peachesannndgravy · 6 years
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The new STAR WARS™
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tariqk · 6 years
The longer I think, the more I'm convinced that what Malay-Muslims have to shed isn't Islam, but capitalism itself.
How insidious a religion becomes when it serves as a palliative via consumption of piety, when it encourages us to “berlumba-lumba” for salvation, to endlessly seek quantification of the ineffable, to assume the objectivity of one's position, and the seeking of monetisation and industrialization of salvation!
I keep remembering the words of the Termiar activists calling out the state government of Kelantan who were (and still are) led by Islamists — “Your god is not Allah, but capitalism!”
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healthy-adult · 7 years
i hate working register at round table because our food is unnecessarily expensive. it makes me so fucking sad to watch brown or black working class folks walk in, expecting some cheapo chain restaurant pizza, no big deal. only to find that their total for two large pizzas for their family comes to over $50 (not even including appetizers or drinks) it makes me so fucking sad to see the cringey half defeated look on their face when they pull out their card and hard earned bills. it breaks my fucking heart every time and our pizza isn’t even good.
that’s why when i’m on the assembly line i overload every pizza with toppings and always place extra wings in the oven. it’s also the reason why i move in the kitchen with such ferocity when i’m boxing up orders and slicing pizzas w/ this massive knife. and everyone can detect my frustrations through the window. shit is maddening.
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suturesdigitals · 4 years
ramblings of an abolitionist gargoyle, en conversa amb l’evie
és clar que hi he estat pensant, en l’abolició. No, no m’ha fet mai feredat el concepte.  Sí, entenc el pes polític de les paraules, però les paraules no em perseguiran mai quan sigui nit pel carrer, en tot cas ressonaran, gasoses, fins que tanqui la porta. (...) Això d’amèrica és molt boig. (...) Llegint sobre abolició entenc que no es tracta només de desmantellar presons i policia, sinó que cal un esforç intencionat i estratègic per substituir la cultura punitiva per pràctiques restauradores. (...) doncs significaria implementar sistemes de rendició de comptes, a més de proporcionar recursos essencials per a una vida digna (refugi d’emergència) i facilitar la mediació restaurativa. Quan penso en les implicacions i les connotacions darrere d’una paraula tan absoluta /abolició/, penso també en les treballadores socials. El complex industrial mèdic, les coses que abarca, el seu xassís colonial, el reach dels seus tentacles: metges, infermeres, clíniques, hospitals, eugenèsia, capitalisme, colonització, esclavitud, immigració, presons, opressió reproductiva, més aquí. (...) Jo he pensat en un futur al treball social, evie, igual que tu. Però no hauria de reconèixer, la nostra petició d’abolició, que el sistema de serveis socials i de salut mental són violents, que practiquen les mateixes polítiques de mort contra les quals carreguem? No sé si has llegit allò de malcolm x, quan descrivia l’experiència de la seva infantesa “when the welfare people came” i presentava aquest sistema de protecció infantil dels eeuu com a “legal, modern slavery—however kindly intentioned”. Crec que aquesta caracterització oculta moltes complexitats, però reflecteix sentiments que són comuns entre les comunitats marginals on es concentren més intervencions punitivo-colonials (however kindly intentioned). Caldria, amb l’abolició, doncs, fer una avaluació radical de tot el que entenem veritable. Sé que la vull, aquesta abolició. Que és més important que mai configurar futurs, teixir utopies, no cedir a l’apogeu pessimista del moment o de l'món o del kkkapital. (...) i si parlem d’una condició purament relacional, comunal? Això és, més relacions, més formació en la mediació i resolució de conflictes, juntament amb atenció informada de traumes, gestió i intervenció de crisi; combatre la violència de gènere, comprometre’ns a lluitar contra el patriarcat, la transfòbia, l’homofòbia i el poder mitjançant l’educació horitzontal i comunitària i la defensa de la comunitat en forma d’ajuda mútua. (...) És el treballador social blanc i cis, particularment, el que denega serveis per persones amb traumes greus, el que impedeix accedir al coneixement i a la comunitat, el fil conductor i per tant facilitador a lo policial... Llarga vida, suposo, a les treballadores socials radicals i anarcocomunistes que han contribuït, amb els seus textos i les seves experiències, a aquesta conversa.
ahir vaig acabar un email a la lisa així:  Perhaps in the confabulation of this escape [from kkkapitalism and thus punitive culture] lies the most controversial yet desired utopia of all: life.
ara jo et pregunto: sota quins rocs s’amaga la vida?
amb amor, t’escric, evie, avui.
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kjozsefpenztaros · 5 years
Una inmigrante es tu amiga, tu enemigo es el KKKapital!
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Labor + KKKapital = System The labor of many peoples’ times over the past four hundred years and change The slaves functioning with whips to turn the cranks, then tapped for green poison to flow from the bile Float, float, float on Float, float, float on Float on, float on Actions glide near and far for without the wind for sails on Miami Beach Beach combing after your two month workout plan of racial slurs, from your funky tongue: unbrushed Float, float, float on Float, float, float on Float on, float on The tongues of your bloated male figures switch from forks to knives, forth and back when a ring of little queens stand around them Stealing their innocence fuels your recessed cerebral cortex with the dopamine needed to throw the hags around in a pile tall enough to cover the spread Float, float, float on Float, float, float on Float on, float on Your allegiance to an alternative discourse pushed by an illusion of a paradise located in a dark hinterland is admirable, but easily defeated with simple, rational logic Float, float, float on Float, float, float on Float on, float on B-Real knows like us to stop the illusions since some people tell me that I need help Some others can fuck off and go to hell Float, float, float on Float, float, float on Float on, float on No shock, no time to stop the stroke who thinks that a capital method of production Labors the love lost because of overextension Since less is more than the least of your basic principles Whom nothing is something, but very little Float, float, float on Float on, float on Float, float, float on Float on, float on Written by yours truly. #nycpoet #brooklynpoet #bedstuy #brooklyn #economics #capital #labor https://www.instagram.com/p/BvvBwycFmKM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dzcvoq0sgqb5
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peachesannndgravy · 5 years
I love how there are private firefighters. I love how those units were used to save the rich && fuck the rest. 
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healthy-adult · 7 years
just noticed i might not even be able to attend my own art show because it conflicts with my work schedule! and i already asked to switch up the work day BEFORE my art show because i'm going to a play with a pack of lesbians that night, so idk if asking for a second day off will be asking for too much
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healthy-adult · 7 years
my job is composed of 10% yelling, and in order to practice developing a louder voice i occasionally shout to the people on the assembly line "you're all doing a great job and your labor isn't gonna go unappreciated by me!" followed by a series of mumbled thank yous and awws
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healthy-adult · 7 years
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on a separate note look at how cute my friends are. absolute angels. it's a good day to post photos of friends and be reminded of the good in this world. cuz fuck america and fuck kkkapitalism. that is all.
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healthy-adult · 7 years
it is literally impossible for me to continue living in california with a minimum wage job. one must earn $30 an hour to afford basic amenities and meet a standard of comfort. comfort alone is remarkably remarkably costly. the second i get a chance to skedaddle from this cursed land i am OUT of here. fuck this state. fuck cali. fuck kkkapitalism.
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Labor + KKKapital = System
The labor of many peoples’ times over the past four hundred years and change
The slaves functioning with whips to turn the cranks, then tapped for green poison to flow from the bile
Float, float, float on
Float, float, float on
Float on, float on
Actions glide near and far for without the wind for sails on Miami Beach
Beach combing after your two month workout plan of racial slurs, from your funky tongue: unbrushed
Float, float, float on
Float, float, float on
Float on, float on
The tongues of your bloated male figures switch from forks to knives, forth and back when a ring of little queens stand around them
Stealing their innocence fuels your recessed cerebral cortex with the dopamine needed to throw the hags around in a pile tall enough to cover the spread
Float, float, float on
Float, float, float on
Float on, float on
Your allegiance to an alternative discourse pushed by an illusion of a paradise located in a dark hinterland is admirable, but easily defeated with simple, rational logic
Float, float, float on
Float, float, float on
Float on, float on
B-Real knows like us to stop the illusions since some people tell me that I need help
Some others can fuck off and go to hell
Float, float, float on
Float, float, float on
Float on, float on
No shock, no time to stop the stroke who thinks that a capital method of production
Labors the love lost because of overextension
Since less is more than the least of your basic principles
Whom nothing is something, but very little
Float, float, float on
Float on, float on
Float, float, float on
Float on, float on
0 notes