#knives in the backs of martyrs; lives in the burning fodder 💥 maki & akutagawa (bemuseing)
✏️ and also of course akutagawa and maki
Anything can a correct quote if you're chaotic enough
if I had known the generator was going to give me This much to work with for Akutagawa, I would've kept generating for Ice too.
Maki: Ow! Akutagawa: What’s wrong? Maki: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow. Akutagawa: It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.
Maki: So I have made the decision to trust you. Akutagawa: A horrible decision, really.
Akutagawa: I'm tired. Maki: You slept for three hours last night! Why are you surprised? Akutagawa: I'm not surprised. I just wanted to complain about it.
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“The other day I ended up having to retrieve something from the archive, and a photo of...Fitzgerald I believe? Fell out? And getting a good look at him, I still say he reminds me a lot of the man who tried to kill me.”
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“But Akutagawa saw that I picked up the photo, and I pointed out to him that though their abilities are very different, they do look a bit similar. And all he said was ‘Oh? Don’t worry, we dealt with that one already.’“
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“I asked him which one he meant, but he went right back to what he was doing. I still don’t know.”
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“If I had a nickel for everytime I ended up with an older brother figure who was or still is, an important boss of a sinister organization, I would have two nickels.”
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“Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.”
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💬 AND ALSO bsd verse w. akutagawa
Send 💬 and Maki will say what he really thinks about your muse.
"Familiar." He answers right off, and to most he would've probably left it at just that word.
"I didn't quite know how to describe it properly at first, but when I saw how he acted with Dazai, it just felt familiar. He looked so determined and set on following whatever Dazai said, as though trying to prove something to him. When I saw it I didn't know why this felt the way it did, but… I have a better understanding now. It felt like he was trying to prove he had a reason to exist to Dazai, and… that's how I always felt with Amber. Not in the same way that Dazai treated him, but the feeling was still the same."
"And I don't fully know his perspective, but for me, he's the only person I know that's really understood that feeling. I think it plays into why neither of us were surprised with the other when..." He hesitates, and sighs softly. "When we both lost our respective people, and we both went berserk in our own ways about it."
"When I heard about what Akutagawa did, I wasn't shocked but I also didn't really have much room to have much of a perspective beyond... feeling if things had been reversed, I probably would've done the same thing. And... then I did get to have that moment myself more recently, and he had ample time and chance to stop me, but he didn't."
"I'm grateful for that, and grateful for a lot of other things too. I don't think I would still be alive if he hadn't answered when I called for help, I hated that I had to do it. I was supposed to be there to prove to her that I was the superior ability user compared to-- ugh, it doesn't matter. When someone attacked me, when I failed what I set out to do, I felt like he was the only person I could call. Maybe because I didn't feel ashamed asking for his help in particular, I would've done the same if he'd needed it but, his ability far exceeds mine in capability."
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"I don't... know if 'friends' is the best way to describe my connection to him, it feels like it's more complex than just that. I really don't have a word for it, beyond... I suppose that saying, being two sides of the same coin, perhaps. Different but the same. I really respect him, I'd help without question if he ever needed it, our lives aren't normal enough to be 'normal' friends. But he is important to me, I wish I could describe it better."
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The job was supposed to be easy. Look into a building of interest, and then rendezvous with other members from Port Mafia about his findings; if anything. Which admittedly he wasn't looking forward to anyway, he didn't find much of note... though for all he knew, maybe that was what they wanted.
But it didn't end up mattering, because he saw someone he'd seen before in Amber's photos. Someone he knew held importance to her, and who he strove to be better than no matter if they had a lack of presence now. Maki activated his ability to set a small fire near the man, and startle him into a nearby alley; surprisingly he did succeed. Chasing him down was no issue after, and the alley was a dead end save for a medium-high wall. It could be jumped perhaps but he would have doubted the man would have the chance, until Maki found that he had been followed.
Another man came running into the area not long after Maki entered, freezing Maki in place with a quick use of his own ability. By the time he managed to unfreeze himself with his own, the person he'd been trying to chase had leaped the wall to freedom; leaving him with his new attacker blocking the way out. Maki didn't know who this new man was, or what he was chasing him over to begin with, but he kept shielding himself with sheets of ice the everytime Maki threw explosives his way.
In the smoke built up over his various attacks, the two of them struggled to see eachother to continue on. But this doesn't stop the man from beginning to wildly throw icicles in any direction he could, and Maki was lucky to avoid several. But when one gives a severe cut down his arm, he begins to think he may only have one chance to get help before things get very bad. The whole point to him being here was to prove he could be a superior ability user, but he wasn't going to manage it like this as much as he hated to admit it. He goes for his phone before throwing a set of stones to make the man back off again if possible, activating the stones while the phone began to ring.
The call is picked up quickly, and relief floods him. "Akutagawa I'm--"
It doesn't last very long, the attacker throws an icicle dagger that hits Maki's chest. The force to it is enough to send him falling onto his back, his jacket being stained in red and he struggles to breathe. He could try to melt the ice but he knows better, all he can do is grip pebbles on the ground and throw them aside to try to keep this man away when the explosives activate.
"N-near the park," he strains to speak. "Follow s-smoke. Help. Please."
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The line goes dead, he managed to get a lucky shot in at Maki’s hand and phone. Only one free hand left and a hope that Akutagawa would make it. Maki’s seen and heard so much over his years with Port Mafia, and yet it’s only this time that he feels legitimately afraid.
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