dukuzumurenyiphd · 2 years
To Be Black, Speak You Maat: Global Afrikan Liberation | Ending Neoliberalism
km dd . tn mAat/Kem Djed . ten Maat [To Be Black, Speak You Maat] 
Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi Ph.D., Public Policy Analysis 
Essays on Afrikan Liberation, Revolutionary Governance and Radical Macroeconomic Public Policy with a Translation of the Oldest Book in the World, the Instructions of Ptah-hotep, the Ethical Axioms of Excellent Discourse & Afrikan Behavior by the Prime Minister & Chief Public Administrator of Kemet c. 1866 – 1891 KC [c. 2375 – 2350 BCE] 
kmyt/Kemyt [Books of the Black Land] 
Pan-Afrikan Ethics for Pan-Afrikan Public Policy & Public Administration 
Volume I Second Edition 
Accra, Ghana: University of New Timbuktu sbA Press, 2022. 
Pp. liii, 690. [PDF] 
15 notes · View notes
Roger’s Story: Planet Nemesis
This is a REALLY, REALLY, REAAAALLY Long story with lots of Time jumps
A young female lizard-like being stood staring out of her bedroom window, looking outside, viewing her kingdom. She wore a long purple dress, she had peach scales and, had a large bump on her stomach and had a crown on her head. She lightly rubs her belly “Not much longer now, my dear son.” she said with a smile as she thought about meeting her new born son.
She had been with her husband King Dayne for about 4 years at this point and were finally ready to start a family together. Though she was mainly doing this alone.
She let out a soft sigh as she thought about her husband and how he had been rather busy over the last few weeks but she knew he had to do his duty.
She was on bedrest from now on by recommendation from their Doctor to which they had both agreed, being King and Queen of this planet could be stressful at times and the last thing they needed was putting their unborn son at risk.
Just then there was a knock at the door, she turned her head “Come in.” she called out in a soft voice. The door opened revealing a grey lizard wearing an old fashioned butler outfit. He bows slightly “Good afternoon, your highness.” he said before stepping into the room.
The queen smiled a little as she walked over to the lizard “Hello, Artemis.” she said as she hugged the other
Artemis smiled a little as he returned the hug “How are you feeling, Crystal?” he asked.
"I’m doing well though the little one is very active today. Lot’s of kicking.” Crystal said with a small chuckle “He’s going to be a very energetic child.”
"I’m glad you’re doing well.” Artemis said as he continued to smile
“I’m glad you remembered to call me by my name when it’s just you and, I.” Crystal teased a little “You’ve been my dear friend for four years, Art.”
“I could never get used to it at first.” Artemis chuckled a little before Crystal held her stomach “Are you alright?” he asked, a concerned look on his face
“He’s kicking again.” Crystal smiled "Want to feel?” she asked to which Artemis nodded before gently placing his hand on Crystal’s stomach feeling her unborn son kick “Ooh that was a strong kick.” Artemis smiled “He’s gonna be a troublemaker, like his mother~” he teased.
Crystal chuckled lightly “Hey, I was not used to being a queen yet. I had to get used to going from rebel to Royalty” she smirked
“Has that changed~?” Artemis joked
“Ooh your words wound me.” Crystal said as he acted as if she was wounded before sitting down on a nearby chair “I’m glad you’re my friend, Artemis...you’ve been someone that I can truly rely on.”
“I’m glad that you can consider me a friend, Crystal....” Artemis said with a smile as he sat on the bed. There was a few moments of silence before Crystal asked “Have you seen Dayne today?”
Artemis rubbed the back of his neck “Only briefly, he was heading out to check on how construction for that new school was coming along.” he replied “Still as busy as ever.”
Crystal chuckled “of course. I do miss him when he isn’t around but that’s the lives we lead.” she looked at Artemis “And....how did your date with Nathan go?”
Artemis blushed lightly “W-Well....um...it was great. I’m grateful you gave me the night off to spend time with him.”
"I’m so glad it went great for you two. You’ve had a thing for him for months now, wasn’t sure if you’d ever manage to get the courage to talk to him.” Crystal teased, smiling.
The two spent a few hours just talking, Artemis would make sure Crystal was alright if she suddenly felt sick. Eventually she got changed into her pyjamas then got comfy in her bed as Artemis drew the curtains then left a bottle of water for her before leaving.
At some point a muscular lizard that’s scales were a very dark green with a crown atop his head came into the room, he was wearing a rather old fashioned king’s outfit but it had some symbols on it that were unique to the planet. One of which being the ‘Family crest’ that had a lizard with twin swords on it. (X)
Crystal had fallen asleep by this point so she didn’t hear her husband come over to the bed. He removes his clothes carefully then puts on his on his own pyjamas then climbs into bed next to her and kisses her cheek gently.
Crystal yawns a little before opening her eyes “Hello, handsome.” she said with a soft smile
“Hello, my beloved.....I’m sorry I was gone all day.” Dayne said as he took her hand “I tried finishing everything as fast as possible.....”
“Sssh I know, my love....more things happened as the day progressed....it’s alright.” Crystal smiled as she carefully rolled onto her back, she looked over at where Dayne’s clothes were then smirked “That outfit still looks ridiculous on you.”
Dayne couldn’t help but chuckle “I know, I know. It was what my father wore when he ruled unfortunately. It’s always gonna have an old fashioned look. I know it’d be easier to go for a modern look but...this honestly helps me feel closer to them.”  Dayne smiled a little
Crystal smiled before letting out a small groan “Oof the little one’s at it again.”
Dayne smiled a little as he places his hand on Crystal’s pregnant belly “He’s gonna be a strong energetic child.” he chuckled before looking at Crystal “Y’know we’ve gone through a lot of names for our son....and none have really clicked for us....but I’ve been thinking and...well how about we name him Roger, after your Grandfather?”
Crystal couldn’t help but smile a little “Little Roger....I love it.” she leaned up and kisses Dayne on the lips gently “What made you decide that?”
“Been thinking about those that are no longer around and....whilst your Father and, I never got along greatly, your Grandfather was....incredible. He was always supportive but could be firm to myself and your father. I like to think it’s because of him our relationship did improve a lot more than it had been.” Dayne explained as he lightly rubbed her belly.
The two spoke for a couple of minutes before finally settling down for the night. Dayne looked over at the Clock/Calendar on the wall near their bed. The date read December 13th 2000, in a few days or so their little boy was due and he couldn’t wait to meet him.
A few days pass, King Dayne kept himself busy with work until one late evening, Crystal’s waters broke so he and, Artemis rushed her to the hospital. Everyone was nervous as hell, almost forgetting her overnight bag in the rush to get her to the hospital.
Hours passed, Artemis was sat in the waiting room, tapping his foot trying to calm his nerves. He looked around a little, he was sat with some of Crystal’s family like her younger sister, older brother, her father and, mother. And on the other side was Dayne’s family which consisted of his mother and, his Uncles. Dayne was the only child of the previous King and, Queen.
Artemis looked up at the clock. They had come into the hospital around midnight and it was now almost 5:30 AM. He was hoping everything was going alright for them though he knew it could take a long time.
Eventually the doors to Crystal’s room opens, King Dayne steps out the colour was drained from his face so that did worry the family but he smiled widely “He’s perfect.....Little Roger’s here and he’s perfectly healthy.”
The group let out a sigh of relief and started talking amongst themselves for a few moments before each of them got up and congratulated Dayne on becoming a father
Artemis smiled as he and Dayne shook hands “How’s the Queen doing?”
"She’s sound asleep, she’s tired but doing well. Roger’s sleeping nearby....god I can’t believe it, I’m a father.” Dayne said with a grin. One of Dayne’s Uncles came over and coaxed Dayne into coming outside to get some fresh air and a cup of coffee from the Canteen.
The pair were soon stood outside with a cup of coffee in their hands, drinking it silently before the Uncle spoke in their planet’s native tongue “E ys kmyt dryd ouin cuh fyc punh cyvamo, tayn habraf. Pid E ruba dryd oui yna nayto vun dra tyo dryd ra femm ujandrnuf oui. E ghuf dryd oui ahzuo paehk y gehk pid, mega oui tet fedr ouin vydran, ra femm ujan drnuf oui. Ouin vydran fyc y fayg gehk, tu hud syga dra cysa secdygac yc res. Syga cina dryd lremt ghufc fru ec eh lrynka vnus dra pakehhehk..”  [Translation from Al Bhed to English: “I am glad that your son was born safely, dear nephew. But I hope that you are ready for the day that he will overthrow you. I know that you enjoy being a king but, like you did with your father, he will over throw you. Your father was a weak king, do not make the same mistakes as him. Make sure that child knows who is in charge from the beginning.”
Dayne lightly squeezed his cup, what Crystal hadn’t known about her husband was he did indeed have a dark side. The Previous king, his father, had become...weak in the eyes of his Uncles...and mother...so King Dayne killed his father to take over. His mother stepped down as Queen and Dayne ruled for a few years and was rather vicious until he met Crystal which had softened him as soon as they began to date, he was much kinder now which pissed off his Uncles and Mother, to them they were more powerful and better than EVERYONE, Crystal included but they decided to leave them be for now, that is.
Dayne looks at his Uncle as he gets into his face “My father....was weak, I took care of that....but I won’t harm my child. If you attempt to harm him yourself, I will make sure to end you and leave your head on a spike.” he said with venom in his voice.
His Uncle shook his head as he walked off heading for his home “He’ll be stronger than you, Dayne more powerful....just you watch.” he said before Dayne headed back inside to see his wife and newborn son.
Crystal was still asleep when Dayne returned so he walked over to the small bed where Roger was and smiled softly as he looked down at the tiny lizard sleeping soundly, a small toy in his hands. He saw Crystal’s mother was holding this earlier “Must’ve given this to the nurse...” he thought to himself before he lightly stroked Roger’s cheek “...my sweet boy....I...I promise I won’t let them harm you....” he whispered.
Over the next year things had progressed rather well with Roger and, Crystal. Roger was born December 17th so he got to see his first Christmas tree just a few days later, he even saw snow for the first time. Which was something that everyone was still getting used to.
It was something Queen Crystal had said she had heard of and always wanted to see after hearing so many stories from her family whom had visited their original home, the Monster World, long before Crystal was born so when she got married to Dayne, he took it upon himself to find out more about snow so he could give her the experience she had always wanted.
So, using the planet’s weather machine, King Dayne gave their planet snow for the first time ever. They had never used the weather machine for anything other than hot weather or fall weather, never cold weather. It was a big shock to their kingdom but eventually people came to appreciate the nice change of scenery
Crystal was so happy that she was able to give her son his first ever Christmas. They had a nice family dinner and gave each other gifts. Things couldn’t be more perfect in Crystal’s eyes.
That is until the following year, Roger had woke up crying loudly after having a bad dream. What was scary to many in the castle was the building shook the longer Roger cried.
Crystal picked her son up and began gently rocking him back and forth, trying her best to calm him down. King Dayne rushed into the room, worried for his family’s safety due to the building shaking.
But as soon as Crystal got Roger to calm down, that’s when it hit the king.....his son was the reason behind the shaking, what his Uncle had said was true, his son was somehow more powerful than he was.
At that age, Dayne’s powers hadn’t even begun to develop, he didn’t learn about them until he was older. He shook his head trying to rid himself of those thoughts “Are you alright?” he asked as he walked towards Crystal
“I’m alright, Roger is too.....I think....I think that was him causing the building to shake...” Crystal said as she kept gently rocking Roger
“...Yes...I have to agree with you.” Dayne said as he looked at his son whom was finally calmed down. He couldn’t let his son continue to get stronger...no no that wasn’t it, he was wanting to stop his son’s cries from shaking the castle up for everyone’s safety.
He rubs his face a little trying to think of something before his hand touched his nose ring...that was it’ The nose ring, he could....he could turn it into something that could weaken Roger’s powers. Normally it was just a sign for the males to wear to show they were royalty, he could...just make a new one that would help Roger.
Over the next few days, King Dayne had someone secretly work on this nose ring so Roger could be safe. It wouldn’t null his powers but it would weaken them so he wasn’t worrying about his wife and child’s safety.
Once that ring was finished, they held a ceremony where Roger was given the nose ring and had it placed into his nose. Roger began crying which worried Crystal that he could cause the building to shake but when it didn’t happen, she was confused for a few moments before looking at her husband whom acted like he didn’t know what had happened.
A short time later, the pair were getting ready to settle down for the night when Crystal looked at her husband “....Did....you do something to our son?” she asked, her tone a serious one.
“Something to him? Crystal, I didn’t do anything to him.” Dayne said, he wasn’t technically lying
“...Then why wasn’t the building shaking today like the castle has when Roger cried??” Crystal asked as she stared into his eyes, wanting to know the truth.
Dayne let out a sigh “....Fine....I...I didn’t do anything to him....I...the nose ring I had made specially for him.....it weakens his powers. I didn’t want this crying to get stronger and, for him or for you to wind up hurt.”
Crystal sighed, the last few days when Roger’s crying had happened the building would shake quite a bit. She wasn’t angry for that “I...I understand....you could’ve just told me...” she said before kissing Dayne’s cheek “I understand protecting us just....don’t feel the need to hide it.”
“Alright, I promise my love I won’t.” Dayne said with a smile as he took her hands, they share a gentle kiss before climbing into bed together.
Another year passes, things seemed to have gotten better for the pair of them. Roger had been sleeping longer, He wasn’t showing signs of his powers increasing which was great in Dayne’s eyes. That is until one day the nose ring stopped functioning, he was warned this would happen due to how little time they had to test it out and make sure it wasn’t buggy.
Roger was back to shaking the castle every now and then when he was upset from a nightmare or just upset in general. Though it seems like the nightmare amplified it tenfold.
When Dayne’s Uncle, the same one from the hospital, came to visit he saw how strong Roger’s power was. He drags Dayne away from his duties to somewhere private and secluded “I warned you, Dayne that this would happen. That child is going to get stronger and more powerful than you and overthrow you with ease when he’s older.”
“I’ve done my best to contain his powers so they don’t get stronger, his nose ring malfunctioned. I’m working on a way to...” Dayne said before his Uncle cut him off
"You have gotten SOFT with that family of yours, that child is gonna take away EVERYTHING from you. You used to be much stronger than this, more vicious. What happened to that Dayne? the one with the power, the one that didn’t let ANYTHING step in the way?” his Uncle said with an angry look on his face
“I have not gotten SOFT, Uncle.” Dayne snarled “And don’t you bring my family into this.”
"OH so you’re telling me you haven’t?" the Uncle asked as he stared at Dayne
Dayne went silent....it’s true that meeting Crystal had changed him but this was for the better...right?
"I’ve heard people talking about you....they think you’re weak, they think you’re pathetic. Before Crystal you were a better ruler, a better King. Since her? you’ve made things worse. I mean Winter for us? Are you fucking stupid? If you can’t see you’re better off without her and her family then you’ve got no chance of surviving.” The Uncle smirked as he walked off
Dayne stood there, staring at the ground....his Uncle was right....deep down he fucking knew he was right. He had changed himself for Crystal, he gave her Winter...For fucking lizards? What was he fucking thinking?
The longer he thought about it, the more he realised his Uncle was right....that...that had to change and change FAST.
Later that day he headed to Crystal’s family’s home whilst Crystal was taking a nap with Roger. He knocks on the door then awaits for someone to answer, secretly pulling out twin daggers from behind his back and kept them there.
Crystal’s younger sister opened the door and greeted her brother-in-law before inviting him inside. He smiles as he steps inside then closes the door with his tail. He was in there for a good 10 minutes before he stepped out, his daggers drenched in blood, the clothes he was wearing had blood splatter on them.
He wipes the blood off his face and daggers before removing his clothes and changing into a spare set that he had brought with him before tossing the old clothes into a trash bag then throws it into a nearby river. He had made sure to put something into the bag so the clothes would sink to the bottom before he returned to the castle.
On his way home, Dayne sent a message to his Uncle on a wrist communicator telling him “I took care of Crystal’s family.” as soon as he got into the castle, he made his way to the bathroom and had a long shower, making sure that he washed all the blood off of himself before he got out and dried himself off before putting his clothes back on.
The next day Crystal headed to her family’s home, wanting to spend time with her family. Upon reaching the house, she knocked on the door but was confused when she got no reply. She looked through the windows and saw....nothing....no family, no furniture “...What in the world....” was the only thing Crystal could say.
Where did they go? they wouldn’t just....up and leave without telling her. That wasn’t something they would do. She took Roger back home and when she got there, she told Dayne that she thinks something happened to her parents.
Instead of dismissing her thoughts, Dayne acted like he was concerned and said he would get someone to investigate it immediately but warned her it may take some time which she understood.
He spent the next few months acting as if he cared about what had happened to her family, he’d follow ‘leads’ but it never came up with anything. Crystal had become depressed over this time, worrying about her family constantly but she still did her best to be a good mother for Roger.
One evening, Artemis came to Crystal’s room to check in on his friend, wanting to make sure she was okay. He knocks on the door before opening it a little “Your Majesty? I wanted to see if you were....”
Crystal was sitting on the edge of her bed sobbing softly whilst Roger slept. Without hesitating, Artemis made his way over to Crystal and sat down beside her. She turned around and hugged her friend whom returned the hug, lightly rubbing her back “It’s okay, it’s okay....we’ll find your family, I promise...” he tried his best to reassure her but he knew something may have really happened to them.
Over the next few days, Crystal had began to notice Dayne acting not like himself, not the man she knew and fell in love with. She sits on her bed changing Roger into his pyjamas for an early night, she kisses him on the cheek before tucking him in gently and places the toy her mother got Roger next to him before she lays down on her bed whilst Roger slept and began to think.
Maybe...maybe she was missing something....maybe Dayne’s just stressed. Crystal lets out a soft sigh before closing her eyes. For a few minutes she was asleep when something began replaying in her mind.
The day before Crystal discovered her family had disappeared, she had woke up from her nap and went to use the bathroom when she noticed some...blood in the bathroom...she was instantly concerned thinking she may been bleeding but when she checked herself over, she couldn’t find anything.
She went looking for Dayne and told him about the blood in the bathroom, he told her it was his and that he had been cut during an altercation with a group of thieves but assured her he was alright.
Crystal woke up when she remembered that....he...he wouldn’t do that to her family...would he? She started to think about it more and more. Dayne’s behaviour lately, the blood in the bathroom.
She decides to pay more close attention to Dayne, maybe she was just paranoid from the stress/worry of her family’s disappearance. So that’s what she did, she’d spend time with Dayne whilst secretly observing him whilst acting as though she wasn’t aware of his behaviour.
Over those days, she’d noticed how aggressive he would be when he thought she wasn’t around, the way he’d act towards their people when they came to him seeking help. Crystal watched him leave for a few hours a day and come back.
One night whilst Crystal was laying on her side, struggling to sleep Dayne returned from dealing with something when someone came in as he removed his communicator “Sir, there’s an emergency.” Dayne sighed as he places the communicator down on the table then heads out to deal with whatever it was.
Seizing her opportunity, Crystal picked up the device then begins scrolling through it, looking for anything that would disprove her thoughts when she tapped on a conversation with the Uncle from the hospital.
Each message she seemed normal until she reached the one that mentioned ‘Taking care of Crystal’s family.” her heart sank before she heard footsteps, she leaves the messages and makes sure to put it back on the main screen like before then places it back down where it was before laying down and acting as if she was asleep.
The next day Crystal began searching for Artemis and found him in the library reading, she made her way towards him “Art? I...I need to talk to you....”
Artemis looked up from his book “Crys? Is everything alright?” he asked as she took his his hand “please....” was all she said to him, the look on his face said she was afraid so he agreed and lead her somewhere so they could talk.
“OK....what’s going on??” Artemis asked as Crystal tried not to break down crying
“I...I think Dayne has done something to my family.” Crystal said before she began to explain everything to Artemis. The more he listened to her, the more colour drained from his face. He knew Dayne could be nasty sometimes, hell before Crystal he was an asshole King but she changed him or so he thought.
Artemis felt sick to his stomach thinking about what could’ve happened to Crystal’s family, he knew they couldn’t confront him “We...we’ll just...figure a way of getting you and, Roger to safety.....”
Crystal just nodded “We keep it secret from Dayne...”
They hugged briefly before Crystal returned to her room, she had someone look after Roger whilst she went to find Artemis.
The next month....things escalated quickly. Dayne wasn’t trying to hide his aggressive side any more, he had decided that he was gonna rule the ENTIRE planet. There were other Kingdoms on this planet but Dayne wanted to make sure he was the only one from now on.
One day he started a war with another, arming his soldiers with heavy duty blasters, they were taking it by force. No negotiations, no conversations with the family. Dayne wanted to make SURE everyone knew he meant business. It didn’t take long for them to wipe out the Royal family of one kingdom and anyone that stood in their way ended up dead too.
Artemis saw the soldiers return, Dayne was there to greet them. he asked them how did conquering the kingdom go to which the leader said it had went well which caused Dayne to smirk “Excellent.” the leader bowed “I live to serve.” the lizard said with a small smile.
"Since you’ve been a loyal Soldier to me from the beginning, I want you to become my head guard. And personal bodyguard.” Dayne said with a smile.
The Soldier couldn’t help but grin at what Dayne said “I would be honoured, sir.”
“What’s your name?” Dayne asked to which the soldier said “Basco Arkage.”
“Basco Arkage? A Powerful name for a powerful Warrior.” Dayne had a grin as they walked off, heading back to the Throne room.
Artemis quickly made his way to Crystal to inform her about what had happened. Upon learning about what Dayne had done, Crystal sat on her bed as she began to think everything over before eventually looking at Artemis.
“....There’s...something I’ve been thinking about the last few hours.....A while back....Dayne....Dayne confessed to me that he had Roger’s nose ring made specially for him....” Crystal explained.
“Made special for him?” Artemis asked “We know that the nose rings are custom....” he said before Crystal cut him off.
“He made it to weaken his powers.....he told me that it was so Roger wouldn’t accidentally hurt us...but...I think it’s because....he’s afraid of Roger’s powers...” Crystal said as she looked at her friend.
“H...he wouldn’t hurt his own son....would he?” Artemis asked to which Crystal nodded “I’m afraid he would....”
Artemis’ heart sank knowing it’s more than likely Dayne would target Roger at some point “What do we do...?” Crystal sighed heavily “...I...I want you to make a pod but...not for me....for Roger....” “For the prince? but what about....” Artemis started to say to which Crystal cut him off once again
"I’m not going with him....I want Roger to be somewhere safe....somewhere that Dayne won’t attack....I want you to send him to the Monster World.” Crystal explained.
Artemis hated the fact that Crystal was gonna stay behind but he knew that she loved Roger more than anything in the world “OK....I’ll do it but I’ll get Nathan to help me, he’s pretty smart too...great with machines...” he sighed “I fucking hate this.” Crystal stood up and hugged Artemis tightly “I know....I know, I hate it too....but if I stay then he’ll have no reason to go after Roger.” Artemis nodded as he returned the hug before the pair began to plan everything out whilst making sure King Dayne never caught on.
Over the next couple of months Artemis and, Nathan worked Day and night on the pod, keeping it secret from Dayne wasn’t difficult due to him being too focused on conquering the other kingdoms. Artemis yawned slightly as the other lizard walked over with two cups of coffee, he was slightly mature looking compared to Artemis whom was in his early 20′s whilst the mature lizard looked to be in his 30′s, his scales were a very light blue, he had a pair of glasses on his face.
Nathan sat the second cup of coffee onto the table “Here, hon.” he said with a small smile as he took a seat next to Artemis “Break time.”
Artemis smiled as he took the cup “Thank you, Nate.” he said before taking a sip of his coffee “Mmf that’s heavenly.” Nathan smiled as he took a sip from his drink “I think we’ll have this done by December 18th....might be the safest thing all things considered...”
Artemis nodded a little “Day after Roger’s 2nd birthday....do you think we’ll be able to keep him safe until then? It’s...a few weeks until then....”
Nathan adjusted his glasses slightly before nodding “I think that we can....we’ll...make sure to add something onto the pod to protect him.” "Maybe...a cloaking  device....” Artemis said before taking a drink from his coffee again.
“...That’s actually a brilliant thinking, babe.” Nathan said with a smile “We’ll be putting him into a cryogenic sleep so we don’t want to make him an easy target.” he said before the two began drinking their coffees together to finish them quickly.
Over those remaining few weeks, Dayne had continued to spiral out of control, he threatened everyone except those he deemed worthy of his trust. Hell he even decided to rename their planet to Nemesis, wanting to strike fear into anyone that heard that name. There wasn’t a massive celebration for Roger’s 2nd birthday but Crystal, Artemis and, Nathan made sure to give him a mini birthday party and a couple gifts. One of which was a new blanket, the other was a baby mobile which was one Nathan and, Artemis built together for Roger.
The following day, Crystal set up a holo-recorder then sat down before she began to record a message for her son  “My name is Crystal Deckard, my husband and I are the rulers of the planet…Nemesis…” she sighs a little as she looked towards a window, looking outside at what was one a gorgeous planet now turned into a never ending warzone “It…it never used to be called Nemesis…”  
Crystal lets out a sigh “I’m…recording this message to my son because something has happened to my husband….the king.” she took a deep breath before continuing   “My husband, Dayne has….become corrupted, power hungry….he wants to take over every part of our world and….maybe others.” she sighs heavily.
Crystal rubs her neck “He started off as this…sweet, loving, caring man…” she looks over at something in the corner of the room “….It’s...currently….2002 I think.”
She chuckles “Two years ago you were born… December 17th….so not only was it your first birthday but first Christmas just days later.” she smiled at the memory, back then it seemed perfect. “The moment I saw you, I couldn’t believe you were mine….so cute…full of energy.” she looks at the camera, tears could be seen forming in her eyes “I’m currently planning on sending you to another planet, to keep you safe from Dayne…I don’t know what he’s capable of doing. Once…once I place you in this pod, you’ll be placed into a cryogenic sleep. You’ll be two years old for a while but from what my dear friend Artemis said over a few months you’ll start to turn into your true age. I am going to send you away to a planet called The Monster World….it was my great, great, great, great grandmother’s home planet for many years. The short version is she met someone from another planet and the two quickly fell in love and soon they returned to Nemesis. Over the years she started a family with this man, every one of us were always told about our heritage as Monsters, that was never hidden from us.” she lets out a soft sigh “I’m…the only one of my family left alive…I…I fear Dayne has done something to my family…” she rubs her eyes as she tried not to break down on camera
Crystal stands up from her chair “It….will take many years before you arrive on there, I don’t know how long but if my friend is right then you should arrive there by…2015 if I recall correctly. This pod is the only one of it’s kind so it can’t just show up there so quickly but I trust Artemis, who knows maybe with enough time your father will forget about you. Artemis’ll place a cloaking device on the pod so you can’t be found whilst travelling there.” she removes something from her neck and picks up a cloth and wraps it inside “….This is a pendant with a picture of you and, I inside it Roger….I’ll be placing this inside with you. Please…be safe, my son. Mommy loves you so much.”
Just then there was rapid knocking on the bedroom door, she quickly walks off camera to answer it. It was Artemis  “Your Majesty it’s time to go….” Crystal quickly walks over to the camera and looks at it one last time “…Goodbye…my love.” she said with a smile before turning the recording off.
She walks over to the sleeping baby and picks him up gently, making sure to grab what she’d need for Roger, including the disc, then quickly walked out of the door, she smiled at Artemis before they headed to where the pod was located, making sure to not be spotted by anyone else. Upon getting to the location, Crystal stared at the pod. It looked JUST like the one from Dragon Ball Z, almost identical to it. On the front was a symbol that looked like it belonged to the Royal family.
Crystal looked at Artemis whom just smiled “We may hate Dayne but we’re proud of what you did as the Queen, Crystal.”
Crystal smiled a little then carefully walked over to the pod and opened the front of it, she carefully wraps Roger up then places him inside, kissing his hand gently “I love you so much, Roger....You’re going to grow up to be an incredible young man.” she couldn’t help but tear up Artemis places the disc into a slot “There, he can get it whenever someone that finds him.” to which Crystal nodded before writing a brief note which read ‘My name is Roger, please take care of me.’ Once Crystal and, Artemis stepped back enough, Nathan closed the pod door then pressed some buttons first putting Roger into a cryogenic sleep then made sure to put the cloaking device on. He then made sure to open the roof up and launched the pod into space, he and Artemis had made sure to put the right coordinates in so Roger would make it there safely.
Ten minutes later, Dayne burst into the room angry as hell as he looked around “WHAT THE FUCK WAS JUST LAUNCHED?!” Crystal stepped forward “Roger....I’ve sent him somewhere safe, somewhere you can’t get to him.” she said with anger in her voice but she made sure not to raise her voice. He snarled “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, YOU STUPID BITCH?!” “So you wouldn’t hurt him.....like you did my family...” Crystal replied, still not raising her voice.
Instead of denying it, he smirked “Yeah....yeah you’re fucking right. I got rid of them....started with that dumb bitch sister of yours...then your brother....then that bitch of a mother of yours before I took my sweet fucking time with that bastard of a father....slit his throat slowly....” Dayne said with a sick grin. Crystal’s heart sank finally getting conformation as to what happened to her family.
Dayne looked at Artemis then Nathan “....Which of you two helped her.....” "We both did....sir...” Nathan replied as Dayne walked towards him
“Who is your loyalty to?” Dayne asked the pair to which they replied in unison  “To the Queen and, The Queen alone.”
Before Dayne could do anything, Crystal grabbed something and smashed it on Dayne’s head to stun him. She, Nathan and, Artemis ran as fast as they could, Crystal stopped for a few seconds then tore a slit upside her dress to make it easier to run. As soon as he was struck on the head, Dayne dropped to his knees gripping his head as it began to bleed. Basco and some of the other guards ran towards where the crash came from before they could say anything Dayne turned around, a crimson mask forming on his face “FIND THAT FUCKING BITCH CRYSTAL AND THOSE BASTARDS NATHAN AND, ARTEMIS!”
Basco didn’t question it and just turned to the other guards then said “You heard the man, move out!”
They saluted before running off to search for the Queen, Nathan and, Artemis. The Trio had unfortunately ended up separated due to Crystal having to stop and tear her dress.
Luckily for Artemis, Nathan had made a secret hiding spot in the library. He pulls a book out causing the bookshelf to move, he takes Artemis’ hand then drags him inside.
The room wasn’t massive but enough to fit a couple people, Artemis whispers “How did you make this?”
“Had free time for a few days, I wasn’t needed for work so I came in here and found this part of the library no-one comes to. This room was already behind here, I don’t think anyone knows about it. Must’ve been made by the previous King before Dayne. So I just made this passageway to get in here in secret. Became my mini break room when things got to me.” Nathan whispered back
Artemis nodded a little as he listened to Nathan before glancing back “We....We need to find Crystal....” he whispered 
Nathan nodded a little in agreement “Listen, I’ll go and try to find her. You stay here.”
“But...” Artemis didn’t want to be left alone but knew Nathan wouldn’t listen to reason, he had a bit of a stubborn streak.
"Sit on the chair and give yourself time to recover, I’ll be safe.” Nathan said with a reassuring smile before kissing Artemis deeply. He then opened the bookshelf and stepped out before carefully making his way out of the library.
Crystal had lost sight of Artemis and, Nathan when she stopped to fix her dress so she had ran somewhere else. She opens one of the doors and looks inside to see if anyone was inside.
It was the museum where she and, Dayne had spent time together looking at the Planet’s History when she first became Queen. She began to look for somewhere to hide though there weren’t a lot of places to hide.
She stood in front of a statue of Dayne’s father, the previous King “....He probably did something to you too, didn’t he?” she thought to herself before hearing the door to the museum open.
She quickly dives behind the statue and crouches, trying to make sure she wouldn’t be seen. It was that new head guard, Basco. She knew she couldn’t trust him so she did her best to remain hidden.
Nathan made his way carefully down the hallways, searching for where Crystal could have gone when he spotted the doors to the museum opened, he carefully made his way towards it then pressed himself against the wall before glancing inside.
Basco could be seen walking around the room a little, seemingly searching for Crystal. He stops in his tracks then glances at the previous King’s statue before smirking, this was the only place big enough for her to hide.
He jumps onto the statue’s pedestal then moves slowly across it, Crystal glanced towards one side of the room. She carefully began crawling, trying to be safe when he jumped down behind her and, before she could react, he grabbed her and picked her up by the throat.
Basco smiled as he opened up the communicator “Sir....I found the bitch....what should I do?” he asked Dayne
“....You know exactly what to do.” Dayne replied, no emotion in his voice. The man Crystal once knew was 100% gone.
Basco just grinned as he pulled out a blade then stabbed Crystal repeatedly in the stomach, covering her mouth to make sure she wouldn’t scream. 
Nathan covered his mouth as he watched Crystal being stabbed, he and Crystal had become friends over the last couple of months and to watch her life being slowly stripped away from her.
Basco then stabs Crystal in the throat with his blades before dropping her now lifeless body onto the ground. He stares at the dead body with a sick smile, having enjoyed every second of that.
Nathan composed himself before quickly and quietly running back to the library. Artemis was still sat there, waiting on Nathan to return with Crystal.
He turned his head hearing the bookshelf move so he got up to greet Nathan and, hopefully, Crystal but his face dropped when he saw the tears in Nathan’s eyes “Wh...where’s Crys..?” was all he could say before Nathan wrapped his arms around Artemis and hugged him tightly and began whispering “I’m so sorry....” over and over.
Artemis knew instantly....Crystal was gone...his best friend of the past few years just...gone. He began sobbing softly into his boyfriend’s arms before eventually composing himself enough to ask how.
Nathan explained everything he saw from start to finish and how Basco ended Crystal’s life with ease. Artemis sat himself down, feeling like he was gonna drop to the floor from what he heard, the shock hitting him.
“I’m so sorry, hon I couldn’t....I couldn’t do anything, it all happened so fast.” Nathan said as he kept apologising, feeling responsible for not looking for Crystal sooner.
Artemis reassured Nathan that he wasn’t to blame, they hugged each other for a while grieving over their loss. They decided that this hidden room would be the best place for them to stay in. They’d sneak out when they needed food and bring it back.
Many years later....AJ was sitting in his dorm room, playing his guitar when he saw a bright light appear outside his window. He got up and looked outside and saw a large...pod? nearby.
He tilts his head in confusion before he looked around, thankfully it was late enough for no one to be wandering around. So AJ took it upon himself to head outside and headed towards the pod.
He pulled out his pocket knife, just on the off chance it was something dangerous. He presses his hand onto the pod’s window and glances inside but couldn’t make out anything inside.
He looks for something to open the pod when he finds a panel, he phases his hand through it and finds a wire to pull. AJ smiles before pulling the wire, causing the pod to open.
AJ makes his way towards the opened pod, his jaw drops a little when he sees a small baby lizard inside with peach scales, a blanket wrapped around him and a nose ring.
Without thinking twice, he carefully reaches in and scoops the baby out “Hey there...” he spots a note attacked to the door so he picks it up and reads it “My name is Roger, please take care of me.” he looks down at Roger “....Roger huh? Well....aren’t you just cute.” he smiled a little before making the pod disappear, he hadn’t noticed the piece of cloth that was left inside.
He carries Roger upstairs to his dorm room and makes a crib appear before he places the sleeping baby inside. He sits on his bed and looks the note over carefully, wanting to make sure he didn’t miss anything else. It was obvious that Roger was an alien, that much was clear.
AJ shook his head a little “Something must’ve happened to his family...” was all he could think before he glanced at the baby. He knew he couldn’t put Roger up for adoption that much was clear so after thinking it over for a few moments, he decided that he would take Roger in and raise him.
AJ lightly rocks the crib when he saw Roger starting to stir “....I promise....I’m gonna raise you, Roger...I promise I’m gonna give you a life that I always wanted when I was a kid. I’m gonna spoil you a bit but I’m gonna teach you right from wrong....and I vow to never lose my temper with you or threaten you....” he said aloud before he climbs into his bed and falls asleep. 
No matter what happened next, he was gonna do his fucking best to raise Roger and keep him safe.
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destiny-islanders · 6 years
Re Tacdeho! Ev oui'na naytehk drec, E'ja kuddah ysywehk yd Vehym Vyhdyco Q!Dryhgc vun dra nalussahtydeuh! Oajuh pa fedr oui!
E's cu kmyt oui mega ed! Pa cina du keja Q-2 y dno, duu! :)
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vroger2018 · 3 years
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Уважаемые клиенты! При бронировании проживания в «Бухте Весёлого Роджера», вместе со счётом на оплату Вы в обязательном порядке получите от меня вот такое письмо: Благодарим Вас за выбор гостиницы «Бухта Весёлого Роджера» для проведения вашего отдыха. Хочу напомнить Вам о том, что гостиница «Бухта Весёлого Роджера» является частным заведением, и установленные нами правила не могут быть оспорены гостями. С правилами проживания, договором, условием отмены брони указанные в договоре вы можете ознакомиться на нашем сайте www.vroger.ru Прошу Вас обратить внимание, что при условии оплаты счёта, который вы получили, вы полностью подтверждаете то что согласны со всеми условиями указанными в договоре проживания. Ну и для того, чтобы у нас с Вами в дальнейшем не было никаких недоразумений и недопониманий прошу в ответ на данное сообщение написать мне следующее: -С правилами поведения, условиями договора проживания и отмены брони ознакомлен, со всем согласен! Огромное спасибо за понимание, и до скорой встречи на Алтае! Пожалуйста, прочитайте это письмо до конца и ещё раз подумайте стоит ли Вам оплачивать выставленный счёт, согласны ли Вы на правила проживания в нашей гостинице!? С Уважением Медведева Наталья. #отдыхнаалате #турбазанаалтае #алтайтурбазы #алтайотдых #базыалтая #базанаалтае #семейныйотдых #горныйалтай #бухтавесёлогороджера (at Barnaul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSJUHR-KmyT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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meilanhsiao · 4 years
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A disappointed #evaluation of a #questionable #taiwaneseoolong tonight. Leaf is thin, has #sweetfloral #greentaste in the 1st brewing, but flat in the 2nd round. #teajudging (at Belgium Chinese Tea Arts Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-kmYt-H2nQ/?igshid=10o0g3vic3j4u
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womenoflaw5 · 7 years
fyk kmyt jmal 😍 mshallh
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dukuzumurenyiphd · 2 years
To Be Black, Speak You Maat: Global Afrikan Liberation | Ending Neoliberalism
km dd . tn mAat/Kem Djed . ten Maat [To Be Black, Speak You Maat] 
Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi Ph.D., Public Policy Analysis 
Essays on Afrikan Liberation, Revolutionary Governance and Radical Macroeconomic Public Policy with a Translation of the Oldest Book in the World, the Instructions of Ptah-hotep, the Ethical Axioms of Excellent Discourse & Afrikan Behavior by the Prime Minister & Chief Public Administrator of Kemet c. 1866 – 1891 KC [c. 2375 – 2350 BCE] 
kmyt/Kemyt [Books of the Black Land] 
Pan-Afrikan Ethics for Pan-Afrikan Public Policy & Public Administration 
Volume I Second Edition 
Accra, Ghana: University of New Timbuktu sbA Press, 2022. 
Pp. liii, 690. [PDF] 
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l9999l · 4 years
Kmyt albnat ely esmhum Deema f tumblr mb 6be3yh
u aint wrong🥶
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purestpoison · 4 years
a7sn shay u did enna u deleted swarm w33333 kmyt grff,, bravoooo🤣
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ast-27 · 5 years
ya shenkm 9dg,you judge everything,w e4a 9yf f'bahrain?lazm mykonos wla cannes wla marbella 3shan yr9'ekm w ma tt6nzon,blnhaya byro7 marbella w paris rd million alfen mra w ahm shy alwld mstans
Walla kmyt nas mree9’a fe a7d msl6hm 3lyy
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nostalgic-5 · 6 years
hw mu 6be3ii kmyt alnas elli ts2l 3n jam3tk over walla guys 5la9 her personal life walla traa
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skf-8 · 6 years
5aiiiirrrr bdet a3’ar wsh kmyt albnat aly 3ndk?
who r u😂
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Owasso man reportedly says diet pills caused him to meet up with teen for sex Crime News Today
Owasso man reportedly says diet pills caused him to meet up with teen for sex Crime News Today
Owasso man reportedly says diet pills caused him to meet up with teen for sex Crime News Today
By Preston Jones, KMYT
OWASSO, Okla. — (KMYT) — Owasso police arrested a man who allegedly told officers that diet pills caused him to have inappropriate sexual thoughts.
Officers arrested Brandon Lopez, 29, when he reportedly tried to meet a 16-year-old for sex at an area elementary school near 76th…
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nadzaaa · 7 years
Fek kmyt jmal😍💙
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therealkhaled · 7 years
Y3 kreeeeh wjhk feeeh kmyt w9a5aaa mo 6be3ya a7sk t5rb bld kaml mn shrk allah ykfe elly 7olk mnh
ياحلوك بس😂❤️
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ast-27 · 5 years
Ma 3leek adry
Enzl shwy btshuf kmyt nas mt5lfh ha4a 3’eer ely maynrd 3leeh
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