klarajohannamichel · 3 years
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Leader (Absolutely incoherent) Biographical and yet never experienced like this
D. has a scar on his left brow.
Step, step, pain. The left hip collapses.
Chapter I The man kneels on the floor in his apartment. His back hurts. His back hurts because he has been carrying a fat belly for more than 20 years now. Thick belly on toothpick leg. It is 08.00 in the morning wintertime, it is still dark outside, frost shimmers on his window pane. He stands up and throws his head against the wall. Boom. Briefly dazed. It's not that he likes the pain or that it's a conscious expression against his life. It is rather a habit. A compulsion. He looks at the clock. It was time to get ready, in about an hour he had to go to the other end of the city.
Arrived at the other end of the city.
He enters the museum he runs. The museum is known mainly for its classicist sculptures. It is a world-class museum. In the center of the permanent exhibition is a sculpture of a woman lolling on a stone in the sun. The artist is unknown. He had the face of David and the posture was reminiscent of that semi-strong phase that men go through at a young age. Too self-confident. Exhausting but also infinitely attractive. He tries to ignore the faun. Always. Whenever the others were or could be in the room. Past it. Left song twitches. Right back to the faun, now more about him. He is comfortable in his role as museum director. As a young man, he was already aware that he wasn't cut out for many things. That he didn't have many talents. But in the few he did have, he was unbeatable. He could speak quietly but loudly. Give long passionate lectures about artists and bodies. He had the talent to put a glow over the museum. Even to be one of the most impressive sculptures that attracted the visitors. He has name : M. E. or ME. ME starts his day. Every day is the same here. And yet is always different. Like the face of a good friend you have known for many years and you watch him through a reflection. Slightly shifted. After greeting the employees -Hello, morning, Yes it goes well, no, yes, gladly, until later- he goes to his study. 30 minutes later the visitors arrive. ME is glad that he managed to get to his office before. Some days someone stops him and he sees the first visitors draw their cards and stare at his faun. ME doesn't like that very much.
-Woman walks by window. Does not notice it. Nothing happens.
His assistant enters the room. He is small and looks like he is funny, but he is not very. His name is T.H. and he is not much involved in the story. ME and TH talk briefly about things that need to be done. Today these are orders for the museum store, craftsmen for the humidity measuring machine in room 15. ME passes the tasks on to TH. He does not feel responsible for such trifles. Brain shuts down. -Yes, ok, no problem, gladly- TH reminds ME that there are 2 guided tours today and that one of them has to be taken over by ME. He does not do this every day but only as a gesture or out of compulsion. Today it is compulsion. A medium known art collector is in town and wants to be treated in the best way. ME agrees. It's ok, it's part of it and maybe he can like it. -all right, until then, later, bye- TH leaves the room and the story. ME thinks. Brain reboots. He starts his computer and tries to find out more about the medium known art collector.Y.U. It turns out that YU is more of an artist than an art collector. She works with clay, stones and chewing gum to create realistic sculpted bodies in survival size. ME looks at the photographs of the sculptures. He admits that he is impressed by the composition of the materials and the size of the objects. But he can't feel close to the faces and bodies. I do not understand. -Thought tries to take a ladder into consciousness, slips off- ME begins to read key data about YU. Easy to understand. Medium Old, Medium Beautiful, Medium Educated. Enough info to get started.- Woman walks past window. Notices a shadow. Nothing happens.Meet. K can't. ME can.ME steps out of his office. Walks slowly down a hallway, through a side room into the reception hall. Some people are standing in front of the ticket booth. He is briefly distracted by the heavy talk of the people. Then he approaches the receptionist. This one smiles at him -upstairs, waiting, fur jacket, medium tall, medium brown, medium old-. He recognizes YU quite quickly. Conversation: Hello you must be Y.U. my name is M.E. I am the director of this museum. No response. Shall we start the tour. Short nod. The museum / antique sculpture collection was built in 1816 to 1830 under Ludwig 1. -red, red, info, info- ME talks alone. YU does not answer. Stares at him listens well. He feels hip and good. Passionately gives information. Surprised that he himself talks in depth about the beauty of the woman he usually mentions only briefly. -Swing, perfection- ME talks for 3 hours. Then out, all info said. His body and head get tired. Euphoria is over. It gets quiet and he looks at YU. YU is still attentive. They stand there for a moment, then ME can't stand it anymore and leaves with quick steps. Into the office door turned to locks.Masses of water crash down on YU. Her body becomes liquid and she melts on the floor. Images and text by Klara Johanna Michel
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minamideutsch · 3 years
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Congrats @risikomagazine 👏 Now available in some bookshops and record stores in Japan! Answered a question + wrote a cinema column📖 Risiko Mag #1 国内でも一部の書店やレコードストアで販売が始まったそうです🦇 photo by @klarajohannamichel https://www.instagram.com/p/CO0CPd5pCAS/?igshid=15ynh5qw09i10
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