#kizuna vid analysis
izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} A.M.V. ~ “{TSUKI} no [Uta]” / {MOON}’s [SONG] [As this is technically still a preview, it is Unfinished {For now}] featuring DUO/O.T.P.: ~ Koushiro Izumi + Yagami Taichi / KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / KouTai / Taishiro (& e.t.c.; as Friendly/Supporting): [+Tentomon; Agumon; Yamato & Chosen (briefly, as Support); Izumis appear w/audio at end] MUSIC (C) Elements Garden / {Sung by}: Kishou Taniyama Digimon Adventure franchise/Series (C) Toei Animation {+Some major Koushiro & Taichi-spoiler[s] for Tri, KIZUNA & 2020} [Tri!Taishiro/Koushiro scenes used mainly/only from: “Kokuhaku” {“Confession”}] [Kizuna scenes used DO SHOW TAICHIs ENDING relevancy, Take Caution!] [DigiAdv 2020 scenes used are from Eps 14; 36; 54 (Taichi); 59 {for now}; Taichi; & Koushiro-relevant {mainly} scenes]
My Commentary:
(Made this literally on a whim?) Time spent: About 5~6 hours total. Total Clips used thus far (in this mostly-finished version): 100.
While this CAN also be read as semi-Canon Compliancy; Please also understand I very much intended this as ship: Koushiro Izumi x Taichi Yagami (namely in a post-Kizuna sense). {The AMV is meant to show their story as an overview, as if they are reflecting on the events they’ve {already} been through} (I’d appreciate if that was respected as you watch.)
I included lyrics in the title links; they are here, with another version here! (The second version contains minimal spoiler relevancy about its originating series’ character who sings this song.) It is highly recommended you read the lyrics to get an understanding before watching this!
Lyrics Short Preview:
The song that can never be sung by anyone else within this whole galaxy, The song about who I truly am, (I will sing it) only for you
“Am I somewhat different from OTHERS…?”
NOTE: If you do not see video above, Keep checking back here, as sometimes the player hasn’t loaded properly! (If an AMV I’ve made has been down for an extended period of time, Please let me know!)
Taichi and - ALSO - Koushiro’s stories are important to every Adventure{s}-based series, and I’m showing why I believe so by using this A.M.V.!
{Lyrics Long Preview}:
The song that can never be sung by anyone else within this whole galaxy, The song about who I truly am, (I will sing it) only for you
“Am I somewhat different from others…?” On the day I noticed that, I swallowed an overwhelming… Uneasiness
Endless... Endless... Endless... “Who ON EARTH AM I, truly?”
It’s okay to cry over (Moonlight... Moonlight... Moonlight...) A past that you can never return to
"FATE” is always Being cruel {to our hearts}
(There is a) half side of the moon that is not shone by the light That darkness supports the light radiating fascinatingly (in the other side)
“You should just always be… yourself like that”
I sing.. I sing.. (They say) “It’s alright now...” We sing... We sing... We sing... “(Look,) everyone is now waiting (for you)”
(We) both coexist {Those} of us are {as} one As if (carried away by) the sand, (They)-- I keep those days living inside of me, And (eventually), they become my strength
As we stare up at the sky, who always looks after the moon (from its back), Now please listen to me, {About}, How (MUCH) I {care about} YOU...
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Former Additional Commentary:
(Also, because 08/03 is Odaiba Memorial Day, too.)
Finished just barely in time (it’s still August 3rd in some places, right??)
FULL Lyrics!:
The song that can never be sung by anyone else within this whole galaxy, The song about who I truly am, (I will sing it) only for you
“Am I somewhat different from others…?” On the day I noticed that, I swallowed an overwhelming… Uneasiness
Endless... Endless... Endless... “Who the hell am I, truly?”
It’s okay to cry over (Moonlight... Moonlight... Moonlight...) A past that you can never return to
Fate is always Being cruel {to my heart}
In those nights when full moon shines the prettiest, (it) gently tells me that, (there is this) half side of the moon that is not shone by the light That darkness supports the light radiating fascinatingly (in the other side)
(With darkness) We can stay as one (With lightness) By existing together I want the strength to embrace this weakness That lumps love and hatred together
“Just the way you are, (I hope you) remain just like that” is what its like hearing from {them}, (whom I call as) {the voice of the moon}
And that’s exactly why I understand How the warmth of those brilliant days has become my (source of) strength (right now)
Thanks to my experience of loss, I come to understand what it is to both “move forward”, And look back I turn everything to a song I sing for my dear life With Darkness.. Whenever I (feel) down With Lightness.. I better hold my chin up
If I can walk towards the future, Even if little by little, that’s enough
I sing.. I sing.. (They say) “It’s alright now...” We sing... We sing... We sing... “(Look,) everyone is now waiting (for you)”
With Darkness.. (We) both coexist With Lightness.. {Those} of us are {as} one As if (carried away by) the sand, (They) disappear I keep those days living inside of me, And (eventually), they become my strength
As we stare up at the sky, who always looks after the moon (from its back), Now please listen to me, singing about How (much) I {care about/love} you...
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hyhunter7 · 11 months
Erebusmon, my oc digimon
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Ok so I have been working on this digimon for the past week or so, and I have no idea what to make for it to communicate it to peeps, so here's my literary analysis of my own oc digimon who barely has a design bc i dont have the storywriting abilities to make a story.
Premise: the premise of Erebusmon in the canon is a bit confusing, but it is a fusion of Eosmon(mega), Chaosdramon, Chaosmon: Valdur Arm(which I will refer to as ValdurChaosmon), Rapidmon(gold), and MetalPhantomon, it is pure power and can rival beings such as Omnimon X and even Odugomon (not X lol). Erebusmon’s premise thematically is the relationship of chaos and control, how they are the same and conflicting, and each of it’s components represents an element/ aspect of control.
The story: Erebusmon’s story is the story of it’s components, only appearing at the end of a story for a final battle.
For Eosmon, the story is very similar to Kizuna’s, about someone who emotionally abandoned their Digimon to “grow up” and follow the expectations/ social contract, however, realizing what she missed, created Neverland to prevent children around the world from having the same “growing up” as she did, almost engaging in a sort of self-infantilization. Eosmon’s element of control is control over the past and present, in hopes the future will continue to be that past/ present. This Tumblr post and this Elliot Sang yt vid go more in depth about it, even tho the vid isn’t necessarily about Kizuna. 
For Chaosdramon, it’s about a Vemmon who evolves (to Snatchmon) because it gains a sense of self (opposed to the other Vemmons, who don’t), and used the other Vemmons, terraformed the world around it and got a sense of superiority, thinking itself to be the highest on the hierarchy, thinking itself to be a type of god, a false god. It then digivolved to Machinedramon as the manifestation of that, but then again to Chaosdramon as an extreme version, becoming a chaotic beast overruling (some of) the Digital World. It’s element of control is about the relationship between identity, machines, and nature. A good explanation about that is this 10 min yt vid. 
For ValdurChaosmon, it’s even split more, with ValdurChaosmon being a fusion itself, of BanchoLeomon, and of Varodurumon. BanchoLeomon is a Leomon who gained it’s title by having it’s spirit tested, but never broken, thus strengthening it’s ideas of Justice, and any who do not follow that Justice, are Evil and BanchoLeomon will hunt Evil down. Varodurumon is a Digimon who evolved from Hououmon X, an extreme Holy symbol, presiding over the skies, any touch of evil will be eradicated with Varodurumon. This fusion to ValdurChaosmon represents the control over the self inherent in ideas of good and evil, especially in executing said ideas on others. 
For Rapidmon(gold), you might be thinking it’s a strange choice, but just hang tight. Rapidmon evolved from Shoutmon, through Shoutmon’s regular evo line with Rapidmon being the Mega form. Shoutmon, similar to in Xros Wars/ Fusion, wants a single thing, and that’s to be the Digimon King, and so through the Evo Line he gets more and more power, enough power to influence and control, and becomes Rapidmon(gold) like Destiny. Rapidmon’s element of control is how interrelated the idea of control is to the idea of destiny, this yt vid is great at explaining it. 
Last, and maybe least, is MetalPhantomon, who, similar to Rapidmon, explores ideas of destiny, but in the context of death, the fact that theres an end to this life at all, and understanding that, makes all the other’s relevant and may be the most important thing to understand. 
This all culminates to a fractured, powerful digimon, Erebusmon, who’s only motivation is to control. Erebus, in Greek Mythology, is the son of Chaos, yet the father of Fate, the Three Fates, Old Age, Darkness, Dreams and more. Erebusmon, in the story, is fractured, split, and fused between multiple components, however, it seeks to control and be one being. It brings in the ideas of the Absurd, the conflict between the chaos, absurdity, of life, and our inherent drive to find meaning, lucidity, and thus control, in it. It also brings in the idea of the Split Subject, which is a conscious being, who is split, but really more accurately represents this quote "[you are not a Split Subject] you are only a Subject because you are Split... when you are truly yourself is when you understand yourself the least" by Clark Elieson, but is also the antithesis to it by always seeking out control, to be one, however he’s still the thesis as he only exists because he is split, he is Absurd.
Erebusmon also has 2 crests of Destiny on his chest, and a fractured digicore, which is the blue orbs on his shoulders and in the center of his chest, and 4 holy rings on it's ankles and calves.
And if Erebusmon is in a game, I think it would be good if in the moments of death, Erebusmon realizes true power comes not in the form of control over self or others, but instead from acceptance of the chaos.
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Oh yeah here’s the evo line in an image top
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure (1999) {1st Movie} + Digimon Adventure Last Evolution: Kizuna + Digimon Adventure tri.: Kokuhaku [“Confession”] + Digimon Adventure tri.: Soushitsu [“Loss”] ~ Animated / (+Story-wise) THEMATIC Parallels / Visual + Auditory Cues - TAICHI YAGAMI + Blowing the {W H I S T L E} - HIKARI YAGAMI + {Original} OWNER OF THE {W H I S T L E} - KOUSHIRO IZUMI + WANTING to KNOW {About: The Digimon, The Digital World, Koushiro’s OWN SELF...} - The {W h i s t l e} acting as a “Turn-about” in Times of Crisis (+ Acting as ‘Alerting’ the Others + Other DIGIMON Can {H e a r}, Too) + Friendships, Team Comradeship, & BONDS {“KIZUNA”}
{Original commentary has been moved under the ‘read more’ as it was originally quite lengthy: Minimal Spoilers for later Tri underneath!}
(Note: in the J.P.N Version, the {W h i s t l e!} scenes are pretty much ALL represented using the EXACT SAME S O U N D S, along with a similar “lengthy” time of {W h i s t le}-blowing) [which typically TAICHI, or originally Hikari, initiate]
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{“I think [YOU] fixed the [Distortions] of [the airspace] in here!”} - Koushiro
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“So we [STILL HAD] a {BOND}” (“KIZUNA”)... - Tri!Koushiro, commenting with a genuinely HOPEFUL/grateful tone in his voice
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“We’ll GET There, no matter HOW {Thorny} our {PATHS} GET.” - Tailmon, encouragingly - Adventure Episode 45, post-Yamato & Jou+Mimi (Temporarily) Leaving the Group {Eventually to RETURN}
My Commentary:
Even if you disagree with my comparisons of the medias, if you have never watched it (or maybe you’d rewatch in) subtitled in original Japanese version in full, I highly suggest you give all of Adventure, 02, and even later medias a chance, with an open mind. The commonalities in the story themes may end up surprising you, even if you thought you knew everything! (This post can also serve as a mini-personal Analysis post)
“Is it wrong to want to {know everything}?” - Koushiro Izumi, genuinely, Adventure Episode 24 (J.P.N Version)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} (+02; tri.; Kizuna; {+side Adv 2020}) (2020 can be read as spin-off A.U. potentials or as canon parallels) ~ A.M.V. Preview {Version #1}: - The Only Exception (sung / (C) by: Par@more) featuring DUO/O.T.P: - KouTai (Koushiro x Taichi) – (KouxMimi appears briefly in the 2nd verse + Other charas by end, However, the focus is KouTai / specifically Koushiro and Taichi.) {KouxMimi can be read in as basically anything; canon compliant side-ship, A.U.s; side KouTaiMi or poly-ships in general; former KouxMimi mutual crushes ended on good terms?, etc.}
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
My commentary:
I’m aware there’s quite a few ongoing and recent fan events right now that might have had Taichi or Koushiro involvement, but I was tied up with offline things; Thus, this time is an A.M.V. that is mainly Koushiro-centric, but TAICHI does get some quite good focus too, and, specifically, also their (Very Good) relationship! There is also some vid-style analysis on the dynamics of Izumi Family, as well as the Yagami Family. It’s also yet another "analysis” of Koushiro & Taichi in general, too. (Basically any of my other ships can also be read in, in varying combos.)
Tip: Click on the gear button on player to choose to view in slight better quality + 1080p!!
This is the preliminary 1st version of this A.M.V. Hopefully you find some enjoyment as it is now though! The 1st part had taken about 45~ min already. The 2nd verse + chorus took about another 35~ min. This 3rd section took about 30 min at start, another 1 hr to wrap up scenes through the interlude, and already had a total of 1 crashing of my editor. The last segment took about 45 min total; Thus, total time spent on this? 3 hours and 35~ min or so. These may not be final scenes as I make future adjustments. (However, it came together well despite the crash!)
There is a tiny bit of scenery shots from beginning of Kizuna, then, by the interlude, some more notable Kizuna spoilers involving Taichi & Koushiro mainly, but you will see a scene involving Chosen. Tri spoilers, mainly Taichi & Koushiro supporting each other moments, are also added in the interlude and the ending; there are small moments from Saikai, Kokuhaku & Kyousei, mainly. The ends of Kokuhaku, Kyousei & Bokura no Mirai / Our Future are not spoiled, but there is lead-up. Kokuhaku middle-end spoiler occurs in the final chorus; a scene namely showing Taichi and Koushiro supporting each other (I’ve used it often in past A.M.V.s). A tiny Bokura no Mirai moment of just Koushiro is also included.
DigiAdv 2020 (for A.U. spinoff{s}) becomes included by the interlude (it’s mainly Koushiro moments from beginning + middle of Ep 36) However, it can also be seen as inclusive of wider Adventure{s} “canon”; and basically paralleling many of the following canon moments.
{Lyrics Preview}:
Well {darling},
(Taichi’s voice calling): “Koushiro!!! Come out and LOOK at this!!”
YOU are the only ‘exception’---
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And I’ve ALWAYS lived LIKE THIS, Keeping a comfortable… “Distance”
…Because NONE OF IT was ever {worth} THE RISK,
But YOU, ---
“I’ve got a ‘TIGHT’ Grip on REALITY BUT I CAN’T LET GO of “WHAT’S” {in FRONT of ME} HERE—”
{Taichi, voice shaking: “K-Koushiro!!...”}
“LEAVE ME WITH some KIND of Proof it’s NOT-A-Dream…”
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“...YOU Are the ONLY EXCEPTION...”
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- Mr. Susumu Yagami (on Taichi Yagami & Adventure+Tri Chosen)
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