#knd 1x5
omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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Kuki x Wally fluff
Can any of you tell that I love this ship. Before the events of Flower and very VERY heavily implied crushes and slight obsession ( nothing too bad, just like very surface level stuff ). Oh yea, brief and implied Nigel x Abigail because 1x5 is a cuter ship imo then 2x5
"Hood Swap"
"Really? You want to swap our hoods?" Wally crossed his arms looking at the taller girl. "Yea! I'd think it'd be fun!" Wally wasn't opposed to swapping their hoods, he did want to wear Kuki's sweatshirt so badly. But he didn't want that to come out.
"Its just clothes!" Kuki crossed her arms, mocking his stance. "Exactly. Why can't we swap then?" Wally tried to find a reason, but his mind went blank. "Fine...let's swap. On one condition. If you get my hoodie dirty or ripped, I'm taking it back" Kuki smiled. "Deal!"
Kuki walked out her room, orange instead of green on her torso. She looked at herself and smiled. "Its a little form fitting, but it feels super comfy!" Wally looked up at her, fighting to blush at her adorablness. "You look comfy too!" Kuki remarked, pointing at Wally in her sweatshirt. "Y-Yea it comfortable I guess..." He stuttered a little.
Just then, Nigel walked by. "What in the..." Wally instinctively looked away while Kuki looked at Nigel with joy. "We are swapping our clothes for the day!" Nigel just tilted his head in confusion. "Uh..alright? Me and Numbuh 5 are gonna grab some lunch and bring it back, you both want anything?"
"Oh you know what we like!"
"And I know what Wally likes" Wally snapped up to look over, seeing a smug Abigail looking right at him. "You comfy in that?" She teased. Wally just began stuttering. Nigel snickered at this lovely little scene. "Well, We'll be back. Numbuh 2 isn't gonna be here at all so you both will have a lil bit of free time~"
Wally covered his insanely red face. "Wait why is Numbuh 2 not going to be here?" Kuki asked. "Numbuh 2 got sick. Heard he's puking everywhere" Kuki cringed at the thought.
"Well, let's go pick up food and we'll be back" Nigel said, starting to head out. "Have fun!~" Abigail shouted before she left.
Kuki tapped on Wally's head, making him look up at her. "You okay?" She asked. Wally nodded, still looking away in embarrassment. "You sure? If you want we can change back-"
Kuki looked a little surprised. She thought he was just embarrassed of giving in for something minor. "Its not the clothing it's the issue" He said. "Oh.." Silence followed. Now they didn't know what to do. "Uh...you wanna watch tv?" Wally asked, scratching the back of his neck. "Sure!"
As the two watched TV, Wally's flusteredness died down, now just focusing on the giant screen and less on the swap. Suddenly, Kuki got up. "I'll be right back, it'll just be a second!" She left the room, leaving Wally by himself. He thought she was going to the bathroom or something.
Well usual trips to the bathroom aren't 10 minutes long. He became curious and looked around for Kuki. He didn't think she would of left-left. He checked each room, finally making it to his room. He opened the door to see Kuki laying on his bed, holding something in her hands.
He tried looking over her, but couldn't tell what she was holding. "I'm so glad we did the swap!" Kuki said to the Rainbow Monkey toy in her arms. "His hoodie is so comfortable and it smells just like him!" Wally covered his mouth, in fear of making any noise. His cheeks went pink, but he kept listening. "He looks so cute in my sweatshirt, he should wear it more often!"
Cute? Him? Never. She was the one all cute! "Oh, its been a while...Hold on Mr Happy Rainbow Monkey, I'm gonna put you back and go to the couch, hes probably thinking I left the tree house or something" Wally quickly ran back to the couch and pretended he didn't eavesdrop on her little conversation.
"Hey Wally! Sorry I kept ya waiting" Kuki greeted him with a smile on her face. "O-Oh its no problem." She sat next to Wally and pulled him in for a hug. Wally tried not to blush as he was pulled in. He started to get relaxed again, soon sinking into Kuki's arms. God he was happy he agreed to the swap.
"Hey uh, Kuki?" Kuki turned around, her hair being flung out of her face like a curtain on a windy day. "Yes, Numbuh 4?" Wally scratched the back of his neck. "Y-You can keep the hoodie if you want, I have another one" He said. "Oh! Okay! You can keep that one too" Wally internally celebrated, but just kept his goofy flustered look on.
* Bonus! *
"We should do that one day too" Nigel said to Abigail as they stood in line waiting for their food. "If you can pull off just an extra large shirt, Numbuh 5 will agree" Nigel thought about it. "Well, I suppose I could try. Never wore just a shirt before though" He did imagine it was quite comfortable, much more than wearing pants in his opinion. "Well, I'll do it!"
"Cool, if you wanna do that, we'll do that. But just so you know, Numbuh 5 ain't shaving my head bald"
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torra-and-the-toons · 2 months
Are you planning on doing some KND redreaw screencaps? It can be from any episode, mainly the ones you like. Also your artsyle's cool I love it
I'm not really as big on DOING screencap redraws, but I enjoy seeing other people's! :> Idk, for me, I try to draw pretty close to the show's style, so doing a screencap redraw just seems like it wouldn't be that interesting coming from me.
But, I did one just for you :> I was originally going to do a different episode, but upon rewatching the end of INTERVIEWS I had to do this one. I took some liberties, like shoving them closer together, I hope that's okay lol
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Also thank you so much for the compliment!! 💖
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Friends on discord were making their art summaries of 2020 and I decided to make my own
This year was basically the year of OCs-
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I’d say I’m proud of my progress this year and I can still continue that improvement in 2021 :D
2020 has obviously been a chaotic year for us all, but I did get some good out of it; I finally left a toxic fandom and instead rejoined the KND fandom, I’m (slowly) starting to make animatics, and met some amazing people (both irl and online)!
Along with this, I want to make a few shout outs:
@mkayeatsspaghetii — my best friend irl, my dude, my Annus to my Unus, I am proud in not only your improvement to draw but as well as your improvement to animate. I always love hearing about your OCs and your own original stories, plz keep it up! Whenever I rejoined the KND fandom I basically dragged you down into the pit with me for awhile and I’m not sorry XD
@ra1nb0w-ph0en1x — My TKD buddy, I’ve known you for about two years now and I’m extremely honored to call you my friend!💜 I adore your art and am extremely happy to hear that you’re moving forward as a black belt! :D I know where we met wasn’t a very happy time, but I’m still happy that even after we left a certain fandom we could still talk and be friends. I’m really hoping I can meet you in person one day!💟
@ohlookanothercartoontofallinto — Your art style is adorable and I’m in love with your OC, Lisa (protect at all cost)! And I never say it enough, but also thank you for inviting me onto the KND discord (I honestly have no idea why— I’m a loser compared to everybody else there) I know we don’t talk a lot, but just know I appreciate you a lot!💖
@fallen-gabrielle — Your Uno bros and angst content feeds my soul and I love the times ranting about every small detail involving that chaotic demon family. It (strangely) brought me comfort knowing I wasn’t the only one that can go crazy over the Uno family and I am extremely happy I met you! ✨💙✨
@destiny-126 — I know we don’t talk a lot bc my shy ass is too scared to start a conversation without me thinking I’m annoying you You dragged me into 2 pits: The “Love for the Teen Ninjaz” pit, and the “No Straight Roads” pit (and thank you for it). I adore your art sm and I always look forward to seeing your content! ✨Your Teen Ninja ask blog really helped keep me entertained during quarantine and your Neon J and 1010 family content is only dragging me into the NSR fandom more- (I’m still listening to the 1010 cover as I’m typing this bc of you- adyjfj)
@socksandbuttons — I know we don’t talk a whole lot bc same reason: my shy ass is too scared to say anything but I still want you to know I admire your art (both digital and tradional)! You’re slowly dragging me into the Fusionfall fandom and idk what to think about it XD. But I’m hoping I could get a chance to know you better in 2021 ^^
@sneakystarstruckspyzineprofessor — I don’t say this enough, but I love that mini fanfics you make and thank you so much for being one of the people that supported my KND content from the beginning! I helped me continue my content forward and motivated me to keep going! Thank you sm! ❤️
@madamas-blog — I’m in love with your Sector Metor and your OCs (especially Chubbs, Numbuh 8L and Creed) and I’m really excited to see the next chapter of your GKND story! And thank you for also supporting my KND content from the beginning, it means more than you’ll ever know! ❤️
@luci-moon — I know we don’t talk a lot, but I absolutely ADORE your art and headcanons, and thank you so much for your support on my space boyfriends (Leon and Nigel) as well as my other OCs. I always love seeing your 1x274 and 1x5 content and more! I have noticed you’ve been offline for awhile, but whenever you come back I just want you to know that I really want to become friends!💖
If I didn’t mention you, please don’t think it was anything personal, I just don’t know how much I’ll be able to type before this list becomes longer than I want it to be😂😅 but just know I love you and appreciate you all!✨🖤💖
In conclusion; to everyone new and old who have stuck with me through this crazy, chaotic year, thank you so much and I hope 2021 is amazing for all of you! ✨🖤💕🎉
~Numbuh 333✨🖤
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pinktatertots99 · 5 years
Hi! For Fandom Asks: Send Me A Number - 3, 9, 10, 15-21 and for 40 Questions - Meme for Shippers - 6, 8, 13, 24 and 40. Hope it's not too much 😊
Fandom Asks: Send Me A Number 
3. First ever ship and why. uhhhhh, daaaaaamn i’m goin back a ways uhm, i’ll say uh, i’ll go with 1x5 from codename knd.
9. Character death you still haven’t moved on yet? antarc from hnk.10. Craziest fangirl/fanboy moment? uhhhhh i’mma saaaaay the time i was squeelin throughout my whole watchthrough of hnk.
15. Most loathed character. EVER.  chidori takashido from kiznaiver. i...really couldn’t stand her. 16. Favorite villain/s.  i’mma saaaay scarred man from nanbaka17. A show you used to love but eventually hated or vice-versa. uhhhh i’mma say kiznaiver but less hate and more boredom and wishin for more stuff with it. that and over the garden wall is another one i couldn’t stand anyone. show i hated but soon liked...i got nothin for that honestly.18. A character you used to love but eventually hated or vice-versa.: used to love but hated...uhhhhh, uhm, hmmmm, i’ll go with dia from hnk just because things they’ve said rubbed me the wrong way. as for vice versa i’ll say cartaphillius from mahoutsukai no yome.19. A ship you used to love but eventually hated or vice-versa.: loved but hated would have to be most of the ppg/rrb ships from ppg’s, they just got so dull. as for hated but soon loved, uhhhh, i’ll go with enki/noriko mostly just cause the aus from futamata sho had me loosen up bout it.20. Your ultimate OTP? qi x liang ftw21. Any fandom related question you can think of. :) i think you were supposed to give me a question dude lol.
40 Questions - Meme for Shippers
6. How do you feel about love triangles? unless everyone ends up happy or something then otherwise i loathe then. i loathe them dearly, kiznaiver didn’t help with the giant one and it’s tainted things like star vs for me.
8. Have you ever shipped yourself with a character?  oh buddy any raven haired character i see i’ll fall in love with and ship myself with em lol.
13. Has a ship ever broken your heart? uhhhhhhh, diabortz i guess.
24. Do you mostly ship canon pairings? HAH lol as if. only ones i’ll truly ship are ones that end up together in the end or married couples. otherwise CRACK SHIP TIME BABY!
40. If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be? make it the more popular one and not the...other ship involving upa...please for the love of me switch their places and have qi x liang be the popular one.
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