tempxsta · 5 years
“Oh, sorry I don’t do drugs.”
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“It’s not even lit yet, and I didn’t ask if you wanted one.”  The red-head replies, chewing on the end of the cigarette.  There’s a warning in the other’s smile, clearly trying to make a point for him to stop smoking but he shrugs it off.  At least he won’t light it in the common area.  
“I’ll smoke when you’re not around.”
@kodaitsvki ; meme
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katatede · 6 years
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Ibaraki relished these moments. They were soft and peaceful and in company that made him feel...fulfilled. After so many centuries in complete isolation, it was rather a wonderful experience he never got tired of. Mikazuki was someone Ibaraki had grown to trust and care for deeply...Truth be told he cared more for him than for the fate of humanity, though, for an evil oni, perhaps that was not so terribly surprising.
He was generally content to sit in the warm silence oft shared with the other over tea and snacks, and he was also content to indulge his friend’s curiosities of his past, of his relationship with his beloved best friend, of history and centuries he had watched past.
But Ibaraki was not content for such things, today. He knew his friend harboured many emotions of his own that he never shared. They were both very stoic. Neither one of them liked to speak their hearts, but, Ibaraki trusted the other enough to do it, on occasion. He hoped that Mikazuki felt the same. 
“What is on your mind, my friend?” he rumbled softly.
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soulsxmmoned · 5 years
@kodaitsvki from [ x ]
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“Hai, Goshujinsama!” he saiid eagerly, his ears perking up. He wiped his brow with his kerchief and tucked it into his uniform pocket before he headed into the kitchen. He looked at the teas on the shelf and held a hand to his chin, pondering the best choice.
A familiar sight to the Astral, and the one that had signalled to him his primal’s own level of true sentience -  his free will.
After a bit of pondering he chose a peachy oolong off the shelf and set about preparing it. It was a task he found a lot of quiet joy in, taking great care in each action. The temperature of the water, the point at which he added the leaves, the perfect amount of time steeped.
finally he poured the tea and removed the leaves from pot, placing a tea cozy over it to keep it warm. he placed the pot and the cups on a tray and carried them back out to his master. He placed the tray down on  his preferred table for tea. “Here you go, Master.”
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jardimdeglicinias · 5 years
⭐️ with Ebina?
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
It’s an undeniable fact that Ebina has a visible preference to be around the ones which were at the Ashikaga clan’s treasury with him, but out of the many swords, Mikazuki is the one which he respects the most, to the point of seeing him as a role model in many aspects. He even tries to copy his mannerisms from afar.
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Ebina is constantly insecure about his lost hamon and the memories about Ashikaga Yoshimasa which made Ebina so famous among the Sanjou works during the rise of Zen Ideals, basically the two most important aspects of his identity as ceremonial tantou. Mikazuki is basically the only sword which Ebina had contact way before the Siege of Osaka and hadn’t suffered fire damage, so possibly the only sword which really knows Ebina. So if Mikazuki would’t be able to recognize Ebina in his new form, this would simply confirm his fear of never being able to be recognized as a Sanjou work anymore. To have Mikazuki by his side once again, being recognized by him, is a relief because “If he can recognize me, so I still have something else to lose.” And this something else of course is Mikazuki.
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prxtagonist · 5 years
“Tonight, entrust to me the pain no one can erase.”
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“The pain no one can erase....”
The Saniwa fell silent for long moments. He wondered if it was really that obvious. He liked to think he didn’t show it, kept it hidden, the pain in his past. It seemed so silly, so trivial compared to the things the Touken here had suffered through.
It wasn’t as if he had seen his most beloved people die. Or been caught in a fire, or, any of the other horrible traumas many of the swords had been through. Betrayal, being abused by the people you called friends, being picked on, being bullied. Those things seemed so minuscule when he thought about what most of his swords had been through.
But it did still hurt. 
It did still carry into who he was today. Not letting people in, not allowing people to become close. If you let people close they can hurt you. 
Yet Mikazuki...
      had become close, hadn’t he?
it had been a long time, he supposed. It felt like a long time, anyway. Mikazuki had been there for him that whole time, making sure he took care of himself, keeping him company on long nights, discussing strategy and what may come. 
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“I feel my own problems are pretty trivial,” he said sheepishly. “After all, we’re trying to save the world...”
                  if it was mikazuki who wanted to know. 
                                                                                               he supposed it was alright.
“...Maybe, we should make some tea. Then, we can talk as much you want, Mikazuki.”
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kaminotsumahajiki · 5 years
❛ you may not be interested in war, but it is interested in you. ❜
various starters. @kodaitsvki
Chilling is the notion that an omnipotent being stalks his every move. It watches with gleaming gluttony, its thorny tongue licking its curled lips as it closes in nearly nipping at his heels. All the world is his enemy, King with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch hi, they will kill him. But first they must catch him. If he is cunning and full of tricks and shall never be destroyed. Such is the path that he has chosen, divergent from his fellow sages. It is one of bloodlust and fury. 
Though striking a match to ignite the flames of war was not his intention, it is of his own volition that he lit a blow against them. But the war, of course, is not his own doing for it was burning for much longer than he had years upon the earth. No, no his interests were beyond playing with the pieces on the table; his eyes looked further beyond that horizon.  
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“They can come,” he says, words slithering off of his tongue in a viscous, honeyed string. “For all its interest in me, perhaps we ought to give them a show they will remember into their next lives.” 
He is unbowed, unbent, and unbroken. 
Nothing will get in the way of his goal.  
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@kodaitsvki | Liked for a starter
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“Nya, you’re clearly not a human. What are you?”
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scalost · 6 years
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“Ah. Mikazuki-san. Good evening!”
         The Wakizashi greets the Tachi with a gentle smile. Horikawa was starting to step out of the veranda when he spotted him before he could give another step; at the same time, he’s carrying with him a tray of sweets - pastries, he believes they’re called - which he had offered to take back to the kitchen before any of his comrades at the small gathering  ( his partner included ) would finish them all. His mouth turned into an ‘ o ’ as an idea got into his head; he looks down at the tray of pastries and as he looks back up his gentle smile returns as if it was always there. He can still offer one, can’t he? And besides, the Tachi is well known to enjoy some tea time.
“I’m about to take these to the kitchen. Would you like to have one before I do? They’re western cakes. I haven’t try any, but everyone who grabbed one say they’re delicious.”
@kodaitsvki \\ ♡
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@kodaitsvki | continued x
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The uchigatana opened his mouth to say that he meant he wanted to be more than a copy, but Mikazuki was right. If he could stop sulking he could be a better captain. Although why their master thought he could be a good leader was beyond him. “.........I am....”
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masters-never-die · 6 years
continued from here, @kodaitsvki
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“I....” Yagen wanted to say that it was better if they’d drop the lantern as its non-natural light could easily be used by that one remaining revisionist to track the sword boys’ movements, or determine how close they were to it. Also, if said revisionist did decide to launch a surprise attack on the toudans, holding a lantern in the hand would make it impractical to guard against the attack in a time-sensitive situation as you have one less hand to draw out your weapon quickly.
But this was the tenka goken Mikazuki Munechika here, so the Toushirou did not want to be impolite. “... am fine with you leading the way.”
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tempxsta · 6 years
❝ It’s herbal tea. I’m on a natural high today. ❞
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A frown sits on his features and a sigh escapes.  Ever the workaholic, but he was the same so he can’t really judge.  It’s almost natural to see him in the common room early in the morning with a cup of coffee doing reports or on the terminal, looking at guns for his arc.  
“People would prefer someone who’s well-rested taking care of them instead of someone who’s ‘high’ on tea.”  
His reply is bored, but the frown on his face can tell the other of what he thought.  
“Get to bed.  It’ll be another busy day soon.” 
@kodaitsvki ; meme
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katatede · 5 years
Ganblue: Mikazuki Munechika Synergy notes
Synergy with Mikazuki Munechika, Moonlit Warrior 
(paired with @kodaitsvki)
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Prerequisite: complete exclusive Crossfate Episode “It’s you, me, and the tea.”
When partied together, units gain the following:
Ibaraki’s douji’s skill: If it had to be anyone it would be you
Grants Mikazuki Munechika bonus damage against Ibaraki’s marked enemies
Mikazuki Munechika’s skill: Fate has a sense of humour
When using Waning Moon, Ibaraki Douji gains 80% damage reduction for 2 turns
Mikazuki Munechiika’s link skill grants the following:
CA damage cap up
When ibaraki douji has 1 hp Mikazuki Munechika will take damage dealt to him. Ibaraki Douji will immediately Counter.
If Mikazuki Munechika is KO’d, Ibaraki douji gains the following: 30% damage increase, triple attack up, and jammed. The counters immediately, and loses all buffs.
If Ibaraki douji is Ko’d, Mikazuki Munechika gains the following: Double Attack/Triple Attack up, Full CA/CA  damage up
Battle Start
Ibaraki: You know, it's actually more fun to fight alongside you than against you. HAH!
Mikazuki: hahaha.
If It had to be anyone it would be you triggered
Mikazuki: I'll use your power wisely
Fate has a sense of humour triggered  [Waning Moon Used]
Ibaraki: Hah! Thank's my friend! They're in for it now!
Mikazuki uses Goami Flash
Ibaraki: Hahaha! Getting serious, my friend?
Mikazuki uses Waxing Moon
Ibaraki: Getting warmed up?
moonlit cast on Ibaraki
Ibaraki:  Haaaah... this feeling! It's like when I was with him. KUAHAHAHA! I'm all fired up!
Vengeance cast
Mikazuki: Oh, getting serious are you?
Disembowelled cast
Mikazuki: Hahaha, brilliant.
Tremble At My Might cast
Mikazuki: Maybe I should get serious too...
Both units critical health
Ibaraki: Tch.....guess it's time to get serious....
Mikazuki: oh? Are you going to earn your pay today, Ibaraki?
Ibaraki: The reward better be super tasty!
Mikazuki: hahaha. I’m not worried.
Ibaraki EMP trigger
Mikazuki: The primal beast of carnage, hm~
Ibaraki 1 hp remaining
Mikazuki: I was almost worried! hahaha.
Ibaraki: I’ll make them pay for that one!
Mikazuki KO’d
Ibaraki KO’d
Mikazuki: You're testing my patience.
Mikazuki: You're here so victory was assured.
Ibaraki: HUAHAHA! Naturally, together we can't be beat!
Ibaraki: Impossible...with you here we should have... Urhkk-!
Mikazuki:   ...A rather tenacious foe...
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txxken · 6 years
@kodaitsvki from [x]
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“A very pleasant surprise! Fortuitous, even!” He seemed as exuberant as he ever did. Time never seemed to change Tsurumaru. No matter how many centuries passed, he was always just the same. He seemed to have a vague air of eternity to him. The mark of being the best preserved sword from their time.
“Ah, just as fine as always,” he said. “I’m glad to be here. I was getting really bored!” he said. “It was a surprise to be summoned again, but I’m in good company, huh?” he said with a grin at Mikazuki.
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jardimdeglicinias · 5 years
🌸 ebina!
Send a ‘🌸’ for my muse’s reaction to yours putting a flower in their hair.
Don’t touch me, please was the expected response, its kinda uncommon don’t hear Ebina complaining about being touched without any previous warnings. However, Mikazuki seems to receive some special treatment, because the tantou smiled a bit and simply reached out for the tachi’s sleeves and, as every clingy person, held it in a tight grip. “You need one too!” He stated immediately. “It’s unfair if I’m the only one receiving something.” Well, he didn’t meant that exactly, but this moment shouldn’t be ruined because of Ebina’s favorite topic: I have no right to receive anything from you. “If I had to pick one just for you I would pick the white plum flower which blooms during the first snow!”
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Just when he was ready to enlist the perfect flowers for the others, he suddenly realized something: he didn’t thanked Mikazuki for the gesture and worst part is that he was still firmly holding him by the sleeve. Quickly he released the cloth and instantly made a reverence: “Thank you for you kindness… Mikazuki-dono.” And then he made another one, holding himself to do not drop on the ground and kneel down: “Please, forgive me… I got a little excited about the flowers and I didn’t acted properly.”
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prxtagonist · 5 years
“Drink this. It’ll help.”
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The saniwa looked up from his papers as Mikazuki set the tea down in front of him. “Ah, Mikazuki...Was it really so obvious?” he asked, rubbing the back of his head a little bit sheepishly. He’d been working incredibly hard lately, maybe too hard, but Mikazuki had learned a good cup of tea could work miracles for this boy.
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“Thanks...you’ll join me, won’t you?”
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kaminotsumahajiki · 6 years
“ For those who value survival, sentimentality is not an option. ”
@kodaitsvki. dragon age inquisition starters // accepting !
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A dog eat dog world. Every man for himself. Better him than me. All the words of cynical and selfish men. The ones where their eyes have already been stained and covered in a dark film from which they view the world. Shades of grey and black. Monochrome. 
“Foolishly timed sentimentality is what we aim to avoid. But know that if the option remains open, know that I will choose you over survival.”
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