#ko writes stranger things tickles
koala-fluff · 1 year
Tickletober Day 5: "I'm not ticklish"
Fandom: Stranger Things
"Dude, that is the biggest lie you've ever told me."
Jonathan felt his face flush. "I'm not lying!"
Argyle turned towards him slowly then tilted his head. "You expect me to believe that you, Jonathan Byers, are not ticklish?"
"Yes. And why'd you say it like that?" He asked, fidgeting in his chair.
"Both you and your little brother get all awkward when tickling is brought up." Argyle pointed out. "I'm surprised you were even able to say 'ticklish'."
Jonathan gasped at him. "I do not!" He scoffed, voice high-pitched and face red as pepperoni.
Speaking of which, Argyle was hungry. He'd ask about lunch later.
"You're awkward right now, dude!" He gestured to his friend's face. "There's no way you aren’t ticklish!" He enunciated the word with a poke to Jonathan's side.
"H-Hey!" The eldest Byers jumped, bumping his elbow against the passenger door. "Dude!"
Argyle grinned. "See! I was right!" He poked at Jonathan again.
"Hey, dohon't!" He smacked the attack away, but failed to protect himself from the second poke that went for his ribs.
The rain of pokes kept coming, Jonathan barely able to fend half of them off. He was giggling, his ears turning red, and plastering himself against the car door. Argyle kept chuckling along, dodging his feeble blocking in pursuit of laughter.
"Ohokahay! Ihi admihit it!" Jonathan pleaded, flinching hard at the pinch on his spine. "IhI'm tihicklish!"
"Wow, really?" Argyle gasped, focusing his pokes towards his friend's back. "It's totally not obvious."
"Alright, I'll stop." He grinned, leaning back to give the poor man some space. "You ok, dude?"
"IhI'm fine." Jonathan huffed, slowly peeling himself off the door. "You didn't need to do that."
"Mmmm, I kinda did. Wanna go grab pizza for lunch?"
Jonathan blinked. "Where'd that come from?" Hr asked, turning on the car.
Argyle smirked at him. "Your face reminded me of pepperoni."
Jonathan's face flushed red as he started driving. "I hate you."
"Love you too, dude."
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sleepyivoryrose · 1 year
Today was my first day of trying to fit again into society (it sounds like a was a prisoner or something...) I went to a center where mentally ill people gather to talk and eat food and stuff...it’s organized by my caretakers. It went about as well as I expected, which is, not so good. I just wanted to sit out the one hour I was supposed to without talking to no one at first (I thought this might not be too difficult considering most people there are +20 years older than me, so the generational gap is strong) but I just had to sit beside the socially starved, extremely extroverted person in the room, who’s very first question was “where do you live?”, which is not exactly a good conversation starter. Considering that most people there are in a worse state than I am mentally, I shouldn’t be surprised. 
Anyways, I bailed after half an hour. I should have stayed longer and really go to my limits, but I was really not in the mood for a conversation. On the other hand...I’m seldom in the mood to talk with other people, unless I’ve known them for more then 5 years every single day. 
I’ll try monday again. 
Considering I am such a frikkin weirdo, it’s probably not easy to talk to me, either. 
Talking about caretakers, they’re teaching me how to do house chores. Very late, I know but...I never really learned when I was a kid from my parents. I mean, I did do some housechores at home, just not...everything. And my mom loves teaching about moral and ethics, but is not a very practical person for such things. It’s not laziness...at least not always. I’m just really good at blending out whatever I don’t like. Which was a necessity to survive my bullying days, but on a day to day basis as an adult it’s rather annoying. 
I watched Oshi no Ko and Skip to Loafer again, like every Friday. Oshi no Ko was really dark, as always, but I think this time specially. Cancel culture is so real in this day and age. I bet it gives emotional scars. It’s very easy to jugde from behind a monitor, when you don’t have all the facts and weren’t even there. I am not a stranger to that either though, it’s so easy to write whatevers on your mind down, in a place where you feel safe, without the feeling to have any repercusion whatsoever. I’m working on it though. 
Skip to Loafer I always watch after Oshi no Ko, like a palette cleanser. I think else I would lay down on my bed, gaze fixed at the ceiling with a “real shit”. Although I have to admit, Skip to Loafer is getting spicier. Not on the level of Oshi no Ko, I think that would crush my very being if such a cute show happened to be torture pron (cough madoka magica cough). But they left this episode on a cliffhanger, so I’m curious. I don’t think it has its own manga...or else I would spoil myself a little bit. Just a little bit. To get the tickling off my nuts.
My friend showed me a few minutes ago a caterpillar her mom brought into the car (by accident, I assume) and I thought it was rather cute, but my friend was hellbent on using it to tease her a little bit. It’s nice. 
I wasn’t thinking about going out today, but maybe I will. I’ll decide spontanously. 
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buttsonthebeach · 5 years
Man, did I love writing this sweet and funny short scene for @princessbatteringram! Thank you so much for commissioning me - Lia and Zevran are a treat to write <3
My Ko-Fi || My Commissions (Slots currently open as of 6/21/19)
Pairing: Lia Tabris x Zevran Arainai
Rating: General
Zevran Arainai fought like no one Lia Tabris had ever known in the alienage. He was like a shadow come to life, quick and silent as clouds passing over the sun, always alert to the next weak spot, the next advantage. Even more than that - there was an elegance to the way he moved, pivoting from one stance to the next, rooting himself and striking, and then pivoting away again. His was not a style born purely out of a need for survival. It was an art.
Lia, for all her years of training, all of her mother’s lessons, and everything she had learned since her Joining (since Soris, Vaughn, Nelaros, Shianni), felt awkward beside him at first. Panicked, even, because she had been the soft-hearted fool who had agreed to let him join their party, whatever the others said. And Zevran was not only a consummate assassin but a perceptive one at that (or perhaps both of those skills went hand in hand) so of course he had noticed that his first night at camp, and had offered her physical exertion to get her mind off of things.
“Sure,” she’d said. “After that, how about we spar?”
Zevran had barked out a surprise laugh at her returned innuendo, and risen from his spot by the fire and moved towards her, and that was where their sparring tradition had begun. It had started as way for Lia to reassure herself that she wasn’t a fool, that she was keeping this dangerous assassin for her own purposes and that she was going to stay one step ahead of him and learn how he fought so she could neutralize him if she had to.
Of course, that was not where the sparring tradition had led. It had led to them laughing, exchanging tricks, playfully trying to one-up each other. In the midst of the carnage and chaos of the Blight it was a reprieve, even if they both knew that the skills they were honing today would be the only thing keeping them alive tomorrow.
It had led to this moment, this cool evening, the two of them the only ones on watch, their daggers put aside as they sparred hand to hand. Lia catching the first punch Zevran threw with a forearm block and then quickly twisting her wrist, grabbing his forearm, pulling him off balance, stepping behind him, going to jab at his kidneys with another hand. But he had learned this trick of course and so he let her pull him, followed the momentum, spun out of the way of the second punch, pivoted on his foot and kicked, making light contact with her ribs.
“Damn. It’s cheating to have such long legs you know,” she said, swiping playfully in his direction as he danced out of her reach.
“That’s not what I heard growing up,” he said, bouncing from foot to foot, keep his movements light and easy. She knew from the placement of his feet and from his patterns that next he would use his back leg, a more powerful kick, though of course he would not hurt her, but it would keep his torso out of her reach. But if she could catch him, throw that balance off…
“You grew up in a brothel,” she said, watching, waiting for the dancing to stop, for the moment he would plant one foot and kick with the other. “Was anything considered cheating?”
“No,” Zevran grinned, and that was the moment the weight shifted and he committed to the attack, the moment she darted forward, caught his kicking leg by the knee, and pulled, once again upsetting his balance.
She earned herself a heartfelt whispered brasca for that trick, and she held him there. The difference in their height was to her advantage now. Held as he was by one leg, he could not kick with the other, and since she was shorter, he was struggling to make contact with her. The more cramped space she had defined for their sparring was now to her advantage, not his.
That’s what you’ll always do, her mother told her. You’ll take whatever they throw at you and you’ll turn it to their advantage. I know you will.
Instead of trying to hit him again, Lia decided on a completely different tactic. She tickled the back of his knee where she held it.
Zevran yelped, started hopping, but her grip was like iron, and he couldn’t get away.
“A low trick,” he said.
“See, the thing is, there’s no such thing as cheating in the alienage either,” Lia said, smiling.
“Very well,” Zevran smiled, and then he gave one last bounce and Lia felt the tense of his muscles and he was jumping, bringing up the leg she did not have a grasp on, kicking with that one towards her head. Lia ducked, let go of the leg she’d grappled with, put her guard up. Zevran spun, landed, stood there smiling and cocky and panting, the laces that held his linen shirt falling open and showing the rapid movement of his smooth bare chest beneath.
“Impressive,” she said, her eyes flicking back up to meet his.
“I am,” Zevran agreed. “But between you and me, my dear Warden, I wasn’t sure if that would work. It’s been a long time since I tried such a trick.”
Lia felt her pulse speed up at the endearment. It had sounded false to her when he first joined their party - an overt attempt to win her trust and favor - but she knew now that it wasn’t. The warmth that accompanied the words was real.
But - how real?
“Let’s go again,” she said, wanting him closer.
Zevran closed the distance once again, stood looking down at her. “As my Warden commands.”
Her heart sped again.
What a foolish thing to be doing - circling each other near the fire, ignoring the fact that daylight was entirely gone, that they were exhausted, that they had miles to cover the next day and the day after that, and darkspawn to fight, and treaties to uphold. She should be resting, planning. But Lia did not want to be anywhere else, she realized. This nightly ritual did not exhaust her. She drew strength and courage and renewal from it.
It’s just that it helps me hone my skills, she told herself as they went for another round, Lia leading off this time, getting inside his guard as quickly as she could to erase the advantage of his longer limbs, trying to hit the side of his head with an open palm so that he would raise his arms to block, so she could go low, for the softness of his stomach. Except, of course, it was not soft when she made her light contact there, but warm and firm as he tensed his muscles against the impact. She felt the soft puff of his breath as he did it. They were so very close to one another like this. She went lower still, sweeping for his legs, and he was not quite fast enough, and she toppled him, but he caught himself easily.
“Again! I won’t be fooled next time,” he said, still laughing.
They went on, attack, block, counterattack, longer this time, with less outward silliness, still smiling and laughing nonetheless, and slowly but surely Lia had to admit it to herself.
It’s just that he makes me smile, and I need that.
Zevran went on the aggressive as their sparring continued, quick and perceptive and ever seeking somewhere she could not block, hazel eyes watching her all the while, lips parted with his exertions now.
And this is the only time we get just the two of us.
“Careful, dear Warden.” The attacks stopped and Zevran had his hands on her waist, and she was abruptly aware that her retreating heel had caught on a branch, that she had been inches from falling.
And that was when the thought hit her, clear as the clarion call of a trumpet.
Months before, on her wedding day, she had looked at the stranger named Nelaros and seen his sweetness and thought I could love you. That feeling had been washed away in blood (like dogs, Shianni) and only blood had followed. The price she had to pay for all the adventures she’d wanted so badly as a child.
But now she stood there and she looked at Zevran - the gentle curves of his tattoos framing his cheekbones, the warmth of his golden-brown skin and his hazel eyes, the way his hands held her, like she was precious - and the thought came back to her, louder and clearer than ever before.
I could love you.
“Are you quite well?” Zevran asked, eyebrows knitting together now, seriousness chasing away the playful gleam in his eyes.
Lia straightened, stepped away from the branch that had nearly tripped her, and that only brought her closer to him, which only confused the issue further. She had responsibilities now, a Blight to quell, and who knew what lay at the end of that road, and Zevran was a wanted man, and this was not the time for this thought to be flashing through her mind over and over again, but here they were, and he was not stepping back, he was just letting her get closer, closer, and his hands were still on her waist.
“Of course,” she said, stepping back, over the branch this time.
“Are you certain?” Zevran said, still frowning, following her.
Lia let herself react to her first impulse, which was to sweep his legs again. He was still high in his stance and still focused on her and so it worked. He stumbled and was ready to fall and this time she caught him, steadied him, drew him close to her, and he was laughing, but it was a quieter, more intimate sort of laugh, and Lia knew there was nothing she could do now, no way to run from this. No joke she could tell to play the moment off.
“There’s something here, isn’t there?” She breathed the words out more than she spoke them. Like they were too fragile to truly voice. And maybe they were. She thought, again, of Vaughn, of Nelaros, of Shianni, of all the horror she had witnessed since. Ostagar and beyond. Of the hundred worries that kept her up every night.
Zevran raised one hand from her waist to touch her cheek, his knuckles brushing so lightly against her that it made her skin prickle all over, and he was looking at her the way elders looked to the vhenadahl, the way Chantry sisters looked to their carved images of Andraste. Like she was holy.
Lia fisted her hand in the fabric of his loose shirt, stood on her tiptoes, pulled him close, and kissed him.
Zevran Arainai did not hesitate for a single instant before kissing her back.
His arms went around her and he held her and he slanted his mouth against hers and he kissed her like this was the last time he would ever kiss anyone. Lia fell into it, kissed him back with the same fervor, let her hands roam over the body she had come to know through their sparring, feeling out with tenderness the places she had only felt through playful jabs before. His lean muscle, and all the soft places too, like the hollow of this throat, his cheek, the corner of his mouth.
They parted, panting, but neither of them let the other go far. Zevran’s hands were on her face and hers were on his waist and they stood there, looking at each other, and for that moment the rest of the world fell away.
“That was a yes, by the way,” Zevran said finally.
Lia laughed, tried to push him, but he held caught her wrists and pulled her closer and kissed her again, bending down to her, cradling her head, molding her to him, and he was warm and right and perfect and maybe she hadn’t been an idiot after all, asking him to stay.
“So will it be cheating if I start doing that to distract you while we spar?” Lia asked.
“I don’t know. Shall we find out?”
Their ritual went on, changed now, interrupted by those sweet moments, like pinpricks of starlight in the midst of the darkness of night.
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koala-fluff · 1 year
Tickletober Day 3: Cuddles
Fandom: Stranger Things
Holy Shit!"
Nancy flinched as Robin shouted and jumped. The woman on the screen screamed as the killer came out of nowhere and attacked her.
"I thought you watched movies for a living?" Nancy teased, curling back into her girlfriend's side.
"I do, but I usually avoid horror." Robin wrapped her arm around her shoulders, staring intently at the television. "Hits a little too close to home."
"Besides, you jumped too."
Nancy's jaw dropped dramatically as she looked up. There was a faint smirk on the younger girl's face.
"I only jumped because you did!" She retorted, poking her side. Robin flinched and glanced at her.
"I thought we agreed no… poking during the movie." She muttered, blushing slightly.
"Fine, fine." Nancy held her arms up in surrender. "No poking."
The couple fell into silence, enraptured by the main character finding the body. Nancy leaned her head against Robin's shoulder, enjoying the closeness. Robin pulled her closer in response.
Eventually, they came upon a scene that included the main character creeping through a dark building. Robin was ridged, her eyes wide as the music slowly crept faster. Nancy glanced up at her and had an evil idea that brought a devilish grin to her face.
She leaned back, trapping Robin's arm against the couch, and grabbed her other hand. Robin squeezed it in response, her eyes not leaving the screen.
Nancy cuddled closer, turning her head to rest her chin on Robin's shoulder. Then she waited.
Soon enough, the music in the movie died down, dropping the scene into silence. Robin inhaled, holding her breath in anticipation. Nancy held her breath too, but for quite a different reason. Just as the killer burst forth, Nancy lunged up and blew a deadly raspberry right into the crook of Robin's neck.
The scream the main character let out was muffled by the shriek Robin let loose. She cackled and twisted away, dragging Nancy down with her as she slipped off the couch.
"Nancy!" She whined over her girlfriend's laughter. "We agreed on no poking!"
"Thahat wahasn't a pohoke though!" Nancy defended.
"You know what I meant!" Robin shoved her girlfriend off her, blushing madly. "Now we're gonna have to rewind the movie.
Nancy glanced at the screen, then back down to her girlfriend on the floor. She smirked and paused the movie.
"We can finish it later." She decided. "I found a better activity."
Robin's eyes widened and she scrambled to sit up, but Nancy pushed her back down and dug her fingers into her ribs. Robin burst into cackles and shut her eyes tight so as to not see her girlfriend's smirk.
"You know, I think I need to remind you of the difference between 'tickle' and 'poke'." Nancy mused, moving her fingers upwards. "Luckily, I am quite knowledgeable on the subject."
They never ended up finishing the movie.
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koala-fluff · 2 years
Merry Christmas, @theoncelee! I'm your gifter, and I really hope you enjoy this fic!
As for everyone else, enjoy as well!
Suger High
It was supposed to be a normal sleepover, but Eddie and Robin stole Mr. Wheeler's coffee candy.
"No, Eddie!" Steve grunted as he hit the post in Nancy's basement. "Stop! Don't do it"
"No cahan do, babe!" Eddie giggled as he grabbed one of the brooms. "Buckley hahas threatened myhy honor!"
"I just said you had bad taste in music!" Robin shrieked, running away from the broom-wielding crazy man. She giggled as she vaulted over the couch.
"Robin, honey!" Nancy winced, whipping around as the duo ran past. "You're going to hurt yourself!"
"I'll be fine~! Munson won't be, once I retrieve my weapon!"
Steve groaned and decided to just sit on the couch. Nancy and him had been trying to wrangle their partners for the past ten minutes. The partners that had eaten a shit load of caffeinated candy.
Steve didn't even know that candy could have coffee in it, but here they were.
"I swear, I am going to get my shotgun." Nancy muttered, sitting next to him. Most would be scared by the threat, but he could see the slight smile on her lips as Robin stole the broom from Eddie.
"We just need some way to calm them down." Steve winced as Robin smacked Eddie's head with the broom. Neither looked injured, thank goodness. "Any ideas?"
Nancy raised her eyebrow. "We've been trying my ideas for the past ten minutes. You come up with something." She said, leaning back and rubbing her face.
Steve groaned again. He loved both Eddie and Robin to death, but they were too much of a handful on a normal basis. High on sugar and caffeine? That made them eight handfuls. Nancy and him didn't have four hands each.
The duo sprinted past, Eddie somehow holding onto the broom now. Robin then slammed into the wall and Eddie nearly impaled himself with the cleaning device. Both ended up just laughing hysterically on the floor, argument forgotten.
"That's it!" Steve stomped over, heart still racing from the spectacle. He grabbed them both up by the shirt and dragged them towards the couch.
"Aw~ c'mon, Harrington!" Eddie giggled out. "Noho neheed to behe mahad!"
Steve didn't reply and merely shoved Robin onto Nancy's lap. He sat down next to the two women and tugged Eddie onto his lap as well.
"Let's calm them down." Steve said, nodding at Nancy.
"Whahat're you gonna doho?" Robin stuck her tongue out as her girlfriend hugged her close. "Smohother us?"
"No. Just gonna tickle the energy out of you." Steve said matter of factly, smirking.
For the first time in the past ten minutes, the two crazy people froze. Their eyes widened comically while Nancy smirked at Steve.
"I like that idea, Harrington." She agreed, holding onto Robin's struggling form.
"Why thank you, Wheeler." The boy replied. "On the count of three."
"Wehe'll cahalm down!"
"Two "
"Plehease, guys!"
Already in a giggly mood, both victims instantly broke down as their partners dug their fingers into their sides.
"Steheheve, noho!" Eddie spluttered, pushing at his boyfriend's chest.
"Steve, yes." He replied, moving down to squeeze the guitar player's hips.
Robin only cackled, her limbs turning to jelly as Nancy moved to target her ribs. She buried her face into her girlfriend's shoulder, muffling her laughter a small bit.
"I think your plan was the best one we've come up with." Nancy mused, raising her voice over Eddie's high-pitched laughter.
"I thought it was brilliant." Steve smirked, slowly crawling his fingers up to his victim's armpits. "Guess that means I get a score on that whiteboard, right Robin?"
She only shook her head in reply, her body melting as Nancy scribbled her nails against her back.
The two really had completely different reactions to tickling, huh? While Eddie thrashed and shrieked as his armpits were attacked, Robin only melted completely and snorted as her stomach was targeted.
Steve couldn't help but look at both of them, love in his eyes. These were the bestest friends he could ask for.
His thoughts were interrupted as a pair of fingers dug into his ribs. With a surprised shriek, he fell backwards and was soon the one to laugh.
"Gotcha, Harrington." Eddie teased, spidering his hands across Steve's stomach.
"Dahamn ihit, Muhunson!" Steve squealed, trying to twist away. "IhI'm supposed toho behe calming you dohown!"
"True. But I can just lose energy by tickling you!" Eddie grinned, fluttering his fingers against Steve's neck. "It's way more amusing!"
Nancy rolled her eyes at the sight of the boys. "You best not try to tickle me, Robbie." She said, turning her attention back to her girlfriend. "It'll just get worse if you do."
Robin shook her head. She had zero idea how Eddie could easily turn the tables on people. She could barely move her arms as it was!
"Hey, Wheeler! Wanna see which one taps out first?" Eddie challenged, wiggling his eyebrows.
"It wouldn't be fair for me!" Nancy countered. "Robin's been tickled for longer than Steve."
"That is true, but we both know he's more ticklish than her."
"Good point… sure. It's on, Munson!" Nancy grinned, getting into the spirit of things. "Winner gets to sleep on the couch instead of the floor tonight!"
"Well then, have fun on the floor, Wheeler!"
Steve tapped out first, as expected. The competition didn't matter anyway. All four ended up sleeping on the couch.
Oh goodness... This took way longer than I wanted...
I sincerely hoped you liked it, cause I'm too tired to tell if this is actually good or not.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!
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koala-fluff · 2 years
Hello! Here's a little fic for @serenityiskey based on her public request with Joyce and Hopper. Hope you like it!
(I am well aware it is currently October, but this was such a cute idea!)
Original Request:
PUBLIC REQUEST: I am in need of some Joyce x Hopper content. Maybe one where they are spending Christmas together and snuggling by a fire place (or heater) and reminiscing about when they were younger and Joyce could be like “I remember how sensitive you were back then” and she playfully tickles him resulting in hopper saying “as if you weren’t ticklish yourself! I always tickled you when you wanted to misbehave”
Remember That Christmas?
Christmas time had come to Hawkins, Indiana.
The children were playing out in the cold. Shops were full of people desperately trying to buy their last few presents. Christmas lights were on and glowing as the sun slowly slipped down the horizon.
A beautiful time of the year. If you didn't mind the cold, that is.
"I got enough of this weather in Russia." Hopper grumbled, turning the heater up.
"I don't think it's below zero outside right now." Joyce chuckled, waiting for him on the couch.
He sighed and sat back down next to her. She handed him the blanket and he quickly bundled up, forcing them to sit really close to each other.
Neither of them minded, of course. After the disaster that was the past few years, they had both grown incredibly close. Closer than most of the other couples in the town.
"Do you remember our first Christmas together?" Joyce asked suddenly, pulling the blanket closer to her chin.
"If I recall correctly," Hopper tapped his fingers. "You broke up with me two weeks after it."
Joyce smacked his arm as he laughed. "No I didn't!"
"Yehes, you dihid!" He shook his head. "It wahas ahawful."
She rolled her eyes. "Ok, but I'm talking about the day itself. Not two weeks after!"
His laughter died down and he turned to her, a soft smile on his face.
"Of course I do." He said, holding her hand. "I came over to your house, petrified because I was terrified of your dad."
It was Joyce's turn to laugh. "You two ended up taking the largest tree you could find home! He loved you after that. My mom didn't though."
"She didn't? Why?" Hopper asked, completely shocked.
"Cause you both got pine needles ahall over the floor!" Joyce leaned on his shoulder, giggling at the memory. "Shehe was so pissed!"
"Oho yeah!" He chuckled. "She threatened to lock your dad outside because of it!"
"She did!"
They both laughed at the memory. It was nice to just sit and chill calmly. No monsters or impending doom.
"I also remember how ticklish you were back then."
Nevermind about the impending doom.
"Uh... What?" Hopper asked, hoping she didn't say what he thought she said.
She turned to him, a smirk on her face. "You were really ticklish!"
"No I wasn't."
"Yes, you were."
"Are you still ticklish?"
For the second time, Hopper was taken aback. "Guh... No."
She sat up straighter. "You hesitated."
"No I didn't."
"Yes, you did."
Hopper shouted as Joyce squeezed his side from under the blanket. She smiled and kept going.
"You did too!"
"Johoyce! St-Stahap!" He giggled, shifting away slightly. The blanket was in his way, so he didn't get far.
"This is adorable." Joyce's grin widened as she spidered up his ribs. "The great Jim Hopper is adorable when tickled. And is ticklish, for that matter. Who woulda thought?"
"Ahaham nohohAHAhat!" He yelped as she used her other hand to scratch his stomach
"What? Not ticklish? Or not adorable?" She shifted around to face him better and squeezed both his sides. "Cause with how this is going, both are true."
"SHUHUT UHUP!" He cackled, grabbing her wrists and pulling them away.
She yelped as she was dragged onto him, her wrists soon trapped in one of his hands.
"From what I remember," Hopper panted, smiling for a different reason now. "You were ticklish too."
Joyce opened her mouth to protest, but it was quickly replaced by loud laughter as he clawed at her stomach.
"HOHOHOP!" She shrieked, twisting in his grip. "NAHAHAT FAHAIR!"
"It's completely fair!" He rested his chin on her shoulder. "Not my fault you haven't worked out yet!"
She shook her head, too overcome by laughter to reply. Her legs kicked out, pushing one of the blankets off the couch and sending a pillow flying.
"Hope you didn't break anything with that- Woah, hey!"
Joyce lunged back, throwing all her weight on her attacker. Caught by surprise, Hopper fell onto his back, his hand slipping off hers.
She quickly turned around, sitting on his thighs, and smirked down at him.
"I have been working out." She panted this time. "And I also win."
Without hesitation, she shoved her hands under his arms, laughing as he screamed.
It was his turn to kick and flail. His arms locked to his sides on instinct and he couldn't lift them up as she attacked. Another pillow ended up flying through the air.
"Hope you didn't break anything with that." Joyce said, mimicking his gruff voice.
Joyce stopped imidietly, pumping her fist in victory. She got off him and sat back in her original spot.
Hopper just laid there, rubbing his face. "You are a mean woman." He said, eventually sitting up.
She grinned back at him. "Or you're just too ticklish."
He huffed and rolled his eyes, fixing the blankets. They curled back up together, watching the children play outside the window.
Christmas time didn't suck, even with the cold. As long as he had someone to hang out with during the holiday.
"So... Are you still cold?"
"That's it!"
Well, ok. This is my first tickle fic that I have ever posted, so this is terrifying.
In all honesty, I may do more Joyce x Hopper cause this was really fun to write.
Up next: an OC fic. (If everything goes according to plan)
Hope everyone enjoys!
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koala-fluff · 2 years
Requests are Closed
Current Hyperfixation: None.
Hello, I'm Ko! Like my title suggests, I am autistic so there will be hyper fixations here. I used to be a lurker here, but I'm finally out in the open!
Her are a few things to know:
🐨This is an SFW tickle blog.
🐨I am very uncomfortable with NSFW content, so please DNI if you are an NSFW blog.
🐨I do write tickle fics and can write for many, many fandoms.
🐨I also write for my own ocs.
🐨I don't draw, but I can roleplay (SFW only)
I think that's it for now. Have fun in my little fluffy corner of the internet!
Fandom List under the cut and other info under the cut.
So... I write for a lot of fandoms, so please look at the rules before requesting anything.
Also, this is a place for fluff so I am totally fine with ignoring canon storylines (cause some are just sad).
Thank you!
Request Rules
🍃 Absolutely no NSFW requests.
🍃No problematic ships (adult x minor, relative x relative, stuff like that)
🍃If a character has specified what their sexuality is, I will not change it. (ex. Robin came out as lesbian, but no other character has come out).
🍃I will not change a character's cannon gender.
🍃I will add an OC of yours if you want it, but I'd need sufficient information about your OC.
🍃I do not care how detailed your request is, as long as you specify if the character(s) is a lee, ler, or switch.
🍃I will write for ships, but I'm not comfortable with them all. So, if I'm not comfortable, I will answer your request with why.
🍃I will write for pretty much any character, but I'm not comfortable with them all. So, if I'm not comfortable, I will answer your request with why.
🍃I do not do cross-overs.
🍃I do not do reader-inserts.
Fandom List
🌿Percy Jackson
🌿Magnus Chase
🌿Kane Chronicles
🌿Disney movies
🌿Birds of Prey
🌿How to Train Your Dragon
🌿Avatar (Blue People, not live action Last Airbender)
🌿Scream Franchise (excluding show series)
🌿Stranger Things
🌿Owl House
🌿Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts
🌿She-ra and the Princess of Power (Netflix)
🌿Carmen Sandiago
🌿Umbrella Academy
🌿 Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
🌿 Wednesday
🌿Dead End: Paranormal Park
🌿Avatar (Last Airbender & Korra)
🌿The Amazing Digital Circus
🌿Helluva Boss (Hazbin will come once I find a way to watch it)
🌿Murder Drones
🌿Purple Hyacinth
🌿Muted (Miranda Mundt)
🌿Castle Swimmer
🌿Blood Ink
🌿Teenage Mercenary
🌿Batman: Wayne Family Comics
🌿High Class Homos
🌿Life is Strange: True Colors
🌿How to Train Your Dragon
🌿OC fics (my own and yours)
I think that's all? It'll probably update as I find more stuff.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Did thingy for fun :)
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