catacombofsouls · 5 years
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She had been killing a few hollows when she sensed something familiar. The female would turn, green eyes focusing on the surroundings as every fiber of her being seemed to tingle with excitement. This feeling....she vaguely remembered it from before. Then a figure caught her interest and she opened her mouth to speak almost in surprise.
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derriereunemasque · 5 years
@kittenxmulti​ | kitty ears!
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“ They’re very cute. “ He gently scratches him behind the catears. “ Makes you quite a handsome cat. “ He leaned in and lightly just nibbles on the ear. “ Do you have a tail to go with it? “
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mcuntainbcrn · 5 years
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It had taken a week or so to get Hatori where he needed to be in terms of his health, but he had bounced back enough to request the promised cooking lesson - she promised after all.
She had just finished putting the ingredients together when the knock came at the door, and she moved to answer it, feeling that unwanted fluttering in her when she opened it to see him there.
“Welcome back - please come in.”
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theoxofthezodiac · 5 years
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+ @kittenxmulti​
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“Yuki, you came? I didn’t wanna worry you...it’s just a broken wrist; you didn’t have to come all the way out here.” Haru glanced down at his feet, swinging them back and forth over the exam table.
Looking back up to Yuki, he held out his now-clunky arm due to the cast. “Kiss it better?”
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musedbyalli · 5 years
@kittenxmulti liked for a Hikaru starter. ( @multixkitten)
For Kaoru
“The Club would completely fall apart without us~”  
Cocky words from the twin, but it was how he felt.  Now though, the words were simply spoken to see if they could get a reaction from Kyoya, who was working on some number stuff in the background.  He seemed far too relaxed and it annoyed Hikaru, so he would use it as an excuse to mess around with Kaoru.  Plus, it would likely get a reaction from the girls in the room.  Even though he originally hadn’t wanted to join the Host Club, it was now something he took pride in.  Of course, the fact that it gave Hikaru just about all the attention someone could possibly want was a major part of it, as well as having made some actual friends through it.  
“Don’t you agree, Kaoru?”  
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feliness · 5 years
@kittenxmulti​ liked for a starter
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   ❝ —It’s my day off. I earned the right to be lazy, didn't I ? ❞
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~X~——; Leaning on his cane heavily for the first time in a while. Neji made his way to Narutos favorite ramen stand. It had been a while since Neji himself had had any ramen from them, and with it getting closer and closer to dinner time, Neji decided he would stop in and have some.
Narutos wedding to Hinata was fast approaching and it left Neji feeling, well he wasn't sure just how he was feeling. It was a mixture of happiness and sadness. With their marriage, it would mean Hinata would be leaving the family compound to start her own life, leaving Neji behing. It was bitter sweet.
Limping over to an empty stool, Neji sat down with a small sigh. He had been training hard that day and ended up over doing it to the point where his legs ached. He noticed that he wasn’t alone, Iruka was there as well. He supposed now that Naruto was family, that made Iruka family as well, and perhaps he should reach out and become more familiar with the man. He had not taught Neji back at the academy, so he was not exactly close to the man like the rest of his friends had been.
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wakingdusk · 5 years
Continued from here | @kittenxmulti​
Roxas would try everything before asking for Lea’s help. The redhead would tease him about his height if he did and that wasn’t something Roxas wanted to deal with anytime soon, so he took a chair to reach for what Xion was struggling with.
When it didn’t work, he climbed on the counter as Xion expected which did allow him to reach his objective...
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And he stepped on some unidentified thing laying on the counter, which sent him on the ground with a pained moan.
“Owowow... that hurt...”
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fragilefates · 5 years
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nonverbal starters
@kittenxmulti​ asked: guide take them by the hand, arm, or shoulder to guide them.
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     Hand clasped tightly to hers, she’d already given up. The boy in front of her led her along without protest, quick and hurried while she sobbed quietly and tried to wipe her blurry vision of tears. She hated this feeling to the depths of her core...and yet the catalyst for it continued to happen again and again...
     Abandoned and ignored, blocked out once again.
     Where was he taking her? Her(now ex) friends were long gone, and she hardly recognized the location He was...a strange boy, wasn’t he.
     “S...Sohma-kun,” she hiccuped, still watching her feet as they continued walking, “where a...are we going...?”
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fxtxreinsert · 5 years
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The female placed the book back in it’s holder as she rounded the corner, making sure to avoid people as she moved. It was her day off and she decided to have a look around and see the sights for once.
“I could go looking here....or I could go to the garden there....I’ve got my phone on me so if the doctor needs me at his side he can get a hold of me.”
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catacombofsouls · 5 years
@kittenxmulti​ said: ❛ not all spells are bad, you must stray away from the bad magic. ❜ Bakura teaching Amane magic? But not bag magic. That's reserved for him            
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“What constitutes as bad magic then? Is that what you do?” The female asked curiously, but would pay attention to what he was showing her. She’d always dreamed of using magic! “This is so cool!”
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derriereunemasque · 5 years
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“ Hello sexy, are you often wandering alone around at night ~ ? “
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mcuntainbcrn · 5 years
@kittenxmulti​ cont. from here: [x]
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“...my blinds?” she appeared genuinely confused, tilting her head as she reached up and touched his cheek, “Hatori, talk to me - I can tell when you’re lying, and I know something has you upset...what’s going on?”
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theoxofthezodiac · 5 years
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+ @kittenxmulti​
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Hatsuharu’s eyebrows raised as he heard Yuki enter. Turning around, he greeted him with a small smile. 
“I was getting tired of eating out and your cooking is...” A long pause. “I made dinner.” He said, gesturing to the food on the table, blatantly ignoring the purposeful romantic atmosphere which he prepared.
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wanderingxshifter · 5 years
@kittenxmulti​ Cont. from X
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Having seen him in such a sad state, Shadow gave a gentle whine and walked over to Akito. Nuzzling her large head under his arms and moving to rest it over his shoulder, trying her best to comfort him. Being unable to speak, it was all she could do just to let Akito know that she was there for him and that he wasn’t alone. 
Ever since the large canine had wandered into the head of the Sohma family’s garden, Shadow hadn’t left Akito’s side, always following him wherever he went and even resting with him whenever he went to sleep. It seemed he at least had someone who was a loyal friend now, even if she had four legs instead of two. 
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musedbyalli · 5 years
@kittenxmulti liked for a Kukui starter.
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Professor Kukui smiled at Moon, “How’s your journey going?”  The man had been a bit busy himself with wrestling and his research, so he wasn’t sure if he had missed any major accomplishments during that time.  It had been far too easy for the man to get caught up in his work, but his Pokemons’ attacks were just so awesome.  “You’re making sure to have fun while you’re out there, right?”
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