lyranova · 18 hours
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Aaaaahhhhhhhhqjjwjsjsnanwns Thought i would share this character profile I got from the lovely @koneko-pi 💕! Thank you so much, I love it!
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lyranova · 1 year
Since your requests are open~ and you've opened the door into all the captain wives being friends.... heres where I'll get shy
👉👈 ....maybe, one of them expecting a baby, and they have a little get-together between friends. Like a baby shower but more private?
Hiya Koneko! Of course, and I had so much fun writing this! I know it’s been a while since you’ve requested it but I wanted to make sure I got everything perfect before I posted this (hopefully I did everyones OC’s justice!)! Thank you for requesting it, this was so sweet and fun to imagine and I hope you enjoy 🥺💕!
Solara belongs to @thoughtfullyrainynightmare , Briar belongs to @koneko-pi (the requester), Josele and Sterling belongs to @loosesodamarble , and Lorena, Abigail, and Agnes belong to @hybridanafrost 🥰! While I own Zera! Aika (who is briefly mentioned) belongs to @simpingforthisonedeer !
Word Count: 2,781
Warnings: Mentions of Pregnancy
It was a lovely Autumn day in the Clover Kingdom. People were getting ready for the annual harvest festival that took place in the Capitol. It was a time of collecting food, wood, and other things before the harsh winter drifted down from Spade. But they were also celebrating the fact that they had a good harvest year, despite the Zogratis siblings' actions and all the devils that began to pop up shortly after.
It had been a very surprising year, in both bad ways, and in good ways.
Inside the Golden Dawn base, however, there was a different kind of celebration going on. It was a celebration of life, happiness, and excitement.
It was a baby shower. Albeit it a very small and private one.
Walking down the halls of the Golden Dawn base were a group of young women carrying trays with various foods as well as bags and boxes that contained gifts inside.
“ I hope Zera likes the gifts we brought her,” Briar Rose, girlfriend of Silver Eagles Captain Nozel Silva, said as she glanced down at the small box in her hands. She felt someone suddenly place a hand on her shoulder.
“ She’ll like them! It’s the food I’m more worried about,” Lorena Harlow, wife of Green Mantis Captain Jack the Ripper, said as she looked down at her tray of food. It was filled with various different meats from her butcher shop as well as different cheeses and crackers.
“ I’m sure Zera will like all of it, so don’t worry.” Solara Equinox, wife of Crimson Lions Captain Fuegoleon Vermillion, said with a warm and gentle smile. Knowing Zera she would probably worry about how expensive all the gifts and food were and would scold them for spending so much.
“ To be honest I’m sure she’ll love having the company more than anything else.” Josele Canty, wife of Vice-Captain of the Black Bulls Nacht Faust, said with a knowing smile and all of the women nodded in agreement.
Zera Cassia, wife of Golden Dawn Captain William Vangeance, had been put on bedrest by her doctor a few months ago. They hadn’t been able to pinpoint why, but the young woman’s body seemed to get weaker the further along she got. At first they thought the child may be pulling too much mana from her or vice versa and that was what was causing her to be so sick, but that theory didn’t make much sense nor did it contain any proof. So the doctor just put it to her having a weaker than normal body.
“ Oh, do you have Aika’s present for Zera as well?” Josele asked curiously and Solara nodded as she held up the bag.
“ I do, I also have Captain Charlotte’s gift as well.” Solara said with a smile as she held up another bag, the Blue Rose Captain was supposed to be there with them, but was surprised by her squad with her own baby shower on the very same day.
The group walked up to a pair of tall wooden doors and Solara knocked on them, they waited for a moment before it was pulled open to reveal the room on the other side.
“ You guys are early!” Zera said with a sheepish laugh as she held the door open. She had a smudge of dirt on her slightly pale cheek and she had her ash-blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun. Her beautiful floral sundress had a bit of dirt on it and she had her light gray sweater sleeves rolled up to her elbows.
All of these were tell tale signs that she had been gardening.
“ Are we? I thought we were pretty on time.” Lorena muttered as she looked down at her watch, Zera laughed a bit.
“ You probably are, I just lost track of time.” She admitted sheepishly as she moved aside to let them into the room. “ Oh here let me carry some of that!” She added as she reached out to take some of the food.
“ While we appreciate the offer, we’ve got it under control Zera,” Briar said with a small smile as she walked awkwardly past her, the other women said the same as they walked past her as well. Zera pouted a bit before closing the door behind her.
“ Shouldn’t you be on bed rest? What are you doing up?” Solara asked as she set the gifts and food down, when she stood back up she gave the plant mage a slightly stern look.
“ Well, y’see, I kind of got bored sitting in bed doing nothing and my babies were starting to look a little neglected so I decided to tend to them a bit.” Zera admitted with a sheepish look, the women looked at the flowers and saw some had been transplanted into newer and bigger containers, some were just freshly planted, and some were just watered and fertilized.
“ Heh, that’s the thing about us business women and Captain’s wives, we just can’t sit still even when we’re supposed to.” Lorena said with a laugh, and the others laughed and nodded in agreement.
“ I’ll make us all some tea, so everyone just sit down!” Zera said quickly as she walked to the small kitchenette in the room, but was stopped by Josele.
“ I’ve got it. You just sit down and rest, it’s your day after all.” Josele told her kindly as she placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, Zera sighed in defeat.
“ No one lets me do anything anymore.” Zera pouted before walking over to the couch and sitting down, Solara and Briar chuckled.
“ We’re just trying to help you out, is all,” Briar said with a small awkward smile and she sat down in a small chair across from Zera. Solara nodded in agreement.
“ We know you’re independent and that you like to do things yourself, but it doesn’t hurt to have a little bit of help every now and then, does it?” Solara asked with a knowing look, and Zera sighed dramatically. They both had a point.
“ It’s just annoying y’know? I feel like I’m nothing but a bother to everyone.” She admitted as she crossed her arms, the moment she started feeling unwell and was put on bedrest was the moment everyone started treating her differently. Especially her husband.
“ Believe me, we understand, but you’re not a bother to anyone Zera.” Josele said as she came back with a tray full of tea cups, the woman all nodded in thanks and each one a cup and saucer.
“ They’re right, and you should enjoy it while it lasts, ‘cause once your kid arrives all of the attention will be focused on them. Believe me.” Lorena said with a knowing smile, Lorena had two little girls from her first husband who had sadly passed away years ago.
“ By the way, where are Agnes and Abigail? And Sterling too?” Zera asked with a frown, both Josele and Lorena smiled.
“ They’re downstairs playing with Yuno and the others. They'll be here later.” Josele told her before taking a sip of her tea.
As the morning transitioned into the afternoon the women talked and laughed amongst each other as they ate snacks and drank their tea. The conversations mainly revolved around catching up on things they had missed as well as their husbands.
“ So, you’re saying William has been the one caring for your flowers for the past 3 months? Oh those poor things!” Briar said as a hand came up to cover her mouth in surprise, and Zera couldn’t help but laugh.
“ He has! Oh he nearly drowned my Orchids and Dandelions a couple of weeks ago, the poor things, so now he’s banned from coming near them ever again!” Zera said in a light hearted manner as the women nodded and laughed.
“ I certainly can’t blame you,” Solara said with a soft smile before she sipped on her tea. “ I can only imagine Fuegoleon doing something like that once I get further along.” She added as she placed her hand gently on her slightly protruding stomach.
It wasn’t only Zera and Captain Charlotte who were expecting, but Solara was as well. Although she was only three months along at the moment.
“ Heh Fuegoleon will probably be just as bad as William, if not, he’ll certainly give him a run for his money!” Lorena said with a laugh as she ate a cracker with a piece of meat and cheese on it, Briar chuckled as she set her tea cup down.
“ I wouldn’t be too sure, Nozel can be very protective as well, and I have a feeling he’ll be a lot worse than both Fuegoleon and William.” Briar said with a small knowing smile as she sat back in her chair, the other women only nodded. Nozel may act cold, but he was actually a very warm person.
“ Well I can assure you all that Nacht will have all your husbands beat on the overprotectiveness.” Josele said with a shake of her head but a loving smile on her face, all the women had to admit, Nacht would probably be very protective of Josele and their future children, if how he treated their adopted daughter Sterling was of any indication.
“ Now, should we open some gifts?” Solara asked as she clapped her hands together, and the women nodded.
Solara began to hand Zera different bags and boxes while telling her who they were from.
The first gift she was handed was a small box beautifully wrapped with green and gold paper and a small bow. Zera gently unwrapped it and smiled at what was inside.
It was a sling, one that wrapped around her body and held the baby close to her. It had a beautiful floral pattern and was made of lightweight fabric that wouldn’t get her or the baby hot, but it was sturdy enough that it could hold the baby’s weight.
“ We working mama’s gotta be hands free y’know.” Lorena said with a grin and wink, and Zera nodded with a bright smile as she thanked her friend for the thoughtful gift.
Next was a beautiful box covered in black, white, and gold wrapping paper with intricate designs on it. Zera gently opened the box and her smile widened.
Inside was a beautifully sewn hat, shoes, and coat. It was made in gender neutral colors and designs since no one knew if they were having a boy or a girl yet.
“ I thought the little one would need warm clothes since it would be arriving in the middle of winter.” Josele said warmly and Zera nodded in agreement as she thanked her.
The next gift was a beautifully wrapped red and gold box with beautiful patterns on it. Zera opened it just as she did the others and laughed softly.
It was a beautiful three tiered mobile. On the top layer were the stars and moons, on the second tier were clouds, and the third tier had the different continents, animals, plants, and people on it. It was simple, and yet beautiful.
“ Knowing you and William, I thought your child would be an adventurous explorer themself. So I thought I would give him a sneak peak at what the world looks like.” Solara said with a smile, and Zera thanked her before handing her something else. “ This is from Aika, and this is from Charlotte.”
Zera opened the beautifully designed boxes and couldn’t help but ‘ooo’ as she looked at them. Aika’s gift was a beautifully designed notebook that had a small note written inside, and Charlotte’s gift was a beautiful scrapbook for photos.
Finally Zera was handed the last gift, it was wrapped in silver and pastel green wrapping paper and had a beautifully delicate bow around it. She opened it gently, just as she had done before, and tilted her head at what was inside.
It looked similar to a communication device, but small and more round. She pulled it out and saw another beside it, she looked up at Briar.
“ What is it?” She asked curiously and Briar smiled while grabbing the other device and holding it up.
“ These are baby monitors,” she said as she began to talk into it. “ It lets you hear the baby from a completely different room, and it works all the way to the outside of the base too. So when you’re working on your plants or if William is outside with his squad you can still hear your baby.” She explained and couldn’t help but shift awkwardly as everyone ‘ooed’ and ‘aahhed’ over it.
“ This is a great gift Briar! Thank you so much!” Zera said happily as she placed the box and devices aside.
“ Don’t worry, everyone will get one during their baby showers too.” Briar assured her other friends with a small smile. “ I think it’s something everyone with a baby should have.”
Zera put all her gifts aside before asking how much all of it cost. Her friends all began to laugh and tease her, saying how it wasn’t any of her business how much the gifts were, and that they were completely priceless.
As the ash-blonde haired woman listened to all of her friends laugh and smile she felt her heart fill with so much warmth and love that it was nearly overwhelming. As a child she couldn’t have imagined having so many close friends, and she imagined they probably felt the same way. Suddenly she watched her friends look at her in surprise.
“ Hey Zera, what’s wrong?” Lorena asked in concern as she sat up.
“ Why are you crying?” Briar asked with a frown as she sat up in her chair, and that’s when Zera put a hand up to her cheek and felt the tears on them.
She was so overwhelmed and so thankful that she had begun to cry.
“ Ah sorry! I don’t know what came over me!” Zera said as she wiped her tears away. Solara and Josele moved closer to her on the couch as Briar and Lorena moved to sit in front of her. “ I’m just…so happy right now!”
“ I never thought I’d have an amazing group of friends like you, ones that support me and ones that I can support in return, ones that understand and are in similar situations that I’m in. It’s nice, and I’m so thankful you’re all in my life.” Zera said with a bright smile as her friends smiled back.
“ I…have a favor to ask of you,” She began suddenly after calming down a bit. “ If something happens to me, and I’m not around for my child, can you all watch over them for me?” She asked softly and the room went deathly quiet.
“ Pfft what are you talking about? Of course you’re gonna be here!” Lorena scoffed as she crossed her arms, and Briar nodded in agreement.
“ She’s right Zera, you’re going to be around for your child so there’s no reason to assume you won’t be!” Briar said firmly and with a serious expression.
“ Did the doctor say something to you? Or did he insinuate that your condition has gotten worse?” Josele asked in concern, and Zera shook her head.
“ It’s nothing like that! It’s just…” Zera frowned as she tried to find the right words. “ You know how some people give their children godparents right? Well instead of godparents I want my child to have an entire godfamily to rely on. I want my child to be surrounded by people who will love them and care for them and support them, and I can’t imagine a better group of people to do that than you guys.”
“ I see where you’re coming from,” Solara said thoughtfully after a moment. “ They say it takes a village to raise a child, and so you want us to be that village.”
“ Exactly! But only if you guys want to, of course.” Zera said quickly as she began to grow sheepish. The other women looked at each other for a moment before they all smiled and nodded.
“ I think we would all be honored Zera, but let’s hope that we never have to cross that bridge.” Solara said and the others nodded in agreement as Zera laughed.
“ Trust me, I don’t plan on leaving my child any time soon!”
Soon the conversation turned to much lighter subjects, such as the hope that all of their children will be as close as they are when they grow older despite being from different squads and families, and that they’ll look out for one another and support each other.
That hope filled the group of women’s hearts for many many years, and eventually, came to fruition.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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lyranova · 1 year
Your ask game!!! Please! 28, 32 and 40!!
Of course Koneko and I hope you enjoy 🥰💕!
28. Does anyone read your fics before you post them? If so, who?
I don’t really have anyone that reads my fics before i post them 😆! The only time I do is when I include peoples OC’s or if I’m unsure about something (like if a paragraph or sentence is right). Usually it’s my mutuals who read them especially @thoughtfullyrainynightmare and @loosesodamarble or @eme-eleff but normally i post it on discord and get input from everyone 😁!
32. What’s your ideal fic length to read?
For oneshots or individual chapters the length I like to read is about 2-4k words 😁! It’s long but not *too* long, and it’s short but not *too* short y’know? To me it’s the perfect length! As for series I love a series that’s a little over 100k words is perfect for me, but sometimes I like one that’s around 200k. Just depends on my mood and if I have the attention span for it 😆!
40. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
Hm it depends 🤔! I’m usually a “one and done” kind of person, but if I really like a fic I’ll re-read them 😁! For example I’ll re-read a lot of the collabs I’ve done or I’ll re-read a lot of works my mutuals have put out (especially their next gen stuff 😅👉👈)! So it depends, but I do love re-reading fics 😁’
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