purplesigebert · 1 month
WIP Wednesday #26 - DW Crossover
Hey everyone, as it's my birthday, I think I should give Caroline a break. @sergeantpixie said that Caroline needed a spa day; she's correct.
Let's meet Taylor Caroline at Midnight.
This was her happy place.
Whenever things went wrong, she was stressed, or there was inevitable Mystic Falls drama, and Caroline needed to escape - she always went to the leisure planet Midnight.   
Today was no different, and the staff at the spa knew it.  Caroline didn’t even have to say anything; they just booked her the works.  A blowout, manicure, pedicure, full body massage, a facial with ground up diamonds from the planet, there was an eye mask to keep diamonds from getting in her eyes.
With all the danger that had recently taken place in town, she felt the need to take control of her life, even by doing something dangerous.  She recognized the habit that was starting to form, what with deciding to complete her homework assignment on WW1 in the muddy fields of Europe, instead of at the library.  And the fact that there were now at least four different versions of herself running around London during the height of the Blitz.  When traveling to Midnight, she made sure to set her vortex manipulator to a date prior to her first visit with her dad.  The Midnight entity would be roaming around the planet, that was true, but not in the spa.
So it wasn’t like she was being totally reckless! Next time she was bringing Bekah with her. They could use some girl time.
In between all of the pointless plots and schemes of the past month (had it only been a month since Mikael died?) Caroline was having fun spending time with Rebekah and Kol.  Sure, the novelty of pretending not to know each other had been great at first, but now it was just frustrating. It did give her (relative) immunity from Elijah in terms of pranks, the look on his face when he walked into his study, and found all of his documents out of order, and his carefully organized closet was priceless.  It was a close second to the long game she played regarding his Bonfire Season presents in the fifteenth century; it would take a lot to top that.
But she missed Klaus.  She missed him knowing her, knowing the real her.  Five months ago, he was the one person who knew almost everything about her.  Caroline sometimes thought she could see something in his eyes, when she wore the perfume he had given her, or the earrings that he had given her on their anniversary.  She just didn’t know how to get his memories back.  Well that wasn’t true, the Doctor would probably have the answer she needed but that would mean explain the Klaus of it all. She had already made a pro/con list about telling Klaus, and the pros outweighed the cons - like by a lot.  It just came down to getting the courage to fight for what she wanted, and she wanted Klaus.
The sound of her phone ringing brought her out of her musings.  Checking the caller ID, Caroline rolled her eyes and tossed it back into her bag.  She wasn’t dealing with any Mystic Falls drama for at least the next week.  Turning onto her stomach, Caroline contemplated where to go for dinner - oh who was she kidding?  She knew she was going to end up at the anti-gravity restaurant.  She had even brought her own bib!
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purplesigebert · 2 months
WIP Wednesday #25 - DW Crossover
Caroline bustled around the lawn in the Lockwood’s expansive backyard, scolding waiters for not clearing the tables faster.  She didn’t know why the pageant was moved from the Founders' Hall with its winding staircase and stone patio.  It’s like they wanted people to trip and break their necks! Luckily for her she had walked in heels through worse things during her travels.  Caroline shuddered as she remembered the disgusting obstacle course that the Hall of Mirrors was - that is before indoor plumbing.
Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Caroline’s eyes caught on Tyler and his date.  She wanted to know why she got shot in the back after one night with Tyler but Mrs Lockwood said nothing about Hayley’s red dress, which was more suitable for a night at a club than the Miss Mystic Falls pageant.  Tyler was still trying to tell her what to do, even though they had broken up after the wake-up call that was her “eighteenth” birthday.  Truthfully the relationship had gotten out of hand.  He seemed to take it as a personal affront that Klaus was her date, and if the younger hybrid sent her one more judging look Caroline was going to snap and tell the truth; she would have asked Klaus to the pageant even if they didn’t owe him a favour for breaking Elena’s Hunter’s Curse.
Klaus had been perfect the whole day, and she had drooled a little when she saw how the blue of his shirt had brought out his eyes.  It was just a shame that the ensemble hid his necklaces from view - those had always done things for her.  Spotting Klaus standing beside the bar - probably compelling the staff to give him a bottle of champagne, she waved at him, blushing a little when he waved back at her, dimples flashing in the sunlight. 
Caroline did a double take as she spotted someone not following the dress code of the pageant - the nerve of some people, while at the same time, they clearly weren’t working the event. She started to walk towards the person, wanting to give them a piece of her mind, when their body turned towards her and Caroline got a good look at them.  She opened her mouth to tell them off and then:
She stumbled in her heels, aforementioned vampire balance abandoning her.
Black pants, pink shirt, purple leather jacket, hoop earrings. 
A tongue touched grin.
Blonde hair.
“Hello Caroline.”
Caroline launched herself towards the other person, overcome with emotion.  
“Rose!” Caroline sobbed as she clung to her long lost friend.
It had been too long since they had hugged.
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purplesigebert · 2 months
WIP Wednesday #24 - DW Crossover
Woah @impossiblekryptonitecolor wasn't kidding about that curse! Thankfully I broke it, and it only took four weeks and not a thousand and ten years!
Onto the snippet - surprise, surprise Caroline is not having a great time. Good thing she has some memories to escape into.
If it didn’t hurt so much, Caroline would give the hunter points from ingenuity.  Number 2 pencils as stakes?  That was a new one. Her hands were in agony, only second to her throat.  The droplets of vervain water that she inhaled made her feel like her esophagus was being ripped apart from the inside.  The only good thing about this whole situation was that she was safe from compulsion.   
She was just glad that Mikael 2.0 didn’t seem to know that the daylight spell wasn’t tied to a specific person.  The last thing Caroline needed was for Alaric to take her ring and put it on his finger.  Then he wouldn’t need her to lure Elena to the school - he would just stake her and rush off the Gilbert house.  The man was muttering to himself as he paced back and forth in front of his desk, only stopping to check his phone before shaking his head.  Alaric stopped in front of her and took the gag out of her mouth, wincing as he dipped it into the beaker that was on the desk next to her.  He had already repeated this process 3 times in the hour that she had been here, the pain that herb caused him not deterring him in the slightest. 
As the classroom’s clock ticked the seconds, the blonde used the sound to try and push away the pain.  Slowly, the memories of another time she was threatened by a very powerful person flooded her mind.
2008 - Year That Never Was
“Martha, we are up against a 900 year old alien with absolute zero regard for human life - except for a weird fixation for the Teletubbies!” Caroline shouted, while Martha tried to get her to lower her voice.
Caroline didn’t see why she should have to, the Valiant was miles away in the sky.  They had run for cover as soon as they had gotten their breath back, after slamming into the ground via vortex manipulator. The air was thick with smoke that had drifted towards them from the destruction in London.  The trees made breathing easier and hid them from the Toclafane.
“So you know who we should go to?” Caroline continued. “A 1000 year old being with no regard for human life - aside from the fact that he needs them if he wants to keep existing!”
“That’s not a good reason to approach him, Caroline,” the other woman scoffed.  The blonde tried not to snap at her friend even more than she had, most of Martha’s family was on the ship and they didn’t have the immunity that Caroline’s had.
“He’s got contacts that we could use and centuries of experience of being on the run!  He’s the monster that other monsters fear! We need Klaus,” Caroline stressed, this seemed like a no brainer, better to seek their chances with an Original Vampire than think they could take on the Master by themselves. 
Caroline was also convinced that Martha wouldn’t ask him for help because Shakespeare told her not to.  Martha rubbed at her temple and worried the TARDIS key turned perception filter necklace before taking a deep breath.  She looked up, resolution in her brown eyes.
“Alright. Alright, we'll ask him for help.” 
Caroline cheered. 
“If,” Ugh, so close!
“If we also ask his brother for help.  After all, two Mikaelsons are better than one, right?"
Caroline groaned. Seriously?  She had to work with Elijah Mikaelson.
"Fine, but only because the fate of the world is at stake!"
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