#kohachi inugami x reader
I was wondering if it was okay to ask for more reader x Inugami? Maybe sick Inugami?
I just love the way you write!
Yes you may!
Thank you for requesting!
Let me know what you think!
Tsuki's note: Do not wait for a sickness to get worse to sick medical care. Please go see a doctor if you feel ill or have a 38ºC fever.
Its very hard to see a sick Inugami.
While it is true he finds himself in odd places like sewers and forests, he almost never gets sick.
But when he does, he acts similarly as to when he is injured - he tries to hide it from the kids.
He also keeps a good distance from everyone - no one else needs to be sick!
If Inugami happens to have a fever or something debilitating like that, the children and you will be worried sick and it will tear up his heart a bit.
The man hates giving trouble to others.
So the chances of him having a badly cured cold or flu is kinda high.
Of course, with time you noticed his little antics.
But to take care of him you must be very stubborn and strict.
Now, Inugami doesn't complain about being sick, he is no drama queen, but he may sigh more often or grunt a little here and there.
As he also does not complain about the medicines you fetch him.
They may be bitter or sour, he won't say anything and just take it.
So in this end he is quite easy to take care of.
The biggest issue is convincing him he needs to rest and to be taken care of.
The man thinks he can just shrug off a cold.
He is constantly worried about the children, especially after what mihai did.
So he refuses to just rest away the cold.
On this scenario you need to reassure him you will keep an eye o the kids and on mihai.
If you are able to convince him so, then he will rest a bit.
For only like two days, The tanuki is a very worried kemono.
Inugami lowkey likes being taken care of.
Its nice to have a personal nurse!
But he will try to repay you somehow.
You are tired from the "double shift" aka taking care of him and the children and mihai? Here have a day off to yourself.
He noticed that when you took care of him and he rested properly he recovered much faster.
Despite knowing that, he won't ask you directly to cover for him while he rests his sickness away.
Won't tell you he is sick, like i said, he hates troubling others.
So it is up to you and your detective skills to figure out if he is sick or not.
All in all, Inugami is a very good patient, he listens to your advices, despite not resting much.
He doesn't complain out loud about being sick.
And he worries alot about the children being alone with mihai again.
He will also get greatly worried about getting you sick too, since you have been coming and going .
So expect a few "how about you? are ok?" questions from him.
He will also ask if the children are ok too.
Please take good care of this tanuki, he may not say it but he cares a lot for the children and they need him just as much
Thank you for reading!
Was this ok?
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kangen-wanshi · 3 years
Kemono Jihen
Character(s): Kohachi Inugami x Tengu!Reader [gender not specified, can be seen as platonic or romantic]
Request(yes):  Could you write kemono jihen Inugami x reader? Something like reader is new coworker in his office and she’s nice but always gets into trouble and he is really worried about that and one day just gets angry because she did that again. I wrote “she” cause it was easier for me but if you want it can be gender neutral.
Warning: Mentions of injury and anger management? Nothing angst, just some mention of Inugami’s anger.
Note: I honestly have not yet figure out how to write Inugami- but I hope this portrays him well!
Generally, Kohachi is a very relaxed and laid back person.
Despite him often being in a near-death situation with the kids, or even on his own, he seems to have always gain control and have the situation to turn to his favour.
Hence why it's hard for his worry to last for long.
That is, until you, a Tengu who decided to stay in the city and came to his office.
Your natural instinct are composed of general mischief and self-ego, one that at first, he tolerate quite easily. (Looking at Mihai who are also somewhat troublesome with his pride, but useful nonetheless.)
At first the relationship between you two are similar of his and Mihai,
You with your capable swordsmanship and him who keeps adding more and more orphan hybrid under his care.
Sure he trusted you with the kids, specifically Akira when his brother are away, but also Shiki and Kabane. Just to make sure those three doesn't do some weird investigation on their own.
But somehow, along the way, he started to realized that you too, is a problem magnet.
At first he thought it was just bad luck that you and the kids are having; but maybe, maybe not.
Though with your guilty facial expression and you boosting that you’re ‘fine’ each time he caught you coming home injured from another 'incident', he can't really tell anymore whether it's caused by your intentional mischief or your incredibly terrible luck.
But then it keeps happening again; with, or without the kids, it seems like trouble is always up on your wings.
Early time there isn't much damage inflicted on you and the kids, just some trouble that occurred in public that he's sure Inari manage to cover.
He scolds you all often, obviously. Kabane, Shiki and Akira, and not to forget you too, the one who's supposed to 'watch over the kids'.
Though it's hard to simply keep it as 'scolding' when every time it happens; your health is often at stake.
His patience was broken when you came home with bullet holes and small ice shards on the tips of your wings, along with a terrified Akira clinging to your side, supporting as you walk, injured.
You know; everyone who know Kohachi's nature as a bakedanuki would know of his anger when it comes down to it.
You were scared, obviously, by his aura alone. You’re old enough to sense when another kemono is angry.
Though you were thankful because he ordered Akira to immediately call Aya to come assist your injury.
He doesn't face you, you don't know whether it's because he doesn't want to lash out on you or because he feels guilt after seeing your injury. You can't tell, and perhaps, even he can't tell.
While the half-arache girl heals you, he had a talk with Akira about the situation.
He was angry, yes, even after knowing the reason behind your injury, he still is.
So he took a break from the office, giving temporary control over the agency to Mihai (but not in a way where he can mess with the kids again).
It could be that he's off to cooldown, or perhaps off to release the pent up frustration away from you and the kids, and everyone else in the city.
Or perhaps he would try investigate, find out, and deal with those who hurt you all by himself.
After all, no one wants to face the anger a Tanuki, right?
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Thank you for writing that prompt for Kemono Jihen (the wolf one)! I'm a little weak for Inugami so I love seeing him in situations, especially considering the size difference of a tanuki and a wolf.
Do wonder how it would change if the reader was into Inugami, or if it was more than just a work/platonic relationship.
I am terribly sorry for the delay!
Thank you for requesting and please let me know what you think!
In the case you were in a relationship, things would be slightly different.
For starters Inugami wouldn't mind at all being carried by you.
Whenever the kids accuse you for eating the poor Tanuki ( not knowing it's you , of course. actually not knowing its you and Inugami) you would get a little sad.
Inugami would try to comfort you. The children mean well. So...
In this case he might approach you on his own around the kids so they understand you mean no harm.
Does it work? Kind of. They do bicker a bit about the big bad wolf intentions.
When he is in human form and you are in wolf form, he will pet you.
Most of the time absent mindly.
If you lay your head on his lap is instead ear scratching time.
Now, if you are in human form and he as a Tanuki, he will most likely ask you to carry him around.
Going back to both in kemono form.
You two will often lay down near together, as if it was a tiny dog with their back leaning on a massive dog.
Don't get this size different wrong though.
If danger approaches Inugami will protect you.
Even being tiny like that ( or not, he can transform)
So it is very common to see people thinking you are the treat. But nope. Its the tiny fluff.
All in all, what changes is that Inugami is openly comfortable with you carrying him around.
He might even ask for a "lift".
He also loves cuddling when you both are in kemono form - you being bigger makes it more comfy!
Inugami also likes how easy it is to pet you in kemono form.
Thank you for reading! i a sorry this was so short :c
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Could you do an Inugami Kohachi x reader? Gender neutral would be preferred but maybe patching him up since he seems to get hurt a lot
Hello! Thank you for requesting! 
I hope this of your liking please let me know what you think! 
Tsuki's note: Reader is an unspecified kemono. But they do have a keen sense of smell.
• You have been with the detective agency for a while now.
• You came to learn a few things:
• 1) mikhail wasn't exactly trustworthy;
• 2) the children needed to be patched up or consoled often;
• 3) Inugami was horrible with technology;
• 4) not just the children needed medical attention, the tanuki did too.
• Inugami usually hid his injuries from the children in order to not make them panic.
• But he could never fool you.
• The first tip that he was injured, was that he avoided eye contact with you.
• Mostly because you could literally smell that he was hurt.
• So he avoided looking at you to not see your " so, what do we have here now?" Face.
• Don't get it wrong though! Inugami quite liked how you paid attention to him like that.
• That you got worried.
• But mostly that you took care of him. A private nurse is nice right?
• As soon as you two were alone, no children in sight, you would start taking care of his wounds.
• Usually he would tell them he would take a shower after they all did and were tucked away by you.
• Gotta clean the wounds first you know? Nothing better than soap!
• By the time he was out of the bathroom he would find you seated in the living room with a kit next to you.
• A first aid kit? Nope. The bag was a lot bigger because it alot of things inside, not just a first aid kit.
• Inugami would sit down next to you, chat a bit explaining what happened briefly.
• Then he would turn his wounds towards you.
• As you patched him up and ask him what the hell happen, he would give you more details.
• Sometimes he hissed when you cleaned the wounds or checked for lingering pieces of a foreign object.
• You apologized everytime and he would tell you to not worry about, after all you are just helping.
• Regarding the bruises, if he had any, you would give him an ice pack and a towel ( to avoid skin burn, always place a towel underneath the ice readers, always.) to place on them while you fixed the cuts and scratches.
• You weren't the best one at stitches, but you did a decent job.
• At first you were worried about leaving a nasty scar, but Inugami reassured you he trusted you and that he wouldn't mind it.
• As you were very focused on treating him, you didn't really noticed his expression.
• He always holds a thankful and happy expression as you patch him up.
• By the time you are done, while you are putting the medicines and ointments away, he is putting his shirt on.
• You absolutely refused to look up from organizing the bag.
• Why? Because the man was half naked.
• While you were busy patching him up, was one thing - you were focused, worried and had a duty to fulfill. But after? Well… it felt a bit..  embarrassing.
• You bet Inugami notices this, but he doesn't say anything. Just smirk to himself.
• When all is done, equipment organized and he is dressed again, he would thank you.
• Usually with a head pat or just ruffling your hair. 
• Sometimes after patting your head, he would get you your favourite drink or snack.
• Other tines when the job was particularly tricky or he was just tired, Inugami would lean his head on your shoulder.
• And just stay there for a bit.
• If you happen to scold him for doing something reckless, well, he would listen until the end and apologize.
• Inugami wouldn't make excuses for acting so impulsively.
• If you ever tease him about getting hurt in purpose just to be taken care of by you, well, he won't deny it either.
• But will definitely not exactly answer. He would just try to change the topic or joke that he should use your services as a nurse while you were around.
• Like I said before, he loved being taken care of by you, but he wouldn't get hurt on purpose for it.
• But Inugami would not do anything about the wound, no matter how small it was, just so you could care for him.
• A little cheesy eh?
• He always asked you to keep his injuries a secret from the children - no need to lie, but no need to mention it.
• He didn't want to worry the little detectives!
Thank you for reading! 
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Hope you don't mind it, but you wrote a while back about Kemono Jihen where the reader was a wolf Kemono. And now the thought is in my head of reader just picking up Inugami in their mouth because the reader as a wolf is so much bigger than the tanuki.
That said, keep doing what you're doing!
That sounds cute af XD i can perfectly picture it!
Alright! let's get to it.
Thank you for requesting! I hope this is of your liking, please let me know what you think!
You, being a wolf kemono, were naturally larger than most kemono.
Bigger than a normal fox and uncomparably bigger than a tanuki.
Which to you, is a source of enjoyament.
You can easily carry Kon around when she is being frisky or gets into trouble.
It also means that, sometimes, you work as a ride for smaller kemono's.
Although it is common for you to carry Kon around, some kemono panic when they see you carrying others - it looks like you are going to eat them.
One example of this, was when Inugami was watching the kids on a mission and he was almost blown away by a strong wind.
You caught him on time, also on kemono form and waltzed away with your frind in the mouth.
Proud of yourself? Yes. Did Inugami mind being carried? no, he actually looked relieved. Were the children happy? Also No.
They thought you were going to eat the little Tanuki, which caused some panic, especially for Akira.
Who started crying and begging not to eat the little guy.
You were upset about that, sure. But you did not linger, you gently placed inugami on the floor and ran away, with your tail in between your paws and ears pulled back.
You could feel Inugami's stare on you and hear the children cheer in relief.
When the children were back at the agency you were already on dinner duty - since you came back earlier, you decided to do something.
They went to take a shower while you finished dinner and soon enough Inugami came back.
You two briefly discussed the kids mission before they came back down to eat.
At dinner they mention to you both that a big bad wolf tried to eat a poor tanuki - not knowing it was the two of you.
You pretended to be invested on the incident and they just made the big wolf look even worse.
Once they were all going to bed, Inugami patted your head: "You are not a big bad wolf... a big wolf, though"
It was almost audible to hear our heart breaking. Were you that scary?
Inugami tried to reassure you that the kids didn't know it was you and no, you didn't look that scary.
You still pouted - "I wouldn't eat a Tanuki"
The man chuckled - "good to know, i like my ride."
You scoffed. A ride?
Deep down you enjoyed that as a kemono you were much bigger than him. You could shield him and all.
Because in human form, the man was taller than you.
And Inugami also liked that you were bigger than him in kemono form - it was easie to trick enemies.
Be it by thinking you were the MVP ( you are strong but they would dismiss the little Tanuki right away) or to take him out of trouble faster.
He did not quite enjoy being carried by you, but it wasn't all that bad it either - it was an odd feeling. The kind of thing he could only experience in kemono form and with you.
Your size difference made it just right, not too that low he would be dragged on the floor and not too high that it would make it a little difficult for you to grab him.
Just a very strange fitting...
Eventually when the kids found out about you being the wold and Inugami the friendly Tanuki, they would look bad in time, when they saw you carrying him.
They would feel a little bad for calling you a mean wolf - and might get an apology from them, after Kabane goes first.
They would also find it a bit odd, how everytime this happened you looked fairly proud and Inugami just relieved.
What the hell was up with you two?
Thanks for reading!
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Hi. Can you write some jealous!Inugami x reader? Please.
I need more Kemono Jihen context on tumblr.
Thank you for requesting!
Please forgive for my delay! I was a bit busy with a personal things.
I hope this is of your liking, please let me know what you think!
Tsuki's note: as it was not mentioned if you wanted headcanons or scenarios, I will go with hc! I hope that is ok!
Ok, so it is a little hard to see this tanuki getting jealous.
You see, he is a very understanding and chill guy. But that doesn't mean he has infinite chillness.
Just gotta push the right buttons! But he still isn't someone to get jealous. Anyway!
Which ones are those, you ask? Well, he gets slightly annoyed when:
1- You shows sign of discomfort;
2- If the person is too insistent.
For case number 1:
He will watch for a bit to see if you can shake them off on your own.
If you can, he will come in a flash to wrap an arm around you and comfort you.
If you cannot shake them off then, he will come for your aid.
He will try to talk it out first, making you leave the scene, like asking you to grab something for him.
If that doesn't work, Inugami will gently and discreetly pull you behind him while trying to talk the person away.
Another option is turning into a Tanuki and sitting on your lap.
This for sure distracts you 10/10. As your attention is fully on him, the person usually goes away Because A: you are distracted by a cute animal and B: this random tanuki was staring at the person. No other moves but a stare and that's all. A bit unsettling eh?
After driving them away:
He will check on you, if you are OK.
Offer a drink to you, maybe coffee, maybe tea. He wants you to feel comfortable and safe again.
He will watch you for a while. You know, just in case the person comes back, of course, you can handle yourself it's just…. To be safe, yeah. That 's all.
It will be difficult to spot him or know he was keeping an eye on you.
For case 2:
Things get more serious here.
He would step in a flash.
Will probably pull you away by the arm and hide you behind him.
Rushes you to take a leave too. Tell you to check on the children.
It's hard to tell but he is annoyed and on alert mode.
You hardly ever see what happens to the person, he doesn't tell you either. All he says is " don't worry about it"
In actuality what he does is talk the person away.
After Driving them away:
Goes to ask you a bunch of questions. But won't press you if you don't want to talk about it.
Stay around you. Not necessarily close, but around and always have you in sight.
Offers a drink, actually he grabs it anyway. He knows what you like and you are having it!
He will watch the person for a while. Will check on you very often, usually through texts.
In both cases he will…
Watches and pays attention to your body language.
If he notices you feel a bit icky he will give you some space
Now you must think what this has to do with being jealous? Well, everything.
At these moments he starts to just think about how lucky he is to have you and how he should spend more time with you.
Now don't get me wrong, he does dedicate time to you. It-s just that as a detective, he stays out for a long time and with the kids to watch out for? Yeah.
So a little hint of jealousy comes around.
He is not very open about it, so he will translate it into bringing things you like.
A sweet, a little gift, your favourite drink, little things like that.
When everyone goes to bed, he just puts an arm around your shoulder.
Will offer to cuddle. How? Inugami will stretch an arm out and wait for you to ensure on him.
It's simple, sweet stuff and seems ordinary. But you know better.
Don't try to ask him about it. He will deny it. He is just being a good partner. It's all. Yeah.
In days he is feeling a bit more clingy after these events and more serious ones, you bet he will turn into a tanuki and just lay around you.
It's comfortable to be a kemono around you. It's safe. It's relaxing, it's home.
This is it! I hope you have enjoyed it!
Please let me know what you think and forgive me for the delay!
Thank you for reading and requesting!
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I was wondering if I could request a Inugami Kohachi x male reader fic. I have been desperately trying to look for this. Thank you in advance
Of course you may! i much rather do a gender neutral request, but i will try my best to make it male!
But what would like to be written dear? Could you please let me know?
Would you like dating HC? a specific prompt?
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