#republic commando fandom
alabyte · 5 months
Can we talk about the fact that Scorch's death was completely irrelevant because there could've been pretty much any clone commando and the scene would've been all the same
His death had no plot weight
His death had no consequences
His death was unnecessary
I have spoken.
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Just finished Republic Commando (2005) for the first time, nobody touch me.
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mamuzzy · 4 months
It's okay to love and enjoy characters while disagree with their actions and decisions.
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thecoffeelorian · 1 month
Fandom Friday, 08/23: Fanfiction
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Hello again, everyone...and welcome to another installment of Fandom Friday, the two-post series where I go off to find new and interesting fanworks that might need a bit more visibility.
Before I forget, there are just two little reminders I'd like to drop here:
First, in order to have as many examples I can gather from as many facets of the fandom I can draw from and still fit the ten-link limit...I've made the executive decision to do this every two weeks, even if just to give you all as complete an experience as I can.
And second, if there's anybody not on the tag list who ends up liking this series of posts two times in a row...well, I might be tagging you in a few questionnaire posts later this weekend, as I'll be double-checking people's interests in pursuing stuff like this, or not.
Anyways...before I ramble on or delay any further, here are my fanfiction picks of the week!
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The Clone Wars Fanfiction--By @clone-anon:
The Clone Wars Fanfiction--By @welcometo79s:
Republic Commando Fanfiction--By @nocturius8015ficore:
Republic Commando Fanfiction--By @vodika-vibes:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @momojedi:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @zahmaddog:
The Mandalorian Fanfiction--By @deadlynavigation:
The Mandalorian Fanfiction--By @m-musings:
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every two weeks, highlight those writers who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the writers a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…thank you to my friends, thank you to this fandom, good morning, and good luck.
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No Pressure Tags: @melymigo @algo-o-nada @theosb0rnway @everybirdfellsilent @skellymom
@leos-multifandom-corner @maggie-dylan @leenabb104104 @gun-roswell @tazmbc1
@bluedeedeedoop @its-time-to-rise-above @tlmtwelve @snoowply and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new SW fanfiction.
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fandom-friday · 2 months
SO I've been hosting a fic fair since July 10th while you were away and man do I have some recs for the fandom. Here's six that I got sent in that were so good. ( copied right off one of my posts listing them) I've made sure to mark which ones are NSFW The Revenant - Sev x ofc - by @mikaiyawa (Ao3 link)
He's Not Heavy, He's my Brother - Bad Batch Fic - by @therisingdarkness (Ao3 Link)
The Hardest Word - Bad Batch Fic - by @therisingdarkness (Ao3 link)
Unbreakable Bonds - Obiwan x OC (eventually NSFW) - by @thegreatwicked
Memories of Chocolate Laced Kisses - Obiwan x OC Nsfw - by @thegreatwicked
Lover, Fighter - Obiwan x reader - by @thegreatwicked
That is such a neat idea, and this is such a great list! Thanks so much for taking the time to put the fic fair together, and thanks for sending all of these in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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karagin22 · 8 months
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forgottenchapterszine · 10 months
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Our next preview is by another one of our guest contributors, Elias! Here is a sneak peek of their art. Remember the link is for our shop! Pre-orders open January 13th of next year.
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retrodaft · 3 months
Asking for help ( pls Reblog)
I recently moved out, had to use some of my money (which already low on, no thanks to - I’ll mention more below) luckily I moved in with friends and their family, who helping me get care for my mental health. But nothing is free appointments cost $, rent and food. Pls anything helps .
So what happened?
. Short version: I was originally planning on moving out with friends in a couple years. But due to how my family toxic relationship and behavior both my friends and coworkers became concern. I also have been more opened ( much to my mom’s dismay, she gets mad that I talk to anyone outside of the family) in the recent years with my friends and learning things that happened to me were not normal or healthy. Leading to a friend opening up their place and asking for me to move in sooner. It was hard as both my parents were against me especially my mom who vented, guilty trip, victim blame, shame me told me that I must be a very selfish person, disappointed in me, that I was born in the wrong family. All because I wanted to move ( and get better mentally, my friends family found a psychologists for me in mind)
What happened to your money?
. Short version not really : I pay for things at home like groceries to feed everyone often by myself. On top anything random that comes up, in last and this year, I pay for the family dog to be put down ( he two tumors which spread and dementia, he was a small dog with a heart problem but he was loved and lived a good many years)
Then gas for a car I don’t drive always being asked to borrow money at least I get paid back now. ( a little late to that) we also had a roach problem which I took care of.
and course the vacation trips every time my dad goes on a trip he runs low on funds and asks to borrow money. And if you borrow money from him ( or heck he gift me money and said nothing about paying back intell months later when he couldn’t pay for rent ) he’ll remember it for later to in a conversation. And the times I have gone on a trip with him, I’m never just paying for myself often others and risk going broke because of his poor management.
Plus he also surprised us with a new dog ( and who do you think is going to pay for it?) yeah me even though I was trying to save up for moving out. At least my friends understood what was happening and kept to the moving date. But it took portion out of my paycheck …
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kanerallels · 11 months
OKAY HERE WE GO I'm attempting to get into a consistent schedule for posting the Steve Miller Au. And I thought, why not on Tuesdays cause that's when Ahsoka was coming out? *pauses to be emotional and miss Ahsoka*
Anyway, new chapter up! Hope you guys enjoy despite me throwing in YET ANOTHER obscure Star Wars blorbo-- no regrets, to be honest. First lines under the cut!
Taglist: @laughingphoenixleader @seleneisrising @accidental-spice @day-to-day-thots @auroramagpie @heckin-music-dork @opalknight @cassie-fanfics (DM me if you want to be added or removed from the tag list!)
It shouldn’t have surprised Rex, just how little Teth had changed. He’d known, of course, that planets didn’t age at the same rate as living beings, far from it.
But it had been roughly eighteen years. Almost everyone who’d been on Teth with him was long since dead, with the exception of Commander Tano, and so much had changed. But as the Phantom slipped into the atmosphere of the jungle planet, Rex marveled at how unchanged it was.
The Ghost’s trip through hyperspace had been relatively uneventful, up until the end. Minutes after they arrived above Teth, Rex had heard alarms going off and Captain Syndulla’s very irritated voice coming from the cockpit.
Kanan appeared not long afterwards, his face set into a studiously neutral expression as he explained what happened. Apparently, the hyperdrive had been damaged in the Ghost’s last altercation with the Empire, and hadn’t been repaired properly. So Captain Syndulla and Chopper would be staying behind to make repairs, while the rest of them headed down to the surface.
Rex was no Jedi, but he didn’t need the Force to see the tension Kanan was carrying with him. He was well aware that Kanan barely trusted him, and definitely didn’t like him.
Under normal circumstances, that would be fine. Rex understood it— he’d seen the aftermath of the Jedi Purge. Kanan couldn’t have been older than Ezra was now when it had happened. He’d also seen more than his fair share of troopers dealing with shellshock and a thousand other kinds of trauma, to say nothing of General Skywalker himself. But these weren’t normal circumstances. They were working together, in the field, and if Kanan didn’t trust Rex to watch his back, things could get very messy. We’re going to have to talk about this, sooner rather than later, Rex thought.
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chocmarss · 11 months
Once you read as much Star Wars books as I do (nothing compared to the hardcore fans who read all of legends and disney canon tho), Legends or Disney canon, you get to weed out all the authors you don’t like and you realise hey, they’re anti-Jedi! Or just don’t like Jedi because of [checks list] things they obviously don’t want to agree with. They either villainise the characters or make them downright ‘bad’ for the readers because, get this, they think these characters are a bunch of jackasses when in reality, that’s not what it is. Or they’d outright say, hey these Jedi mfs are a bunch of fucking baby snatchers! And murderers! Yes, I’m pointing at you Karen Traviss, the bane of all Star Wars books.
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Hi there! I’ve got a Fandom Friday Submission:
@dystopicjumpsuit wrote: https://www.tumblr.com/dystopicjumpsuit/720589878613704704/turn-it-up-when-youre-gone-12
it’s an AMAZING (NSFW) Republic Commando!Sev (RC-1207) x Reader fic. It’s a really neat premise (that I haven’t come across before), and Reader is a tactical analyst, which is so cool to me. It’s hot, and it’s a straight up enjoyable read.
OOOOOOH I've never read an "x reader" fic where reader has a job like this, and it is terribly interesting (and gut-wrenching when you consider the amount of loss she's seen OOF). I'm also cackling at just the communal understanding between reader and her counterparts that the commandos are HOT lol. And also VOICE KINK UNLOCKED. You are so right. This fic is fun, unique, and just the right amount of spice. Thanks so much for sending it in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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My laptop protector finally arrived!
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spectralthings · 2 years
Republic Commando Shirts
Available in the shop now: Delta Squad Tie Dye shirts! Available in most styles in sizes S-3X with other sizes available upon request. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out!
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thecoffeelorian · 3 months
Fandom Friday, 06/28: Fanart
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Hello again, everyone...
...Okay, I'm afraid that it's time for me to make a little confession here. I wanted so, so bad to do a Pride-themed update for you all. Something like...the first kiss for Codywan; a night out on Coruscant with Osheki; maybe a post-escaping the Jedi party with Barrissoka; and generally a celebration of surviving terrifying situations and building new lives together. Basically a Good Vibes Only kind of fandom party.
But then...the Acolyte show went and did THAT, and my plans took a somber, unexpected, and rather painful turn.
Granted, this show was always going to be 'Kill Bill' with lightsabers. I made my peace with that the moment Mae did a similar unfinished business speech with each new Jedi Master she came to slay visit. I even read a few choice Twitter posts by readers of the High Republic novels that suggested this was actually the norm for Jedi characters rather than the exception.
And yet, even with those thoughts firmly planted in my head, guess what...?
It still hurt. A lot.
So much so, in fact, that...I'm afraid the theme this week will be "To Absent Friends" rather than "The Rainbow Connection", if only as a reminder that not every story has a happy ending.
However...to those who hoped for something a lot more comforting from me, fear not. I should be a bit more in control of myself next week, so I hope you will take the time to tune in then, if you find yourself unable to do so now and need to exit out of your browser window or app for something more to your well-being. I won't begrudge you for wanting that at all, because I know I would do the same if our situations were reversed.
For everyone else, though...here are my fanart picks for the week.
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The Acolyte Fanart--By @thebirdthattoldu
The Acolyte Fanart--By @drawingspaghetti
The Clone Wars Fanart--By @persimminwrites
Republic Commando Fanart--By @mamuzzy-creates-stuff
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @the-tech-turn
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @apocalyp-tech-a
The Bad Batch/Hades 2 Crossover--By @letshareapapou
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every week, highlight those artists who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the artists a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…this post will be continued in its second half: the Fanfiction Edition. Thank you, good morning, and I’ll see you in the next post!
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The No Pressure Tag List: @musicalselaw @gun-roswell @callsign-denmark @melymigo @saphiranishimurashan
@theosb0rnway @hastalavistabyebye @vaderkin-is-a-lightning-rod @vincili @tlmtwelve
@bbtechsimp @thatflatfrog @algo-o-nada @ankossss @tazmbc1
@yeehawgeek @tech-aficionado @exquisitesarcasm @korribanarchive @msknight10
@sharpasanaro @that-gay-jedi @badbatchposts @quietgingerfangirl @sunshinechildskywalker
@universitysunflowers @littlefeatherr @riverside-of-neverland @pastasmoothie @cyberscorch
@ilovemedia @cinnamonsugar-pretzel @brownielocks69 @here-comes-the-moose @skellymom
@lilithastar @maxims-multifandom-corner @serinzatravel-blog @rott1ngbra1n @snap-my-kneecaps and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new and interesting works around the fandom.
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fandom-friday · 5 months
Greetings Oh Glorious Karrde!
I come to you once more with Rec's a plenty!
@the-rain-on-kamino has not only given us a heart achingly sweet Commander Cody Fic with Time After Time (and yes you must sing the title) But also a new Clone Commando series with the Omega Squad in Off the Grid. Plus the most Romantic looking stroll through Pabu . Ma gurl got us covered!
@daimyosprincess has hit us with not one but TWO Boba AU's and LORD! The sweetness that is This tender love contrast with the Short but HOLYSHITE-ness of Worth the Risk.
@pickleprickle with Chapters 2 and 3 of Shattered Sunrise with Mace (The head badass himself) Windu... I may be bias.
On the Art Side of things
@snw-faatuatua Did this AMAZING Art of Hunter with traditional Moko facial tattoo. I literally can't get over how cool this is!
@boggsart is doing some awesome stuff with their Republic Troopers art but I gotta send in our boys in blue with the 501st
For all my Boba girlies (gn) on here come take a look @mrs2224 and this lovely rendition of a young Boba. Just in general go check it out!
@pinkiemme with the band batch, aka all our favorite men on the stage and KILLING IT! plus music!!
@bobafettdaily with this cool gif set kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui
On the not Star Wars side:
@the-californicationistcal has me in a tizzy with Riptide. uh yeah grumpy military guys... I have a type.
@bluegiragi has an entire COD 141 monster AU that has me hanging on every pannel of the comic. I will caution that it is Cannon typical violence. but the origin story for The Wraith is so cool and the Art is just... go check it out.
I have a few others but I'm still finishing up with reading but will send along ASAP! Much love and Happy Reading! (Pictured below me racing every week to put in the recs)
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This is SUCH A GREAT LIST! Love the variety, both within the Star Wars universe and outside of it. As always, THANK YOU dear friend for putting such a big list together and taking the time to send it in! APPRECIATE YOU AND ALL THESE RECS!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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nocturius8015ficore · 5 months
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There is often sexist osik in the SW fandom. It's my duty to make it a better place for the ladies and enbies!
It's one of the many reasons I create a facebook page about Republic Commando
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