#kom x baiboon
eisuke-ki-coffee · 7 months
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More random and fav screenshots 💁‍♀️💫 the second one is so good 😭😂..... to be honest....I love this drama.....let's start my story which nobody finds it interesting.....but as long I'm. I think it's not popular cuz I couldn't found their edits that much.....but I love it....the story the characters and side characters.....like damn most of the guys are like they're cringe or doesn't like it.....sometimes it's so annoying like everything is cringy for them......while I love it 🧍‍♀️well people have their choices but still you know. Anyways moving on......their side couples>>>>> 😭🤌🏻💫 yeah I'm talking about Kom and Baiboon. They're so precious 😭🫂😭💫
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misshanami · 2 years
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Unforgotten Night Live Blogging
lol I’m expecting entertainment because people watching it seem to be having a lot of fun despite the show being bad mostly.
Episode 1 (Sep 4)
2.8 million views, damn. Although not surprising considering all the episodes were getting 1.x mill views per episode when i previously checked
there’s no eng sub? using my extension to translate spanish to eng sub, seems accurate thus far
random korean but i understood it a bit 
damn they’re kicking out a distressed and hurt sub
something about the editing... very hindi serial or soap opera esque
skipped through the rest of the part after they got to the room. the nsfw scene didn’t seem at all appealing
looks like shitty english breakfast 
Episode 2 (Sep 5)
The piano music while Kamol’s chasing Kim through his apartment
Wild to see Kamol actually working and not in the way Kinn “worked” occasionally where he just blew people’s heads off but like... actually making plans and deals and stuff. idc much about the actual work yet though
Linguistics and Pronouns: Kamol uses chan as the I pronoun and coincidentally, absolutebl did a post on it today
He uses chan to refer to himself under most circumstances regardless of power dynamic in terms of subordinates or age or intimacy levels.
This is a formal/business use of the pronoun. It has very little to do with femininity and more to do with status. Almost like he is so powerful and confident in his masculinity that any association with chan that others may have are irrelevant under the context of a corporate or criminal environment. He uses nai as you with all his male counterparts, including his friends, subordinates, and lover.
I didn’t realize he used ‘nai’ as the you pronoun, I’ll keep my ears peeled for it
Episode 3 (Sep 5)
Kamol was like get to know me by moving in with me instead of the other way around and also lemme take a little break to wash my face with this advertised product
Day’s letting someone who’s hung up on him come to his home? Here I was thinking the random Day/Itt moments are kinda cute but will this lead to drama?
Episode 4 (Sep 6)
At least Day has Itt here too, so it won’t be like “oh you met him without my knowledge” drama
I heard some murmurs about Khom/Baiboon and as a lover of big ass age gaps, I’m curious but also, how old is Baiboon exactly? 
lmfaoo the ending with Kim coming down the stairs to meet cherry and the editing of that is hilarious. 
This episode was kinda fun actually
Episode 5 (Sep 6)
every moment of this is dramatic as hell, the cherry confrontation -> the wild editing of them sleeping together -> the tigers -> Kamol’s anger about the tigers
Parts 3 and 4 are kinda cute though, like them working beside each other. i think i’ll reblog some gifs of them from this episode. 
no day/itt and no sight of baiboon this ep
Episode 6 (Sep 6)
lol cheek kisses in front of baiboon
damn outsmarting Danai and getting the officials on his side even though it’s stupid way to do it but I don’t expect more from the writers, I’m impressed they managed even this tbh
damn hope they were careful interacting with the tigers (they’re real right?)
Kom and Baiboon are cute, Baiboon making Kom food heh
Kim “worrying about Kamol’s bussiness” is endearing too, only to be followed by petty jealousy lol
Episode 7 (Sep 7)
nonsensical, illogical episode but I’ve come to expect that
“Kim’s smart, isn’t he?” Actually he’s dumb as hell, so it’s embarrassing for you that he caught onto your act
got a lot of Day/Itt with the child nephew Salmon and got a little bit of Kom/Baiboon as well.
“Don’t open the door for anyone” and guess what Kim does 2 seconds later
Episode 8 (Sep 7)
Nothing to say bc idc, I’m watching it on 2x speed and also using the >> button a few times
Episode 9 (Sep 7)
I think if I cared enough, I would’ve been more impressed with how transparent Kamol is and him wanting to tell Kim things like his ex(? or smth) and also his willingness to retire. Unfortunately, I’m skipping through this shit and so idc
Cherry is very beautiful though, curious to see her play someone nice
Some Kom and Baiboon 
Episode 10 (Sep 7)
why is Kom being jealous or whatever, freaking checking Baiboon’s chat and telling Baiboon to not get too close to one of his friends, both of which Baiboon easily complies to agh. I really like big age gaps but not this dynamic
oh yeah people were going wild for the shower threesome but idc
anyway, speeding through this. I was originally gonna just watch up till ep 9 or 10 today and finish it tmrw but maybe i’ll just finish it off rn 
Episode 11 (Sep 7)
Nothing to say bc idc, I’m watching it on 2x speed and also using the >> button pretty much through the whole thing. The ex Danil is extremely irritating lmao
Episode 12 (Sep 7)
Bruh bye so I’ve been skipping through the kidnapping and action but Kamol being super duper mad and threatening toward Day for having dated Kim before and making him saw is so cringe and annoying, ew
skipped through the happy ending too. live happily or whatever ig
Overall Thoughts:
I’ve gotten so good at pruning my To Watch list, I pretty much only have stuff I think I’ll genuinely like on there or for a specific purpose (like kBLs I think will be mid but gotta learn korean). This one though I thought could be fun, esp the relationship between Kamol and Kim and it apparently having an actual mafia plot, but yeah all of it was boring/bad. Still, couldn’t make myself mark it as Lost Interest or drop it halfway through, so I’m glad that at least it’s over and it won’t sit around on my MDL To Watch anymore. 
also, saw the Yoon being harassed video, followed by the perpetrator’s angry rant about it, then him apologizing to her and gifting the fruit basket aghhhhh absolutely terrible
Rating: 4/10 (too harsh? I gave stuff that I had to mostly skip through like LBC/Wish You/My Engineer or with little to no redeeming qualities like Ocean Likes Me)
Cheek kiss in front of Baiboon
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