imichelledesrosiers · 4 months
I am humbly requesting my family, friends, and fans, to celebrate this great moment with me because my screenplay “Infanticide” received an Honorable Mention at The Murray Film Festival on June 10th, 2024.
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imichelledesrosiers · 7 months
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imichelledesrosiers · 7 months
Do not let anyone make you feel you are unworthy. You are the author of your story. Only you can narrate it.
Creole Version
Pa kite pèsonn fè ou santi ou pa diy. ou se otè istwa ou a. sèlman ou ka rakonte li
#imichellefilm #quotes #freelance #proverbs #sicatyentertainment #motivationalquotes #keep #mistyjean #writer #author #risktaker #worldmotivation
Quote by
Marie Michelle Desrosiers, the Writer
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imichelledesrosiers · 9 months
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imichelledesrosiers · 9 months
Total Chaos with a Happy Ending!
The morning of my pitch with Ms. Wilhelmina Hampton Smith for my script “Infanticide”, I had an anxiety attack that almost sent me to the hospital. The morning was total chaos for me and the fact that we knew that when you pitch before Mrs Hampton Smith, you must have your story together, didn’t help me one bit. It is known that she likes detail and she asks a bunch of questions about the script. 
I was perplexed and worried about my strong French accent, and the themes people in the film industry used when to question script writer. I was so worried, in fact that I almost called Ms. Murray to withdraw my name from the line-up. Fortunately for me, I did not call her. I prayed to God instead to walk me through, so I could overcome it. I continued with the process, however, thirty minutes before my pitch started, I misplaced my laptop mouse! (Which I cannot use my laptop without). I found it fifteen minutes later under a chair in my bedroom. 
Then, I could not open my zoom page because Ms. Hampton requested to do the zoom under her personal link and for some reason I could not access it. My anxiety came like a rush. I was shaking, my heart was beating out of rhythm, something that has happened to me before. I called one of classmates, Ms Kaytory, for help on how to log into the zoom call. As we were on the phone, I heard Ms Murray’s voice talking in the background on the zoom. I felt like my heart was going to seize! I could not focus anymore on what Ms Kaytory was telling me to do. It was a chaotic moment to say the least. My brain shut down. I could not think anymore.
As I managed to login on my cellphone, I heard both, Ms. Murray and Ms. Kaytory guiding me one after the other on what to do to login on my phone, but I was still shaking too much to concentrate on that. 
I only heard Ms. Murray saying: “Let me give her access to her phone. Ms. Kaytory re-worded what Ms. Murray said to me. 
Meanwhile, my instinct told me to turn on my laptop back on to my original zoom page, I did. Finally,  it was working. I was just on time before Ms. Hampton Smith showed up.  
Despite the chaos, the pitch was great! She asked me a few questions about: how many days of shooting? The location of shooting? and why now? I answered the questions the way I understood them, which came off in-direct and kind of wordy. After the pitch Ms. Murray reminded me to give short and clear answers because I gave them too much information. 
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Thank you again to the KMP Professional Academy. I am thankful to have the academy Staff by my side. Especially Ms Michelle Murray who is a wonderful teacher. 
Also a big shout out to my devoted and tireless Editor Ms. Audrey Lespinasse who helps and supports me each time I need my writing edited. I really appreciate you. 
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imichelledesrosiers · 9 months
For those who may not know, Mr. Rock Riddle, AKA Mr. Wonderful is a former professional wrestler, but that’s not all. This man carries so many hats such as: A SAG-franchised talent agent and he was co-owner of a successful Hollywood talent agency.  He is the author of the book ‘How to Become a Magnet to Hollywood Success’.  He is currently one of Hollywood's leading publicists and producers. His expertise in the marketing for the film and television industry, gave us, as writers, great tools to pursue our careers professionally. 
Pitching before Mr. Rock Riddle, on December 19, 2023 was hands down the best pitch experiences of my life. He is a humbly cheerful person. Mr. Wonderful was very patient to listen to my pitch. My strong French accent attracted his attention enough to ask me “where that accent comes from?” I answered “French”. Then he started speaking to me in French! That was impressive. 
In general, pitching in front of someone who you’re meeting for the first time it is not easy. I was ready to pitch with confidence that I would do great. Therefore, Facing the reality is is something different that put you into a one way road that you could not go back down, even though you are shaky. I faced and accomplished that fact with pride. Despite of my strong French accent, I could say that my pitch was a good one. I did not have criticism on it. I was only asked two questions: if the story is related to my personal experience? and if I want to shoot it in Haiti? 
It is important to answer the questions you are asked in a pitch in a way to not limit or restrict you and I believe I answered them fairly. I want the film to either be filmed on any island or a studio. The reason why is because it is difficult to bring a full crew in Haiti right now.  It is extremely risky and unsafe. I would rather they shoot it on another Island which has similar scenery, or in a studio, where they could build all the locations. I also understand that because my script talks about story coming from an island, even though it based on the truth, not everybody will understand the concept of it. 
I just want to share one of the advices that Mr. Rock Riddle gave us before the pitch: “he said that there was a writer, I could not recall his name that was pitching roughly 250 times before he made it in the industry.” He advised us to not give up!  Keep going until we make it. 
Mr. Rock Riddle advised us to keep going. So I will! No matter what stands in my path I will keep going and will believe that one day I will be successful in what I do. I truly believe that someone, somewhere wants to taste the island’s writing flavors and I will be there standing front row, fiercely, or behind a microphone to tell my story about how I made it through. I will always being grateful for Ms Michelle Murray, the COO of KMP ENTERTAINMENT. She is my teacher, my counselor, and a truthful person.  Also thanks to my devoted Editor Mrs. Audrey Lespinasse who is always on top of game when it comes to edit my writings. I really appreciate you. 
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To find more information on Mr. Rock Riddle, visit his website below:
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imichelledesrosiers · 10 months
To Pitch, or Not To Pitch?
My first pitch ever was during my period at the KMP Entertainment Advance Master Writer course. Because of the WGA/SAG strike we couldn’t do a real pitch so I had a practice pitch with a writer/producer in the film industry. I was so upset after the pitch because I felt a hint of prejudice concerning my accent and the way I pronounced the words. I took it personal because my accent is sensitive spot for me and I am very self-conscious when it comes to speaking English in front of people. That left a bad taste in me to never pitch again. Period, case closed. Part of me also felt that I should stop writing all together.
However, to pass the class we still had to pitch our script to producers to either sell the script or get funds to film it. My teacher, Ms. Murray, prepared us to pitch and I prayed in my heart to not have a repeat of what happened during my practice pitch. I feared that I wouldn’t be ready to face the same kind of rejection.  
I spoke to my daughter, Audrey Lespinasse (Sound Engineer Student at the LA Recording School, about my feelings and hesitation about pitching. She advised me to bring my concern to my teacher Ms. Murray, and I did. When I spoke about it during class, my teacher Ms Murray, and my classmates Ms. Kaytory Nicole and Ms. Ruby Lee Sexton, encouraged me to not stop because of this fear. They helped me emerged to the surface again from the deep sinking sand that were my emotions and to continue the writing journey.
Although the issues of the strike affected all of us writers, filmmakers, actors/actresses, it was a good thing for me because I used that period of time to re-organize myself, worked on my fear, and prepared my portfolio to be ready for the pitch once the strike was over. 
Once the strike was over, Ms. Murray scheduled for us to pitch four times!
The first one was on December 10th, 2023 with John Duffy. He is a Producer/ Line Producer, released more than three films in 2023: "Left Behind” - “A Sunday Horse” - “Rise of the Anti Christ" and "Miracle in East Texas.”
On the day of the pitch with Mr. John Duffy, I was nervous and skeptical. I prepared everything in advance so I did not have to worry about anything. I was not really ready for the speech pitch, but my portfolio was ready thanks to my daughter Audrey who put aside her own homework and family obligations behind to help me with everything. Thank you Audrey! This time, I was mindfully well prepared, but I still had a little bit of concern about my accent.
Well, God answered my prayers! Mr. Duffy was extremely patient while he listened to my pitch. He tried his best to understand every single word of it. I had only one little recommendation from him. I am so happy to have overcome this challenge. 
Thank you Mr. Duffy! I will follow your advice to get better next time. I appreciate your kindness and respect you have for others. 
As the quote says: “What doesn’t break you, makes you stronger.”
So after the pitch on Dec 10th, I reflected on my first practice pitch, and I saw it in a different way this time.  I realized that if that producer did not do anything to bring this issue to my attention, I would have continued to make the same mistake. Someone else would bring it out. Also, I realized that it helped me to pay attention when I am reading; to go slow in the process, and to trust myself!
That was a great pitch and I look forward for the upcoming ones!
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imichelledesrosiers · 2 years
Personal Learning Network
I want to share with you some links I have saved for myself that have helped me as a writer. 
This DIIGO link contains some bookmarks that I frequent ranging from grammar tips, to screenplay tips (overall focused on writing). I hope they can help you too. 
- Great blog pages I want to keep up with:
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