#klei said they gonna drop more lore
16-18-06 · 7 months
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So basically tell me your thoughts on the birds of the constant, hostile or passive
okay i know you said birds as in plural but i'm gonna talk about bird as in singular, and i'm also gonna go completely off the rails but bare with me here
okay tallbirds, right?? WHY do they only drop normal meat? this has been haunting me for years i think about it every goddamn day. tallbirds don't look like they should drop normal meat in ANY capacity.
i mean, from a gameplay/design standpoint i completely understand that creatures who are easier/more commonly killed would drop less valuable resources than creatures you have to go out of your way to kill, but from a LORE and STORY standpoint it completely boggles and baffles me to no end.
take hounds. you can find wolves and dogs in the real world, but you kill them, and what do they drop?? monster meat. they drop beast meat. WHY?? what about them classifies them as monsters?? it's not their hostility, because there's plenty of hostile creatures that can drop normal meat. hell, it's not even because of their ability to change powers with the coming of the seasons, because no eyed deer are afflicted with gem magic that changes their powers and they drop NORMAL meat!!
WHAT causes something to drop monster meat specifically?? at first i thought "oh, well monster meat comes from creatures maxwell created for this world" except that is blatantly incorrect because tallbirds are stated to be one of his creations and those things drop normal meat like nobodies business.
THEN i thought "oh well maybe it's because certain creatures have a terror radius and that perverted insanity taints the meat" but the GIANTS have a terror radius!! the DEERCLOPS has a terror radius!!! and it drops NORMAL meat!!
and then it gets ten times more complicated when you get into thinking about the bunnies and bunnymen (and, respectively, beardlings and beardlords) and how their meat CHANGES with YOUR grip on reality. like!!! wadda hell!!!! bro what are you DOING??
it just seems like when a creature is made of leafy meat it makes so much sense as to why. grass gekkos and lureplants and that are obviously made out of leafy meat. but when it comes to comparing monster meat to normal meat klei is just throwing it out to random monsters like nobody's business.
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