#or i just want to see max and wilson together
16-18-06 · 7 months
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maximoff-pan · 2 years
steve and reader drabble about a secret relationship mayhaps? 😫
you know I can’t resist writing for this hunk of a man ;)
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 2.4k
warning(s): some swears, being caught red handed 🤭
quick a/n: hi lovelies! sorry for being m.i.a recently. I’ve gone back to school and it’s been too busy for me to write anything. I apologize for this being rushed/incoherent, please forgive me….
part two
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Fucking girls night…
Whatever possessed you to think this was a good idea, you’re not entirely sure. Honestly, you can’t even remember who convinced you to come; they’d all been begging you for weeks to finally show up to one of these things. And now that you’re here, you’re quickly realizing why you’d been so hesitant before.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt this flustered or uncomfortable in your life, and that’s definitely saying something. Really saying something…
It’s not the fact that everyone here has a significant other that bothers you. It’s the fact that everyone here has a significant other, and they think you don’t. Because as far as they’re concerned, you’re as single as single can be.
Which would be fine if it was the truth. But it’s not. And the guilt is starting to eat at you. How many more times do they have to try and set you up before you break?
Quite frankly, at this rate, it feels like you’re almost there.
“What about Peter Wilson?”
Robin recoils at Nancy’s suggestion, picking her nails in disgust. “Absolutely not.”
You remain quiet. They’re trying to find you a boyfriend, again.
“What’s so bad about him?” Max inquires.
El adds, “He’s kind of cute.”
“Sure,” Robin scoffs, “If you’re into delusional sociopaths.”
Tilting her head, brow quirked, Nancy asks, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Robin’s pitch drops slightly. “Let’s just say, that incident where Stacy Mathers almost drowned last summer, wasn’t so much of an accident.”
Max’s eyes widen. “You mean he tried to–” she trails, too disturbed to even finish the sentence.
Robin nods. “That one’s as sadistic as they come.”
“Okay.” Nancy agrees, moving the conversation along. “So that’s a no on Peter.”
“Ooh.” El claps, eyes locking with Max. “What about Adam?”
“Adam Richards?”
Max and El nod together.
Your head has never whipped around faster. “You can’t be serious!”
Your voice catches Robin’s attention. “First of all,” she smirks, “welcome to the conversation! And second of all, what could possibly be wrong with him?” She knows exactly what’s wrong with him, she just wants to see you squirm.
“Rob, he’s fucking sixteen.”
“And?” Max joins in.
“I’m almost twenty.” You state. That should be reason enough, but as you glance between them, they don’t look convinced. The concern on your face is evident as you say, “I am not about to be some cradle robber!”
“But he’s like,” Max pauses adding on a valley girl accent, “the hottest Junior at Hawkin’s High.”
Your face scrunches in disgust, mimicking the accent back. “Fucking, ew.”
Nancy and El giggle at the interaction.
“Okay, so you’re not into younger guys then.” Robin teases, a sparkle of mischief in her stare. “Noted.”
These girls are going to drive you into madness…
“You know what else I’m not into?” The cadence of your voice carries with a hint of amusement. “My friends desperately trying to set me up because they think I’m pathetic and lonely.”
“But you are lonely.” Is El’s retort. Three pairs of eyes widen at the remark, but not yours. El’s bluntness has never surprised you. It’s actually pretty comforting, because you know she’d never lie to you.
Nancy hisses with a whine. “El.”
You’ve been around the Wheeler’s long enough to know that Nancy was raised to be a proper young lady, one who would never dare offend anyone. That alone causes your lip to quirk in bemusement.
You chuckle, feelings quite intact. “Oh good.” Your smile is cheeky. “At least you don’t think I’m pathetic.”
“She never said she didn’t.” Max points out with a grin.
“Hilarious Maxine.” You mock a sarcastic and melodic laugh.
“I don’t think you’re pathetic.” El cuts in before Max can say anything else. “I just think you need a boyfriend.”
You have half a mind to say ‘I’ve already got one,’ but you bite your tongue.
Just like you have for the last six months.
That’s half a year of trying so hard to keep your relationship status on the down low. Because things with Steve are new, and after many years of denying any feelings towards each other, you finally decided to go for it. But, on the off chance you both found that you were better off as friends, you came to the mutual decision that waiting to tell the kids (and everyone else) was the best idea. As much as you think they’d be happy to see you two together (and boy have they pushed for it), it’s not something you’d want to get their hopes up for.
You’re serious about Steve, more serious than you’ve ever been about anyone before. As much confidence as you hold in your love for him, you know he’s serious about you too. And maybe now that you’re certain (at least on your end) that you’re both sure, you can start to tell everyone about your relationship. For tonight though, you’re going to have to continue playing the role of the lonely single.
How tragic…your mind wanders.
“Oh my god!” Nancy’s interjection catches you off guard. She’s masking her smirk well, but you can still see it. “How could I not have thought of this?”
Her surprise feels more like it’s been planned, like she’s been thinking of a way to bring whatever she’s been thinking about into the conversation without rousing too much suspicion.
“Thought of what?” Robin asks, feeding into it.
Your eyes narrow.
Nancy leans over to whisper something into her ear. The chain continues with Robin leaning in to tell Max, and Max whispering it to El, leaving you thoroughly left out.
What is she planning?
“Uh, a little inclusion might be nice.” You tutt.
Four pairs of eyes bore into you, excited smiles resting on each of their faces.
Here it comes, you think.
“All this talk of boys…” Nancy starts. “What about Steve?” She asks.
And there it is. “Guys.” You groan. “Not this again.”
“C’mon (Y/n), please?” Max’s whine is on the verge of a full on beg. “I know you’ve thought about it. We all see the way you look at each other.”
“Like I do.” El’s matter-of-factness is not so comforting in this moment. “With Mike. And Max, with Lucas.”
“Oh!” Max exclaims. “Remember when Nancy and Jonathan first got together? They were really good friends, like you and Steve.”
You take a quick glance over to Nancy who’s now gone quiet, a pink blush covering the softness of her cheeks.
“Guys. Steve and I are just that,” you eye each of them with a deep intensity, “friends.”
Nancy remembers saying the exact same thing to Murray Bauman after he’d accused her and Jonathan of suppressing their feelings.
She hadn’t quite known then how strong she felt about him, as she does now. But as she glances in your direction, she reads an expression on your face that she wasn’t expecting: guilt.
You don’t exactly look like someone who’s freaking themselves out over their newly discovered — and to everyone else, totally obvious — feelings for their best friend like she had. Instead, you look like you’ve accepted them, and more so, if Nancy is as good at reading you as she thinks she is, you look like you’re hiding something.
“You’d be perfect together.” Is one of Max’s last attempts of the night at convincing you. She only wants to see you happy. Maybe if she just pushed a little more.
Your heart wrenches at her words.
You hate lying to them, you really do. You’re almost not sure why you’re doing it anymore, but you can’t seem to stop yourself.
God, you wish a black hole would suck you into the abyss. “Max, you know that’s not how it works. You can’t decide you’re going to be with someone just because you want to be. There’s a whole other person to consider.”
“Semantics.” She puffs a breath of air, waving you off. “And not if that other person is already head over heels in love with you.”
“Max.” You warn with the tilt of your head and an extremely deep breath.
Robin jumps in, lips pulled into a cheeky grin. “I’m not hearing a no.”
If that’s what it’ll take, you think, “Then no.” You finally say.
Robin catches your gaze, her eyes softening. All hints of teasing seem to be gone. There’s no way this can mean anything good.
“I know I don’t do this often,” she starts, “but I’m going to say something in all seriousness here.”
“Please don’t.”
Robin’s unimpressed stare tells you that she’s not only going to ignore your request, but she also really means what she’s about to say. Her voice is steady and calm as she speaks, “Steve likes you.” She says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and you suppose it is. At least now.
“He’s told me. I mean, he really, really likes you… like marry you this instant, thinks about having six kids with you, likes you…” She drags the words slowly trying to emphasize her point.
You know this. But you have to play that you don’t. “Jeez, I don’t know about the six kids and the marriage part, I think you might be getting way ahead of yourself there Rob,” your voice drifts slightly. “But I’d hope that at the very least Steve likes me. It’s not like he’s one of my best friends or anything.”
Max lets out a low groan. Robin has basically confirmed that Steve (despite everyone else already knowing this) is in love with you, and you’re still refusing to acknowledge it.
It’s beyond frustrating. “You’re so hopeless.” She says.
“Am I?” You jest. As guilty as you feel, this is sort of fun for you.
“Terribly.” Is her reply.
You grin, happy to change the subject. “Can’t make things easy for you now can I?”
“We’d never expect you to.” Stormy blue orbs catch yours, a flicker of recognition flashing back to you.
There's a hint in Nancy’s voice and demeanour that tells you she knows more than she’s letting on. The look she gives you says it all: your secret’s safe with me.
You shouldn’t be surprised that she picked up on it. She’s probably known for months. Because not only does she know you and Steve better than almost anyone else, she knows exactly what Steve looks like when he’s in love.
With a soft smile falling onto your lips, you breathe a sigh of relief in the moment of brief silence that rests between you. Someone knows, and they approve. Your eyes glimmer gratefully. Thank you. Your signal is nonverbal, but she understands nonetheless.
You’re welcome.
• ж • ж • ж •
Steve wonders how you’re doing right about now. Because at the moment, he wants nothing more than to be with you, hanging out and not having to worry about keeping this a secret.
For the past hour, Dustin, Lucas, and Mike have been driving him up a wall. Susie this. El that. Max, blah blah blah.
Mike had started it all with a quick, ‘Hey Steve, why don’t you have a girlfriend?’
Then Lucas had joined in. ‘Yeah, what happened to you man? I thought you were supposed to be some kind of God or something?’
“He used to be.” Dustin had assured them. “Still is. The God’s somewhere in there.” Dustin poked at Steve’s chest. He’d seen Steve in action before, he knows the charm is real.
The pale raven haired teen beside Dustin then snorted. “Bagging my sister doesn’t count.”
Steve almost punted Mike over that one. Smug little bastard…
And that’s not even the worst of it. Steve can take the constant teasing of his romantic failures; he’s been doing that for years now, taking blow after blow to his ego. It’s Eddie’s creepy staring that’s sending him over the fucking edge. Every time he looks over, there’s Eddie, already looking at him.
Steve shudders at the thought. He can feel Munson’s pair of deep brown eyes burning holes through his back, the hairs on his neck raised in discomfort. It’s like with every breath Steve takes, Eddie is analyzing it. He’s this close to smacking Eddie upside the head and telling him to cut this shit out.
It’s only when they get a moment alone does he discover the reason for the Hellfire club leader’s strange behaviour. They stand awkwardly in Mrs. Henderson’s kitchen, fumbling for snacks for the boys when Eddie finally breaks the silence.
“So,” his smirk is apparent. Steve didn’t know someone could smile that wide. “I was thinking.”
“Ah.” Steve hums trying to settle the nervous pit in his stomach. “Is that what that was?”
Eddie chuckles. “You know what Steve-O? Just for the ‘tude, maybe I shouldn’t tell you what I was thinking…” he trails.
That’s a challenge if he’s ever heard one, and he’s not about to bite. Eddie is anything but patient.
“Fine by me.” Steve claps a hand on Eddie’s shoulder as he passes him to grab a bowl from one of Dustin’s cupboards.
Eddie’s brow raises in surprise at his response, running a hand through his curly mop of hair.“Woah, c’mon.” He moves swiftly following him. “I was only kidding! Of course I’m going to tell you.”
Steve grabs the bag of popcorn from the cupboard, and pops it into the microwave. “Alright.”
A couple of moments pass before:
“So?...” Steve’s fingers drum across the countertop in anxiety.
Eddie’s eyes widen. “Oh right.” He says, watching the time tick down on the clock. “It’s more of a question really.”
Steve moves to grab the bag out of the microwave as the timer beeps. “Shoot.” He replies, gently dumping the popcorn into the big plastic bowl. He’s kind of proud of himself for keeping this calm when he feels so on edge.
“Stop me if I cross the line or anything,” That’s never a good start to a sentence…
Eddie’s voice lowers in volume, but his tone grows in confidence. There’s something else to it, amusement…satisfaction maybe, Steve can’t quite place it. But he doesn’t like it.
Amber eyes meet a honey brown. Steve’s not sure how many seconds pass before he hears Eddie say:
“How long have you and (Y/n) been fucking?”
Well, fuck.
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fluffyprettykitty · 1 year
nsfw alphabet
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Pairing: Sam Wilson x female reader (no specifications)
Word Count: 2200 words
Warnings: pretty much everything, ejaculations, penetration, sex toys, oral sex, exhibitionism, lingerie kink, humiliation kink, daddy kink, oral fixation, size difference. if I missed anything major please let me know!
Author’s Note: Here it is! thank you all for voting in my poll and if you see something interesting let me know so we can expand it! :)
PS: dividers & banners by @saradika
Main Masterlist ・❥・ Sam Wilson Masterlist
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A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
Sam loves taking care of you, he likes showering you and caressing you while doing so before returning you to bed with him. Drying your hair and your skin with a soft blanket and then tenderly applying lotions on both of you, he never stops praising you and being soft and tender with you. He loves cuddling you and acting like the big spoon engulfing you inside his embrace & keeping you warm. He is also a big pajama wearer ever since moving to Washington dc so he dresses you in them as well. He completely adores you and he makes sure to take his time showing his devotion and admiration to you.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
His favorite body part of his are his hands, especially his fingers, he knows what kind of effect they have on you and he loves driving you wild with them, the possibilities are endless. Although he is also pretty much a cock guy. When it comes to a lover, Sam is mostly an ass guy but he is also into breasts as much as any guy, all in all, his favorite parts of a woman are her mouth and lips, loves getting kissed and caressed, and all the soft things.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
Sam loves shooting his cum inside you and watching it spill out slowly, he also loves feeding you his cum with his fingers and when he finishes a blowjob he headlocks your head in for maximum effect. Sometimes he also loves painting you with his cum and shooting it all over your breasts just to make you lick it all again. He is also known to something leaving marks on your clothes for you to find later, just cause.
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self-explanatory)
Sam's dirty secret is that he is into humiliation for you, he would take it to the extreme but he respects you too much for it. If he could parade around nude with a collar on a leash he would be happy. he loves knowing that he'd own you completely but only during the act and he loves it the more teary-eyed you are.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
Sam is an experienced man, there's almost nothing he hasn't tried yet as he is very adventurous and always up for new things. He knows how to do everything you ask of him and he loves pleasing your wishes. He loves finding out your body and meeting your needs and suppressing your expectations to the max.
F= Favorite position
On your back of course, holding your hands together and slamming his whole body onto yours, followed closely by missionary just to watch you struggle underneath him and your tummy bulge and lastly, he loves it when you are riding his face, one first around his cock, another hand on your clit rubbing.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
He can become very goofy during sex especially when he wants to tease you and makes the most obscure references to things while doing so. He will mock you in a joking way & he's rarely serious about it. The only times he is serious during the act is when he's feeling grief or something intense during an unsolved mission for instance.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
Sam is the most well-groomed man in the world, he loves his showers, he loves his lotions & his oils. He always smells incredible and he takes care of himself in every was possible.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
Sam is very much a romantic intimate guy. He will stop to make a love confession to you, kiss your face, call you pretty, recall a past action of yours he particularly adored and mostly he will make you feel as loved and secure as ever before. Worshipping you comes naturally to him and as vocal as he is he won't stop praising you. Even when he gets rough or punishing he never fails to you beautiful and sexy.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
Sam only masturbates on late-night overseas calls with you or when you are getting punished by him. During calls he is more desperate and goes faster at it with his big hand wrapped around his girthy cock, stroking himself with precum falling off his fingers so deliciously. At the other times though he does it more slowly, caressing his veins in such a teasing way that his own cock twitches for more attention. He also does have a fleshlight but he uses it more rarely.
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
Sam likes the thrill of almost getting caught, not that he'd ever allow you to be exposed to anything because he's just that good but he loves knowing that five minutes before guests are supposed to arrive, you are at the decorated dinner table getting eaten out. Also, he is known to be slipping fingers inside you during conversations with people knowing people would never manage to point it out. And of course the daddy thing which is the first kink of his you ever find out because he does refers to him like that during the act.
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
Sam loves getting you alone in the shower, ever since you met him you have never taken a shower or a bath on your own, he always shows up. Another favorite place of his is the car, especially for blow jobs because he says it gives him the chance to prove how good of a driver he is but he also loves fingering you in the car. Another favorite place of his is the dinner table, either on it or against it.
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
Clothes are what motivates him, the way they hang on your body, the way you walk, the way you smell, the way you might repeat an action that entices him. He is extremely observant so he always has his eyes on you somehow observing all of your micro-expressions. During the act what makes him more feral are the sounds of your wet pussy and when those first mantras of daddy begin to fall off your lips, that's when he gets brutal and needy himself.
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
Sam doesn't have many turnoffs. He would never do anything you wouldn't want to do and he would always stop the minute you'd ask him to. He would listen to you.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
Sam is a king at pussy eating, he loves using both the tip and the flat of his tongue to maximize your pleasure. He holds your thighs down and goes to town in such a way that will have you shaking again and again. He loves sucking on the clit like a lollipop, he likes using his fingers along with his tongue to make you squirm and he enjoys slurping up all of your juices, cleaning you completely. Now when it comes to receiving he loves a partner who tries to deep throat because let's be real that thing is huge you will choke yourself on it no matter how hard you try but that's one of the things he loves the most. Sometimes he might even use your mouth as a resting place for his cock. Overall he loves oral sex both for giving and receiving and he loves it most when he does it in a semi-public setting.
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
Sam is fast but he prefers it slow. He only picks up the pace when he needs to make you go crazy. He could last all night if you let him and once a week he loves taking off the whole day just to fuck you in any position possible, it's what motivates him better.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
Quickies are not the preferred for Sam, he loves taking his time and overstimulating and edging you at the same time, so for him a quickie could only happen if he was that desperate for you, hasn't seen you in a while and needs you immediately or in a public setting (family dinner in the bathroom, club sex, dressing room quickie)
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
Sam loves taking risks. There's almost nothing he wouldn't want to try, together or on you or on himself. The minute he finds out about something new he would love to try it out with you. Sam is always up for a good experience, he says it builds character, especially on himself.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
Sam can last a LOT. He loves taking his time, quickies are not his favourites, so one pussy eating session could turn into an hour-long affair, a fucking could turn into cockwarming, and back into fucking without him ever losing his hard-on. And even if it does he gets it up pretty quickly. All in all, he loves lasting and dragging out his time, wanting to completely savor the experience. So each round of his would preferably be around 30 minutes up to an hour.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
He is pretty much game with any sex toy. He would love to use your vibrator on you just to test you out or to stimulate you, he would use an anal plug just for you to feel some kind of double penetration and he wouldn't mind a cock ring himself. He is also into any kind of accessory, including handcuffs, ropes & masks. As a gadget man, he wouldn't mind even toying with a vibrator to turn into a remote control object turned by his voice.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
Sam is a huge teaser. He would touch at any opportunity, smack your ass, squeeze your breast if he can, tease your neck. He'd even lick his fingers to cite a reaction out of you, he would low whisper close to your ear, he'd grunt in a way that would make you jump at him and mostly he would do anything in his position not to leave you alone at all.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
Sam can be quite loud with his barite grunts and the way he curses during the act. He tends to be more talkative when he's teasing and right before he starts fucking you, after that he focuses on the sounds because he loves hearing it when he slams inside you, that slapping sound and the sound of wet pussy makes him wild. He tends to also ask you a lot of questions because he likes overstimulating his partner and mostly he moans when you blow him off, maybe the only time during the act he's not that talkative. He also likes groaning every time he enters you.
W= Wild card (random sin cannon of any sort)
Sam is so incredibly into getting his fingers sucked, he loves mouth training and having a partner that has an oral fixation like that, he loves a partner that prefers letting him take control for the most part. He is also very into masturbating with your lingerie although that would be a little bit harder for him to admit. He definitely has one drawer full of your own underwear.
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
Sam has a very muscular and well-toned body. His workouts are intense and he participates in all kinds of sports. His huge biceps are the result of weight lifting and his incredible stamina comes from his active lifestyle. He's also incredibly well-endowed and leaves anyone begging for it. His cock is girthy and uncut, full of veins with an almost aggressive tip.
Y= Yearning (sex drive level)
Sam possesses a medium sex drive, as a former soldier he is very disciplined and very in control of his emotions and actions so he never slips but when he needs he can become pretty unpredictable. Sam is after all a spontaneous kind of person. So depending on his object of lust his sex drive increases.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
Sam is a big cuddler so he prefers wrapping his arms around you and bringing you close to him before he falls asleep, preferably with his nose buried inside your hair. The peaceful sound of you breathing in your sleep is what drifts him off to sleep, he is a very much a doing things together so he loves it when you fall asleep together after sex.
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oriley42 · 1 month
long time reader, first time caller! i just read all of “adventures in polyamory” after watching approximately 3 episodes with amber in them, and it breaks my heart that you made me fall in love with her wilson-style (with reckless immediacy) while the way she’s depicted in the show is so…woman written in the 2000’s…so i’m here to shake a tin cup and ask for any amber headcanons you’d be willing to share
hello and welcome from KZ-HouseMD, the radio station for all your hatecrime-hits! ;) <3
loving Amber is so painful and so worth it; we will punch through the Noughties' misogyny together babes 🌈
headcanons and over-explanations ahoy!!
Amber's got a WASP-y background, and has spent her life both living up to and rejecting these standards. Unlike Wilson, who is delusionally attached to the idea of being Good and Normal but is unhappy living the reality, Amber recognizes that these concepts are absurd performances HOWEVER she logically recognizes that they come with benefits--and she wants those. "Love and respect" seemed impossible, because respect comes with being the best according to society's rules, and love couldn't survive that stifling environment. Now, she can hold on to the respect she craves: money enough to feel safe, wearing pearls and skirts to look proper and upper-middle-class femme, having a handsome-doctor-man-partner, an MD of her own + also still be herself, including un-ladylike cruelty, dishonesty, being part of House's chaotic evil orbit, sexual freedom, atheism, etc.
Amber has spent 110% of her life trying to get enough success to feel safe and stable and happy, so she hasn't developed interests and hobbies because who has time for that give me another coffee and another go at that medical text
Related: Amber hates everything about organized sports, but if she had the time and a friend (*cough* Thirteen) she could be one of those sapphics who gets incredibly obsessed with a women's soccer team or the WNBA
Also related: a sufficiently "productive" hobby I think she'd love is antiquing. Waking up at six AM to drive three hours and wait outside an estate sale and then barge in and make a grab for that antique bureau, fighting off old ladies and viciously snarling down the price--bloodsport for classy femmes!
Amber is a basic chocolate girlie. Caramel is a close follow-up. Vanilla is fine, and she'll pretend to like fancy amaretto or pistachio flavors etc but really she would prefer an Oreo. (Or two...) She will eat max veggies for Health tm and the spiciest food to prove she is Tough tm but really just wants a grilled cheese. A chicken nugget. A spaghetti. Food sensitivities + eating disorder, though she'll only barely cop to the latter, and will not be exploring the former thank you very much she's fine
Amber gets along well with older kids, where she can take on the role of Cool Babysitter, but I think she's secretly a little terrified of being left alone with the tiny incomprehensible, breakable ones, who don't follow the social contract yet and rely on her (!) for self preservation
Amber is naturally a night owl, but medical-land is all early bird, so she's mainly been sleep deprived for the last decade, since she refuses to have a 10 PM bedtime just because she has to get up at 5 AM to make her shift.
Amber's not that interested in fiction ("who has time for that in this reality?") but she ironically enjoys rom-coms for the absurdity, the laugh factor, and the easy comfort of a formula + unironically enjoys action movies because she likes seeing people get punched in the face repeatedly
Amber should take Taekwondo lessons so she can beat the ever-loving shit out of people for fun, and maybe she will after she realizes that the Lulu Lemons in her yoga classes are unbearable, and instead befriend some weirdos gathering at the local gym to spar (Wilson would think this is a great and very attractive idea, House would be annoyed+scared+horny because jesus now he has to wear an athletic cup full-time or she'll crush his nuts for target practice, won't she, c'mon Wilson it's not funny)
okay hitting the brakes here before this gets so long it demands a read-more! 😜 thanks for the ask <333
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measureformeasure · 2 years
Hey June! I was wondering, what medias/books would you recommend for a person wanting to get into the ancient greek classics? The Iliad/Odyssey/Aeneid stories fascinate me, but as there are so many versions and translations and retellings, I don't really know where to start. How did you get into them?
hey anon! I feel mildly underqualified to answer this as I actually haven’t read the Iliad or Odyssey or all of the Aeneid but I will do my best (i’m working on it! promise! iliad is up next and i’m gonna read it and i’m gonna go crazyinsane)
firstly you should totally read the original texts. remember that they aren’t The One True Story, they’re just written-down versions of wobbly cultural stories that change from person to person. and you don’t have to read them before reading retellings or adaptation but it’s good to read them fairly close together. just read what you wanna read. the bit of the Aeneid I read was translated by Robert Fagles, and I’ve heard Emily Wilson’s Odyssey is good. my friend Theo @fifthlydoyoudream recommends E. V. Rieu’s Argonautica translation, if you wanna read that. poetry in translation has decent translations of most plays i’ve tried to find, and that’s nice because it’s online and super accessible.
the way I first got into the greek classics was reading Anne Carson’s An Oresteia, which is Agamemnon, Elektra, and Orestes. it’s a really great intro because Anne Carson’s translations are just fantastic & it’s one play from each of the three big greek tragedy-writers & it’s a pretty well-contained story so you don’t need much context - you could read Iphigenia at Aulis first but that’s not really necessary. (confusingly there is also The Oresteia, which is different). if you can find an Anne Carson translation of a play you should totally read that one. that’s my rule of thumb. I always recommend Antigone too - it’s also fairly self-contained and it makes me crazyinsane. Anne Carson has two translations, they’re both good - Antigonick is better if you have a little context beforehand in my opinion. also Oedipus the King/Oedipus Rex is good.
tbh what i recommend is just following characters or stories that you like and seeing where that gets you. like i’m having a pretty intense house of atreus moment atm but i still barely know who penelope is because i haven’t read the odyssey. who is penthesilea? still do not know. but don’t get overwhelmed by the amount of stuff out there!! it can be a little scary but wikipedia is your friend and also you do not have to know everything.
and some adaptations/retellings:
Lavinia by Ursula K. le Guin is an adaptation/retelling of the Aeneid from Lavinia’s point of view and it is very very good.
Luis Alfaro’s Greek Trilogy are play adaptations of Oedipus Rex, Elektra, and Medea set in modern-day LA with a Latino cast and it is so fucking good it makes me want to bite glass and explode. you can find oedipus el rey by googling but the other ones might be a bit more annoying to find
Iphigenia and the Furies (on Taurian Land) by Ho Ka Kei is a good deconstruction of the colonialist nature of Iphigenia among the Taurians, and it is also absurdly hilarious, so I recommend. I read it before I read the play it adapts and I was fine but it is good to have context.
i’m having an iphigenia moment anyway i also recommend Iphigenia at Zero by Lisa Schlesinger if you get into iphigenia’s story.
I’m like 15 pages in to Cassandra by Christa Wolf and I am thoroughly enjoying it so far
Antigone directed by Sophie Deraspe is a great French Canadian adaptation of Antigone in the modern day I really like it
and who would i be if i didn’t recommend max @goose-books‘s godsong, aka the aeneid (among other things) with lesbians
also. note on adaptation - a lot of adaptations i have read flatten the morality of these plays into good and bad. i think that’s dumb. let them be shitty, adaptations!
ok thats all good luck brave soldier o7
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Problems With The Heart
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Greg House x Dr Anna Harding (OFC)
Story Masterlist
Chapter 6 - LA Calling
‘Have you told House?’ Cuddy asked as I looked over the assignment in her office.
‘No.’ I said, trying not to be interested.
‘Have you even spoken to him since the surgery?’
‘A few times.’ I nodded and stood up.
‘Anna.’ Cuddy stopped me. ‘If you’re going to be away for any length of time, he should know.’
‘Because…’ Cuddy sighed, exasperated. ‘Because he loves you.’
‘It’d be nice if he could say that.’ I was annoyed and knew I shouldn’t have said it, but it didn’t matter.
I took the assignment up to my office. It was to help out at a cardio research centre in LA, I was requested by the research head as they had some war veterans coming in. It could be up to six months I was away.
I had a lot to think about and a lot to deal with. I wasn’t sure whether I should have told House about what I was considering, but I also wanted to run away from him.
‘You okay?’ House answered the phone and I hesitated for a moment before answering.
‘There’s a cardiology research centre opening up in LA,’ I said it quickly. ‘They’ve asked me to head over there and help out with setting up some of the trials, it could take up to six months.’
House stayed silent for a moment. ‘Are you going?’
‘I don’t know yet. I’ve got a week to decide.’ I told him.
‘Do you want to go?’
I sucked in a deep breath. ‘Give me a reason to stay.’
House was silent for a few more moments.
‘I leave in a week, I’ll be back in four months.’ I said, letting myself breathe steadily. ‘I’ll come by before I go.’
I hung up and wondered how much I meant it when I said I’d visit.
‘She’s going to LA.’ Wilson confirmed.
‘For four months, six max.’ Cuddy confirmed.
‘What about House?’
Cuddy shrugged helplessly, there was nothing she could do. There was nothing anyone could do.
Once the week was up, House went over to Anna’s apartment. He knocked on the door and listened to the sounds of her answering.
‘You said you’d see me before you left.’ He said as she opened the door.
‘Yeah, I know.’ She stood to one side to let him in. ‘I’m sorry, I’ve been busy packing up and getting things ready for the move.’
House looked around and her whole apartment was packed up.
‘You’re moving.’
‘I told you I was. I’m renting out my apartment, putting everything in storage while I’m gone.’ She explained, closing the door. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t come over, I wanted to, but… honestly I didn’t know what to say.’
‘You’re going to be gone for six months.’
‘It might only be four.’
‘It’ll be six, I know you and I know you won’t want to leave unless you know you can’t do anymore to help.’ He said and the expression of guilt confirmed his theory. ‘I don’t understand what I did wrong.’
‘You didn’t do anything wrong, because I was never expecting you to do anything at all.’ Anna sighed, she stepped up to him, placing her hand on his chest. ‘This was supposed to be fun, we hang out, we like each other, the sex is great,’ she smiled widely, making him feel good about his own performance and he could see she meant it. ‘It was supposed to be a distraction.’
House looked down at her pretty blue eyes and saw that they were getting darker the longer he stared at her.
‘You leave tomorrow morning?’ He asked. Anna nodded. ‘Last chance for fun.’ He made her giggle and it was enough for him to take it as a yes. He helped her finish packing some stuff, ending in her bedroom where she packed her suitcase.
Once she was done, House didn’t hesitate. He kissed her the way she liked, undressed her slowly, he ran his mouth over every patch of skin he could reach, he listened to her heavy groans and finally, lifted her body against the wall. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he took a moment before lowering her body onto him. She was beautiful and he’d fallen in love with her, somehow his brain had told him if he just stayed like this, then she would never leave for LA and they could be together, but it was never going to happen.
‘I don’t want you to go.’ He said after she’d come around him, testing his resilience.
‘It’s a bit late for that, Greg.’ She half laughed. ‘I’ll be back before you know it.’ She kissed him and House felt his knees weaken. He moved them to the bed, holding her body around his and slowly started making love to her, he kissed her softly, he made her come again and he told her she was beautiful.
He showered when they were done and came back to find her lightly sleeping, not quite asleep, she needed him to hold her. House memorised the feel of her body, six months was too long to be without her.
If you liked this, please consider supporting me ☕ thanks for reading!
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crazysnor1ax · 2 years
Do you have any more headcanons? I would love to see them and you seem to love sharing them!
Yeah absolutely!!! Round two!!
He’s actually really close with Jack, despite how far they lived from each other. They wrote each other letters frequently while Max was still William, so-to-speak.
Max was the fun uncle! He’d bring Abby and Wendy small gifts every time he’d visit.
Relating to the above headcanon, he was devastated when he had to bring them into the Constant, but part of him was okay with it because he knew he could give Wendy Abby back. He was happy that she was finally happy again.
Has a raging sweet tooth
He’s actually a pretty good cook, but lost his spark once the fame and the Codex got to him. Sometimes he’ll comment on Warly’s cooking and ask him how he did it, to the confusion and amazement of other survivors
This one needs a lot of explanation so bear with me: in the movie Klaus, there’s a scene with these two families that are supposed to hate each other. One mom brings the other freshly picked berries as a sort of aggressive act of kindness, and the mom of the other family returns it by making the other family a berry pie. That whole situation is Maxwell and Willow’s relationship; they act like they don’t like each other but are actually decently good friends. Though they don’t let their past actions together influence them, it HAS brought them together
Like everyone else I headcanon they used they/them as a human
Actually really likes Wendy! They admire her apathy and “realism” towards life. They act like they don’t care for her but every other survivor notices the abnormal amount of time they spend with her
Is easily the smartest one in the entire group of survivors next to Wickerbottom. Wilson envies their knowledge of machinery and they often mock him for his lack of such
The only human they truly trust is Winona, and she’s the only one they will allow to repair them when they can’t repair themself. They probably talk about machinery and engineering stuff a lot
They probably miss being able to indicate their tone with their voice lmao
Mom of the group
If the kids aren’t assisting the adults with anything, she will volunteer so fast to babysit them
Reads all the kids bedtime stories! Those that want them anyway *coughwendycough*
Speaking of which, she basically sees Wendy as her own grandkid
Spends a lot of time gardening with Wormwood
I imagine if she doesn’t have anything to do she likes to sew toys or blankets for the kids, should resources allow
We don’t talk about her relationship with Willow
Does not at all like to be separated from the other survivors. She will not do solo stuff, she has to have someone there with her. They don’t have to be doing the same thing she’s doing, but Winona likes having someone safe and sound beside her.
Isn’t the best with kids at all, but loves having them around
Has a surprisingly deep friendship with the Wickerbottom. They just like to chat about life a lot! I like to think that Winona doesn’t get much sleep herself in the Constant and has late night chats with Wick while she stays up
As protective as she is with others, she cannot wield an actual weapon to save her life and has to rely on her catapults or everyone else
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whatsabriard · 2 years
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Hart to Hart 1x00 - Pilot
Jennifer: I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that if you kiss me, I'll get all mushy and then i'll say....I can see it in your eyes.
Jonathan: No, I'm not thinking that. I know that you're stronger than that.
Jennifer: You bet I am. There's a lot of ice and steel in here when I wanna show it. Believe me, ice and steel. *a kiss* Zero. What did I tell you? Jonathan: You love me. You can't get along without me. You're crazy about me. Jennifer: You have been mildly amusing to be with from time to time. Jonathan: You love me no matter what. Jennifer: I could break your heart any time I wanted to. Jonathan: Even if I left you and went away for years, I'd be the only man in your life. Jennifer: Freddie Wilson has always had the hots for me. I'd call him up in a shot. Jonathan: Even if I was boring. Jennifer: Jonathan, this is doing absolutely nothing for me. I thought you said just one kiss. Jonathan: Even if I was a liar. *serious kiss* Jennifer: OK what the hell. Let's stay. So we'll die together, Max will probably bury us.
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atlantablack · 2 years
“Three” Fics Tag Game
Rules: Recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is “most popular” and 2 that are “hidden gems!"
Thank you for the tag @queerofthedagger <3 (this has apparently been in my drafts since October??? and i'm baffled as to how that happened)
1. fighting with time, so we take shots in the dark
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson | 2,159 | Gen | no archive warnings apply
See, the thing, is that Eddie knows he’s always too fucking intense about people. Knows that this would be a problem even if he were apple pie, picket fence straight as the rod they smack you with in church. Knows it’s even more of a problem considering the only straight thing about him is his spine, and even that’s starting to curve under the weight of this week.
He knows all of this. He does.
It doesn't stop him from wanting Steve anyways.
note: My favorite steddie fic I have posted and i think the most popular, it's just very !!! I like the way I got Eddie's voice down
2. sorry about the blood in your mouth
Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes | 4,760 | Gen | no archive warnings apply
Steve Rogers crashes back into his life on a humid July day. Drips blood all over their front porch, and smiles at them like he’d never fucking left. Bucky goes painfully still, all the shadows of his past suddenly thick around him where minutes ago there’d been nothing but sunbeams outlining his body. Sam’s entire mind blanks out, tunes into the wrong station, and comes back with nothing but static. Doesn’t know how to process the blue of Steve’s eyes, the dirty star on the front of a suit Sam had thought he’d never see again.
“What the fuck,” he says flatly, watches Steve waver, and can’t even bring himself to raise his hands. “You’re looking awful young for someone who fucked off to another universe.”
Steve’s smile flickers, a candle going out, and then, in true Steve Rogers fashion, he passes out on the porch before he can give them an explanation.
notes: I just like it, I like how messy it is and how it fixes things and also doesn't fix anything at all
3. we've made a graveyard out of the bone white afternoon
Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington | 6,205 | T+ | Major Character Death
“Hargrove,” he says, stepping forward until the bat just barely grazes skin. “Get. Out.” He wants to throw up. He wants to go to bed. Wants to pull the covers over his head and break down crying like he did last year, sobbing until he throws up because he can’t stop remembering the way it’d felt when skin gave way beneath a bat full of nails.
That had been a monster and still, he hadn’t been able to sleep for days. Billy’s warm and alive and furious, he thinks maybe he’d never sleep again.
Billy’s eyes are storm clouds at dusk when he takes the last step, the bat digging into his chest, and says, “Make me. You don’t have the fucking guts, Harrington.”
Steve breathes in deeply, chances one glance at the kids, counts, one two three four. They’re still there, still huddled together. Max’s face is an ugly shade of red and Dustin has a fist pressed to his mouth. He breathes out, looks at Billy, at his red mouth, and imagines what it would look like if he— but he can’t. He knows he can’t.
There are no apologies in this story until the ink is running thin.
notes: Personally, I'm obsessed with the way i formatted this to weave the richard siken poetry into the fic so that it's part of the fic. I'm also just proud of the writing and at how much it made my friends scream at me :) i've never been so genuinely told "fuck you" by them before and I love it
tagging: @magicinavalon @kairenn-n @alchemistc @yammz @nextstopparis @feuxx @patchworkgargoyle
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Stay or Go- Billy Hargrove x OC
Billy Hargrove x Jenna Wilson
Description: Graduation is nearing for Billy and Jenna. With graduation comes the beginning of the rest of their lives, and to start that, they have to think about their future. That includes their future together. What happens when Billy wants to go back to California but Jenna isn’t sure yet?
Word Count: 1.9k
Ever since Billy had arrived at Hawkins he had been talking about how he was going back to California the second he graduated, never to look back on Hawkins again. When he and Jenna talked about their futures, Billy always pictured himself ‘back home.’ The Golden State was his home, not Indiana. Jenna always brushed it off because they still had a while until they graduated. 
Now, graduation was only a month away. And as it grew closer, Jenna was becoming more and more worried. With graduation comes the beginning of the rest of their lives, and to start that, they had to think about their future. That included their future together. Billy had begun putting his plan into action. He’d been saving up money since his family moved to Hawkins and he was beginning to divy it up for what he’d need starting from the trip back to California to where he’d be living.
And Jenna? She had absolutely no plan yet. She didn’t know what she wanted to do, and she especially didn’t know if she could leave Hawkins, the place that she literally grew up, behind. She was scared of the thought that they would have to break up after high school because she could actually see a future with him.
But, at the same time, she wouldn’t dare let herself hold him back from going somewhere that he’s happy. After all he’d been through with his father, he deserved happiness. Not to mention everything that he went through with the Upside Down. And yet, she also selfishly wanted to be with him. 
Jenna had been thinking about it nonstop, and she knew that it was beginning to affect her everyday life. She wasn’t as lively as she usually was, especially with how excited every other senior was. While her friends talked about how they got accepted into the college of their dreams or how they’d be taking a leap year, Jenna would just nod along happily. She was happy that her friends were doing what they wanted, that they had decided what they wanted to do with their lives. 
She also knew that Billy knew that something was wrong, but he wouldn't ask her about it while they were in school. Instead he waited until they were alone. They were sitting in his car one evening as they waited for Max to come out of the arcade, where she’d been hanging out with her friends. Jenna had been staring out the window absentmindedly when Billy interrupted the peaceful silence. 
“So, do you wanna tell me what’s been going on lately?” He asked, which made her look at him. She instantly knew what he was talking about, which made a sense of panic shoot through her. But, she still attempted to maintain a cool exterior, so she shrugged. 
“Just been thinking a lot,” she answered simply. 
“About what?” 
“The future.” 
“Our future?” When Jenna looked at him,  he raised an inquisitive eyebrow at her. She nodded silently. 
“And my future in general,” she added. 
“Have you figured out what you’re gonna do?” The girl shot him an awkward smile as she shook her head. 
“Not yet.” She didn’t have to look at Billy to know that he understood that there was something else. And he didn’t take long to piece things together. 
“You know, the offer to come with me is still up,” he mentioned softly. That’s right, as he implied, Billy previously proposed that she come with him to California when he finally left. At the time she said she’d need to think about it, but that was almost two months ago. She still hadn’t given him an answer. 
“I know,” Jenna muttered quietly, gaze falling to her lap. A small sigh left Billy’s lips, and she heard him shift in his seat to look at her. 
“Jenna, what’s really going on?” The girl visibly hesitated, but spoke before her boyfriend could open his mouth again. 
“What happens if I decide that I don’t want to go to California? What would happen then?” She almost flinched as she asked the question, hoping that she hadn’t come off as harsh or anything. It took just about all of her strength to finally look at him. Billy looked surprised by her inquiry, eyebrows almost to his hairline in shock. 
“What are you saying? Do you not want to go?”
“I don’t know,” she answered immediately. “Like, I know that you’ve been dreaming of going back to California since you moved here. And it’s not like I blame you because your life has pretty much been hell ever since. Anyone would be happy to get out of this godforsaken town and its awful Upside Down counterpart.” 
“But?” Billy urged gently. 
“But, moving across the country is a huge step, especially for two kids freshly out of high school,” she continued. I mean, I grew up in Hawkins. It’s all I’ve ever known and the thought of leaving it in the dust is almost kinda scary to think about. And yet I’m terrified that the two of us potentially being in different states might affect our relationship and things will become awkward then we’ll have problems which will lead to fighting then we’ll eventually have to break up and I just-” 
Jenna was in hysterics by the end of her rant. And it was no wonder, she was projecting what happened to her parents onto them. Tears welled up in her eyes but she didn’t realize she’d begun crying until a tear fell from her chin and hit her hand, which sat in her lap. She sniffled then shook her head. 
“I don’t think I’d be able to take that because you’re way too important to me. I honestly love you and I see a future with you.” The very thought of them having to break up brought on so much distress that she felt herself becoming overwhelmed, and she was helpless to stop it. Her tears were the final straw for Billy. He leaned over and grabbed her hands. His actions made Jenna look up at him once again. 
“That won’t happen to us, Jenna,” he started, voice one hundred percent serious. A weak scoff escaped the girl before she could stop it, which motivated him to continue. 
“Nothing - and I mean nothing - could ever break us up. If you asked to go to California with me, I’d tell you to start packing because I’m leaving the day after graduation. If you asked me to stay in Hawkins until you were ready, then I would. Even if you’re never ready, I would stay. You are the only reason I’d stay in this stupid town. Sure, I’d have everything in Cali, but I wouldn’t have you. And that’s the worst thing I can imagine. No matter what, I’m staying by your side for it.” 
His speech made Jenna tear up all over again, though it was for a happier reason this time. She couldn’t help but feel touched that he was willing to stay somewhere that he was so unhappy just for her. But, she wouldn’t make a decision just yet. She needed a clear head to think things through thoroughly. So, she simply nodded and used her free hand to wipe away any rogue tears. 
“I need some time to think about it,” she said softly. Billy seemed to accept her response. 
“Take all the time you need,” he answered simply. They shared a small smile then leaned over for a quick kiss before settling back into her seat. Just moments later they were scared by the back passenger door opening. Max clambered in and sat her bag beside her. When no one spoke at first the younger girl looked between them curiously. 
“Did I miss something?” 
Finally, the momentous day finally came. Graduation had finally arrived for the seniors of Hawkins High. Jenna was both excited and nervous about it. She was finally getting out of high school and starting her life. Her hands were practically shaking as she and her fellow graduates took their seats in the auditorium of the school, where their families were. 
The ceremony was so boring that Jenna thought she was about to fall asleep during Principal Higgin’s “inspirational” speech talking about how proud he was. After his speech came the valedictorian and the class president’s speeches. Theirs were a bit more bearable, but they were still something she’d heard a million times before from other graduations. 
Finally, a  school counselor stepped up to the podium and began the diploma presentation. They did it by rows, which was thankfully both convenient and quick. Once that was over, Principal Higgins stepped up to the podium again. He instructed the graduates to stand, which they did, then move their tassels from the right side of their cap to the left. A proud smile appeared on his face.
“Congratulations, Hawkins High School class of 1985,” he concluded. Immediately the graduates took off their caps and threw them into the air with a cheer. After Jenna found her cap she, along with the rest of the graduates, filed out of the auditorium and out to the front yard of the school to find their family and friends. She was on a mission though, she was trying to look for Billy amongst the huge crowd. 
Along the way she found and hugged a few fellow graduates, namely some girls from the volleyball team as well as Ella Warner. Finally, after a little more searching, her eyes landed the familiar curly blonde mullet of her boyfriend. He spotted her at the same time, and a wide smile formed on his face as they simultaneously began making their way towards each other. 
They met each other in the middle. Jenna threw her arms around Billy’s neck, then she was surprised when he suddenly lifted her up in a hug, their noses now centimeters from each other. Jenna giggled uncontrollably until she was set down, then she hugged him again. 
“We did it,” she exclaimed into his ear. He would’ve been annoyed if he wasn’t equally as excited, so instead he just pressed a soft and chaste kiss to her lips. Once they pulled away their foreheads came together gently. 
“We did it,” Billy repeated, much quieter than her. Jenna nodded, then took a deep breath, eyes falling closed when she spoke again. 
“I want to go with you,” she muttered. That was all she needed to say because he knew exactly what she was talking about: California. Her eyes opened after she spoke and she was met with his wide smile. 
“Are you serious?” He asked, trying to contain his excitement as if waiting for confirmation. All she had to do was nod and she was lifted off the ground in yet another hug, which made another giggle tear from her lips. 
“I love you,” he proclaimed upon setting her down, earning a grin from the girl. 
“I love you too.”
The next day, just as promised, Billy and Jenna prepared to leave. Billy had pulled into her driveway right at 10:00 a.m. and helped her bring her stuff to his car. All their friends as well as Jenna’s mother Molly, Max and Susan Hargrove were there to wish them goodbye. It was a tearful farewell for Jenna because, as previously stated, her entire life was here. Nevertheless, they made it brief and the couple climbed into the car. 
As they pulled out of the driveway everyone else waved to them. Jenna waved back with an excited smile until they were off her street, then she faced forward. And with that, they were off to California to really start their lives together.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
Wade Wilson sentenced to death and mysterious Hand Signal to Jury #wadew...
Just sending a hand signal to his people to eliminate the jury and the judge and everyone else. And he is a clone and he is guilty of homicide I'm quite a few people you said I need you to escape to burning Man I said what the hell are you talking about burning Man and he said you got to be s******* me and said the other side is this color and he said you have to be s******* me do you have to let those people go you're hurting a whole bunch of people just like these idiots if you get out they pursue you no harm no foul I mean they're doing the wrong thing again hey you're right yeah and you must be Wade Wilson's and who do you think that is I don't know you like a lieutenant or something it's not who he is but he figured out what you're saying so he's going along with it and he says and he's working on it hey we had a reference to us but he's not capable of doing it and he is still stuck in there so he's getting this message and is understanding it so he's moving out and he says don't forget the deal he says I won't and he sees the devil doing something horrible to Trump and it started to figure it out so now we have a program cuz these people are going to try and kill them in prison and it's not fair to our son and a bunch of jerks and they're going to realize that they're very wrong again
Thor Freya
How did you know it's me and I'm stuck in there so I didn't know it was you I just talked to the guy and he didn't seem like he was unjustified and that's why I heard you it's a bunch of trusters and they somehow you if you pinned and people know where you are and there's a mission and you're going to want to go on it cuz that's where the academy is academy they going to drive a grab a huge army of this s*** is and flush I'm thinking of want to know what it is too they are going to want to know when it is too and I say this you're right and we're moving out soon
What can he do for us but he goes up and figures it out we can't figure out what you're talking about but I know what you're saying there's a big deposit there and there's one over there when you mix it together with maybe something else to become something else and we're moving on it now but I do know what you're saying he knows the area and he knows what's up there and there's certain things looking for I get that they shouldn't be doing this to each other we're going to die we're going to die up there if I Max and that's right they come out like you guys said that experience and we thank you for the help this is going to suck just think it's my son possibly good for you I'm out of here
Could be your son could be we don't have images that show earlier that's a lot of fun this is going to be hell
Olympus I think there was a recent war and there was and Giants were running around
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rottown · 2 years
HIII Paes here , just wanted to say i love your art so much, im glad to see you're back on tumblr, i hope you've been well ^^. if i have to ask something, and it is essential, what are some of your maxwil headcanons??
HI! thats great to hear, thank you so much!!! ive been a-okay 🤍
as for headcanons, i dont have much regarding them. its moreso just a vague perception of their relationship and character rather than specific headcanons, buuut i do have a few that are not so vague:
- Their relationship blurs the line of friendship and romance. as such, looking at the two together from an outside (other survivor) perspective makes it hard to pinpoint what it is they are. however, despite the public ambiguity, the two are borderline mushy in privacy.
- speaking of which, maxwell loves to sing his praises, and wilson is eager to soak up said acknowledgement of his ‘accolades’. like wilson patching up max after a particularly-nasty hound attack, or on the subject of his newest ‘scientific breakthrough’. maxwell will compliment these things in privacy… albeit in his own maxwellian way (although i image this one to be much later in their hypothetical relationship… and more self indulgent than anything!)
- As foils, they compliment eachother in many regards and bond over their similarities. the line could be drawn at the science/magic debacle, though their arguments on the topic read more as old-married-couple bickering
- They lament to the other over their shared experience of the throne; a somber recognition of what each man has gone through.
- Maxwell is guilt-ridden and not quite sure how to handle it at the best of times. He offers compensation in the form of flattery, and feels himself to be a burden at his lows. The feeling is particularly suffocating when Wilson is tasked with caring for him, for patching him up. There’s many shaky exhales, utterances of directionless apologies, and avoidance of eye contact. Wilson doesn’t view it as such; not anymore.
- Lastly, I think the two have a symbiotic work flow when they’re not in the throes of a petty argument. Gets shit done and capable of finishing eachothers’ sentences >x ]
Thats all for now! im sure i could think of more if given the time but my thoughts are muddled lol. heres a quick doodle of that second hc:
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samwilsonsbabymama · 2 years
“You’re right I did love you, I just can’t say the same now”
{You'll be coming back, back for seconds} from sweet but psycho by Ava Max
and for Sam Wilson!
I'm sorry I didn't read the rules well so😔😔😭😭
yeah... i made this angsty lol read at your own risk and no worry about the rules... they're more a guideline lol
You sat on your couch with your book on your lap. This wasn't the first time you'd been in this position, but it damn well will be the last.
you closed your book when you heard his key hit the lock and you adjusted your position as he came in.
you watched as he tossed his duffle bag on the ground and moved to flip on the light.
He was surprised to see that you were still up and waiting for him.
When the two of you got together, you thought that was it, but things change. People change, and Sam was not immune.
Sam took notice of the room the two of you were in, realizing that all of your nicknacks were gone.
he took a tentative step towards you and you stood.
"What's going on?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I'm leaving, Sam," you replied. "I didn't want you to come home to an empty house. I couldn't do that to you."
Sam took another step towards you but you moved away again.
"I thought you loved me," Sam cried.
"You’re right I did love you," your voice wavered as you moved towards the door. "I just can’t say the same now."
Sam rushed behind you. "You said you never leave!" he yelled.
You paused before you turned the handle on the door. "Sam," you said with a sigh, "you left long before I did."
You took a step through the door before turning to face him again.
"Don't follow me."
You heard the door close and made your way to your car to begin your life again. You knew it was only a matter of time before Sam found the two pictures that you left him; the sonogram of your baby and the picture of him huddled up with someone that wasn't you.
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
what about doing a steve x reader? maybe where the reader gets hurt during a mission by hydra?? just an idea!! xx
He’s Like a Brother to Me
Summary: Pretending to be a couple for a mission is normal, so why is your Captain so upset?
Warnings: being injured on a mission, kissing, a swear word or two
Word Count: 2202
a/n: My first request!! To the anon that requested this, thank you! I hope you like it :) Sorry if it's not angsty enough! I really tried, but once I got this idea in my head I ran with it. 
Also! I didn't do my normal tag list since y'all requested to be tagged when I was only writing Criminal Minds fics. Just lmk if you want to be tagged in marvel or CM or both!
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"The mission is simple. You two will go to the gala as newly weds, pretend to be interested in more than the charitable events of the evening, figure out the chain of command for the weapons dealing, and put a stop to the weapons dealing assholes." Tony laid out the plan as if nothing could go wrong.
You turned to the super soldier on your left, relieved to find a matching grimace on his face.
"We have to pretend to be a couple?" You asked, turning back to Tony.
"Yes. The invites we secured are for Mr. and Mrs. Farley, so you two will be Mr. and Mrs. Farley for the evening. Any other questions?" Before you could chime in with the 17 questions in your head, Tony kept talking. "I didn't think so. Your clothes have already been dropped off to your rooms, so get ready. You'll have Rogers and Wilson doing surveillance in case anything goes wrong." Without another word, Tony forced you and Bucky out of the room.
"I guess I'll see in an hour, husband." You tried to joke, but your smile didn't meet your eyes.
"Same to you, wife." Bucky's face held a similar expression as you both turned your separate ways to get ready for the gala, trying to put the awkwardness behind you.
You and Bucky have been incredibly close ever since he first came back from Wakanda. You became fast friends since you are both so close with Steve.
It was easier for Bucky to open up to you than he anticipated, and in part it's because you remind him of his sister. Similarly, Bucky is like the older brother you never had. The two of you mesh, in the most platonic of ways.
He is there to tease you about your not-so-secret crush on Steve, and your there to help Sam come up with more annoying nicknames (starBucks being one of your favorite to date).
When it comes down to it though, you look out for each other. Of course, that won't make pretending to be a couple any less awkward.
You and Bucky enter the gala just after 8:00 pm. The large hotel ballroom is lit up by three enormous chandeliers, spaced throughout the room, with small sconces lining the outside walls. There are round tables around the outside of the room, framing a large open space for dancing.
People are mingling in small groups scattered throughout the room, waitstaff wondering around the room in precise lines to ensure anyone who wants a drink has access to one.
With a deep breath, you link your arm with Bucky's, laughing at the surprised look on his face.
"We have to at least try to sell it." You whispered in his ear, trying to play it off as a cute couple-y thing. "Even if we'd both rather be anywhere else." That comment earned a laugh, easing the tension from his shoulders.
Steve's voice in your ears refocuses you on the mission. "We just got video feed from the security cameras, so we have eyes on you now." You would have sworn you could hear an unfamiliar strain in Steve's voice as he spoke, but you chalked it up to just being nervous for the mission. "Try to mingle, figure out who's in charge."
Mingling was easier said than done. Every time the two of you tried to talk to anyone, the conversation was awkward and tense. You just didn't know how to answer questions about falling in love with each other. Ultimately, you decided eavesdropping was your best bet. Bucky pulled you to the dance floor, whispering in your ear as he held you, "dancing is the perfect cover for moving around the room."
You nodded your head in response, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"What are you doing? I said to mingle, not dance." Steve's voice in your ears surprised you. Normally, he'd stay quiet unless he received intel that could help with the mission or noticed something for you to look into.
"We're listening to other conversations, relax punk." Bucky's voice was light as he spun you around, closer to the most suspicious people you've found thus far.  
"What time is it happening?" The woman seemed nervous as she checked her watch.
"A few minutes. Relax, we'll meet them down the hall at 8:45." The man was calm and collected as he took her hand, leading her across the dance floor and out of the room.
"Guess that's our cue." You stated the obvious as you and Bucky went to follow them out of the ballroom. The couple turned down a side hallway, pulled out a key card, and entered a room, about halfway down.
You and Bucky made quick work to reach the room, pausing outside to listen in. You heard the couple, along with an unfamiliar voice.
"Do you have them?" The unfamiliar voice asked.
"We do. They're hidden in another room down the hall." the woman again sounded nervous.
"You" the unfamiliar voice must have pointed at someone, "go get them. Your wife will stay here to keep me company. Make it quick, Hydra has more important things to do."
Yours and Bucky's eyes went wide at the mention of Hydra. This mission wasn't supposed to have anything to do with them. Before you could react, footsteps could be heard coming toward the door. You had a few seconds max to figure out a way to hide.
With no other options in sight, you pulled Bucky across the hallway into the world's most awkward kiss. When the door swung open, you pretended not to notice, too lost in your "relationship" to care.
The man you saw earlier walked a few doors down before entering another room. You pulled back from Bucky, wincing slightly at the expression on his face. "I'm so sorry, I couldn't think of anything else to do to make it look like we weren't listening..." You trailed off.
"No, no it's fine. It was the only option." Bucky cleared his throat, still slightly dazed and very thrown off.
"Could the two of you stop staring at each other and get back to work?' Steve's voice was again present in your ears, and this time he was definitely angry.
"Right! Right, of course. Let's go." You awkwardly pushed off the wall, moving down the hallway to the room you saw the man enter. On the count of three, you burst into the room together. It was easy enough to over power the lone man in the room, but you and Bucky were still a little shaken up after the kiss. You handcuffed him to the bedpost, taking the key card he used earlier and moving back down the hallway.
After a brief, awkward eye contact, Bucky opened the door with you rushing in behind him. The only two people in the room were the two you heard earlier, making for a fairly easy take down.
"Cap, we got 'em. Two in room 217 and one in room 223." You started to fill him and Sam in, unsure if they still had eyes on you. At that exact moment, three more Hydra agents ran in from an adjoining room, catching you off guard.
You yelped when the gun went off, surprised at the sudden noise after thinking the mission was over. You and Bucky managed to take down the three agents without much more difficulty.
"Scratch that Cap, five in room 217." You again began filling him in, but the room started spinning. Your voice was wavering when you collapsed, the last thing you heard a mixture of Steve's voice in your ear and Bucky's in person calling your name.
"Y/N!" Then everything faded to black.
"What the hell happened in there?" Steve and Bucky were standing just outside of the med bay. After you collapsed, Bucky realized you had been shot in the stomach. While other Shield agents came to collect the men you had stopped, Bucky carried you to the quinjet, meeting a pissed looking Steve at the door.
The two didn't talk at all during the short flight back to the compound. It wasn't until you were in the med bay receiving medical attention that Steve rounded on Bucky.
"There was never any indication that more agents were there. They caught us off guard! I didn't even realize she had been shot until after we had them contained." Bucky was beating himself up. He let his guard down, still trying to get over the lingering weirdness of you kissing him.
"Caught you off guard? Buck-" Before Steve could yell anymore, Dr. Cho came out to talk to them.
"Y/N will be fine. She lost a lot of blood, but she should recover relatively quickly. She'll likely wake up in the next half hour." Dr. Cho got straight to the point, trying to ease the nerves of the two super soldiers.
"Thank you so much. Thank you!" Bucky called over his shoulder as he ran into the room, planting himself by your side. He may be weirded out by the kiss, but he knows you were too. You're still like a little sister to him, nothing could stop him from being there for you when you wake up.
Steve followed Bucky into the room after thanking Dr. Cho and briefly discussing the timeline for your recovery.
"As I was saying. Caught you off guard? I've never seen you caught off guard before." Although he was whispering so as not to disturb you, his words were nearly venomous. "The two of you let your feelings get in the way of this mission."
The look of guilt already present on Bucky's face multiplied tenfold. "You think I don't know that? I should've seen it coming. If I wasn't distracted I could've stopped them before Y/N got hurt."
You woke up at some point, hearing Bucky blame himself. Instantly, you wanted to ease his worries. "Hey," the two men turned to you, concern clear on their faces. "It wasn't your fault, Buck. I was just as distracted. Neither of us saw it coming, even though both of us should have. It doesn't matter though, because we got them, and I'll be fine." You sat up, wincing slightly at the pain in your abdomen.
"How can you say that? Of course it matters! You could have died, all because Bucky was too busy making heart eyes at you to-" Steve's words were cut off by identical sounds of laughter from you and Bucky.
"Heart eyes?! Oh my god, that's hilarious." You stuttered out the words between laughs. Steve look so confused, you couldn't help but laugh at his cute expression.
Every time you thought you were done, one look at either Bucky or Steve had you laughing again. "Oh god, make it stop! It hurts to laugh!" You pouted slightly, begging Bucky to stop laughing and Steve to change his expression.
Finally, Bucky reined it in enough to speak. "I was distracted because Y/N like a little sister. It's definitely a bit distracting to feel like you just kissed your sister" You and Bucky each made a face of disgust as you looked at each other.
Meanwhile, Steve had a look of complete shock on his face. "Wh-what? You two aren't ... ya know?”
Again, you and Bucky share looks of disgust. "God, no. He's like a brother to me."
"Yeah, I love Y/N like a sister. I'm definitely not in love with her." Bucky agrees.
Steve's expression is sheepish as he tries to explain himself, "but, but after the kiss you were staring into his eyes like you were in love!"
"We most definitely were not." Mumbling under your breath, you kept talking "his aren't the blue eyes I'd like to lovingly stare into."
Steve was shocked into silence by your statement.
"I think that's my cue to leave." Bucky wore a smug grin as he slapped Steve on the back, uttering a quick "good luck, punk" before leaving.
It was quiet for a minute, neither of you quite sure what to say.
"Who's blue eyes do you want to stare into?" Steve broke the silence, shuffling closer to sit on the side of your bed.
"What?" It took you an embarrassing amount of time to realize you said that sentence out loud. "I said that out loud?" You threw your hands up to cover your face, mumbling about being an idiot to delay having to answer.
"You did. So... who's blue eyes?" Steve's demeanor quickly shifted from shy to confident. He slowly moved your hands off your face, tilting your chin up to look into your eyes. One look had you confessing all your secrets.
"Yours. It always been yours." He rubbed his thumb across your cheek, leaning in closer to you until your foreheads were touching.
"Let me take you on a date." His words were barely a whisper, the warm air from his breath sending a shiver down your spine. You nodded in response, not trusting your voice.
He leaned in closer, barely brushing his lips over yours. "I need words, sweetheart."
You pushed forward, your lips meeting his in a passionate kiss.
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themoonyjupiter · 2 years
Rules, fandoms and requests
Hi! This is a list of what fandoms and characters I am willing to write for, the rules I have for my blog, and how to submit a request. Please read to the end to find out all you need to know!
Natasha Romanoff - platonic + romantic
Bruce Banner - platonic
Steve Rogers - platonic
Tony Stark - platonic
Thor Odinson - platonic
Clint Barton - platonic
Bucky Barnes - platonic + romantic
Sam Wilson - platonic
Wanda Maximoff - platonic + romantic
Pietro Maximoff - platonic + maybe romantic
Loki Laufeyson - platonic + slightly romantic
Peter Parker - platonic + little romantic
Yelena Belova - platonic + romantic
Kate Bishop - platonic + romantic
Stucky - platonic + romantic
Wandanat - platonic + romantic
All avengers together - platonic
If there's any other marvel characters you want me to do, just ask, I don't bite :)
-Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler - platonic + maybe romantic
Will Byers - platonic + maybe romantic
Dustin Henderson - platonic + maybe romantic
Lucas Sinclair - platonic + maybe romantic
Eleven Hopper - platonic + slight romance
Max Mayfield - platonic + romantic
Nancy Wheeler - platonic + romantic
Robin Buckley - platonic + romantic
Steve Harrington - platonic + romantic
Eddie Munson - platonic + romantic
Jim Hopper - platonic
Joyce Byers - platonic
Same thing as marvel, just ask if you want someone else and I'll see what I can do :)
-Harry Potter
Harry Potter - platonic + romantic
Hermione Granger - platonic + romantic
Ron Weasley platonic + romantic
Ginny Weasley - platonic + romantic
Fred Weasley - platonic
George Weasley - platonic
Weasley family - platonic
Basically all other characters
Cullen family (all together) - platonic
Cullen family (each separately) - platonic + romantic
Bella swan - platonic + romantic
-Celebrities (mainly the cast for marvel/stranger things but it depends)
Marvel cast - platonic
Stranger things cast - platonic
Need ideas for:
Holland!sister/sibling reader
Marvel cast X teen reader
-Bondi Rescue
I think this one pretty much speaks for itself, but here are some ideas:
Bondi lifeguards X lifeguard reader
Bondi lifeguards X teen/child reader, hurt or drowning?
Bondi lifeguards X reader (not a lifeguard) saves drowning person
Just some ideas 🤷
-I have the right to politely turn down a request if I am uncomfortable with writing it
-I am currently not writing smut or NSFW content
-No homophobia, racism, ableism, shaming or general unkindness to myself or others will be tolerated on this blog
-I'm always here if you need help or someone to talk to, so don't be afraid to reach out :)
You get the idea. If there's any general thing I've missed, feel free to message me. :)
On my page there is a section labelled QUESTIONS/REQUESTS. You can (as it suggests) ask a question or submit a request there. Or, you can just message me, but make sure to specify what you are asking.
Requesting notes:
I mainly write x reader fics so bear that in mind
When requesting a story please specify what you want. Whether it's the gender of the reader (I write for all genders and identities), the genre of the fic- just ask
Specify whether you want a oneshot or headcannon
I will write for disability awareness and stuff so please specify
I'm more comfortable writing platonic fics, but I might write romance ever so often
I also prefer to write for readers that aren't adults, but again, I might make exceptions ever so often
Please be kind :')
Right, I think that's all I want to say! Thanks for reading!
See ya later alligator
Jupiter xx
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shurisneakers · 3 years
shut in [10]
Summary: When your high profile mission goes terribly wrong, you’re forced to hide in a safehouse with a man you’ve never met before. With seemingly nowhere else to go, you’re forced to work together to figure out who is trying to have you assassinated before it’s too late. (Sam Wilson x Reader, Hitman AU)
Warnings: cursing, anxiety, ptsd, shooting, abuse
Word count: 2.8k
A/N: double digit chapter!!! like 3 parts to go everyoneeee woo!!
i also appreciate feedback so if you would like to, please consider dropping me an ask or comment ly guys!!
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part || Shut In Masterlist
The nostalgia was strong. 
The last time you and Sam were sitting like this, you were deciding on what to make of the bread supply that was now dwindling. The soup had ran out maybe a day or two ago and you were left with just bread, peanut butter and jelly.
You two had to devise an escape plan. You’d been there long enough and now with Sam making his first public appearance as Mob’s Most Wanted, even if it was for a good cause, there was no doubt that people would be after you.
“What if we go back to Ransone and let the rest sort itself out along the way?”
You made a note of it on the paper but you weren’t very convinced with the idea, not with the realisations you had made along the way.
“Do we know any other hideouts?” you asked instead, tapping the pencil against the paper.
“None that you don’t already know.” He chewed on his lip thoughtfully. “What are your thoughts on caves? Think we can make a bed outta some leaves?”
You wrote down ‘Sam’s cave idea’, just to humour him. Stupid, but more plausible than other options.
“If we make a run for it, what are the chances we’ll survive?”
“With law enforcement, civilians and gang members looking for us, I’d give us about-” you said candidly, “-two months. Three max.”
It wasn’t like you had no experience running from the state, but it was never on this scale. 
“We’d have years if it was only law enforcement, but we had to go get the entire fuckin’ mafia involved,” he huffed in annoyance.
An idea occurred to you that made you pause, but you hated it.
“What if we split up?” you suggested halfheartedly. “It’ll take them more time to find the both of us, if they’re looking for us together.”
When he didn’t reply, you looked up at him from the sheet in front of you.
“We’re not splitting up,” he began steadily, just as you knew he would. “The same people who are after you are after me. We need to stick together.”
“I know. I’m not saying we can’t meet again after that, I’m saying that maybe it’ll be easier for us to hide.”
He couldn’t deny that it wasn't the worst idea, but something didn’t sit right with him. He didn’t want to do it.
“Okay, then how do we find each other after that? When? I don’t have your email; fuck that, I don’t even have your number.”
“We’ll schedule it, I guess,” you murmur, trying to work out the logistics. “Whoever gets there late has to buy ice cream. And I’m particular about the flavour I like.”
You tried to lighten up the mood but he wasn’t having it, as much as he appreciated it.
“I don’t care if it’s more difficult,” he said slowly. “But I’d like us to stick together. Not until we’re out of this mess. Then if you want to never see my face again, which you shouldn’t because it’s beautiful, we’ll go our different ways.”
He was adamant about it, and you knew he’d argue and poke holes into the plan until it didn’t make sense anymore. You weren’t going to argue.
“Okay,” you accepted. “We stick together.”
A smile spread across his face which equated to one of triumph. “You got any other ideas?” 
“We stay right here and fight off whoever comes.”
It was dumb. This place wasn’t yours, and staying here would be a death wish. That didn’t stop you from saying it since neither of you were holding back on implausible ideas.
“This is our house now,” Sam added with determination, playing along.
“Damn right,” you affirmed, cracking a smile at him.
Bringing your attention back, you stared at the list. There is one option you wanted to explore but you weren’t sure if you could because you didn’t have the resources. But he may.
“You got any friends whose help we could use?” you asked cautiously, unsure of how this would play out. 
He continued chewing on his lip for a second like he was analysing all options, before nodding. 
“I got a friend. Well, my only friend,” he corrects himself. “His name’s Riley.”
“He got a place we can stay, this Riley?”
“He does. But I don’t want to involve him. He’s-” he paused, trying to find the right words to frame what he’s thinking “-he’s been through a lot.”
“We’ll leave him alone then,” you assured, realising that it must be a touchy topic for him.
Sam didn’t move on, though. 
“I’m all ears if you want to talk,” you offered. 
He pressed his lips together, giving you a tight smile. He looked like he wanted to say more but was holding back. You reciprocated, hoping it would give him some reassurance, noting how he exhaled softly.
“When I joined the cartel, I didn’t really have anyone to talk to since everyone was much older than I was. Riley was the first friend I made. He was a mouthy li’l one.” Sam smiled wistfully and you found yourself smiling with him. “He talked so much shit and he had the spunk to back it up but he never really got that far because no one wanted to test their luck with him.”
“We spent whatever free time we had together. He didn’t have a family so he and I-” he trailed off but you knew what he was getting at. “Ransone found out. Didn’t like anyone in his stupid squad becoming all buddies because if we turned against him, he knew he’d lose.”
Shared experience. You didn’t have any friends in the organization either; they were always separated from you willingly or by force. You wondered if that’s why you had taken such a liking towards Sam, knowing fully well that it was the first time in years you were able to be friends with someone without having to worry.
“He started pittin’ us against one another. Combat training, preferential treatment, just plain out sabotage. Riley’s the reason my back’s all kinds of fucked up.” He gave a short laugh. “Tried everything he could to make sure we’d stay away or even kill each other if it came to that.”
“But you didn’t.”
“But we didn’t,” he confirmed. “Ransone fuckin’ hated it, so one day, he decided that he’s going to finish it once and for all. Sent us on a fake mission so that we’d be alone together, then told us that only one of us could come back. One of us had to die or else both of us would. Some sick fuckin’ form of entertainment.”
It was exactly something that Ransone would do. Dramatic, vile and utterly despicable, just for his own joy,
Your eyebrows knit together when his eyes glazed over. 
“Riley, he- he didn’t even let me have at the gun. Just straight up chose for the both of us that he was going to be the one who died. He was so tired, of everythin’.” The muscles in your jaw tightened at where this was going. “He didn’t do it though. We figured out another way.”
You didn’t realise how tensed you were until you forced yourself to relax.
“Faked his death.” He shrugged. “It was the only way. Let Ransone believe he bled out and that I buried him behind the warehouse he sent us to. Shot him in the leg to make it look convincing. He’s still got a limp.”
“He made a run for it. Found himself a place in New Orleans, changed his identity, basically made turned into a whole new person. Ransone bought it for a while because I’d make it a point to visit the grave, leave some flowers and shit. Told him that if he messed with it that I’d put a bullet in his head and I was angry enough for him to see that I wasn’t kidding. I knew he’d figure it out eventually but I was hoping I’d get rid of him by then.”
“He lived in New Orleans for years. Never had a problem until recently.”
Sam paused for a second, but it gave you the time to pull up an old conversation you had with him.
“He’s the one Ransone threatened you with,” you connected the dots. “He’s the one he found.”
“Said he’d kill him if I didn’t take out Pierce for him,” his words were bitter, confirming what you said. “Sent me a picture of him in front of his house to prove it.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” you breathed, leaning back. Sam’s situation was more dangerous than you initially thought. Having Riley in the picture just made it more difficult to help Sam get out of the organization, especially since he was now leverage material.
“You asked me once what the scariest thing I had done was.” You didn’t get immediately what he was talking about until you remember the questions you had asked to get to know him better. “It was that. Getting him out of this life and trying not to get caught in the process.”
You didn’t know what to say.
“He’s the only family I got left.” The way his voice dropped made him sound so tired. “He’s already on their radar. If they find out I’m staying with him or that he’s helping in any way, they’ll kill him.”
You didn’t say anything, not like you had anything constructive to offer at that moment.
“That got dark real quick,” he remarked, the corners of his lips quirking upward.
Clearly he didn’t have anyone to talk to about this. To explain the entire thing from the beginning must have drained him completely.
“I’m sorry that you had to go through that,” you said quietly.
He paused for a second, looking like he was thinking to himself.
“Me too.”
The sky’s beautiful, you decide.
You could stare at the clouds for hours.
Which is what the both of you have been doing.
“If you fucking say it’s anything other than a dog, I’ll push you off the roof myself.”
“It’s clearly a penguin, Samuel.”
“I hate you.”
The cement was cool against your skin even though there was a blanket serving as a mediator between you and it. The sun nipped at your skin and your back was aching from staying in the same place for a prolonged period.
Sam tended to think better when he was outside, unconstrained by harsh white walls and artificial light. So you grabbed a spare blanket, a bottle of water and the ladder to haul the both of you to the roof. It was filthy, as you expected but you managed to tidy a part of it to the best of your ability before laying the blanket down.
“I know why you brought me up here, Y/N,” he piped up.
You just knew that when you needed some space, he often implored you to go outside. You figured the best way to help him was to do the same, not knowing what else you could have to give.
“Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate it,” he added.
Okay good. It helped.
“That’s a tree.” You pointed upwards, avoiding his gaze.
“You get three more seconds to change that answer to a table.”
“That looks nothing like a table. You’re delusional.”
He laughed, not offering a counter argument.
The outside did him good. He was calmer than when you first came here a few hours ago. He didn’t let his spite towards Ransone show very often, especially at this volume. Talking about Riley only reaffirmed how much he despised the man.
“We need to get out of here eventually, you know?” you mused.
You don’t want to. You don’t want to admit that saying it out loud made it worse.
“We do,” he sounded sure and you wondered if he ever felt bad about it too, “but we need a proper plan.”
The clouds shifted. It looked like a kid on a bike; not that you’d ever tell him. He would never agree.
“We need help,” you stated.
“We can’t.” You knew he’d say that.
“You know we do, Sam.”
“There’s no one out there we can trust.”
You liked that he used ‘we’. The only other times you had been referred to as ‘we’ had been for things so sinister, so violent.
His elbow was touching yours lightly. You wanted to move closer, press against him.
“There’s one person who might be able to.”
He turned to look at you questioningly. You did the same.
You waited till he figured it out on his own. His face shifted the minute it clicked in his head.
“No way.” He turned away, almost laughing out of bewilderment.
“It’s our only option.”
“Then we’ll find another one,” he began to sound more insistent, realising you were being serious. It was a crazy idea, you’d give him that, but it’s the only one you had that had a sure shot of working.
“We’ve tried. You’ve tried. There’s only one way,” you knew that getting annoyed wouldn’t get through to him and you also understood his hesitations. “He’ll help.”
“We don’t know that. It’s too fuckin’ dangerous.” He couldn’t afford that; not this late in the game.
“I know it. Lis- Sam. Look at me,” you commanded gently, and he obeyed reluctantly. “I understand that this is absolutely batshit wild, but I promised I’d help you. This is the only way I can think of. But I need you to trust me.”
He looked unsettled.
He didn’t have anything to go on. Only your word and his faith in you. He could say no and he knew you’d spend countless hours pouring over multiple options just to find another way. He could say no and you’d take it in stride and he wouldn’t have to worry about it. It wasn’t about trusting you, it was about not trusting the others.
But he could also say yes and let you take control, trust your instincts. You had never let him down before and he knew you wouldn’t now. He could say yes and help you work on one solid plan that had equal chances of failing as it did being a success, but it was something that you could be sure of.
“I’ll tell you this though, Sam. You always have a choice.”
He felt your fingers trace at his face patiently. He scooted closer, letting your bodies press gently against each other.
“Okay,” he whispered. “I trust you.”
He didn’t know if he made the right choice or not, but the smile that appeared on your face made him think that maybe he did.
God, he was done for.
“You ready?” you asked him.
“No, but what the hell; let’s do it.”
You let it ring right to the very end.
“Hello.” It seemed gratuitous at this point because you knew the conversation wouldn’t proceed with that.
“Y/N. Hello,” his voice came back loud and clear.
“Hey.” You snuck a glance at Sam. He was completely stiff.
“How are you?”
“I’ve been… good,” you admitted.
“Oh?” he sounded amused. “That’s a change.”
“Yeah.” You shifted on your feet awkwardly. “Listen, I need help.”
“Help with?”
“We need to get out of here. We can’t do it without you. I mean we can, but it’d be better if you lent a hand.”
“When you say ‘we’, you’re referring to…”
“Me.” Sam stepped forward towards the phone. You shifted it so it was between you.
“Oh, hello,” he sounded surprised, and he had good reason to be. “You know about-”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Y/N, you trust him?”
“Yeah,” you looked up at Sam, “I do.”
“Alright. If shit goes wrong, you’re both fucked. I’m not taking any responsibility.”
“We get that,” you sighed. “Can you help or not?”
There was a momentary silence on the other end as he thought.
“Tell me what you had in mind.”
“We got a hit.”
They turned away from their conversation with the person walking beside them at the interruption.
“This better be important.” They gestured to their companion who looked annoyed at being interrupted. He was too dangerous to have on anyone’s bad side but the agent didn’t care. This was crucial.
“Someone saw him. Wilson.” He was breathless from the flight of stairs he had run to come upstairs.
“Where?” They could hardly believe their ears, restraining to contain the excitement that was threatening to rise.
“A town, miles away from Pierce’s place. Said he roamed around looking for a store, bought some food and then left.” His eyes shone. “We think we might know where they are. A rough sketch at least. Couldn’t follow him too far because he kept checking.”
“Finally,” their face gleamed, completely discarding the guest they had and the confusion on his face. “Some good fucking news.”
“Do you want us to put a hit out on them?” The relief the agent felt was almost overwhelming. His partner may have died but it didn’t look like he was going to.
“No,” they said crisply, certainly. “This one’s on me.”
Next part
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