sgtbossman · 7 years
Hi Merlia. You probably don’t remember me but honestly, that’s cool. I wrote Boss, Sev, and a Rex way back when. I had good times and made good friends there.
But that’s not the point. I’m here to talk about you. Truth be told, Izzy isn’t the only one who is aware of your doings and is questioning them hard. I think you need a bit of a wake-up call. Izzy is a strong person and is more than capable of defending themselves and it’s not often I do these kinds of posts but this situation has really gotten to me. Perhaps as a fellow white person, you’d hear me out.
First off, “transphobi(a/c)” is not a “scary buzz word and a reddit meme”. It’s an actual thing. Take a long, hard look at yourself.
It’s nice that you admit that you created Kom’rk out of spite, out of anger, to make people mad. If you have a different take and have a desire to make a character, by all means, go for it! But to create a blog specifically to piss people off because you have an extremely petty anger over a headcanon is absolute trolling. You should be old enough by now to understand this but I’m going to lay it out: trolling is a waste of time. I’m not sure what kick you get out of it but I’m 100% sure your efforts could be put to better use elsewhere.
Now then, since you brought “canon” up, let’s discuss this and headcanons.
I’m not well versed in the transgender Kom’rk headcanons, I admit. Or Kom’rk in general. I tend to focus on Delta Squad and even then, I’ve been preoccupied with life situations as of late where I’ve fallen behind on the material. But this headcanon has loads of documentation and justification behind it, not all of which is public, I’m confident. Skype, Discord, Google Docs. These private places exist and are often where people develop material for headcanons and the stories behind them.
To say that this was made because people wanted to make Kom’rk a “trans character punching bag” is completely baseless at the very least. The existing material was picked apart and taken into consideration to this, that much I absolutely guarantee you.
However, let’s bring up the Mereel post you did recently. Because damn, you don’t have even a general understanding of what transgender means, do you? But before we address that…
Even more, Mereel Skirata is one of Kal’s golden boys which means if there was any Null that Kal would be genuinely livid at the lack of embracing and display of traditional Mandalorian Masculinity, as Kal views it- of course. It would be Mereel.
I’m going to call you out for making Mereel the subject of this headcanon because you’re targeting Izzy, the person who writes Mereel and most frequently talks about him on Tumblr. You’re reducing him to this alleged punching bag that you say Kom’rk is when in reality how and why you chose to present these headcanons about Mereel compared to how numerous other people have developed headcanons about Kom'rk are not even close to the same.
As a cis person, you need to carefully think about how you make non-conforming, nonbinary, or transgender headcanons. You don’t make them on a whim as a quick response to being called out for being transphobic which is what this Mereel headcanon feels like. You make them because they feel proper for the character. Well, that response combined with pettiness because you don’t like the person who is portraying them.
Being non-conforming is not the same as being nonbinary. Being nonbinary is not the same as being transgender.
Transgender people identify as transgender because they don’t identify as their assigned gender at birth. Not merely because they are discarding norms.
Perhaps most importantly, being transgender cannot and should not be equated to those individuals rebelling against their parents, the society they live in, or to make people mad over this idea of traditional masculinity/femininity standards in society.
As someone who has a close friend who, while having so many resources available, has struggled with coming to terms of their identity over years and are still struggling with it, on top of their personal relationships that have been affected or destroyed (family, friends)? This is insulting and you should be ashamed of this post. If there’s any bit of your content that points to you being “trans-phobic” (again, it’s transphobic), it’s this post.
Yes, your post is dealing with Star Wars but it has a very real basis in the real world and that should be taken into account.
Then you mention Tumblr URLs and tags. Nobody cares that you have The URL™. (See? Faux trademarks aren’t just yours to use. And it doesn’t make your argument cute.) Truly, it’s not this badge of honor that you should wear. What should matter is the content and the person behind it which, honestly, is lacking significantly. To say that people shouldn’t post their headcanons in character tags that do absolutely no harm to either the character or actual people is ridiculous.
Throwing a headcanon in a tag helps push an idea into the general public’s sight, allowing people who maybe have briefly thought about it but didn’t think of an extreme amount of detail into it, perhaps thinking it wasn’t feasible, is absolutely allowed and should be encouraged! This is how the fandom interacts, grows, and finds commonalities that people can enjoy and possibly even relate to. I admit that I get annoyed at certain headcanons or posts in character tags (not limited to Star Wars) but I just move on. To shame people for throwing headcanons that don’t harm the character, people, or are morally reprehensible into a publicly accessible tag is disgraceful.
I’m not sure how often you frequent other tags for characters but people post their headcanons all the time. This alleged ownership of the tag just because you have the URL is honestly amusing. I had the URL “garazeb” for a good amount of time for my personal and people posting actual “Garazeb Orellios” content under it filled the tag. I was never vocal, never told people to get out of the tag. You live with the fact that since you chose a name for a tag, you get the tag filled with it. If you don’t like it, move on from your URL. However, you clearly don’t want to do that so you’ll have to live with it. Or come up with a separate tag to track. These are easy things to accomplish.
Now then, I want to finish with the racial aspect. Oh yes, there’s a race aspect.
Bringing up that Star Wars is owned by George Lucas (which hasn’t been true since 2012), a white man, and the Republic Commando series of books was written by Karen Traviss, a white woman, does nothing to help you. In fact, it should hurt to write that. By bringing this up, you’re strongly hinting that Star Wars is content for white people and white people only. Star Wars is for everyone, including people whose experiences don’t mirror yours or the general white person’s experience in life.
Making a statement about Lucas and Traviss being white, which you see as passive because you are white, is alienating to people of color and threatening to say that people of color don’t belong in the fandom. If you don’t see this, please take a step back and examine it. There is a bit of unconscious racism whenever it’s brought up and it is hard to overcome that, believe me. I check myself constantly and I will do that until I die because the unconscious racism is something ingrained in me because of society.
(In a passing note, I want to say that you throwing your arguments out with “U wanna meme shame me” and “???????” included while everybody else is providing decent arguments doesn’t help your case.)
So please, take a step back. This is a lot to take in and think about, I understand. Realize that you don’t have the moral high ground on this. Realize that maybe you should stop playing the victim here and understand that people have different experiences than you.
I can’t tag you in anything it seems (probably blocking via proximity to my friends) so I hope you’ve been able to read this. I hope you take this to consideration and take it to heart. Be better than this.
P.S., indirectly attacking people’s backgrounds and belittling them because of it is something you should also stop doing. Look into it.
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