look at you like you’d gone mad. times change man they say it because it’s true..
steelycunt · 1 year
sent a screenshot of a reel of a kitten only one baby bottle tall to the discord gc at 00:07 and no one even replied it’s like no one even wants to see a screenshot of a reel of a kitten only one baby bottle tall anymore. it’s like no one’ll make the time
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eklovesharry · 5 years
Lazy Day (UniStudent!Harry AU)
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Requested: no, but requests are open
Pairing: Unistudent!Harry x reader
Warnings: none, possible Call the Midwife season 6 spoiler
Word count: 2.3k
Author’s note: that pic really inspired me to write this. He’s just so soft and cuddly in it. Enjoy! :)
Synopsis: Unistudent!Harry and y/n finally have a free day together and decide to make the least of it.
“Babe, I’m completely content doing absolutely nothing today as long as I’m with you.”
“I know, but I know you like being active. We can do something if you want,” Y/n said. She knew Harry could hardly go a day without his morning runs and workouts. It had been a couple weeks since they could actually hang out. They’d both been studying for finals and working.
They’d actually me at her job, a Starbucks on campus. Harry had walked in to order his usual tall vanilla latte. Harry thought the barista was cute and looked down at her name tag. “Y/n.” A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Y/n had seen him come in before and felt a surge of courage. After she’d taken his order, she wrote her number on his cup. The rest was history.
Today, a week before their finals started they chose to relax and recharge. Y/n showed up at Harry’s apartment at 10:00am at his insistence. “Wanna be with you as long as possible all day” he’d said. She brought face masks and nail polish with her. She knew he said he would never let her paint his nails, but maybe today he’d allow a bit of clear polish.
He answered the door in her favorite casual outfit of his. It was a simple Calvin Klein sweatshirt and black jeans, but y/n loved it. She also loved stealing that sweatshirt to steal, so she was conflicted sometimes. Should she wear it or let him keep it and wear it. She knew he didn’t mind when she stole his clothes. His sweatshirts came down to her midthigh and practically swallowed her torso whole, leaving just enough to the imagination, but also something to look at.
Y/n didn’t wait for him to say anything before walking straight in and giving him her best hug. He was just so tall, and soft, and cuddly, and a hug fromHarrywas exactly what she needed. Harry wasn’t surprised and just accepted her into his arms. The hug was a bit awkward with her backpack on, but he didn’t mind.
“I missed you, baby,” Harry said. She looked up to him and he moved his hands to gently hold her jaw and leaned down to kiss her on the lips. Before it could go too far, his cat, Luna, a calico, alerted them of her presence by loudly meowing and circling y/n’s feet as best she could with Harry in the way.
Y/n chuckled as they broke their kiss and bent down to give Luna a pet on the head.
“Hey, girl. How ya doing?” She said while petting her. “I missed you too.”
“I think she likes you more than she likes me sometimes,” Harry said. Luna rarely gave him that kind of affection, but couldn’t resist y/n. Not that he minded much, how could anyone not love his y/n?
Y/n stood up and tied her checkered vans off as she said, “don’t worry, it’s true. Luna loves me more” with a smirk.
“Ha ha ha, you feel proud of yourself, don’t you?” Harry said as he picked her up by the waist and began to walk toward his living room. Y/n didn’t bother resisting and wrapped her legs around his waist. She loved it when he picked her up and carried her.
He sat on the grey couch with a small thud and leaned back.
“Let get this off,” Harry said as he tapped the straps of her backpack at her shoulders. She took it off and dropped it to the floor, then immediately moved to curl into his lap. That was one of the things Harry loved, her height. She was so small compared to him that she could comfortably sit in his lap, sleep on him, or get a piggyback ride with no problems.
“What’ve you been up to?” He asked as he let his arms fall to rest on y/n’s lower back.
Y/n shifted to look him in the eyes and said, “I had the craziest dream about you last night. You wouldn’t believe it. I found out you were a porn star secretly and was so mad. I even threatened to call you mom.” Even though he was 21, the thought of y/n calling his mom to tell her that scared him a little.
That made his smile even bigger. Whenever she had crazy dreams about him they never failed to impress him.
“Really? I promise that I’m not a porn star, but if I were I give you full permission to tell my mom. On a completely unrelated note, I ordered a pizza. I know it’s early, but I figured you’d be hungry because you never eat breakfast. It’s a half sheet so we’ll have enough for later. I ordered it online and put that I wanted it to be delivered around 11:00”
“That’s perfect.” She began to reach up and gently play with his hair. “I still don’t understand how you look so cute all the time. I wish my hair cooperated like yours,” y/n said.
“I love your hair, even when it’s messy when you wake up. You are the cutest.”Harry said as he pulled on one of her curls a little just to watch it spring back. Her hair always smelled like Shea Moisture leave in conditioner, and he loved it.
“I look like a raccoon when I wake up”
“Well, then you’re the cutest raccoon I’ve ever seen,” Harry said before leaving in for another peck on the lips.
“I brought face masks, even the charcoal one you love.” Y/n knewHarrywould be excited about that. He wasn’t particularly into more skin care than necessary, but doing face masks with y/n was so fun to him.
“Really? That exactly what I need. Pizza, face masks, and a pretty lady.” He pulled y/n even closer to him and hugged her. “Today will be great.”
“Yeah, I also brought nail polish.” At thatHarryquirked an eyebrow up.
“I’m not letting you pai-“ he started.
Y/n gave Harry her best puppy dog eyes and poked her bottom lip out a bit.
“Please? It’s just clear. Just keep it on for today.” She asked. Harry wasn’t very keen on it, but her cuteness pushed him over the edge.
“Fine, only clear,” he sighed. At that y/n got off of his lap and grabbed her bag.
“Perfect. I’ll do your nails while our face masks dry.” She began to walk toward his bedroom to get to his bathroom but turned around when he didn’t follow. She smiled and said “Come on, slowpoke,” before continuing walking.
Harry got off the couch and walked to follow her. “I don’t know why I agreed to this,” he said with a slight chuckle.
Y/n had gotten the tube of face mask, applicator, and clear nail polish out of her back by the timeHarrymet her in his bathroom. He was already wearing a headband to keep his fluffy hair out of his face.
They washed their face at the sink before she applied it to both of their faces. Harry wasn’t allowed to anymore since he’d gotten a bunch of it in her hair a couple months ago.
After washing her hands to get off any of the leftover face mask y/n lifted herself to sit on his bathroom counter and unscrewed the polish bottle. Harry was stood between her legs while he grabbed his left and began painting the mail on his thumb.
“See? It’s not so bad,” y/n said. Harry hated to admit it, but it wasn’t entirely terrible.
Harry smiled and said, “yeah, whatever.”
Y/n continued painting his nails and by the time she was done their face masks were ready to be peeled. That was Harry’s favorite part. Y/n would never understand how he likes it. It hurt so much and it left his skin red for a few minutes. She always took much longer than him to peel hers because she could barely stand the pain, but he practically just pulled it off. When they were finished they washed and moisturized their faces.
As if on cue his doorbell rang. “That should be the pizza,” Harry said as he readjusted his headband.
“Ok, I’m just gonna get this stuff cleaned up,” y/n said.
Harry gave her a kiss on the cheek before saying, “thank you” and going to open the door.
Y/n finished putting her stuff back in her bag and walked back out to seeHarryhis kitchen counter grabbing napkins. They put a few slices on plates before heading to the comfy couch to watch their favorite show together, Call The Midwife. When she had first suggested it all those months ago, y/n was surprised thatHarryknew about and like it. It was their show even if they had different opinions on the outcome of some things.
“I can’t believe Trixie broke her engagement with Tom. They were such a cute couple!”
“No way, they couldn’t have worked out, y/n.”
By the second episode, they were both out like lights. They were spooning with y/n using his bicep as a pillow. In this groggy haze, Harry had pulled the blanket on the back of the couch over them both.
It wasn’t until Luna realized that her lunch was late that she meowed enough to wake them up. Harry checked his Apple Watch to see that it was nearly 3:00.
“Baby, wake up. We’ve been asleep for a while,” Harry said as he rubbed y/n’s back gently. She softly grunted and tried to turn her face into the couch. Harry smiled and whispered, “I’ll take you for ice cream if you wake up.”
At that y/n opened her eyes. He knew she could pass up the opportunity of rainbow sherbet.
“I’d be a monster to say I’ll take you for ice cream then not do it.” Y/n giggled at that and sat up to give Harry a kiss on the cheek.
“I’ve just gotta feed Luna, and then we can leave,” Harry said as he stood up. Luna followed on his heels. Y/n got up after and went to his bathroom to fix her large and curly bun.
By the time she came out Luna had eaten and was already in her harness and leash. WhenHarrygot Luna as a kitten she had so much energy that he had to take her on daily walks. As she’s grown up over the past two years her energy levels have gone down to those of a normal cat, but she still gets grumpy if she doesn’t get her walk.
“You ready?”Harry asked. He had put on a pair of Adidas tennis shoes, ruffled his hair, and fixed his headband.
“Yeah, I’ve just gotta grab my phone,” she said as she walked back to the couch to grab her phone off of the coffee table.
They walked hand in hand as Luna enjoyed her time outside. It was nice for each of them to just be in the presence of the one they loved while just experiencing nature. It had rained the night before, so the air was fresh without all of the pollen in it. The only sounds were their feet on the sidewalk and the occasional gust of wind.
“What do you wanna do later? I was thinking more pizza and a movie,” Harry asked.
“Sounds great to me,” y/n said. “We can watch Avenger: Endgame if you want.” She knewHarryhad been wanting to watch it again for a while.
“Yay, it’s like three hours, so that’ll give me a lot of time to cuddle you.”
“You’re cheesy, you know that? But I like it.”
“I know you do,” Harry said with a wink.
They got to the ice cream shop and Harry tied Luna’s leash to a chair on the patio.
“Be a good kitty, we’ll be right back,” he said with a pat to her heard.
They ordered their usuals. Chocolate forHarryand rainbow sherbet for y/n. They’d decided to stay and sit outside on the patio. Luna later in the sun while y/n andHarrytalked about their upcoming week.
“I’ve got work after class tomorrow, Wednesday, Friday. I’m working on Saturday too,” y/n said.
“Yeah, I’ve got work tomorrow, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Maybe we can do something on Thursday? Study or something?”Harry suggested.
“Yeah, that sounds good to me,” y/n said as she finished her sherbet. She bent down to offer Luna the last little drop of it, which she accepted happily.
OnceHarryhad finished his ice cream they began the walk back to his apartment. It wasn’t a very long walk, but they walked slower to stretch it out. It took them about an hour to get back, instead of the usual 25 minutes.
When they got backHarrylet Luna out of her harness and leash so she could take a much-needed nap in her cat bed.
“I’m gonna put the pizza in the oven,” y/n said as she washed her hands at the kitchen sink.
“Sounds good, I’ll get the movie ready. And I’ve got a surprise for you.”
“What is it?” she asked as she put the pizza into the oven.
“It would be a surprise if I told you, would it?”Harry called back.
Y/n let the pizza heat up for about five minutes, just enough to get it hot. She put enough for her andHarryonto a plate and met him in the living room.
They ate their pizza and watched Avengers: Endgame for another countless time. It was one of Harry’s favorites, so they’d watched it together many, many times.
Once y/n was finished with her pizza she put her legs across Harry’s lap and let him pull her all the way onto his lap. He rested her head on his chest and began to nod off.
Harry knew that she wouldn’t be able to stay awake for the whole movie and simply pulled they’re blanket from earlier back around her.
With a last kiss to her forehead, he layed back to finish the movie with her is his arms. This was his perfect day. A beautiful girl, a movie, and of course, pizza.
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