#komiya x tsunoda
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Why did the show have to end BEFORE I realized the potential these two had 😐
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Thought I’d post this here too, summary of art in 2022!
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Art by m_d00dles
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lulupoppi3 · 2 years
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Komiya and Tsunoda on a date to Puroland! Both of them are big Kuromi fans and dressed up for the occasion! 
I did this based on the mobile game where both Komiya and Tsunoda have little cosplays of Kuromi, it would be too cute to draw them together! 
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snow-yukalie · 2 years
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Tsunoda likes it when Komiya wears the suit and antlers...
(Based on Komiya’s outfit in the Christmas special!)
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tsunxda · 3 years
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They love each other 💕
This is so super old, but I felt like posting it anyway! 
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pocketaggr · 2 years
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Cold Weather 
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💜🖤(Komiya x Tsunoda)🖤💜 Shopping In The Rain
💚 = Lime/Lil Spicy
💛 = Lemon
💙 = Sad
❤️ = Angsty (won't do many of these unless prompted)
💜 = Fluff
💔 = Heartbreak (rare)
🖤 = Normal
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"Sorry for the late response! Yeah, I was curious about the story requests since you mentioned Aggretsuko! Did you take ship requests? I love the ship Komiya/Tsunoda and I was wondering if you could do a short request story/headcanon or anything based on that ship! If not, it's ok :) Thanks for your time!"
Okay, okay sooo I got a. . . STORY REQUEST!!~ I actually got two of then, but this was the first one and I'm so excited and I hope you like it, dearie!!~ I tried my very best and I hope I did a good!!~
Edit, I'm terribly sorry for just how long it took me to finish this I had problems pop up that ate up all my time and I lost my motivation and energy to write like I wanted from school and work and I'm sorry 😭🥺😫😩
"CALENDAAAARRRRR!! GET IN HERE WITH OUR TEA NOW!!!" Director Ton's belligerent voice shook the entire accounting floor. A dead-looking Retsuko walked in, undeterred as she placed the three cups of tea on her boss' desk.
"I had to let the water boil-"
" Then make it boil faster next time!! I could have played an entire 18 holes of golf by the time you got back in here! It's probably cold!!"
"Yeah, Calendar, hurry it up next time! How dare you keep the boss, Tsunoda, and I waiting like that! You still have work to do, hahaha!!" The strained, crazed smile that Komiya wore as he bobbled his brown head around perturbed Retsuko as she just sighed, mumbled a half-assed apology, and walked back to her desk. The monolithic laughter could be heard ringing from Fenneko as she laughed at her friend's pain.
"Ohhh my!~ Retsuko seems a bit sluggish today, maybe she'll get her act together one day, like you two!~" Tsunoda's big, sparkly eyes, and high-pitched voice hypnotized Ton and Komiya into a blush. With the strokes she was giving to their egos she might as well have been inflating them with a bicycle pump.
The meerkat had the bigger blush, considering he's been crushing on the petite deer for many months now. He gives a small little laugh and grabs one of the hot cups of tea to fix up for Tsunoda before presenting it to her in a romantic flourish. Sparkles seem to float around his head, in his mind, as he went down on one knee.
"Here you are, lovely Tsunoda! A nice, hot cup of tea just the way you like it! Be careful, it's hot!"
As per usual, Tsunoda overreacted with a big gasp and "gratefully" took the cup from her infatuated coworker.
"My gosh, THANK you, Komiya!~ You're just so sweet, I don't know what I would do without you!~" To really sell it, she blows a kiss to Komiya, make him squeal in an unmanly way before flying dramatically to the ground.
"I've been kissed by an angel!!"
Ton's eye twitched at the interaction, causing him to huff to himself.
"Hey, where's my cup of tea, idiot?! Stop lying about and make mine up!!" The pig's booming voice shook Komiya back up into his usual, suck-up self as he ran to Ton's desk to do as he was told.
"Of course sir! I'm sorry, Tsunoda was just so pretty and I-"
"I don't care, make the tea!"
Ton's entire demeanor flipped a 180 as he turned his attention to the smiling Tsunoda watching the two fight for her affections.
"Hey, Tsunoda, why don't you come here so I can tell you how I showed up the best golfer in Japan. So there I was, with nothing but a 3 iron and a cup of sake. . ."
Of course, Komiya was paying attention the whole time this interaction went on and was silently furrowing his eyebrows as he watched some loose leaves swirl in the white cup before him. 'Tsunoda. . . She's so pretty, I wonder if she. . .'
He stole a loving glance towards the acting fawn as their boss told another tall tale about his "golfing career". Tsunoda caught his small stare and winked at him flirtatiously, making the meerkats' face flush and whip his happy gaze back to the tea that had steeped enough. Grabbing the tea, he scurried to his bosses' side, extending it out for him.
"Your tea, sir!" Ton a bit begrudgingly took the cup.
"About damn time, Komiya."
The addressed male internally sighed a bit, thinking to himself that it was going to be a bit of a long day.
Komiya's thoughts were fairly close to the truth as Ton had him actually doing some work that he himself didn't want to do since a few things were behind. It was an unusually tiring day, given that most of the time he stayed stuck by Tons' side practicing golf swings, telling other people to do work, and inflating his boss' ego.
His day only got more irritating as he stood at the glass doors, watching the rain clear out the usually busy streets of Tokyo's business district. With a sigh, Komiya pulled out his umbrella, ready to make his way to his apartment nearby in the moderate rain when he heard a voice that made him stop dead in his tracks.
"Oh, Komiya!!~ Hey Komiya, wait up!~"
The tell-tale click of a certain doe's quick footsteps had Komiya turning around with a completely different attitude than a few seconds prior to greet her.
"Tsunoda! How wonderful to see you after work, did you need anything?"
Anyone looking at or even hearing Komiya could easily identify his entire being as being a simp for Tsunoda, just as he was for his beloved pop girl groups.
"Actually, yes!~ I'm sure you saw the dreadful downpour outside, and you see I completely forgot my own umbrella at home, so I was wondering if I could maybe share yours?~"
This simple request had Komiya's heart thumping faster than the rain falling outside as he started to grow nervous. His mind wandered, thinking about them both being so close together, walking in the cool rain on a nearly empty sidewalk. . . all alone. . .
These thoughts alone had him blushing crazily as he quickly whipped out his umbrella, brandishing it like a shining knight in armor, which is what it felt like to him.
"Of course! I would hate for your fur or lovely outfit to be ruined by the rain!"
The meerkat gladly opened the glass door open for his crush and popped open the large umbrella, waiting for her to accompany him outside. Tsunoda was, as usual, overdramatic with her reaction to his gentlemanly actions and happily walked out under his protection.
"Thank you sooooo much, Komiya!~ Let's go, I wanted to go by a few places if you don't mind!~"
Tsunoda tugged on Komiya's arm that was holding the umbrella so that it mainly stayed over her, resulting in Komiya's opposite shoulder getting wet. Of course, the lovesick man couldn't care less if he was being soaked on one side, or tugged in the opposite direction of his home; all he was focused on was the entrancing visage of Tsunoda as she glanced her sparkly gaze around the wet city.
After a few minutes, the pair came into the shopping district which elicited Tsunoda to gasp in glee at all of the cute dresses, purses, and cafés that lined the walkways. She happily window shopped at different things, commenting on almost every thing she saw, as if hinting at Komiya to stop and buy her some things. Seeing that her attention was taken by other things, Komiya decided to pop back into reality and actually pay attention to what she was saying. As a result of finally noticing their close proximity, Komiya jolted slightly as he melted even more on the spot. He was falling more and more in love with Tsunoda, even if she obviously wasn't into him to the same extent.
"Oooh!~ Isn't that dress just the cutest?!~ It would go great with some shoes I have at home!~" Skillfully, Tsunoda clung to Komiyas' arm as she stared up at him with begging eyes as she continued her commentary.
"Would you mind if we went in so I could try it on?~ Maybe we can go to a nearby café soon!~" The male had to process the question but once he did, he replied quickly with stuttering words.
"O-of course!~ I don't have anything to do today, so we can shop around, I-I suppose!" Yeah, that "playing it cool" thing? Not working for Komiya right now. He was just a puddle of meerkat in the hooves of Tsunoda, which she knew all too well.
With no resistance from her companion, Tsunoda pulling the loopy Komiya into the cutesy boutique, finally being shielded completely by the rain. Now inside, Komiya reluctantly closed the umbrella and set it in the assigned rack by the door as Tsunoda left his side to browse around. He missed her closeness and warmth already, even if it did make him daydream to no end.
At a loss without the constant guidance of Tsunoda to pull him around, Komiya didn't know what to do with himself in this girly store and just wandered shyly over to the seats by the dressing rooms. Letting a slightly contented sigh, Komiya's big brown eyes wandered magnetically over to Tsunoda as she happily sifted through pink, blue, and yellow dresses on a rack. He couldn't look away from how she gracefully moved around, carefully looking for her size in different things, the way her eyes sparkled in just the right way when she found something new to add to the growing pile of clothes hanging on her arm.
"Okay, I think I'm ready to try clothes on!~ Lucky for you, you get a free fashion show, Komiya!~"
The object of Komiya's affections was the very thing to once again tug him from his world of day dreaming. A shy blush was brought to his already mildly warm cheeks as he just nodded in response, Tsunoda giggling at this and prancing into the dressing room.
"Are you ready?~ Here's the first one!~" Out popped an ecstatic Tsunoda in a frilly, blue and white dress with a decorational bow hanging in the back. The sleeves were a bit puffed and decored with their own mini bows on the sides which only multiplied Tsunoda's natural cuteness. One could swear that Komiya's eyes turned to hearts for a millisecond while his actual heart stopped. Hard, harder, yet harder he fell. He exploded with compliments, even standing up to praise her.
"AMAZING!~ You look absolutely stunning, Tsunoda! You always look so beautiful, but now especially!" Something about the genuineness, and pure love of Komiya's compliments made Tsunoda a rare victim of shyness as she felt her cheeks warm. She was used to guys forever commenting on her looks and body, but Komiya always seemed different and. . . heartfelt, which made Tsunoda feel. . . special in a way. Not wanting him to see that he affected her so deeply, she quickly shook her head and slipped back into her dolly persona.
"Wow, thanks, Komiya!~ If you like this one, you'll definitely like the other ones!~" And with that she quickly retreated back into the cover of her dressing room. The rest of the showings went on similarly to this, with Komiya showing his genuine adoration for the outfits, and Tsunoda getting more and more flustered each and every time. Of course, Komiya took no notice to her slight change in behavior, mainly just being happy he could spend time with her like this.
By the end of it all, an hour passed in the store and the coworkers were at the store counter, Komiya predictably buying all of the outfits Tsunoda tried on. It was obviously pricey but he could care less if it made his crush happy. When they stepped back outside, the rain had downgraded to a very light drizzle.
"Its still raining a little! Let me open up the umbrella for you!" Komiya started to struggle to shift all the shopping bags to his right arm while simultaneously trying to single-handedly open the umbrella. Usually, Tsunoda relishes in seeing men struggle for her sake but her developing feelings had her taking the umbrella from the wobbling male with a huff.
"Gosh, don't hurt yourself! It's just a drizzle and the café I want to go to is close, so just come on!" The doe acted like she was frustrated with him and started off back down the sidewalk where a few more people were roaming around again. This change in attitude and fast pace had her meerkat companion quickly scrambling after her, trying to keep up while apologizing.
"S-sorry! I just thought that you didn't-"
"Its just a light drizzle, my fur will dry while we eat, so stopping worrying!" Jeez, what a tsundere, amiright?
This counter effectively shut Komiya up, having him look down with shame. It was silent during the 5 minute walk until Tsunoda turned into a quaint little café on the edge of the shopping district labeled "Mochi Man's Cake Island". Komiya had never been this far into the shopping district so everything was new to him, compared to the familiarity Tsunoda seemed to have.
"Here it is!~" She announced as they walked into the large café. A large, fluffy magenta Maine cat worked behind the counter, having just taken a batch of donuts out of the island. There were all kinds of sweets in the display case but the specialty seemed to be donuts that were larger than regular ones. The feline behind the counter donned a white, fluffy scarf that looked like a part of his fur covering his mouth.
Tsunoda bounced up to the counter, greeting the large worker happily.
"Hello, Catakuri!~ I'm back for more sweets, and I brought a friend!~ How much for two donuts and complimentary bobas with strawberry jellies?~"
The stoic stare the silent cat gave made Komiya nervous but left Tsunoda unperturbed as she continued to try her tricks on him. All the owner did was move over to the display case and take out a pink and yellow donut, placing them on designed fine china, before turning around to quickly make the drinks. In a minute tops the still quiet male turned back around with two perfectly made bobas, the bottom colored red by the strawberry balls. Setting those down next to the donuts, he took two large straws out for them from his frilly apron pocket and rang up their order: 15,000¥.
The still sparkling deer lost her facade quickly at the full price of her order and snootily coughed up the price before taking the pink donut and one of the bobas to a table. "You're no fun, Cata!~ That never works on you!~" She whined as she walked away. Her absence left the piercing stare of the magenta cat to shift to a fearful Komiya who took his portion of the order to Tsunoda's table.
Catakuri eyed his scampering form a little longer before turning back around to take some cooled donuts and cupcakes off the cooling rack to decorate.
"Ah, thank you for paying for this, Tsunoda, but I could've-"
"Don't sweat it, he always does that!~ Meanie doesn't know how high value I am!~ One picture of his donuts and this place could be crawling with customers!~ His mean face always scares off customers, but he won't listen when I tell him-"
Once again cut off, Komiya listens to what Tsunoda says and looks down to his pretty donut as he unintentionally tunes his infatuation's speech out. He's focused on the second thing she said about her being high value. A sudden and uncharacteristic boldness surges through the meerkat as he suddenly looks up at the still chatting Tsunoda with a determined look. And for once he interrupts her.
"I think you are very high value, Tsunoda! You mean a lot to me!"
This stops the doe in her speech tracks and it seems like everything goes quiet except for the rain pattering outside and the soft Lo-Fi music playing in the café. Even the sounds of Catakuri working seem to have stopped as though he too was shocked to hear that from the meerkat as well.
Tsunoda seemed to be at a loss for words, not having one of her preset responses to compliments come up in her brain's database. She recovered rather quickly, though, but still tripped over her words a bit to try and keep her cool.
"Um. . .thank you.~"
The two stayed silent until a brown Astrex bunny came in, ringing the doorbell, and start talking to Catakuri who was actually responding to her soft voice with a rumbling one. That broke them out of there embarrassment and Tsunoda continued to talk like she wasn't feeling butterflies in her stomach.
Komiya was gaining more confidence with talking to Tsunoda who in turn tuned down her cutesy act a little. They spent two hours in there until it started getting dark, and the street lights turned on. The curly furred bunny was still there, sitting at the coffee bar and talking happily the owner when they decided to leave. Komiya caught the magenta cat's gaze as they walked out and seemed to give him and subtle nod before turning back to his companion.
The meerkat, being the "slight" stalker he was, knew the area where Tsunoda lived and took her home in that direction. It's not weird. When they reached her door, she opened it and faced her developing crush in the doorway with all her bags.
"Thank you for taking me shopping, Komiya.~ I. . . had fun.~" she shook her head a bit, "J-Just don't expect to do that all the time!~ Just go home already!~" And with that she slammed the door in poor Komiya's face.
But the face of this guy's face couldn't be happier as a blush painted his cheeks and he started to fanboy as he walked away.
"She said thank you! And she had fun! That means she likes me, right?! I knew she liked me! Who doesn't like me?! I'm gonna go plan our wedding!"
Well, at least he was happy.~
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surprise picture
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cnv99 · 4 years
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Art trade with @littlefaeriebottles!!! Thank you so much for introducing this ship to me!! ❤❤❤🥺🥺🥺🥺
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ideserveavacation · 4 years
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No escape...
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aggretsuko-icons · 5 years
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Sometimes in life you gotta badly edit the OTP together. :)
This looks bad and I know it is not an icon but I worked hard on it. so a reblog would be much appreciated
Feel free to use it Although I have no idea why you want this garbage thing
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littlefaeriebottles · 2 years
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Champagne and Chocolates!
Some Tsunoda x Komiya art I never posted~ I love these two together!
Characters are from Aggretsuko/Sanrio. 
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Art by aruurara
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lulupoppi3 · 2 years
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Under the Mistletoe 😗
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snow-yukalie · 3 years
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You can be as loud as you want later...
Yes, another Tsumiya comic! These two are totally dating ❤
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