narasnooze · 4 months
@konohadaddies continued x
A quick smile appeared as he saw Inoichi's head appear and disappear. He gave the counter a slight pat with his hands before stepping behind it and joining Inoichi in the other room, dropping off a paper bag with some daifuku Yoshino had made earlier. It was not his actual errand here, though...
"Will it live?" Shikamaru asked, giving a nod to the flower currently in Inoichi's care.
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thetoaddaddy · 2 months
[ storm ] sender sees the awful weather conditions outside and insists receiver stay the night and ride it out [your choice of muse]
Pissing off Tsunade off meant doing newbie work. So here he is. Soaked to the bone, having had used his cloak to protect the file he just had to urgently deliver to the Nara for something for the damn deer. It’s storming out. Raining hard and threatening thunder was rolling in.
The invitation surprised him.
“Oh… I don’t want to put you out, Shikaku.” He said. When he turns around there’s now a heavy shower of hail along with the pitch black skies and thunder. “… Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to stay for a tea.. or something stronger.”
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kiigan · 3 months
@konohadaddies Sprawled on the couch in the living room, Sasuke regretted his decision not to make it to his bedroom before Itachi got home. He'd planned to get up after like five minutes and go to his room but then he'd like...blinked, and it was suddenly much later than he'd thought it was and he was still leaning into the corner of the couch. Those stupid brownies Naruto had given him had to have been laced with...something. Looking up at his brother when the man came into the house, the two of them had shared the home that Yamato rebuilt them on the Uchiha land for a while now, Sasuke felt his cheeks and ears burn in shame that he'd let himself be poisoned like this. "Welcome home." His voice was soft and he was petting the arm of the couch without realizing it, the texture a mix of smooth and rough in a way he'd never noticed before.
«Thank you. The weather is very nice today.»
ㅤWhich was not something Itachi had the luxury of saying often, given how his semi-wrecked body tended to make it so difficult to feel comfortable at all, let alone actually warm well there was the random bouts of fever, he supposed.
ㅤOffering a smile in his brother's general direction, towards where he could hear the voice coming from, Itachi closed the door behind him and made his way towards the kitchen - so swiftly and without any hesitation, having perfectly memorized the home's layout down to every detail, that anybody who didn't know of his blindness would actually have never guessed it. As he began unloading the bag of groceries he'd brought along, though, something about Sasuke's demeanor piqued his curiosity - mainly, because it truly wasn't usual for the younger one to give off such a tranquil aura. Borderline dazed.
«Are you all right? You sound tired.»
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minds-interlinked · 3 months
While he and Ino had only gone on a couple official dates, she was one of the few that he truly trusted. Which meant that Sasuke had sought out her apartment when he realized that something was wrong. It had taken him far longer to get to her place than it usually did, everything had distracted him (he'd even spent a few seconds, maybe even minutes petting a flower on the way). It had actually been Sasuke's decision to pluck it and bring it for the blonde that had gotten him moving again. Knocking on her door, he was still twirling the flower between his fingers when the door opened. "I think Naruto gave me something..."
[[//Unprompted Asks~]]
Ino had just finished cleaning and tidying up her place. She'd had a pretty busy day, with training, and taking care of the flower shop. She was looking to relax a while, but then came the knock at her door. The Yamanaka wasn't expecting any visitors within the hour, but curious as she was, walked on over to answer it, immediately recognizing the man on the other side.
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"S-Sasuke-kun? Are you okay?" She asked, concern etched on her features, as she stepped aside to let him in. "What happened with Naruto? Do you need me to knock some sense into him?" She followed up with a couple more questions, as she carefully led him to the couch. She had wanted to make sure Sasuke was well first.
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hatredcurse · 4 months
" I think it might actually be a nice night, for once, " said Hakai. || @konohadaddies
Sasuke lowered his hand from the air, anticipating rain he assumed would roll through, but never did. " I hate to admit that you're right, " he said, begrudgingly forcing himself to relax.
Boring days into boring nights, his mind feels dull with the inactivity. " They don't have you doing anything either, aren't they? "
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kikaichuno · 1 month
Was drawn in by Shino as there's not many of our Aburame boys active. Stayed cause eventually maybe I'll manage to come up with a decent plot at you
What drew you to my blog initially, and what, so far, has made you stay?
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Yessss I love the Aburame, I love bugs too so that helps! I realize people might not write them because of the bugs, which is a sad reality. I've been looking at your Shibi since day one! So, when your health gets better and you get out of the funk, I'll be interested in a little father-son thread! There's no pressure though. ♥
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historias-multorum · 2 months
@konohadaddies liked for a starter!
(Naruto AU)
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"Hey you! Hold it right there!" Nutmeg yelled from her post.
She hopped over the fence and drew her scythe ready to fight. "What do you want with Gohangakure? You'd better start talking right now!" She ordered.
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bladedhunter · 3 months
Leaning back against a tree, Shikaku drew another deep breath through his pipe before covering the top. After holding it for a few seconds, he all but sighed the smoke out, eyes shut as he let the herbs relax his body. Opening his eyes and looking towards the footsteps coming through the woods, the Jounin Commander offered a warm smile to his fellow Shinobi. "Evening." After voicing the greeting, he lifted his pipe back to his lips and flicked his lighter open so he could take another hit.
Sniff sniff.
What was that smell? Kakashi smelled something interesting, so he followed it. It was like... herbs? But nothing he'd ever smelled before. Following it like a hound, he came across Shikaku in the woods smoking something from his pipe.
An eyebrow raised upon seeing it. "Hm? What are you smoking?" he asked, curious as he sniffed the air again. Oh, also -- "'Evening."
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minaa-munch · 3 months
Usually Shikaku didn't partake in mind altering substances, but occasionally it was nice to relax and shut his mind off. Or at least slow it down. He didn't think anything could truly silence his mind, but the weed helped some. Leaning against one of the trees in the forest, he spotted a head of blond hair emerging and immediately held out the joint he was smoking.
"Want some?" He held out the joint, his words laced with a stream of smoke from his last hit. Though it was only after he'd offered that he realized it wasn't Inoichi that had joined him but Minato. "It's uh, it's okay if you say no."
Cue a bemused look, "Depends on who you got that from." Deft fingers take the proffered joint, "I wouldn't trust anything Inoichi mixes after a day with the interrogation unit." Primarily because they were way too strong for anyone else but Inoichi - though Shikaku probably knew that. Blue hues shift from the glowing embers to the Nara, "Eventful day?"
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kyuusou · 4 months
Continued from here.
Was food more important than being her pillow? Pfft. Then again, lying against a rumbling torso wasn't ideal either. Kanae pulled away and huffed in protest. “Move,” she said while she pushed him away from the refrigerator. “I'll fix you something, okay?” She didn't need much to make a hearty meal. 
“Go kick back or something,” she smiled. Even though she was tired, she was never too tired to spoil those she cared about. Konohamaru happens to be one of them. Lucky him.
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magmaprincess · 25 days
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Love Languages. Mei is, without a doubt a natural giver, and thus has two love languages that pair hand-in-hand.
Words of Affirmation. Skilled with her tongue, Mei Terumi already enraptures those around her with only those words they need to hear, moving others towards greater lengths. She has a compliment for everyone. Her proses breathe life, and with the youth she is most generous to; she has a motherly nurture towards those who are already underestimated too often. As one of the peaceful Kage's her excellent communication skills has made her allies to many nations. Physical Touch. Paired with her healing hands, Mei can get many men to follow her whims. While Mei can be pretty handsy, it helps her feel even bonded to those she touches. From gentle arm grazes to full out make-out sessions, this is Mei's way to love and be loved, reminded that she is in the present with you. She loves to show you off with her public displays of affection. Kirigure isn't known for its friendly/romantic behaviors and as such will touch you every chance she gets, her hands, hair, lips, marking you as her territory this way. Mei wants the world to know who's good company you are in.
I would love to know what love languages your muses give ♡ @bebecolmillos x @uchihasavior @heroicgenerations (jiraya!) @bladedhunter (sasuke, or anyone of your choice) @shinobinvku (kakashi, or anyone else of your choice) @konohadaddies (shino, or anyone else of your choice) Wanted to try out a fun headcanon idea thanks to all the new following coming in, thank you for all the love! If you'd like me to untag you from this post feel free to let me know.
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narasnooze · 3 months
"We're alone now, so go on. Admit it." [Your choice of muse]
Shikamaru had been quite short with everyone the entire evening, and more sour than usual. Unfortunately mostly so with Asuma, for stupid reasons.
It had begun well... the old team ten and a few other friends had joined together at their favourite BBQ place. Then, as they were all older now, it had continued to the bars. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, laughing, retelling each other good and fun memories and eventually more people had joined in, strangers, and with that; flirting...
Of course Asuma, unaware or not, quickly drew people to himself. He was a magnet of attraction. Understandably. Shikamaru was not too happy about it. Which he also knew was extremely selfish, sad and frankly idiotic. He was nothing, and he knew that. But it didn't stop him from feeling annoyed and wanting to leave.
After a few more bitter replies and declines of more to drink or eat, Asuma had pulled him aside. Shikamaru knew that the man had tried to get answers out of him during the last hour about if something wrong and why he was so annoyed. Asuma had probably even joked about him being jealous at some point, but the Nara had waved it all off, trying to force himself onto other thoughts. Without success, unfortunately. So now, here they suddenly were...
Shikamaru sighed heavily, and in slight frustration. He then shrugged and tried to appear as if he had no idea what Asuma was on about. "Admit what, exactly? I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm tired and I just want to go home now. Can I do that? I'm not exactly the Life of the party kind of guy, anyway. As you know. I think you'll live. There is plenty of..." he gestured back to the bar, rolling his eyes just the slightest. "––Entertainment."
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thetoaddaddy · 12 days
I have some muses that might be interested in a werewolf in universe theread....
I got no preferences for your muses, I like them all. If you want a certain ship or got a preference I’m happy to roll with it. Pretty much everything is on the table bud
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kiigan · 3 months
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nsfw headcanons @konohadaddies requested: beg — do they like making their partner(s) beg? do they like begging their partner?
ㅤBeing the master manipulator he is, in and out of the genjutsu arts, Itachi definitely knows how to beg very prettily and very convincingly. He knows what to say, how to say it, and is very talented at putting up a perfectly innocent/needy expression and even to throw in pouty lips and fluttering eyelashes if need be (and lbr his eyelashes are a weapon in and of itself). It is something he enjoys doing, because it indirectly builds on his constant need for control - it feels kind of like a power high, to realize he has the ability to get his partner to do what he wants by simply asking/begging them to do it (provided all parts involved are willing and consenting, of course!).
ㅤThe other way around, i.e., making his partner beg, doesn't happen as often - not really because he doesn't enjoy it, rather because he is quite submissive during intimacy and being the one begging comes more naturally to him. Nonetheless, he can also be an absolute little shit - and, in these circumstances, he will certainly enjoy his partner begging him to stop the goddamn teasing and move things along, for example.
body — what is their favorite body part of theirs? of their partner(s)'? are there any specific body parts they like to pay special attention to (ex. feet, hands, ass, etc)? where are their erogenous zones? where are they most sensitive?
ㅤUhhh Itachi doesn't really have a favorite body part of his own. There are parts he uses a lot for seduction, such as his eyes and his hands/fingers and his mouth/lips, but they are a means to an end more than something he stops to give much attention to, so to speak.
ㅤAs for his partner, he does love a beautiful and attractive chest, irrespective of the partner's gender. Because a chest makes for a wonderful pillow! And allows for wonderful snuggles, too. He also tends to be very attracted to nice and shapely thighs, again irrespective of gender and also irrespective of something like body weight. Pretty thighs come in all shapes and sizes. Something else he loves to gaze at is his partner's smile and their eyes.
ㅤDuring intimacy, he doesn't necessarily focus on a specific area or spot, unless he knows his partner is particularly sensitive there and enjoys being stimulated there. Otherwise, he spreads attention among the most usual areas such as chest, belly, thighs, etc. One semi-related thing he does love to do is taking his time to map out the contour and shape of his body's partner and to memorize every little detail - like tracing their ribs, feeling the lines of their jaw, following the path of their spine, etc.
ㅤAs for erogenous zones, in general, he is very sensitive on his neck and the end of his back, and these two areas are definitely quick and sure ways to get him going. Also, he is big fan of having his partner placing their hands on his hips - not as much as being sensitive there, but because the gesture is very intimate and feels very comfortable to him. Likewise, he is big fan of his partner casually having an arm wrapped around his waist, for example when they're outside going for a walk together.
dirty talk — are they turned on by dirty talk? turned off by dirty talk? is there anything they like their partner(s) to appeal to when talking dirty with them?
ㅤItachi is a dirty talk elitist lmao. In the sense that common expressions like you're so hot, you make me so hard/wet tend to leave him extremely unimpressed. In fact, if you tell him something low-effort like you're so hot, there is a high chance you're gonna be answered back with a sassy thank you, i'm aware.
ㅤWhich isn't to say he does not appreciate dirty talk, per se, but it has to be done right. It has to be ingenious, preferably, and above all, it has to be meaningful and heartfelt. Something that speaks to him, particularly, rather than something that can be tossed at just anybody. And something that works really well with him, actually, is to make the talk about the reactions he's displaying - because it shows his partner is paying attention to, and enjoying, said reactions that they're provoking in him. Your compliment made him blush? Point it out and talk dirty about it. You touched him somewhere that made him squirm or whimper? Point it out and talk dirty about it. You can feel how worked up he's getting with everything you're doing to him? Point it out and talk dirty about it. Give him facts and "proof" that you are entirely devoted to being there with him, at that moment, doing all those things, and that will surely make him melt.
ㅤAs for himself, he is really not one to use dirty talk. One, because his strict upbringing makes it not sit well with him. But, essentially, because Itachi is someone who works much more on a show, don't tell basis - be it during intimacy/sex or during his general life. More than talking dirty, there is a myriad other things he can use his mouth for in seducing/pleasuring his partner. Nonetheless, there are some occasions when he'll toss in a cheeky remark about the effect he is having on his partner.
kink — what are their kinks? do they have a primary kink? are there any kinks they'd be interested in trying? are there any kinks they don't like or aren't interested in trying?
Already answered [here]!
marks — do they like being marked? do they like marking their partners?
ㅤYes to both! Not in the sense of i marked you because I own you/you belong to me, because Itachi really does not appreciate being objectified nor objectifying others, but in the sense of said marks being lasting proof of what happened during that lovemaking/make-out session.
ㅤIt's a sort of badge of honor, so to speak. It's visual story-telling. If he looks at the mirror and sees marks - a bruise where his partner held too tight because they were going reckless with pleasure, a bite mark placed while his partner climaxed, hickeys and other kiss/suck marks all over his neck - he will immediately be reminded of how much he and his partner appreciate each other and how good that lovemaking/make-out was.
ㅤAnd, personally, he has no qualms about other people seeing those marks. Why should he ever be ashamed of the person he loves or of having a healthy and satisfying sex life! Everybody can look at it and deal with it.
wet — do they like bath/shower sex? would they have sex in other bodies of water (pool, lake, ocean, etc)?
ㅤBath/shower is one of Itachi's favorite places for intimacy, actually! Doesn't even have to be real sex, there's just something both inherently erotic and inherently comforting about sharing a bath/shower with his partner. In fact, because he personally does not like feeling sweaty/sticky and usually likes to shower after sex (when it's feasible ofc), this is a win-win situation.
ㅤAs for other bodies of water, he does enjoy it as well but it will depend. He miiiiiiiiiiight do it in a public place, such as a swimming pool or the ocean by a busy beach, though it will take some cunning and perseverance on his partner's end to convince him. If he's alone with his partner somewhere watery and nice, though? Get in that water right now and make love to him, please and thank you.
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minds-interlinked · 1 month
My two favorite (younger) women from the franchise are Hinata and Ino. So I definitely had to follow. I'm looking forward to continuing things with you when I have enough brain
What drew you to my blog initially, and what, so far, has made you stay? - [[ @konohadaddies ]]
[[//Awww~ Ino's such a popular choice for follows, it seems, and honestly, I love that! <3<3<3<3 She's been such a joy to write, and it's been really fun using her to interact with your muses! I look forward to continuing/starting up new interactions with you too! Whenever you're ready! Who knows? Maybe I'll have Ino explore more options within your muses aside from my usual go-tos! I know we haven't done much yet, but there's still time!!! ]]
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multi-cannon-rp · 4 months
Put a '🛥' in my ask baox and I will tell you a ship for my muse that I really like and why I like it. <- any naru mind you're feeling
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I will give answers to Dei, Ita, and Izu. SasuDei, to be completely honest, I don't know why this is my favorite ship for him. But I honestly feel that if Deidara and Sasuke met under different circumstances, they could have been good friends. One Dei is a kind person even if he isn't past a good fight. He normally would choose attack people unless needed, Oro and Uchihas, being an exception. One because he was recruited since Orachimaru left. Itach because Dei sees him and his eyes as a beautiful work of art. However, he feels like Itachi looks down on him and his art. Without that, Dei and Sasu, if they met, would get along. Dei is friendly and not off put by Sasuke cold attitude. In fact, he would admire it to an extent.
Izuna, would be TobiIzu. If Izuna lived. Most of this is built off of Headcannons. If Izuna lived and peace still happened, at some point Izuna would end up working with both Tobirama and Hashirama because of Madara. I think he would eventually let go of his anger toward them and start to see the Senju brothers as at least friends. Harmless pranks, jokes, ad other BS Izuna would pull would be funny to RP. How they bond is up for debate since, it can change from RP to RP.
Itachi, I don't have a favorite, but I do like ShiIta and ItaIzu. They make the most sense. Shisui, being his best friend and the only one Itachi really would hang out with outside of work. Izumi because he was indeed sweet on her and one of the few people that didn't outright worship him because of how "cool" he was. She even went out of her way to protect him (not that he needed it). If they survived, I think there was a chance that they could each be a pairing for him if not Shi/Izu/Ita.
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