koala-fluff · 9 months
Tickletober Day 3: Cuddles
Fandom: Stranger Things
Holy Shit!"
Nancy flinched as Robin shouted and jumped. The woman on the screen screamed as the killer came out of nowhere and attacked her.
"I thought you watched movies for a living?" Nancy teased, curling back into her girlfriend's side.
"I do, but I usually avoid horror." Robin wrapped her arm around her shoulders, staring intently at the television. "Hits a little too close to home."
"Besides, you jumped too."
Nancy's jaw dropped dramatically as she looked up. There was a faint smirk on the younger girl's face.
"I only jumped because you did!" She retorted, poking her side. Robin flinched and glanced at her.
"I thought we agreed no… poking during the movie." She muttered, blushing slightly.
"Fine, fine." Nancy held her arms up in surrender. "No poking."
The couple fell into silence, enraptured by the main character finding the body. Nancy leaned her head against Robin's shoulder, enjoying the closeness. Robin pulled her closer in response.
Eventually, they came upon a scene that included the main character creeping through a dark building. Robin was ridged, her eyes wide as the music slowly crept faster. Nancy glanced up at her and had an evil idea that brought a devilish grin to her face.
She leaned back, trapping Robin's arm against the couch, and grabbed her other hand. Robin squeezed it in response, her eyes not leaving the screen.
Nancy cuddled closer, turning her head to rest her chin on Robin's shoulder. Then she waited.
Soon enough, the music in the movie died down, dropping the scene into silence. Robin inhaled, holding her breath in anticipation. Nancy held her breath too, but for quite a different reason. Just as the killer burst forth, Nancy lunged up and blew a deadly raspberry right into the crook of Robin's neck.
The scream the main character let out was muffled by the shriek Robin let loose. She cackled and twisted away, dragging Nancy down with her as she slipped off the couch.
"Nancy!" She whined over her girlfriend's laughter. "We agreed on no poking!"
"Thahat wahasn't a pohoke though!" Nancy defended.
"You know what I meant!" Robin shoved her girlfriend off her, blushing madly. "Now we're gonna have to rewind the movie.
Nancy glanced at the screen, then back down to her girlfriend on the floor. She smirked and paused the movie.
"We can finish it later." She decided. "I found a better activity."
Robin's eyes widened and she scrambled to sit up, but Nancy pushed her back down and dug her fingers into her ribs. Robin burst into cackles and shut her eyes tight so as to not see her girlfriend's smirk.
"You know, I think I need to remind you of the difference between 'tickle' and 'poke'." Nancy mused, moving her fingers upwards. "Luckily, I am quite knowledgeable on the subject."
They never ended up finishing the movie.
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readerleedigest · 2 years
On Edge Pt. 2
This is a tickle fic. Don’t read if that’s not your thing. 
Reader does have to go get their ankle checked out after the fall they took in Part 1. 
“You ready to go?” Steve was standing in the doorway, swinging the keys around his fingers. 
You finished tying your shoe, which fit uncomfortably around the ace bandage on your ankle. It’d seemed like the ankle had healed after your fall down the stairs. However, now that it’d been a month the pain had started up again, and you could tell you were fighting to keep from rolling it again. 
You’d planned to just give it more time, but Robin was adamant that you let Steve take you to get it checked out. One thing led to another, and they’d sent you to Physical Therapy. 
Something you’d be more than happy to drive yourself to and from. 
“Steve, for the last time, I’m perfectly capable of driving myself there.” You stood up, gesturing towards your wrapped ankle. “I think the whole thing is pretty pointless anyways. Gait and strength training. As if I don’t know how to walk.”
“Do you?” Steve laughed. “Know how to walk, that is? Because I’ve seen enough to argue otherwise.”
“Okay, rude,” you scoffed, barely suppressing a laugh. “Just for that, I get to choose the music in your car.”
“Oh, so I am taking you?”
“I’m blessing you with the privilege of chauffeuring me.”
“Oh, thank you most gracious Y/N.” He mockingly bowed. “Now come on. We’ll be late, and it’s your first appointment.”
By the time Steve parked the car, you were thinking of all the ways this could go wrong and you could embarrass yourself. Seriously, what kind of 20-year-old can’t walk without injuring themself? These people would think you were stupid or something.
A sudden squeeze on the top of your knee had you jolting back to the present with a choked laugh. 
“STEHEVE,” you scolded, slapping his hand away. 
“I know that look. You’re in your head again.” Steve raised an eyebrow at you, and you shrugged. He wasn’t wrong. 
“Let’s just get it over with,” you sighed, getting out of the car and walking inside, Steve trailing behind. 
The receptionist had you fill out a few pages worth of paperwork, and let you know that the Physical Therapist would be out to see you shortly. 
You tried hard not to overthink again, but you were still anxious. 
“This knee is really a problem for you today, huh?” Steve joked, pushing down on your knee gently, as you’d been bouncing it up and down rapidly as you waited. 
“Maybe you just put me on edge.”
“Ah, the old ‘on edge’ excuse again. We all know what that really means.”
“That is not what I --”
You were interrupted by the Physical Therapist, who called your name and introduced herself as Sam. 
“You can bring your boyfriend back into the working area with us,” Sam offered to Steve, causing you to chuckle. 
“He’s not --”
“I’ll come back if that’s not any trouble,” Steve smirked, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. 
“No trouble at all!” Sam smiled, turning to lead the way. You took that opportunity to shove him away from you, causing Steve to laugh. 
You sat down on a cushioned bench, and Sam had you remove your shoe and bandage so she could see the full range of motion in your ankle. 
“Any pain?”
“None in my ankle right now.”
“How about now?” Same pushed against the bottom of your foot towards you, stretching the muscle in your lower calf.
“Ooh,” you breathed. “There’s definitely some stiffness there.”
“So the issue here isn’t really your ankle, as much as it’s your calf. When you walk, do you feel like you’re actively keeping yourself from rolling out?”
“Okay. Here, I’m gonna have you walk to that end of the room, and then walk back towards me.”
You did as Sam asked, and when you reached her again, she bent down to look at your ankle.
Steve quietly applauded you from behind her and mouthed the words “You can walk!”
You discreetly made a rude gesture at him, and he smothered a laugh from behind his hand.
Caught up in your exchange with Steve, you almost didn’t hear what Sam asked you next.
“Are you ticklish?”
You were briefly at a loss for words, before shaking your head.
“Nah,” you choked out, trying not to flinch as she felt the arch of your foot.
“Liar,” Steve called over to the both of you, causing Sam to laugh this time as you glared.
“Well, regardless, you aren’t flat footed, so it should just be a matter of strengthening that lower calf muscle.”
The rest of the appointment went smoothly and quickly, ending with your exercise homework for the week.
Afterwards, Steve and you were meeting with Eddie and Robin and Nancy at the Wheelers’ for a movie night in the basement.
“Well if it isn’t the maimed themself,” Eddie crooned from his spot on the armchair, his legs draped over the side.
“How’d it go?” Robin asked.
You shrugged. “Pretty good. I got homework.”
“Just when you think you’re done with school for the summer,” Nancy joked, passing you a soda as you took a seat in the floor, back propped against the couch so you were in front of Robin.
“What’s the movie of choice?” Steve asked, grabbing a handful of popcorn out of Eddie’s bowl.
“It’s a horror film about ghosts,” Robin responded, beginning to thread her fingers through your hair, something she knew very well made you melt.
“Well that would’ve been helpful earlier.”
You looked up at Steve, who was staring at you where you’d leaned into Robin’s touch.
“Whaddya mean?” You asked.
“Well, I tried tickling you to make you chill out, and that didn’t really work. But all Robin’s gotta do is play with your hair and you practically fall asleep.”
“Do not.”
“Do too.”
“Do not!”
“Yeah, you do.”
“Children, children,” Nancy interrupted. “Can we quit the fighting and get along?”
“But Y/N is blatantly lying!” Steve protested. “And it’s not the first time today!”
“What was the first time?” Eddie asked, genuinely curious.
“They said they weren’t to cklish.”
“Well we all know that’s not true,” Robin laughed, fluttering her fingers against your neck.
“Hehehehey! I was just trying to let the physical therapist do her job.” You scooched forward, away from Robin’s hands.
“But what is it El always says?” Steve said with a mischievous look. “Friends don’t lie.”
“It wasn’t a friend, it was a stranger!”
“Well, as long as we’re all in agreement that Y/N is quite possibly the most ticklish in our group.” Eddie stated nonchalantly, getting a chorus of agreement from the others.
“I am not!” You protested, wrapping your arms around yourself.
“Wow. That makes the third lie today. You’re just asking for it aren’t ya?”
Robin was the first to pounce after she spoke, sliding down in the floor behind you to wrap you in a hug, your arms trapped in hers.
“WahahaHAHAHAIT!” You cried out as she began to blow against your neck, making you flinch.
“Are you gonna tell the truth?” Robin asked between breaths.
“Thahaht youhou all are jeheherks?”
“Alright that’s it,” Steve sighed, cracking his knuckles before kneeling beside you to squeeze at your knees.
“Come on, Pinocchio! Tell the truth!” Steve teased.
His pinching at your knees made you kick out and throw your head back. The ticklish shockwaves were overwhelming I’m comparison to Robin’s technique.
Eddie imitated a buzzer noise. “Time’s up! You get another tickle penalty.”
“NONONONO,” you called out, watching as he settled himself on your hips. You knew exactly where this was going.
You also knew exactly how to make it stop. Not that you wanted to.
Eddie slowly rolled up your shirt at the hem, resting it at your ribs. Then, slowly but surely he lowered his hands in two claws toward your stomach, making you thrash all the more.
And then his hands were vibrating into your stomach, and skittering across the skin like spiders, causing equal mix of cackles and giggles.
“Final chance, Y/N.” Nancy stood where she was earlier, arms crossed.
“Ooo wrong answer. You just earned the ultimate tickle penalty.” Nancy kneeled beside you, mouthing something to the guys you couldn’t see.
“You got her still, Robin?”
“Yeah, I got her. Go for it.”
Steve moved positions to kneel on your other side, and it suddenly dawned on you what they were about to do.
“Ohohokay ohohokay, mahahahaybe I am the most tihihicklish,” you admitted, closing your eyes as you felt the blush on your face grow.
“Oh we know,” Steve grinned.
“That’s what makes this so fun,” Eddie added.
Suddenly there were 6 hands sending you into ticklish bliss, drilling into your ribs, skittering over your lower stomach, vibrating into your middle.
You. Were. Dying.
You descended into silent laughter quickly, and they let up slowly.
“Youhouhou guys are the worst.” You felt the smile on your face saying otherwise, but you couldn’t help yourself.
“Not yet,” Nancy smirked, before lowering her head quickly to blow a raspberry on your stomach.
“I GIHIHIVE!” You screeched, and the next second Nancy was smoothing your shirt back down as Robin rested your head in her lap, resuming paying with your hair.
“Aww poor Pinocchio is tired.” Eddie rolled off of you.
“Please don’t start calling me that,” you giggled.
“Well, it’s either that or Giggles.”
You groaned, leaning back sleepily with an amused smile.
Pinocchio would be lucky to have friends like these.
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jonathanbyersphd · 10 months
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veryblushyswitch · 1 year
Nancy x Robin x Reader ~ Poly Ship (tickle fic) 🌸
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Summary: Nancy and Robin find themselves falling for one of Eddie’s friends. She plays guitar, loves watching movies, and absolutely loves Nancy and Robin. It isn’t until the three of them hang out that secrets are revealed.
Lee: Reader
Lers: Nancy & Robin
Authors Note: First time ever writing for a poly relationship!! I am going to have the reader in this story go by she/they pronouns, but I will make gender neutral ones in the future. This took me so long- oh my gosh. But it’s finally done and I had such a fun time writing it!! I hope you all enjoy! 🌸 @blushyeleven 🌸
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Bright colored leaves fell to the ground as an autumn wind blew across the football field of Hawkins High School. A crowd gathered in the gym while the assembly for the mid-school year was starting to begin.
“Can’t believe we have one of these in the middle of our lunch period.” Robin complained as she sat herself next to Nancy. The two had been dating in secret for a while now. Steve, Chrissy, Eddie, Johnathon and the kids knew, but other than that completely private.
“Yeah. At least we can sit next to each other the whole time.” Nancy gave Robin a wink which made her blush and playfully nudge Nancy’s leg.
“You’re such a flirt, Nancy Wheeler.” Robin whispered, poking Nancy’s side making her yelp and grab Robin’s hand.
“Only for you, Buckley.” Nancy squeezed her hand gently before interlocking their fingers together.
The assembly seemed to last forever as teachers made speeches and cheerleading routines never ended. It was always nice to see Chrissy perform though.
“This is so boring.” Robin remarked, her leg bouncing out of compulsion.
“Yeah I know, it’ll be over soon.” Nancy rubbed her thumb along Robin’s hand.
As she finished her sentence, a song started to play on the speaker. Nancy and Robin glanced at each other, both trying to hide how anxious they felt. They stared at the girl who was strumming away at her electric guitar.
The familiar riff of Don’t Bring Me Down filled the auditorium. The school decided to have a more rock sound for the pep rally and Y/N just so happened to be invited by the school to play a song.
Nancy and Robin were in love to say the least. They knew you played guitar, but they’ve never actually seen you play. Robin was blushing and Nancy was playing with her hair every now and then to try and distract herself from you.
As the performance finished, the crowd erupted into applause as you walked off stage. Nancy and Robin held hands after they clapped and nodded at each other. When they saw you after fifth period today, they were going to ask you to hang out this weekend.
Never in a million years would you have thought you would’ve had Robin Buckley and Nancy Wheeler inviting you over to hang out.
You’ve had a crush on both of them for quite some time, and you’ve all talked at school when you could, but you’ve never hung out with them outside of all that. You’ve talked with Eddie about how you feel and sworn him to secrecy.
As you approached the Wheeler’s residence, you took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Your heart was practically beating out of your chest as the door handle almost immediately moved and the door opened.
“Y/N!” Robin squealed as she leapt at you for a hug. You laughed at the sudden affection and hugged her back. You two had always been super affectionate individuals and hugs were a must whenever you saw each other.
“Hey Y/N.” Nancy waved from the doorway. Her other hand was playing with the hem of her skirt. She always did that when she was nervous. You started to feel a little anxious at the wonder of what she could be worried about.
“Come on in.” Nancy gestured inside. Robin took your hand and dragged you into the house and headed towards the basement.
“I’m gonna grab a couple drinks then I’ll be down.” Nancy remarked as you and Robin made yourselves comfortable on the couch.
You sat on the middle cushion and grabbed a pillow to hug against your chest. Robin made herself comfortable against your right side, leaning her head on your shoulder and looking up at you. Gosh she is so cute, you thought.
“Hey, Nancy seemed a bit… anxious when I arrived. Is something wrong?” As you asked this Robin sat up and blushed a bit.
“Y-Yeah she’s totally fine. Nothing’s wrong I promise.” She fiddled with her fingers. You felt a bit sad when she sat up. You wished she would lean against you again.
“Okay I’m back, sorry for the wait.” Nancy announced walking down the stairs. She had a water bottle in each hand and a can of coke tucked under her arm.
She handed you and Robin a water while she sat on your left and opened her coke. You all simultaneously took an awkward sip. The air was tense and you had no idea why. Other than all the gay panicking that was happening in your head-
“So… what did you guys think of the show?” You broke the ice as you set your water bottle on the table in front of you. Robin choked a bit on her water making Nancy giggle.
“It was amazing. Robin and I both agree it was the only entertaining part of the whole assembly. Other than seeing Chrissy.” You smiled an blushed a little at that. They really liked your performance?!
“I mean, Tammy Thompson was pretty entertaining if you ask me.” You snickered before all three of you broke into laughter.
It felt good to have the tension disappear. Laughter was the best way to do that when it came to the Hawkins gang.
The next couple minutes were spent talking about everyone’s day and random updates about life. Robin was talking about a work story with Steve when you noticed that Nancy was playing with the hem of her skirt again. She also seemed to be zoned out as she listened to Robin speak.
Robin finished her story and headed to the restroom. You decided to see if you could get Nancy to talk to you. It’s not like it was hard, all three of you talked to each other about everything practically. Something was clearly bothering her and you needed to know what.
“You okay Nance? You’ve been kind of anxious.” You put a hand on her knee. She jumped a bit at the action and turned towards you like a deer in the headlights.
“I-I’m fine. Just have some things on my mind.” She looked away.
“Do you wanna talk about it? You don’t have to if you don’t feel like it of course, but I’m here if you need anything.” You moved your thumb across her knee in a comforting motion making her smile.
Robin walked out of the bathroom and stopped in her tracks when she saw you two. She made eye contact with Nancy before looking back at you.
“Actually…” Nancy began, bringing your hand that was on her knee up to hold in hers. “There is something we both want to talk to you about.” Robin sat back down next to you as Nancy said this.
“Okay. Is something wrong?” You saw the color leave Robin’s face. Either something was wrong, or something was incredibly wrong. “Whatever it is, I’m here for you guys.” You took Robin’s hand in yours that wasn’t holding Nancy’s. “Nothing can change that.”
Nancy still seemed worried, but took a deep breath and managed a small smile.
“So… you know how Robin and I are… close, you could say.” You nodded along as Nancy went on. “Yeah so. We’re girlfriends. And not like fiends who are girls. We’re together.” Nancy started to tear up as Robin tried to hold back a sob while her leg bounced a million miles a minute.
“A-And we don’t want you to think any different of us w-were still us.” Robin started to full on cry as she squeezed your hand.
“Guys…” You began, tears forming in your eyes. “I don’t care about that. I’m so incredibly happy you told me this. In fact, I… I like girls too.” Now you had tears running down your face.
Nancy giggled which caused you to laugh which then caused Robin to giggle through her sobs before wrapping you in a hug. Nancy wrapped around you both as all three of you laughed and cried.
After a few minutes, you all took in some deep breaths and laid back. Nancy and Robin made eye contact then looked back at you. Robin nodded. Her and Nancy agreed they would split up telling you everything. Now it was her turn.
“There was another thing we wanted to tell you. Or more so ask you if the events went well, which they have, and I personally didn’t think it would go this well-” “Robin.” Nancy stopped her girlfriend from going on for too long. “Oh yeah, sorry.” She shook her hands a bit to let some of the nervous energy out.
“Nancy and I, we’re dating. We’re together.” You smiled hearing that again. You always had an assumption considering how close they were. But you didn’t interrupt. “And.. a-and we would like to know if- to know if you would like to date us too.”
Your eyes widened and your face blushed red. Is this really happening? You almost started crying again. You felt paralyzed. With what? Fear? Excitement? Maybe both.
“I… I would love to. Yes! I’ve actually had a crush on both of you guys for a while now! Eddie was the only one who knew and it was this whole thing- And I’m going to stop myself before I start rambling.” You cried with joy and shook your hands with happiness.
Robin and Nancy smiled and started crying again too. Cue another three way hug full of giggles and tears.
“Oh my gosh I can’t believe this is happening!” You shook your hands making Robin do the same. You both stimmed and listened as Nancy giggled at how adorable you two were being. Nancy wiped away her last few remaining tears, reaching for one your’s and Robin’s hands.
You both looked at Nancy with longing eyes as she kissed each of your hands. You felt your ears turn pink making Robin and Nancy giggle.
Robin booped your nose as Nancy poked your cheek. Your eyes widened as you covered your face to hide the blush spreading across your face.
“Awww she’s trying to hide from us Nance~” Robin cooed and poked your side. You squealed and tried to block that spot with your elbow, but it only managed to cover a small part of your ribs since you didn’t want to uncover all of your face.
The two made eye contact before scribbling at your sides. A shriek escaped your mouth as your arms came crashing down against your torso.
You threw your head back in laughter, the fingers moved up and down from your sides to your ribs and even sneaking pokes under your arms.
“Ohohohohoh my gohohosh!” You tried to curl yourself against Robin when Nancy hit a particularly sensitive spot on your ribs.
“What’s that song you were playing at the pep rally?” Nancy asked, a mischievous sparkle in her eye. You tried to protest, knowing where they were going with the playful teasing.
“Don’t Bring Me Down? Yeah I love that song! I always wondered how Y/N played it.” Robin smirked grabbing an arm to pin by the side of your head.
“Me too, Rob. Let’s try together shall we?” Nancy took your other arm and pinned it the same way.
“N-Nahancy! Robin! Plehehease!” You tried to pull at your arms but they were pinned good. They both slowly walked their first two fingers down your arm starting at your wrists.
Your giggles got louder and higher as their fingers spider crawled lower and lower till they were right above your underarms. You brought your legs up against your chest as you tried to prepare yourself for their attack.
“Ready?” Nancy asked Robin. “Go!” Robin yelled. You screamed at contact then burst into laughter as they scribbled from your underarms to your ribs and up and down and up again.
“Don’t bring me down~” Robin sang as she strummed your ribs like a guitar. “No! No! No! No! Nooo~” Nancy joined in pinching your side. They both giggled as the singing seemed to make you laugh more.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” “Pleeeeease- sing another verse?” Robin teased digging a bit rougher into your lower ribs to make you squeal. “Who can say no to that?”
Nancy and Robin sang the chorus once again with your laugh as the background music.
They slowed their hands to give you a break but kept your wrists pinned to the couch. “Don’t worry we’re not done with you yet.” Robin cooed rubbing her thumb against your wrist in a comforting way.
“I didn’t know you were so ticklish~” Nancy teased lightly scratching at your tummy with her nails. This caused you to squeal and kick your legs out. The light scratches causing the butterflies in your stomach to flutter their wings even faster than you thought was possible.
“Hehehehehe! *snort* Nohohohohoho!” The light tickles caused you to snort and hide your face against the couch. Robin and Nancy could’ve died happy right then and there after hearing that noise. Well maybe after hearing it a few more times.
“That was the cutest sound I’ve ever heard!!!” Robin practically screamed. This made you laugh even more and blush at her comment. They continued to pinch and scratch at your stomach. Nancy sneakily poking at your belly button a few times to make you jump.
“Ahahahahaha! *snort* IhI cahahahahan’t!” You snorted and squealed. The light tickles filling your body warmth and happiness. Your body went into fight or flight mode, however, when you felt a pinch to your hip. Nancy jumped back at the sudden scream that was ripped from your throat.
“Ooooh Nance!! You found a tickle spot!!” Robin beamed, her eyes twinkling with delight as she started pinching your hip. You squirmed harder than ever. Your body overflowing with the ticklish sensations yelling at you to escape. Yet it was all enjoyable nonetheless. Every had their breaking point, however.
“OKAHAHAHAHAHAY! OKAY STAHAHAP! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! MERCY! UHUNCLE! PLEHEHEHASE!” You kicked your legs as you laughed those final words. Your next few breaths coming out in small giggles as Nancy and Robin withdrew their hands.
Robin brushed some hair behind your ear that had gotten in your face during all the squirming.
“You’re so cute Y/N.” Robin admired the way your eyes glistened after she spoke. Nancy agreed. “Your laugh is so beautiful and adorable. We’ll have to do this all the time.” She giggled when the comment made you blush. And just when you were calming down from the tickle attack!
Nancy and Robin practically melted at how adorable you were being. Nancy bit her lip before mustering up the courage to kiss your cheek.
Both you and Robin stared at Nancy in astonishment. “Was that okay?” Nancy asked while gripping onto her skirt. You smiled. That smile turned into a smirk as you gently took the hem of her shirt and pulled her lips to yours.
“More than okay.” You said after the kiss. You turned to Robin and did the same. Her face beamed with joy. The three of you then cuddled and soon fell asleep from an emotional few hours. Thus began a journey all three of you wouldn’t trade for anything.
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ace-with--a-mace · 2 years
byler 🤝🏽 being for the wlw and mlm
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rosiesramblings · 2 years
Would You Still Love Me?
Hey friends! Here's a quick Robin and Steve fic, with a bit of Eddie sprinkled in because I have no self control. This scenario popped into my head and I thought it was funny. Let me know what you think!
WC: 1.1k
Fandom: Stranger Things (no spoilers, i don't think), ler!Steve and lee!Robin
TW: I mention pregnancy once? It makes sense I promise. No one is actually pregnant. Also, there is a joint bc Eddie's got to make some money somehow.
“Steve…” Robin’s voice trembles. Steve looks up from the beer he’s slowly nursing by the side of his pool. Eddie and Nancy pause their heated conversation - something about the merits (or lack thereof) of higher education, Steve thinks, but he stopped paying attention ten minutes ago. Eddie’s hands flex when he’s making a point, and that has been sufficiently distracting for the past few minutes.
He lifts his feet from the water and turns to face Robin. Her eyes are glassy, and Steve is suddenly brought back to a different conversation, on the floor of a grimy mall bathroom. He swallows, brows furrowing in that adorably concerned way of his, and he says, “What's up, Robin?”
“I… There’s something I wanted to ask you,” Robin says, not quite looking in his eyes. Nancy and Eddie very pointedly go back to their debate, voices rising a little to avoid eavesdropping.
“Okay…” Steve says slowly, getting up all the way and plopping down next to Robin where she’s spread out a towel. “Is it something… bad?”
“I don’t know,” Robin whispers, playing with the threads on the edge of her towel.
Steve grabs her hand in both of his, rubbing his thumbs over her fingers soothingly. “Whatever it is, I’m sure we can figure it out.”
“Yeah… yeah you’re right,” Robin breathes out.
Steve braces himself for - he doesn’t know what, really, as the only thing he can think of is that Robin might be pregnant, which is absurd because a) she’s gay, and b) if she had sex with someone, he would definitely have been informed. He shakes that thought off and wills himself to keep a neutral face, despite the anxiety he’s feeling.
“It’s just… I was wondering…” Robin takes a deep breath. “Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
“Would I - what?” Steve asks, desperately confused. “I don’t even - what?”
There’s a solid five seconds before Robin bursts into raspy laughter. “Ohohoho my god,” she cackles. “Your fahahahace! I should have taken a picture. That was tohoho perfect.”
Steve just looks at her. “I am so confused.”
Robin laughs harder. “I know! You got all worried, you did the whole Mama Steve routine, oh my god. Eddie!” She turns to where Eddie and Nancy are still sitting. “You owe me a joint, asshole! Told you I could do it!”
“Told him you could do what?” Steve says, still feeling like he was missing something.
“Goddammit, Harrington,” Eddie says, eyes gleaming, walking over and handing Robin a joint goodnaturedly. “I bet Robin that she couldn’t get you to go full “Mama Bear Steve” on her. I thought it was reserved for just the kids. Clearly,” he gestures to where Steve is still holding one of Robin’s hands in his, “I was wrong.”
Steve turns back to Robin, betrayed. “You made a bet on me?”
Robin grins toothily back at him. “And I won! We’re platonic-with-a-capital-P soulmates, Steve, I know exactly how you work.”
“Oh yeah?” Steve asks, raising one eyebrow. “Then you should know exactly what I’m going to do next.”
Robin barely has time to look confusedly at Steve in return before he’s latching on to her sides, and holy shit, that tickles. “Steheheheheheve, wahahahit - nononono!” she cries as he squeezes over and over.
“Nope. This is exactly what you deserve for making fun of me,” Steve says smugly, spidering his hands up to drill into her ribs.
“Plehehehehease! It was a johohohoke,” Robin giggles.
“Yeah, I know. And this is revenge,” Steve says. He carefully pushes Robin down onto her back, making sure her head doesn’t hit the ground too hard. Robin’s hands bat uselessly at his own, until he grabs them both and pins them under his knees.
“Wait! Wahahait, Haharrington dohohohon’t,” giggles pitching up as he lets her ribs go and wiggles his fingers in the air above her tummy.
“Don’t what, Buckley? I’m literally not even doing anything,” Steve says, eyes glinting evilly.
“Oooooh, Stevie, I didn’t know you could be so mean,” Eddie calls over to them. “It’s kinda doing it for me, not gonna lie.”
“Yeah? Well, you’re fucking next, Munson, don’t think for a second that I’ve forgotten about you,” Steve says over his shoulder, completely missing the way Eddie’s face turns beet red. Nancy laughs at him.
Tired of teasing his best friend, Steve finally starts actually tickling Robin’s tummy, and she promptly goes ballistic.
“OhohohohOH MY GAHAHAHAD,” she shrieks, pulling desperately at her trapped hands.
“Yeah? This a bad spot?” Steve teases.
“YohOHOHOU KNOW IT IS,” Robin manages, tears leaking out of her scrunched-closed eyes. “DiHIHIHIHINGUS!”
“I’m not hearing an apology,” Steve sing-songs, sliding his hands under her loose top and raking his blunt nails over the sides of her tummy.
“I’m sohohohohorry! Ihihihi’m sohohoho fuhuhucking sorry, Steheheheve, plehehease!” Robin’s cackles start to die down as Steve slows his fingers. She takes deep breaths and tries to slow her giggles, relaxing a little, thinking that Steve’s finished his revenge.
“Mmm,” Steve hums. “You know what really, really sucks for you?” he asks, smirking at Robin. He leans down, catches her eye, and says, “That wasn’t even your worst spot,” before darting his hands behind him and squeezing just above her knees.
And Robin. Fucking. Screams.
“Jesus H Christ, Buckley, are you actually being murdered?” Eddie says with a smile, but he’s completely drowned out by Robin’s desperate howls.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA,” she laughs, unable to remember even one of the languages she speaks. “PLEHEAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Steve stops after only a few moments, knowing Robin can’t take it when anyone gets her knees. “Okay, okay, breathe, Ro, I’m done,” he laughs, releasing her arms and pulling her up into his lap for a hug. He gently rubs her back as she comes back down to earth.
“Ohohoho my gohohod,” Robin snickers. “I cahahan’t… That was sohoho mehehean.” She pulls back to look him in the face. “You are a mehehean person, Steve Haharrington.”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t act like you didn’t deserve every minute,” Steve says, playfully tugging on a strand of her hair. “Also, of course I would still love you if you were a worm. In case you were actually wondering.”
“Whahatever,” Robin says, exhausted but still pleased at the answer.
“Also, you’re definitely sharing that joint with me later.”
Steve eases her back down to lay on the towel, then stands up and stretches, cracking his knuckles casually. He eyes a now-nervous looking Eddie Munson hungrily. Eddie swallows.
“Now, Munson,” Steve says, barely keeping a straight face. “Are you going to come get yours and take it like a man, or do I have to come to you?”
A silly grin makes its way unbidden onto Eddie’s face. He considers for a moment, weighing his options. At the end of the day, though, he’s Eddie fucking Munson, and there is one thing he can always be relied upon to do when faced with danger.
He runs.
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wheelercore · 10 months
I think the funniest area in which people try to project Lonnies dynamic with Will and Jonathan onto Ted and Mike is guns. It's very antithetical to what we're shown on screen like Mike canonically jumps into action at the sound of gunshots and Ted canonically startles at fireworks and doesn't seem to like the sound very much. Literally no creativity here. Guards! Send them back to the drawing board!! Tell them to analyze the toys!!
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happyandticklish · 2 years
Season 1 & 4 Steve is a ler and season 2 & 3 Steve is a lee, I will not be explaining.
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ariesbilly · 1 year
R*nance being as popular as they are is so weird like 1. Elm*x is right there 2. Tell me you’re shipping two people for standing next to each other without telling me you’re shipping two people for standing next to each other
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lopsicle · 2 years
Wait have you already done nancy for hc’s?
No, no I have not, so let’s get onto that!
Nancy Wheeler Tickle Headcanons
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•Enjoys being tickled but lies and says she doesn’t
•Light tickles work better then hard tickles, especially if they’re more playful and with people she trusts.
•She didn’t really get many tickles being the older sibling, so she’d sometimes provoke Mike into tickling her, by tickling him.
•And when Steve found out she was ticklish, oh man-
•He was absolutely so adorable in season 1, like he weren’t that bad-
•Anyway, Steve would constantly try to tickle her, her laughter is full of snorts and he found that adorable.
•Then came along Jonathon, who was definitely shy from physical touch, but would defo tickle Nancy during debates, or just randomly.
•(Nancy secretly loved it)
•Nothing much changed with her for tickling in season three, but in season 4 she got introduced to Robin.
•And my god, Robin loved tickling Nancy. Just seeing Ms. perfect completely fold due to some pokes to her sides, as a wide smile was plastered in her face was just *chef’s kiss*
•She never ever asks for tickles, but Robin has gotten good at seeing when she’s in lee moods.
•Her worst spot is her knees and belly. Her knees lead to her squealing loudly and going limp, while her belly leads to loud laughter full of snorts, and she is just so squirmy
•Her favourite spot is her ribs, especially counting ribs, she loves that game
•She definitely hates baby talk.
•Lers that get her are: Mike, Robin, Steve, Eddie, Jonathon.
•The teasiest, most vicious ler that exists in Hawkins.
•Please be scared, and also run if you’ve ever tickled her because she will get revenge
•She uses countdowns on her lees, sometimes letting them run, or sometimes letting them grow in anticipation as she waves her nails over their belly.
•Giggles as she tickles her lees, she just finds it so fun
•She can definitely be a soft ler to the people close to her (Robin).
•Sometimes forces lees to ask for tickles.
•Shed definitely be tickling someone really slowly; and then just in an instant be scribbling her hands everywhere.
•As I said, Steve could be adorable in season one and you best believe Nancy would get revenge on him, usually behind closed doors to uphold Steve’s reputation.
•Steve discovered he liked being tickled through Nancy.
•Then there was Jonathon, who was obviously shy to physical contact, but occasionally let Nancy tickle him, usually only gently though.
•And Robin. Poor Robin. Nancy would adore tickling Robin, she’d coo over how adorable her laughter was, how squirmy she was, just absolutely tease her into a blushing, giggly mess.
•Also the aftercare. Lucky Robin. Nancy would give the absolutely sweetest aftercare in existence.
•And also Mike. Mike would be a consistent victim of Nancy, and he’s break in seconds, just screaming with laughter if he ever annoyed Nancy.
•Lees she gets are: Steve, Robin, Eddie, Mike, Jonathon, El, Max.
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kittenwhiskers · 2 years
do you also feel like Nancy would be the type of ler to blow raspberries?
Yes!!! Okay okay so like tummy raspberries I feel would be reserved for Mike (when he's being a shithead) wnd mayyyybe possibly Robin? and someone like Jonathan or Steve (depending on who you ship/which time frame you're following) would get neck raspberries!
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koala-fluff · 1 year
Merry Christmas, @theoncelee! I'm your gifter, and I really hope you enjoy this fic!
As for everyone else, enjoy as well!
Suger High
It was supposed to be a normal sleepover, but Eddie and Robin stole Mr. Wheeler's coffee candy.
"No, Eddie!" Steve grunted as he hit the post in Nancy's basement. "Stop! Don't do it"
"No cahan do, babe!" Eddie giggled as he grabbed one of the brooms. "Buckley hahas threatened myhy honor!"
"I just said you had bad taste in music!" Robin shrieked, running away from the broom-wielding crazy man. She giggled as she vaulted over the couch.
"Robin, honey!" Nancy winced, whipping around as the duo ran past. "You're going to hurt yourself!"
"I'll be fine~! Munson won't be, once I retrieve my weapon!"
Steve groaned and decided to just sit on the couch. Nancy and him had been trying to wrangle their partners for the past ten minutes. The partners that had eaten a shit load of caffeinated candy.
Steve didn't even know that candy could have coffee in it, but here they were.
"I swear, I am going to get my shotgun." Nancy muttered, sitting next to him. Most would be scared by the threat, but he could see the slight smile on her lips as Robin stole the broom from Eddie.
"We just need some way to calm them down." Steve winced as Robin smacked Eddie's head with the broom. Neither looked injured, thank goodness. "Any ideas?"
Nancy raised her eyebrow. "We've been trying my ideas for the past ten minutes. You come up with something." She said, leaning back and rubbing her face.
Steve groaned again. He loved both Eddie and Robin to death, but they were too much of a handful on a normal basis. High on sugar and caffeine? That made them eight handfuls. Nancy and him didn't have four hands each.
The duo sprinted past, Eddie somehow holding onto the broom now. Robin then slammed into the wall and Eddie nearly impaled himself with the cleaning device. Both ended up just laughing hysterically on the floor, argument forgotten.
"That's it!" Steve stomped over, heart still racing from the spectacle. He grabbed them both up by the shirt and dragged them towards the couch.
"Aw~ c'mon, Harrington!" Eddie giggled out. "Noho neheed to behe mahad!"
Steve didn't reply and merely shoved Robin onto Nancy's lap. He sat down next to the two women and tugged Eddie onto his lap as well.
"Let's calm them down." Steve said, nodding at Nancy.
"Whahat're you gonna doho?" Robin stuck her tongue out as her girlfriend hugged her close. "Smohother us?"
"No. Just gonna tickle the energy out of you." Steve said matter of factly, smirking.
For the first time in the past ten minutes, the two crazy people froze. Their eyes widened comically while Nancy smirked at Steve.
"I like that idea, Harrington." She agreed, holding onto Robin's struggling form.
"Why thank you, Wheeler." The boy replied. "On the count of three."
"Wehe'll cahalm down!"
"Two "
"Plehease, guys!"
Already in a giggly mood, both victims instantly broke down as their partners dug their fingers into their sides.
"Steheheve, noho!" Eddie spluttered, pushing at his boyfriend's chest.
"Steve, yes." He replied, moving down to squeeze the guitar player's hips.
Robin only cackled, her limbs turning to jelly as Nancy moved to target her ribs. She buried her face into her girlfriend's shoulder, muffling her laughter a small bit.
"I think your plan was the best one we've come up with." Nancy mused, raising her voice over Eddie's high-pitched laughter.
"I thought it was brilliant." Steve smirked, slowly crawling his fingers up to his victim's armpits. "Guess that means I get a score on that whiteboard, right Robin?"
She only shook her head in reply, her body melting as Nancy scribbled her nails against her back.
The two really had completely different reactions to tickling, huh? While Eddie thrashed and shrieked as his armpits were attacked, Robin only melted completely and snorted as her stomach was targeted.
Steve couldn't help but look at both of them, love in his eyes. These were the bestest friends he could ask for.
His thoughts were interrupted as a pair of fingers dug into his ribs. With a surprised shriek, he fell backwards and was soon the one to laugh.
"Gotcha, Harrington." Eddie teased, spidering his hands across Steve's stomach.
"Dahamn ihit, Muhunson!" Steve squealed, trying to twist away. "IhI'm supposed toho behe calming you dohown!"
"True. But I can just lose energy by tickling you!" Eddie grinned, fluttering his fingers against Steve's neck. "It's way more amusing!"
Nancy rolled her eyes at the sight of the boys. "You best not try to tickle me, Robbie." She said, turning her attention back to her girlfriend. "It'll just get worse if you do."
Robin shook her head. She had zero idea how Eddie could easily turn the tables on people. She could barely move her arms as it was!
"Hey, Wheeler! Wanna see which one taps out first?" Eddie challenged, wiggling his eyebrows.
"It wouldn't be fair for me!" Nancy countered. "Robin's been tickled for longer than Steve."
"That is true, but we both know he's more ticklish than her."
"Good point… sure. It's on, Munson!" Nancy grinned, getting into the spirit of things. "Winner gets to sleep on the couch instead of the floor tonight!"
"Well then, have fun on the floor, Wheeler!"
Steve tapped out first, as expected. The competition didn't matter anyway. All four ended up sleeping on the couch.
Oh goodness... This took way longer than I wanted...
I sincerely hoped you liked it, cause I'm too tired to tell if this is actually good or not.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!
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readerleedigest · 2 years
The Cropped Hoodie
This is a tickle fic. Don’t read if that’s not your thing. 
The reader won’t wear crop tops, and Steve, Eddie, Robin, and Nancy set out to figure out why. Lee!Reader and Ler!Steve/Robin/Nancy/Eddie. Mentions being insecure about stomach. 
You were lying on the couch, finishing up your notes for English when you heard the knock on the door. Assuming it was the pizza you ordered since your parents were gone for the weekend, you didn't hesitate to open the door. But instead of the pizza guy, you were faced with Steve, Nancy, Robin, and Eddie, all of whom greeted you and walked in as if it was their home. If it were any other day, this would've been fine. But if course, they chose the one day you were wearing the hoodie.
A few weeks prior:
"Y/N! Get over here!" You put the t-shirt you were admiring over your arm and made your way over to where Robin and Nancy were standing in the thrift store. Robin was triumphantly holding up - "A daisy yellow hoodie! This would look SO GOOD on you. And it's your favorite color. So a win-win, yeah?" Robin was practically bouncing with energy, shaking the hoodie at you so you'd take it. It really was perfect. Gorgeous color, soft fabric, and it was your size. "Robin, you are the QUEEN of thrift shopping. I take back any time I've ever complained," you laughed. "I don't," Steve complained from a few feet away, by a rack of baseball hats. "Suck it up, Henderson. They've got good music here, too, so you're outnumbered." Eddie laughed, holding multiple tapes in the crook of his elbow. "Go try it on." Nancy shooed you over to the dressing room in the corner, and you stepped in with the few clothing items you'd picked out. The t-shirts you'd been browsing fit you well, and the jeans had an unexpected tear you hadn't seen before. That just left the hoodie, which you threw on, excited to see how it fit. You hadn't anticipated it being a cropped hoodie. The color was gorgeous, and the hoodie was comfortable and lightweight, but there was no hiding the strip of stomach it exposed above the top of your jeans. You'd never worn anything cropped before, and for a reason. You didn't like anyone seeing your stomach, it made you feel insecure. You didn't really know what about it made you feel that way. 
Reluctantly, you changed back into your clothes and placed the hoodie in the pile with the torn jeans before exiting the changing room. "Are we finally ready to leave? I believe I was promised ice cream," Steve trailed off, raising raising his eyebrows at Robin. "You're such a child, Steve," Robin laughed, before turning back to you as you placed the jeans and hoodie in the return to rack bin. Her eyes widened and she grabbed for the hoodie. "No way! It didn't fit? You're not buying it?" "It's just, well, it was cropped, and I don't think that's really my style, you know?" You mumbled, avoiding eye contact as you focused on recording the t-shirts you planned to buy. "So try something new! I know you love the color, Y/N. You've gotta buy it," Robin pleaded. You flushed, not wanting to have to explain the true reason for not buying it. Just as you opened your mouth to refuse once more, Steve interrupted. "I'll buy it." He pulled the hoodie away from Robin and draped it over his shoulder. "Problem solved." "Steve, you really don't need to -" "Oh, I need to," he shot you a wink. 
Back to the present:
And that's how you ended up in this situation, awkwardly standing at the front door and trying not to wrap your arms around your middle as you accepted the pizza from the delivery guy. "Y/N, you're such a great host. You got us pizza and we didn't even tell you we were coming," Eddie smirked, grabbing a slice as soon as you set the boxes down. "Yeah, well what can I say," you shrugged, before immediately lowering your hands upon feeling how that brought the hoodie up higher. "Hey, wait. Is that the hoodie I bought you? You're finally wearing it?" Steve asked through mouthful of pizza. "Um, yeah... hey so what do you guys want to do? I don't really have much in the way of movies but I've still got that mystery game you all like?" One pizza and one board game later, you found yourself on the couch with the rest of the group. "I was thinking about going to that thrift shop tomorrow, the one by the ice cream place that we found Y/N's hoodie at? Maybe they'll have some new stuff," Nancy said. "And I know Robin is up for it, how about you all?" "Yeah, sure," you agreed, trying to discreetly readjust your hoodie where the fabric had risen up in the front again. "Why do you keep doing that?" Eddie asked from beside you, noticing your fidgeting. "Doing what?" "Pulling your hoodie down and covering your stomach." "I'm, I'm not. I don't know what you're talking about, Eddie." "Bull. Besides, it's a crop top, the whole point is for people to see your stomach." "True," Steve commented from where he sat sat the floor, earning him a quick glare from yourself. "You know, this is actually the first time I've seen you wear that hoodie, Y/N. How come you haven't worn it since we got it?" Robin asked. "I have, I just usually wear it at... home.." You trailed off at the mixture of head tilts and eye squints you received. "What?" "We're just trying to figure out what you're hiding, is all," Nancy stated nonchalantly. "Well, let's not," you laughed nervously, beginning to get up from the couch. "No no no, you get back here." Robin's hands reached forward to pull you back down, and found purchase on your lower sides, which were conveniently being shown by the hoodie. When she pulled you back onto the couch, you fell backwards with a squeak, her hands having accidentally squeezed your sides and sent a ticklish jolt through your body. "What," Eddie asked, turning his body towards you, "was that?" "Whahat was what?" You laughed nervously, beginning to pull the hoodie down again. "Enough with that," Robin said, grabbing your wrists and pulling them towards her and away from the hoodie, leaving your lower stomach on display. "You squeaked," Nancy stated again, her detective mind in high gear. "You squeaked when Robin grabbed your sides."
"Ohhhh." Steve lightly smacked his forehead, before turning with a mischievous look. "Guys I figured it out." "No you didn't," you protested, afraid of his actually knowing why you didn't wear the hoodie around them. "Yeah, I did. They don’t wear the hoodie because they’re so ticklish." You almost sighed in relief, but to be honest, this wasn't much better. Now you're friends were looking at you with a predatory look, and Robin had tightened her grip on your wrists. "Guys, guys, wahahait. That's not why -" "Then why?" Steve asked, inching closer as Robin began pulling your arms over her lap, bringing you into a half sitting and half laying position. You blushed bright red, feeling the cold air hit your stomach as your arms were pulled away. Eddie smirked down at you, poking your stomach once. Your nervous giggles doubled. "Ihihihi just don't like ihihihit that muhuch." Steve mock-gasped, clutching his chest. "After I bought it for you and everything?" "You're lying," Robin sang. "And I think that we can all agree, liars deserve to be tickled." "Wahahait I'm nohohot lying, plehehease." There wasn't a good way out of this. You didn't want to tell them the real reason, but four people tickling you at once? There was no way you'd last. That didn't mean it didn't excite you just a little though. You loved your goofy friends. Eddie struck first, spidering his fingers along your waist. It was maddening, his touch so light, and you couldn't move. Steve followed, squeezing your sides like Robin had done earlier, and you began thrashing, your head thrown back in Robin's lap. "NAHAHA," you cackled. The stupid hoodie made it ten times worse. "You wanna admit why you wouldn't wear the hoodie?" Nancy asked, sitting in front of where your head was in Robin's lap. "NOHohoho," you giggled, accepting your fate. "Wow, someone really wants to be tickled, huh?" Eddie asked, focusing on your hips now as Steve began clawing at the middle of your stomach. Nancy joined in now, lightly tracing your neck and ears, making you snort. "Did they just SNORT?" Steve asked, laughing hard.
"Shuhuhut up STEHEHEHEVE NO!" Apparently unamused by your sass, Steve decided to shut you up by planting a raspberry directly in the middle of your stomach. It was too much, and you descended into silent laughter. When Robin saw the tear run down your cheek, she signaled for everyone to stop. "Why haven't you worn the hoodie, Y/N?" Nancy asked, suddenly serious. You sighed. "I don't like for people to see my stomach, it makes me feel insecure." "Are you serious?" Steve asked, his tone almost angry. "Y/N that's ridiculous. You're stomach is nothing to be insecure about." Robin released your arms and pushed a piece of hair off your forehead. Out of habit, you began to pull your hoodie back down, and Eddie grabbed your wrists. "No more of that. Nope." "Yeah. I bought you this hoodie, and I want you to wear it like it's meant to be worn. And so help me Y/N, I will tickle you so hard if you don't." You brought your hands up over your face, unable to handle your friends right now. This was so flustering. "I agree. No more hiding your stomach, Y/N. Or else we'll get ya again," Robin teased. "Well if that's the case, I'm never wearing this thing around you all again," you laughed, sitting up. "Aw, you know you will, because you love us," Eddie said as he elbowed you. "Aaand I think Y/N liked that. They haven’t quit smiling since." 
"Shut up, Nancy." "Watch it," Steve warned, poking you in the stomach until you doubled over in defense. "Ohohokay, maybe she's right." Needless to say, from then on your friends managed to find you plenty of cropped apparel. And maybe, just maybe, you wore the clothes anyways. What's the worst that would come of it?
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jonathanbyersphd · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler Characters: Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler Additional Tags: Future Fic, Canon Compliant, Post-Vecna (Stranger Things), Fluff, like a little angst but mostly, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, they're very je ne sais quoi Sweet Nothing in this fic, I accidentally listened to You Are In Love too many times and then planned the rest of their lives, it's casual - Freeform, i am normal about them Summary:
A series of vacations Nancy and Jonathan spend with each other over the years.
For @jancyweekend Day 1: Vacations 
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stranger-rants · 1 year
It’s also kind of funny that I rarely see Billy antis w/ a Lucas pfp. It’s usually Nancy, Eddie, Will, or Mike. A lot of people w/ By/ler usernames, too, who are so convinced Billy would hate crime Will or Mike or Eddie (lol). Occasionally folks with Max pfps/usernames will be Billy antis too but those same people literally ignore all of Max’s canon feelings about Billy that inconvenience their narrative that he abused her 24/7. Antis are really putting on a (bad) performance all the time.
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“Teaming up is unfair!!” with ler!eddie and ler!steve 🫣🫢
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"Teaming up is unfair!!!"
Those were the words that left your mouth, and they were quickly followed by a screech and a symphony of giggles as Steve and Eddie began poking and clawing at your torso. "Youhou cahahan't juhuhust bohoth- HEHEY! THIHIS IHIHIS SOHOHO UNFAHAHAIRRR!"
"Says the instigator?" Robin teased from the passenger seat, her brows furrowed and lips curled into a grin of amusement.
Your eyes met Robin's in the car's front view mirror, but before you could say something, Steve had dug his thumbs into your hips, making you shriek with laughter and twist in your seat. "Sahays the instigator! You started this tickle fight. We're just finishing it!"
"Perhaps it wasn't the wisest plan to provoke both of us... when you're the one stuck in the middle seat, Y/N~" Eddie sang, pausing his playful onslaught on your sides while he looked into the mirror, which prompted Steve to stop and allow you a moment to breathe. "Hey, Wheeler, about how much longer would you say we'll be stuck in the car for?"
"About fifteen minutes," Nancy answered. "Give or take a few."
You saw the mischievous glint in Steve's eyes, before looking over at Eddie, only to see that same glint of utter mischief, complete with an impish grin. "Ohoh noho... Dohohon't youhou dahahare! DOHON'T YOUHOU EHEHEVEN DAHAHAHAHARE!"
Steve gasped loudly, with an air of sarcasm and sass. "Oh shit! Guess what? We dared~!"
"Double dared~"
"Double. Dared."
"If you make Y/N kick my seat again like you did last time I'll come back there, dingus." Robin warned, moving her seat forward for good measure as Nancy chuckled.
"Oh please. You nearly tripped on air this morning but you're gonna come back here while the car is moving?" Steve continued his banter with Robin as he and Eddie continued their playful revenge.
You weren't about to say it out loud, but you had no regrets about bothering the two. It certainly made for an entertaining car ride.
Happy Halloween everyone! AGDHSJD This is the first drabble I've written for ler!Steve and I hope I did good with writing him in character 🥺 /gen
Thank you so much for the prompt, anon! This was fun to write 😖 /gen /pos
Until next time!
~ Ushu 💜 (/p)
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