#knowing him he wouldn't even THINK about offering to see barbie to his friend
laplupludetuvida · 1 year
A friend invited my brother to go to see oppenheimer, and my brother didn't seem thrilled to go, so i asked him if he wanted to go see Oppenheimer
"I'd like to see barbie better, but a movie is a movie and a friend is a friend"
I saw his face, HIS EYES, that boy will go and see Oppenheimer and will suffer every minute of it, so then i asked if he is interested or happy or something over seeing it
"I'm disappointed."
He'll see oppenheimer today, but i swear i'll take him to watch Barbie on of these days
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
It's been a while since I've sent an ask, I'm quite busy as of now so I'm sorry if my thoughts end up jumbled so I'll try to be as coherent as possible.
Recently I've managed discussing om with friends and in social media as well.
So basically, I recently found a theory that Micheal was lying about the brothers being pardoned in an attempt to sneak them into the celestial realm because as far we know his coping methods are shitty to say the least.
I also saw that maybe the reason that Micheal didn't include Satan/not that nice to mc is because of his own jealousy. After all he was close to the brothers but definitely didn't fit as one of the brothers as quick as Satan did. And since they fell Micheal only really has Raphael while Satan and mc have the rest of the brothers as well as diavolo, barbie, solomon, simeon, Luke, 13. So the concept of jealousy is there.
What are your thoughts?
Welcome back to my ask box, anon!
I absolutely think it's possible Michael just lied about it. We don't really know how present Father is in the Celestial Realm, but let's assume he's the one who has to approve a pardon. Michael could certainly just tell everybody that he did even if it wasn't true and I don't think anybody would question it. They would just believe him. He's the most powerful angel, etc etc, the other angels trust him.
It seems unlikely that Father would agree to give the brothers a pardon, considering what happened.
But the reasoning behind it is that the brothers are now too powerful in the Devildom, tipping the balance of power between the Devildom and the Celestial Realm. So while I don't think Father necessarily wants to forgive them for what they did, he might feel like he has to in order to maintain a balance of power.
That being said, it could be that Michael heard about all that and decided it was the perfect excuse to offer them a pardon that he just made up. I don't know how well he'd be able to sneak them in, though... just because I can't imagine Father wouldn't notice. But if for some reason he didn't, I don't think the other angels would question Michael at all. They'd just take his word for it. So really, it'd be pretty easy for him to fake it, I think.
It also makes sense that Michael is jealous of both Satan and MC. He kind of acts like he doesn't know anything about either of them, but he's also pretending to be Raphael at the time. And we know that Michael is fully aware of MC as well as the fact that MC is from the future. So I don't believe that he doesn't know full well who Satan is and why it's a big deal for the brothers to consider leaving him. And I don't doubt that Michael is lonely with only Raphael left. So I think it makes sense that he's jealous. And actually being in the Devildom long enough to see how they all are with each other probably only makes that worse. He sees how they're a found family and how he's not part of that. And if he knows MC is from the future, maybe he also knows that Raphael eventually joins the exchange program, too. And then he's really the only one left.
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midnightkens · 2 months
How about "Horse!"
Ken buzzes with excitement. He's been waiting a long time for this day to come - it feels like an entire lifetime's passed him by. The fragments of his life shattered by Patrick are finally starting to come together, reshaping. It won't be the same as before. It's eerily reminiscent of Barbie Land and his life after the Kendom.
He's Real, with a family, friends, and a Real job. A life built from nothing, torn piece by piece until there was nearly nothing left. The foundation is shakier now, threatening to crumble under the slightest touch, but Ken has worked with less.
A shaky foundation, after all, is better than no foundation.
There is Before Patrick and After Patrick. The times before Patrick were beautiful, more fulfilling than Ken had even imagined. The world was bright and colorful, a realm of possibilities at his fingertips. After Patrick means nightmares and panic attacks, jumping at every shadow and a burning desire to cover his neck. But there's also the feeling of Colt's hand in his, the scent of Barbie burning her second batch of brownies, the rush of a night out with friends.
He'd forgotten about a lot of things. He'd forgotten how to live. It's slow going, but he's slowly starting to remember.
Ken pulls into a spot in front of the sprawling ranch, sucking in a deep breath, relishing the scent of freshly cut grass. Before Patrick, the ranch was a huge part of his life. He volunteered at the horse sanctuary every week without fail, but as Patrick's control tightened, his time at the ranch had dwindled until he just...stopped. It was easier to do whatever Patrick wanted, to try to keep him happy. Not that it ever worked, especially once Colt came into the picture.
Colt showed Ken how to break those oppressive chains, helped Ken remember how much he loved being free. Colt's the one who encouraged him to return to the sanctuary.
"Horses are your thing, dollface. Don't let that asshole ruin that for you."
He's talked about this in therapy. Reclaiming his power, putting his life back together. Picking up the pieces has been daunting, but horses are safe. They're kind, gentle, nonjudgmental. And Ken knows everything about most of the horses here - how they like to be brushed, which humans they like the best, who loves carrots and which ones would rather have sugar cubes. He's itching to saddle up, but it's been over a year since he's ridden. It'll take him and the horses time to get used to each other again.
"Ken! Hi!"
Ken barely registers what's happening before the owner of the voice is barreling into him. "Oomph!" He looks down to see Eve, the owner's daughter. She had a birthday recently, he thinks. Twenty-one? He returns the hug, squeezing a bit. Eve was always one of his favorites. "Hi, Evie. It's good to see you."
Eve pulls back, green eyes shining with excitement, grinning widely. "Mom said you were coming back, but I told her I wouldn't believe it 'til I saw you. Are you okay? Where've you been? We've missed you tons."
Ken's smile falters. Tough questions were to be expected. Colt spent hours rehearsing answers with him, but in the moment, he blanks. "It's kind of complicated." Is he okay? Debatable. He decides to sidestep it completely, saying, "I've missed you guys, too. I promise I'll explain, but...It's been a lot."
Eve narrows her eyes, and Ken gulps. She's perceptive, and her gaze can be intense, like she's seeing right through her subject. His shoulders slump when Eve offers him a one-shouldered shrug. "Okay. I'm just glad you're back. And I know someone else who'll be, too."
He and Eve walk side by side down to the stables. She chats animately about everything that's been happening at the sanctuary, especially the equine therapy program. "Newly certified," she says proudly. "We get a lot of adults, surprisingly. I thought it'd be more kids."
She opens the doors, and Ken drinks in the sight of the horses. They're so beautiful. There are some newcomers, but he glimpses at the second to last stall on the right and gasps.
Eve smirks knowingly. "Told ya. She's gonna flip shit when she sees you. She's missed you a lot."
Ken makes a beeline for the stall. The horse is already standing, neighing excitedly at the sound of his voice, and Ken laughs in delight. "Hi, Hazel," he coos, reaching out his hand. "Hi, sweetie. I've missed you so much."
Hazel's young, only about five years old. She'd been rescued from a neglectful farmer in rural Tennessee, and she'd been timid when she arrived at the sanctuary. Terrified of humans, flinching from their touches. It took Ken months to earn her trust. He let her come to him. For the first three months, he mostly existed around her - caring for the other horses, mucking the stalls, letting her study and get to know him. He often felt her eyes boring into his back. He chatted with her, letting her get used to the sound of his voice.
And then one day, she nudged his hand for a sugar cube. She deemed him safe. They bonded quickly after that, and everyone knew that he was Hazel's favorite.
Ken thought about her often after he stopped going. He would stay awake staring at the walls, aching to get back to the sanctuary. Horses are intelligent creatures, and Hazel probably thought he abandoned her. The guilt was all-consuming. How do you explain violent, controlling partners to a horse?
"She cried when you were gone."
Ken jumps at the sound of Eve's voice. She stares at man and horse sadly, and Ken sucks in a sharp breath. "She cried?"
"Yeah. She missed you a lot."
"I missed her, too." Hazel leans into Ken's touch, and he threads his fingers through her soft, black mane. Tears slip from the horse's eyes, and Ken's heart clenches. He rests her forehead against her snout, and Hazel sighs contentedly.
"I'm sorry, sweetie. I'm never leaving you again, okay?"
He guides Hazel out to pasture. She stays glued to his side, content to have her human back with her at long last. He quickly snaps a photo and sends it to Colt.
You were right. This was a good idea. Can I bring her home with me?
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Saint Jude's Miracle: A Javier Peña x OFC (Isa) Fanfiction. Chapter IV
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Summary: Javier left one small detail about his partnership with the DEA, a insignificant one but that changes how Isa perceives this job and the risks he’s about to take. They spent the last weekend before he leaves in Laredo where they made many memories at the beginning of their relationship.
WC: 4,3k
Warnings: angst and many hurt feelings, miscommunication, swearing. NSFW +18 SMUT at the end of the chapter (fingering, male masturbation, p in v and a bit of sex talk but not that explicit)
A/N: Hi! this is chapter four and I think that I can wrap up this story in a few chapters more (4 maximum, at least that’s the plan) I literally based the whole end of the chapter on my first participation on #Writer Wednesday that you can read here and my love for Juan Luis Guerra. The song mentioned is “Burbujas de amor” I grew up dancing and listening to that tape while my mami cooked and later in my life I really paid attention to the lyrics discovering that well, it’s about sex 😅, still it’s a beautiful bachata and the hopeless romantic in me wishes that somebody (Javi Peña please) would dance it with me someday while being madly in love 💃❤
Listen and Lyrics here (there's a few verses translated by yours truly in the chapter)
Masterlist | Chapter 3⬅
Chapter IV: Small details
Isabel tries to focus on her daily routines like doing the chores; it’s easier than to think about anything else, she tries to keep going as if nothing is going to happen. But every time she looks at the door where Javi has left his luggage, she feels her stomach twisting. She’s desperate; thinking how she could make him stay: maybe she could lie, pretend that something has come up, but she dismisses those thoughts straight away, she must be overthinking, it’s just a week, she repeats herself but she cannot help feeling that something is wrong and that she should do anything to make him stay.
Javier plays with Elvira on the garden, the little girl screams and laughs out loud while her father tries to catch her; Isabel looks at them amused from the sliding door when the phone rings.
“Hello?” she answers
“Hi! It’s Steve, is Javi home?” a deep male voice she doesn’t recognize replies
“Yes, who is this again?” she actually has an idea. He, this Steve, it's the one that has convinced his husband to go, the one that called a thousand times during the night.
“Steve, I was your husband’s partner back in Colombia. You’re Isa, right?”
“Nice to meet you, well, through the phone at least” he chuckles
“Nice to meet you too”
“Javi has told me about you and, let me tell you, me and my wife, we’re dying to meet you”
“I’d love to say the same but he doesn’t share much about that time” she blurts out, she actually feels hurt, why did Javi tell him about her and nothing of the man calling to her, his wife? “Are you going with him to Mexico? You are the one that asked him?”
“Ask him? We didn’t...” Steve says confused “Yes, y-y-es, we’re going together” he coughs “Can you pass him the phone, please?”
Isa strides angrily towards the garden and calls for Javi to come inside. He stops immediately the games with Elvira and returns to the house with a curious look.
“Sí, amor?”
“The phone, it’s your friend Steve” she hisses
“Jav...I think I might have fucked up talking to your wife”
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The rest of the day is a symphony of Isa stumping through the house, slamming doors and grunts and curses slurred.
“She’s angry again” Elvi confides leaning on her father’s ear while their watching a movie after dinner
“Yeah, I think so too” fuck Steve and his big mouth
His wife is doing the dishes and if he wasn’t able to hear the water running, he would think she is actually destroying the whole kitchen rather than cleaning; she lays things unnecessarily loudly and the clack clack sound of the plates smashing against each other announces that she’s losing her cool and that she’s about to break some of them soon enough.
Eli gasps and cringes hearing her mum say a bad word for the first time.
“You keep watching, I’m going to see if she’s ok” Javi gets up and walks to the kitchen
She’s cleaning the thousand tiny pieces muttering a list of bad words in Spanish and English.
“Are you ok?”
“Yes” she says abruptly
“Clearly not, but...”
“Of course I am not” she starts shouting but she lowers her voice immediately knowing her kid can hear her “I’m about to lose my mind”
“Isa...” he approaches her but she backs away and stops him
“You forgot to tell me some small details, Javier” she accuses
“What details?”
“Why did your friend imply that they didn’t ask you to go?”
He sighs placing his hands on his hips
“I didn’t want you to...”
“Worry?” she interrupts “We’re passed that”
“Alright, I did offered my help” he confesses
“What kind of help?”
“I’ve told you. See what they got and testify when necessary about the information I found” he looks tired, dark circles under his eyes and he lowers his arms defeated “Can we please talk about this later...”
“You’re telling me that you are an informant, Javi?” Isa waits for his answer with her fists close tightly; her lips are a fine line now
“Yes, more or less” he sighs
“Javier... why did you put yourself at risk like that?” her voice is low and she closes her eyes before speaking trying to control what she’s about to say “You know what those people do to whoever dares to speak up?”
“Of course, I fucking know, Isa!” he screams and slams his hand on the table, making her flinch
Even fucking Mr Pickle
The list of people Javi had seen die or their lives distroyed because they dare to face the Narcos or say something they shouldn’t have was long and his mind repeats those names again and again when he tries to forget about what happened in Colombia.
“What did you want me to do? Look the other way? Ignore it as everybody in that fucking stupid job? Let those people go?” his eyes glow with the white light on the kitchen. He never loses his temper; he’s actually pretty calm even when they’ve fought before. But in that moment, Isa see how his hands shake how his body tenses
“What I want it’s that you don’t want to comprise yourself, your health to something that isn’t your job anymore” she mutters
“Yeah, but guess what? It’s the only thing I know how to do and I’m actually good at it, not that stupid office job that kills me every fucking day”
“If you don’t like it you can change, Javi, nobody is holding you there” she suggests
“Nobody is holding me there? Well, we have to keep paying this fucking house don’t we?” he snarls
“It’s our fault then that you have accepted to put yourself in this position? that you always want to run away?” Isabel gawks. She’s about to say something else but Elvira’s cries and screams are loud now after she has listen to her parents fight, so Isabel storms out of the kitchen to her. The little girl is sitting on the couch trying to muffle her whimpers holding her unicorn.
“Mi cielo, ven aquí” (My love come here) she jumps to her mother’s arms and she shakes and sniffs “We’re going to bed, come on” Isa lifts her tiny body up and walks towards the stairs, she glares at Javi when he tries to reach for them and shakes her head.
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Isabel comes to bed late and when he’s already there, in the dark, she undresses and takes her place on the right side without saying a word.
“Isa” he murmurs
Javier stretches his arm to reach her but as soon as she feels him, she moves away.
“C’mon Isa” he raises putting his weight on his elbow “Talk to me”
“I don’t want to talk”
“Then listen to me. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have screamed and say those things”
“Doesn’t matter how you said it if you think them, though” she counters still not turning to face him
“I don’t think them”
“Which part?”
“I don’t think you are responsible of me wanting to do this or that I’m bored and disgusted of my job”
“You’re doing it again”
“Lying to yourself. You’re bored of your life I can understand that, I didn’t choose to be in this life either, but I have to accept it. And you’ll have to accept that the life you had back in the day can’t come back at least Elvi and I we don’t fit in it”
“Amor it’s not like that”
“Then stay”
“I can’t” he sighs
Isa stays quite and tense hugging the pillow and when he tries again to touch her, she gets up and strides outside the room
“I’m going to sleep with Elvi tonight”Javier raises to stop her but again she refuses his touch. Defeated, he throws himself on bed. Then stay, I wish it was that easy
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They leave to Laredo the next morning to spend the weekend with Chucho before Javi crosses the border.
Isa responds with just “yes” or “no” to anything her husband says during the ride and focuses on distracting Elvira with music or playing with her Barbie dolls.
Her last sentence, the one she said the night before, burns in his brain.
You want your life back and we don't fit in it it makes his stomach turn, because deep down he knows it's true.
That hunger he feels, the thrive that hooks him to this job is a lingering ghost that whispers in his ear, a siren singing until he's about to drown.
He remembers one night back in Colombia a few years ago. Gabriela under him, her soft skin glowing in sweat as he poured his frustration in her, she was sweet and always understood what he wanted, beautiful but with a sadness in her eyes, very common among the girls in the same job, and he had ask her why she didn't stop and she responded with the same question back to him.He didn't have an answer back then, and when he did stop, he was forced to because the system wouldn't allow him to do his job properly. His departure from the DEA was a bad break up; he didn't find closure no matter how many times he did say that he was through.
Chucho welcomes his family with tamales and cold beer. He lets Elvira roam around the chickens and the rest of the animals on the ranch before dinner. He's not naive and senses the tension between his son and daughter in law since they've gotten out of the car.
“¿Bueno qué te hizo este pendejo?” (what did this idiot do to you?) He asks to Isa while setting the table
“He's going to Mexico you know, with the DEA”
“He's an informant now apparently”
“An informant”, Chucho thinks about that information and decides not to mention anything during dinner as he prefers to listen to his granddaughter stories. Once they're done and Elvi and Isa are cleaning the dishes he forces Javi out of the house.
“Isa told me you’re going to Mexico with the DEA”
“Just for a week, I'm helping them with something”
“You remember that day after you got back from Cali? In this same place”
“You told me you were through”
“And I'm, I'm just being useful. That information landed on my lap what was I supposed to do? Ignore it, pops?”
“You could just passed the tip and let them do it. When you got back from Cali I've found you here, every morning watching as the boats go up the river with los kilos, you were never through Javi, don't lie to me”
“You and Isa are just perfect for each other” Javi scoffs
“She worries about you, she loves you, mijo” he grabs his son’s arm
“I know”
“You're not the young man that left Laredo, Javi, nor the man that came back from Colombia, you're a dad now. And let me give you a piece of advice, out of experience, even if you think your father is annoying” Javi shakes his head “Parents always know, they know you and see you for what you are even when yourself is trying to deny it. You've been always like that, Javi, always trying to do the right thing even if it costs you your health and your heart and blaming yourself endlessly for the things you couldn't control”
Javi listens in silence, chewing hard on a nicorette.
“Now the right thing is not going after those Narcos, the right thing is to stay with your family”
Javi has his gaze fixed on the moon and stars that illuminates the river under them.
“But that's only this old man opinions, your family will wait for you here, we always do” he adds
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“So can we go? Please please” Elvira begs at the table
“Claro, mija” (Of course, love) His grandpa always spoiling her pinches her cheek before hers parents can answer “We’re going all of us together”
Javi and Isa look at him. Isa is still giving Javier the silent treatment and has being avoiding him even though Chucho forces everybody to share every meal on the leaving room and do the same activities together; even though Javi has tried to approach her many times a day, she finds ways to reject him.
“Papá...” Javi starts
“There’s no discussion, son. Mi nieta quiere ir a la feria y vamos a ir a la feria” (My granddaughter wants to go to the funfair and we’re going to the funfair”
“It could be fun” Isa agrees and gives a timid smile; it’s the most she’s spoken since they’ve arrived.
Laredo’s funfair takes place at the end of the summer and it’s practically the only activity for a lazy summer evening so the whole town is there. Isa watches as her daughter grins, her mouth already sticky thanks to the cotton candy she’s eating, and the sugar is starting to kick in, she’s jumping and screaming pulling her grandpa’s hand and the poor man follows trying not to fall down.
“Easy on abuelito, Elvi” Isa laughs
Isabel is beautiful tonight, like many years ago, she wears a sunflower summer dress and her dark curls clipped on both sides. Javi smiles, his mind wandering through the memories from the past when they were starting to know each other.
“You remember our first date?” he asks
“Yes” she nods “It was a pretty good date I think”
“Never thought we will be back to this funfair with our daughter years later”
“Me neither. And I think your father regrets now that he said yes to this” Isa motions to her right where Elvi is forcing his grandpa to get on one of the rides.
“I should go with her instead if I don’t want to collect my father’s corpse after this” he grins and they walk towards the people queuing.
“Elvi, leave abuelito, Dad is going with you” Isa tries to sound like an authority but she keeps laughing watching poor Chucho scared
“No, I want to go with you” she crosses her arms and pouts “With you both, mami y papi” she says
“I-I” Isa simpers
“Leave mami, she doesn’t like this kind of things”
“No!” she cries “Like abuelo said, we’re going together all of us”
“Honey...” Javi bends to her, but Isa posses her hand on his shoulder
“Okay, I’ll go too, but you leave abuelo stay”
She seems to hesitate for a bit, but then she nods and finally Chucho breathes deeply in relief.
“Be careful” he says walking way too fast away from the queue
The attraction simulates a ship going forward and backward, each time farther away and faster. Isa exhales trying to calm herself down while Elvi and her husband laugh at her.
“Remember I told you I puked in one ride the first time I came to the fair? So this is the one, you two won’t be laughing once I vomit all over you both” she screams and that makes them laugh even more
The first two rounds are not that bad. Isa holds one hand on her seat the other over Elvi’s body. Javier reaches timidly at first to brush his fingers over hers as to reassure her, he’s about to recoil but she holds on tightly to his fingers, her eyelids strongly closed. When thing finally stops, Isa can barely walk.
Elvira is already jumping towards Chucho trying to convince him to get on another round with her.
“Hold on to me come on” Javi says holding her by the waist it’s been two days since he last touch her. Two days where he has tried to hold her hand or subtly tried to bump into her while on the kitchen but she has refused his touch. So he closes his fingers on the dress trying to hold on what she has finally given him and not force the situation and make her go back to that state again. Although all he wants is to hold her in his arms and take the pain he sees on her eyes away. Pain you have caused, idiot.
“No way, señorita, you will kill you grandpa” he responds
Time passes and Isa is no longer shaking and can stand on her legs, but lets her husband’s arm around her, his hand rubs gentle circle on her side.
“We should get you something to eat”
There’s a big plain at the center of the fair where they’ve installed a stage and some tables facing it; around the terrain many foodtrucks offer anything you’d like to eat and fill the air with million different and delicious scents.
Javi kisses her temple “I’ll be back”
After ravishing a burger and fries Isa feels the cold sweat and the nausea fading away. The band is now playing slow songs and a many couples are dancing around the colorful little lights that cross over the flatland. Chucho clears his throat and looks at his son in a not very subtle way and motion his head to the people dancing and then to his wife.
“Do you want to dance?” Isa sips her soda and seems confused by his offering
“You don’t dance”
“I dance... sometimes, c’mon, it’s been a long time” he stand up and tends a hand to her gaining a smirk and a wink from his father.
The band starts playing a bachata. Javi lays her hand on her lower back feeling the way her hips go right and left, her soft breath on his chest while he brushes his lips on her forehead.
“I think this one was on that tape I gave you” she says on his ear, raising her voice over the music
“Suggestive enough” he smirks “We listened to that tape on a loop in my car that summer”
“I don’t know if I’d call listen to a tape what we used to do in your car” she laughs
“Yeah, the nights at the riverbank and that tape...I remember”
“I wish we could go back sometimes” she whispers so softly that Javi is not sure if she just says it to herself
The song ends and the people cheer and clap but they stay in a tight embrace knowing that when they let go and they’re back to square one. Javi is still parting on Monday and Isabel will stay always waiting for him to come back.
The trip back home is calm; Chucho drives while the radio plays some classics from the 60’s, Isabel holds her child’s head on her chest, her other hand lays lazily between the seats, slowly advancing towards Javi’s thigh until she brushes her knuckles over his jeans. He turns to face her but she keeps looking through the window at the night sky and the fading lights of the fair. After leaving Elvira on bed, Chucho feels that it’s time for him to leave the two of them alone.
“I’m going to sleep, you don’t have to wake up early but I’ll go to church tomorrow at nine” Chucho announces before going to his room
The humble space in the living room suddenly feels like a world away from one end to the other, from the corner where Javi stand to Isa on the other. She looks down trying to find the things she wants to say and to command her feet to walk, to run to him.
“I think I’m going to sleep” Javi says unbuttoning his shirt
“Do you want to walk with me? Just for a bit” she interrupts
“Yeah...okay” he raises his brow confused but agrees instantly, whatever makes her talk to him again.
They walk around the property, the crickets and breeze the only sound around them. The animals are asleep and the current of the nearby river is stronger in that part of the ranch.
“I used to love nights like this” she says eventually
“Yeah, I’d pick you up after your shifts at the bar and we spent the night right here” he points to an old red truck now dusty and abandoned.
“I should have known better than to end up with a guy that fucks you on a pick up because his father is sleeping inside the house” she scoffs
“Well, to be fair, I remember I fucked you in plenty other places” he jokes back “Do you want to see if that old tape is still there?”
They approach the shed where Chucho keeps the old car, the door squeaks when Javi opens it.
“Ladies first” he lays out a hand so Isa can get inside and impulse herself on the step. They sit, as many years ago, on the black leather seat that is well preserved even if it’s been years since the last time it was used. Isa throws a look behind her; the blankets they used to cushion their bodies are still there, and she sighs softly
“When was the last time that we did it here?” she asks while Javi struggles to open the radio that’s full of dirt and rust.
“Probably two weeks before you told me that you were pregnant” he guesses
“Poor Elvi, we made her on this old thing” she laughs
“Our lives and my back were never the same” he jokes
“It was me who was most of the time on back” Isa slaps him playfully “So dumbed by you I’d let you do anything over those old rugs”
“Under the stars, listening to Juan Luis Guerra...it was romantic, you told me yourself” he defended
“Again I was dumb”
“I still think this old thing brought us many joyful moments” he taps on the dashboard
“Nostalgic I see” Isa smirk
“A little, you?”
“You’re trying to fuck your way out of this one too” she sighs shaking her head
“Just trying to give my wife a good orgasm before leaving”
“Oh, you’re so sure of yourself”
“Empiric fact, don’t I always make you cum?”
His hand raises the hem of her dress and pulls her legs apart. Her panties already have a damp patch on its center and he grunts feeling her moan just with the faintest brush of his finger between her folds
“What did the song say? I want to spend the whole night wet in you”
Isa gasps when he pulls her to his lap in a swift motion.
“Something like that” she bends her head and kisses him hard biting his lower lip softly
“I want to make love shapes under the moonlight” Javi raises slowly her summer dress until he takes it off and wastes no time in kissing and licking her bare breasts once they’re liberated from the fabric. He tends to one first cupping it, licking and sucking on her nipple and then to the other until her soft skin gets gooseflesh. Isabel moans and rocks her hips back and forth trying to find relief.
“Face to face, kiss by kiss, I want to live always wet in you” he whispers before resuming his sweet attention on her tits
“You learnt it by heart” she laughs
“Cos it’s accurate, that’s how I feel about you, baby”
Isabel unzips his jeans and palms his length over his underwear before releasing him. She wets her hand with her own saliva before stroking him up and down. Helping her, Javi reaches for her core and slips the wet panties to the side not without caressing her clit first with his thumb
“Isa” he moans feeling her arousal, his head on the hollow of her neck nibbling over her pulse. The way he pronounces her name, how he caresses every letter sends her shivers and increases her hunger for him. She reaches between her bodies and lets his cock slide inside her. She starts rocking her hips, moving up and down and in a few thrust she finds the perfect angle where he hits that sensitive spot.
“Shit” she pants
Javi whispers praises in her ear how good she feels, how beautiful she looks naked in the moonlight with him buried so deep inside her. And with that she loses control and rides him faster and harder with her back arched against the dashboard; sensing her immediate release Javier locks his lips on her breasts sucking on her nipples and reaching for her clit between their bodies.
“Cum for me, my love” he says, his gaze fixed in her contort expression, eyes closed and mouth open and she shakes around him feeling tense for a second and then as if her bones had melted she collapses on his chest.
Javi thrusts lazily feeling how she quivers around his cock and lets her relax from her orgasm before increasing the pace again to find relief.
Regaining a bit of her conscience, Isa straightens her body and lets him push in her hard and fast until he crumbles.
They stay there under the moon and starts in the old car where all started; a thousand times they had lost themselves in each other like this, and a thousand times Isa wishes that everything would be as easy as this with him.
She strokes his arms drawing soft circles over his muscles “I know you can’t, but I really want you to stay with us, with me. But if leaving this time helps you understand that you belong to me and your place is here, with me, then so be it”
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