#koon maschenny zahard
khuneduan · 2 years
ok ok so we have established you are not a fan of your rude kids like Aguero and Hachling.
but do you have a favorite child?
(or at least one that you dont hate)
I love her undiluted arrogance. That is the quintessential Khun quality right there!
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flavia8 · 6 years
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To be honest, I really like Princess Maschenny! She’s very mysterious. As she is a Spear Bearer, I decided to draw her with a spear. XD I’m Honestly really proud of this! This is the 30th drawing! I have officially finished the 30 day Tower of God Art Challenge! I’m super proud of myself, and I think I have improved my art a lot, even just in this month. Still no shading or Backgrounds though XD 
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bluecubics · 7 years
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Princesses of Zahard looking fab af✨
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jainarepellista · 6 years
Tower of God S2ch310 Rough Translations
You brought a lot of suspendiships.
Looks like Zahard has a lot of money these days. // Bringing in so many of those suspendiships when this place will probably collapse in near future anyway.
Is this declaring a war?
Maschenny Zahard.
The war is starting.
??F Hell Train - The Three Commands - 02
And here I thought you’ve grown up already
But you still talk like delusional young people out there.
Hey, // Do you know why there hasn’t been another big war in the Tower ever since the ancient age of war?
Old people hate change.
It may seem very unstable to some // But we’ve been accustomed to this situation and are afraid that something is going to change.
It’s the same with me too.
As we get older, our bodies don’t get sick or fall ill. We get stronger // but before we know it, our spirit has become sick and we become apathetic to everything.
Even if one tries to make a little change, they just get rejected
We have been weathered by time.
It’s not the work of stagnant water like us to make change. // Change is already beginning down there, bit by bit.
That’s why // You should go home and get some sleep.
Stop fooling around.
Are you really sure it’s gone already?
Your anger?
Losing your beloved woman
Since you found out that the reason the woman you loved had to be killed was deeply related to Zahard // You willingly became a devil of FUG.
Your anger may have hardened and subsided // but I don’t understand how you could just throw it away to the wind.
As the years go by, the more you remember and dwell on it, the the feeling only gets stronger and more stuck in your heart.
That is anger.
And as long as that anger is alive-
War can break out any time.
The target has not taken any damage at all!! // No special shinsoo barrier identified!!
He blocked the suspendiship’s bombardment with just his body..!!
As expected, he’s a High Ranker..!!
Attacking just like that… // Seriously, Zahard princesses have such dirty personalities.
Princess!! What shall we do now!!
What else is there to do. // We just woke up an ancient monster.
There’s nothing left but to die with honor.
If you think you could just go over here for a bit // to pick a quarrel out of foolish curiosity
You picked the wrong guy. Princess.
Ha Jinsung Style Shinsoo Manipulation Technique
Crimson World (Drop of Water)
Port-side of the suspendiship has been annihilated!!
The suspendiship’s shield is no longer working!!
As I thought…
He’s still active.
(That’s about half..)
Whole army evacuate!! // Get as far away from the target as possible right now!
Raise the area around the target to Red 3!!
Starting absolute annihilation!!
That’s.. From the army // The “gun salute” of war.
King Zahard’s Decisive Weapon No. 9 Exclusively used for High Rankers El Robina
They even took with them a Decisive weapon of the Royal family..
(This is..)
Zahard, you..
Really are serious?
Hell Train
This is..?
You woke up-!! // I thought you weren’t going to wake up and die!!
Ah!! I’m hurt!! My neck!! My neck!! // Y-you will snap it!!
I’m sorry!!
Baam!! // You’re up!!
W-what happened? // We’re not in the HIdden Floor..
Shh-!! // That’s enough!!
(Don’t say anything more!!)
(Don’t. Say. It!)
It was a rule of the Hidden Floor that it will be forgotten if we speak about it..
By.. the way..
Where are the others.. // Is everyone safe?
Somewhere in the Hell Train
Koon-ssi is..
Why.. is he..?!
What happened to him?!
We don’t know.. But it looks like somebody injured him..
His heart is not beating right now..
녀석은 지금 온 몸이 ‘얼어있는' 상태야.
Right now, his entire body is in the “frozen” state.
스스로 몸을 얼려서 모든 기능을 멈춘거지.
He froze his body himself to stop his metabolism. (alt. to stop it from functioning)
I don’t know the details, // but it looks like he was in near-death situation in the Hidden Floor.
Whether his ability was awakened or he did it himself, in that fraction of a second he froze his own body to extend the time. // I am using an item of mine as a life-support for now, but he will die in no time without it.
What happened while I was fighting?!
How did the battle go..!? Who did this to Koon-ssi!!
Follow me.
I’ll let you know who made Koon like that.
You came.
Beta-ssi!? How come you’re here!!
..Why do you always have to have a hard time waking up? Completed product. // You slept through an entire week.
A.. anyway, where have you been? And.. // Don’t you need to be inside the lighthouse in the train?
Well.. I’m not sure why I was able to come outside. // But there certainly is something strange with the train after exiting the Hidden Floor.
Yes. All of the rules like a Ranker can’t fight with a Regular, // and a person should possess a ticket in order to board the train are all gone now. // Right now, there is no law in this place.
That aside, you- // You haven’t heard what happened to Koon in the Hidden Floor yet?
Ah.. yes!! // Does Beta-ssi know about it?!
Of course. // Although you guys didn’t seem to notice it,
In the Hidden Floor, I became one with the Koon’s lighthouse // Well.. I think that place completely regarded me as an item.
It irritated me.. // But because of that, I was able to watch everything as the lighthouse.
The Hidden Floor’s rules won’t allow me to speak about it though.
By the way, that Gator left alone as soon as he came out from the Hidden Floor.
‘I’m going to kill Yellow freckled turtle-,’ // that’s what he said.
Don’t you know who that turtle is?
Yellow.. // Freckled..?
But.. How..!! // Rachel was nowhere present in the Hidden Floor..!!
I saved what I watched as a memory in the lighthouse. // Don’t know about the others, but I don’t think you will have memory erased from watching this since you used the key.
Watch it and decide for yourself.
Blue turtle!!
Wake up!!
Open your eyes!!
Blue turtle!!
Where are you going!? Baam!!
I have to stop Rak-ssi.
I can’t let Rak-ssi meet Rachel like this.
What are you saying! // Don’t tell you you’re going to forgive Rachel this time again!!
White-ssi and Yura-ssi are there. // Rak-ssi alone can’t handle it.
I will go to her by myself-
To make Rachel..
Pay for what she had done to Koon-ssi.
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galelight · 7 years
Thoughts about the Princesses
Now with the appearance of Garam (finally!), I've received the motivation to make this text post.
SIU have this continued symbolism of the Zahard Princesses with shoes as the medium. We first see this symbolism/metaphor when Androssi likens herself (and by extension the rest of Zahard's princesses) as "One of the many Princesses in Zahard's cabinet of display shoes."
In this metaphor the Princesses who walks on Zahard's path are drawn wearing high heels, whereas those who have strayed from Zahard's "righteous" path wears sneakers or any sort of shoes without high heels; And those who have abandoned that path entirely are not wearing any shoes at all. Interestingly, Lo Po Bia Elaine was given the same symbolism, even though she is not a princess and the context behind the imagery is somewhat different.
For the first type we've seen three Princesses who wear high heels: Koon Maschenny Zahard, Lo Po Bia Lillial and Shilial Zahard (also Androssi herself, she was first seen wearing high heels after all). Another three Princesses who are the second type: Ha Yuri Zahard, Androssi Zahard, and Garam Zahard. Two Princesses (or technically one and a half?) for the third type: Anak Zahard and Repellista Zahard.
Now I could go on talking about why these Princesses are placed in their category but to be honest, I only started making this text post so I could talk about my love, my one and only Yuri (oh alright maybe Androssi and Garam too I guess).
The reason why Androssi wants to go to FoD is to meet Garam of course, but I don't believe she's said just why she wants to see her. I have this speculation that maybe she wants to ask Garam if it's worth it, forsaking everything and living in hiding for so long. Maybe knowing why Garam did it will either steel or break her resolve for that heavy decision (stay with Anak and become the enemy or leave her behind and continue as princess of Zahard) she will ultimately make. She could also ask Garam how to escape from Zahard if she’s going down that path. No doubt whatever reason she has, it will be an interesting reveal.
However, I have no idea of how Yuri and Garam’s meeting will go. Will it be peaceful? Disastrous? Full of intrigue or tension?? What sort of words will they be exchanging? Will there be any revelations for Yuri? Or Garam? I don’t know.
Hell, maybe they won’t even meet at all! (which will be a huge bummer ‘cause you know… they both got two 13MS)
Part of why I could not imagine their meeting is because I’m not sure where Yuri stands right now. Before, I was so sure from her actions: she’s trying to change the tower, and SIU represented it by drawing her wearing red sneakers when she made her first appearance and every other appearance after that is still her not wearing high heels. To show that she’s ‘strayed’ from Zahard’s path, and his path is to keep the status quo.
But now… ever since the start of the Name Hunt arc Yuri has been wearing high heels. It could be to symbolize that she’s still part of Zahard’s faction (no matter how she acts) when she fought against Slayer Karaka but even now when she’s in FoD she’s still wearing heels. Which struck me as odd because if she’s truly vying for change then isn’t the Floor of Death itself the embodiment of change? Because Enryu, an irregular, a herald of change killed the Administrator, the 43rd Floor is no longer part of Zahard’s empire. Heck, the mere act of killing the Administrator is already a huge change, because people used to believe that they’re immortal, and Enryu utterly wrecked that idea. So why is Yuri wearing the symbols of Zahard’s principle?
The answer to this is of course not revealed yet. I’m just hoping SIU will touch on this subject even if it is brief.
Mfw when it turns out I’m just overthinking and overanalyzing Yuri.
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liaroflesbos · 7 years
ToG Chekov’s Arsenal
So I just caught up with ToG again and oh my god. Just... I have so many questions so I decided to make a Chekov’s Arsenal, a list of questions that have been raised in or by the story that will come back up eventually, to sort out some of my thoughts and for later reference/personal satisfaction when we understand things better. Some of these may be answered somewhere that I didn’t see and if you contact me I’ll add your questions to the list too. Here we go: 
Wangnan/Princes of Zahard
- What does it mean to be prince of the red light district? Does it just mean that he’s an unwanted/forbidden prince of Zahard or does it reference where he was born or what he does/would rule?
- What does Hwa Ryun mean when she says that Wangnan is the greatest mistake of Zahard and the ten families? Now that we understand a little bit about who he is, this still doesn’t make absolute sense… why was making a prince the greatest mistake of all and none of the other shit they’ve done?
- How will this be changed by the rumor that the coming of the prince of Zahard will open the next floor? Wait--maybe this is what Gustang means when implying that Baam is the real prince, that he fulfills this role that the prince is supposed to fill.
- Why does Repellista say that the princes are going to “come back”?
- Has Wangnan returned to his “alone asshole” hair of the first chapters??
- Why did Phantaminum stop himself from killing Zahard after bursting into his castle like that?
- Why did Enryu want to kill a Guardian??? Who the fuck does that benefit
- Generally, given what we know about the Universe, Phantimum and Enryu don’t seem to align with the other large powers in the tower: Zahard+Ten Great Families, FUG, and Wolhaiksong.
- Why did Enryu and Phantaminum skip the whole Guardian of God bit that Zahard, Urek, and Baam all at least approached?
- Why was Baam in that cave to begin with and why was he physically unable to leave? Why was only Rachel able to come down to him, and then she could go as needed? Where exactly were they--not in the outside world (since there are no stars) and yet still able to open the tower doors?
- Like everything about Rachel tbh. Why does FUG keep her around and in such an active way? What is she doing with Emily? How does she get people like Yura and Cassano to trust her? What’s the Traveller still doing and how is he going to be in her group w/out Cassano?
Princesses of Zahard
- Why did Enne Zahard go crazy? What does Enne know about her parents (including that mysterious asshole Gustang)?
- What does Garam Zahard want so badly as to kill her own sister for it? Will we meet her on the Floor of Death?
- What exactly is Maschenny Koon plotting? How does it conflict with Yuri so heavily--something to with collecting the 13 months to open the 135th level? How is Maria Koon involved in this plot? And while we’re on that subject, how did baby!Koon manipulate Maria into becoming a princess of Zahard?
- And the important question for me: how will Koon handle a princess vs. princess war if the two sides have Yuri & Androssi on one side and the Koon princesses (Maria) on the other?
- Wtf is Repellista plotting or watching being plotted?
- The princesses story clearly has shit going on but we don’t really have specific questions yet--I’m sure we’ll have a princess arc soon (probably in the next season given hints from the Name Hunter arc).
Hwa Ryun
- ?????? Everything? How do you know so much Hwa Ryun?? What are your motives?
- How did Baam survive the Administrator’s test on the second floor?
- Just, like, everything about Grace Mirchea Luslec. Namely: What/who are the other 10 Great Warriors who helped Zahard and why are they different from the 10 families? Why did he want to “adopt” Baam? Also where is he and why does he want so badly to bring Zahard down?
- We now know three slayers: Grace Mirchea Luslec, White, and Karaka. There are eleven in all with Karaka as the last. Who are the other eight? I bet we meet them.
- Why does Karaka cover his face and whole body?
- What does FUG even stand for? 
Current Plot Issues
- Why is Karaka on the train really? Could he be looking to murder Baam on the Floor of Death where there is no guardian? Or is he part of whatever plot Rachel is leading?
- What’s the door he finds in the latest chapter?
- My most pressing concern right now: will he Wangnan on the Floor of Death???
- Why doesn’t Rachel tell Hoaqin about the princes of Zahard and Wangnan’s importance, instead rather letting a future FUG slayer continue to assume that she’s incompetent?
- I wonder if the theme of the princes of Zahard plotline/themes will reflect Cassano and Horyang’s story in some way? If this being used/created, this being forced to be a weapon or a god (like Baam) will come up in some other way?
- What is it in Leesoo’s past that makes Anak want to stay teamed up with him?
- Will we ever see characters such as: Evankhell, the “teacher” of the workshop, Phantaminum, the Blacksmiths...
- Wtf was Paul Bidde Gustang doing with the Workshop? Has he betrayed Zahard at this late stage in the game and why would he risk giving power to an organization like FUG? Does it have something to do with his daughter Enne the Princess of Zahard? And why would Baam be the “real” prince of Zahard? And who the fuck did he talk to over the Radio?? Another ten families head or maybe Repellista?
- I’m waiting for Baek Ryun (co-founder of Wolhaiksong with Manzino, ruler of the 77th floor, top ten Ranker) to show up and be important somehow too lol
- What’s with the two knight-type guys who both have ignition weapons and the last name Hong?
- Who exactly is Arkraptor’s daughter? And which family is his wife from--from the kid’s look, maybe Arie?
- Why does Evan stay with Yuri? Do guides pick one person to follow? Why is Evan’s ranking so fucking high?
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delineative · 9 years
maschenny/ adori + forehead flick
"This is my kill, do you understand," snarls Maschenny, stalking towards Adori against the force of her ridiculous self-contained seventh-ranked presence, "Enne Zahard is mine," and Adori lifts a perfect golden eyebrow, says, "I am the Captain of the Royal Guard, and orders are not to kill, only to subdue and capture, do you understand?" in a placidly equanimous voice, harsh as a slap, but of course Maschenny won't allow Adori the satisfaction of seeing her flinch.
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towerofgod · 12 years
Koon Maschenny Zahard
Ranking: Unknown Position: Unknown Special Positions: Unknown Koon Maschenny Zahard (쿤 마스체니 자하드, Kun Mahseuchehni Jahad, "Koon Maschenny Zahard") is the owner of the Yellow May, and is the only Princess in the Koon family awarded with a 13 Month Series. While a Princess of Zahard, her biological father isKoon Eduan. This makes her Koon Agero Agnis' sister.  It can also be assumed she is fairly powerful and most likely a High-Ranker, because she possesses the Yellow May and she was one of the Rankers responsible for capturing Eurasia Enne Zahard who is ranked 7th and also possesses one of the 13 Month Series, proving that Maschenny must indeed be quite powerful, and is definitely a veteran in the ranks.  
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khuneduan · 3 years
Has your daughter Maschenny ever argued with you?
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Not only she has, but she does it often. For some reason, she always accuses me of planning something behind her back, such as when her little brother Ran got invited early into the Tower by Headon. I think it is pretty amusing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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khuneduan · 6 years
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🎵I bet you wanna know what my crew about,
You really wanna know how we get down, Walk up in this bitch like we own this hoe, Own this hoe, like we own this hoe~🎵
(Credits to u/Izrafel for the cleanup)
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jainarepellista · 6 years
Tower of God S2ch290 Rough Translations
...So conceited declaring he'll help us in our revenge..
He charged in alone and fell. // although he'll come back to life..
What now?
Well, seemed to me like he was trying to use us for his own revenge.
But thanks to him, he got us to join forces // so naturally, we should savor this opportunity.
We should invade it. // The place where our nemeses are-
??F Hell Train - Training - 03
Now then, we shall find the attribute
and the form of shinsoo that fits you.
An attribute that fits me.. // and the form of shinsoo..
When I received Hoaquin-ssi's powers // the shinsoo took the form of a sword.
but that was not my power, but Hoaquin-ssi's power that created that sword.
So what's the form and attribute that fits me..?
You haven't got a clue?
No... None at all..
Then here's an item that can help you. Consider it a gift.
Take it.
.. What's this?
It's "Shinsoo Reactive Fluid", but we just call it 'clicky'.
It's something Gustang made for us.
If you hold it in your hand and click the button
the liquid reacts to your attribute and property, and gives them an appropriate form.
Of course, this doesn't mean that your shinsoo is only limited to what it shows you
but it's much faster if you already have an image in mind.
Try it. // It will be a big help.
Uh.. Ed'an-nim.
Hm? What is it?
I think it's a waste for only me to receive this lesson.. // So.. do you think
I could have the others do it with me?
Well, I don't see why not.
... The Mirror of the End?
Yes. Originally, the mirror of the end is the mirror that you encounter once you clear all the stages there.
It allows the heroes who cleared all the stages to exit to the outside world.
However, if a data being of this world attempts to reflect itself to exit this world, // the mirror will delete that data.
Delete?! // ... That means ..?!
Yes, if we obtain it and reflect Zahard-nim's data on it
We can delete his data.
Ed'an-nim wants to take the mirror and use it on Zahard during the duel. // So in order to buy time, he proposed this bet.
.. So he did have a backup plan for this.
But if the team there doesn't get the mirror..
..there's no chance for us to win against Zahard in the duel
How troublesome.. // We'll keep this a secret to Baam.
Knowing him, he'd try to go help them right now..
.. The Mirror of the End?
I haven't heard of that from Blue.. // if I get it.. does that mean I can fight Zahard too..!?
(Who is that person anyway?)
Speaking of which, Icarus-ssi still hasn't arrived here yet? // She would be an asset for the battle
I don't know. The big breeder said they sent her here..
Koon-ssi!! Rak-ss!!
Can you come outside for a moment!?
I want to practice something with you guys..!
... What kind of situation is this..
So.. I just have click this?
Yeah!! It'll show you the attribute and form of shinsoo that fits you!!
No... I get that
but why suddenly drag me into this..
Just do it, I don't think it's fair for me // to just do this alone, don't you think?
..... // No, I don't really mind... if you do this alone.
Baam, it's just that I..
Then I'll start us off-!!
is an 'orb'..?
That looks fun!! // I'll do it too!!
What the heck is that?!
A stone shield..!!
So it would be advantageous for Rak-ssi to use shinsoo for defense?
Oi, why're you just standing there.
You give it a go too.
Tch... // so annoying-
.. Huh? ... An ice spear..? // So you're one of my outside self's sons?
(Has Ice attribute)
You just realized that now!!
(You're so dense!!)
But then why didn't you become a spearbearer // An ice spear is a quite rare talent.
I'll never be able // to defeat you with a spear anyway.
That's why I didn't learn it.
Besides, we already have a spearbearer-
so that would imbalance the team.
Well, I'm out. Baam. // Don't overexert yourself.
Koon-ssi! Just a bit more!
Sorry, Baam. // I don't think I'm fit for this so it'll just be a useless struggle.
Hey. Mr. rebel.
I don't know what the me from outside did to you // nor do I really care.
But you'll never beat me if you keep running away like that, you know?
Wouldn't it be better to learn from me here and become stronger?
...... Become stronger? // ..And once I get stronger, then what?
If you saw the you from the outside world // you'd want to run away too.
I don't know what happened to you after the Hell Train and your climb up the Tower-
But Father in the outside world is nothing like you.
Don't flatter yourself.
But... we need to become stronger together!!
Becoming stronger.. isn't always about defeating great people
We still have a long way to go to aim for such a high goal.
So let's take it slow, together.
For that, let's get stronger together.
To go together.. // isn't that.. reason enough?
(There's no winning this..)
Alright. Let's do it.
Two days later
I did it!! // I made my shinsoo in the form of an orb!!
Oi-! Didn't you say to take it slow?
(Still couldn't make their forms.)
Four days later
Hidden Stage
We have a weirdo in our team..
Child of Koon Ed'an Icardi
Stage 21
We're here.
Final Stage Mirror's Center 'Seed'
You are late.
I've been bored waiting for you.
Why have you come here.
Children of Koon from the outside.
!! // He's..!?
It seems you are trying to get the Mirror of the End
But you shall not pass.
Go back now.
Big Sis, that data..!! // Is it really Zahard-nim's..!
Big Sis!?
Big Sis!! // Maschenny-noonim!!
She's not responding..
Is it..
because of the data of Zahard-nim?!
I don't know why Ed'an has such confidence in that group of warriors // to the point of breaking his long period of silence and starting to move again
but for him to challenge me to a duel and plan this kind of ruse behind my back.
He underestimates me-!
Do not cross this line.
I have my promise with Ed'an so I won't kill the warriors right away. // But if you cross this line, I will take it as a breach of promise
and kill all of you right here.
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jainarepellista · 6 years
Tower of God S2ch291 Rough Translations
W.. what the!? Is that really Zahard's data?!
Be careful. // He's not the kind of person you can call whatever you want
Urgh.... Did I lose consciousness for a bit..
Big sis..!!
This feeling.. This definitely seems to be Zahard-nim's data..
I nearly fainted.
He's just data.. but this is incredible power..
Asensio. Get to your formation.
Big sis!! // Don't tell me you're planning to break through?
I'll take charge as the fisherman while you and Icardi will be assisting from the distance.
Don't recklessly get too close and avoid close combat at all costs. // I have to keep as much of Zahard-nim's attention as possible
And somehow get the warriors to infiltrate the seed.
??F Hell Train - Training - 04
After 10 minutes-
Hockney. // Are your eyes alright now?
Mnn.. somehow
Why did that happen all of a sudden?
Maybe.. because I was trying to see the future that I cannot see..
A future that cannot be seen..  // which the Tower has determined.. to be inviolable territory..
That is.. "Zahard"
Yes, big sis.
We'll be going as planned.
In order to achieve the goal // Don't think too much about surviving.
...As I thought, looks like they decided to fight.
I think they will be working as a team // Should I join too?
..Are you kidding me?
Even if everyone in here try, including you, // I, alone, am enough.
You're the fisherman.
I shall dare to greet the data of the King from when he was young.
Even though it's not a lot, I am one of those who have inherited the power of the King outside.
The Zahard princess. I am Maschenny Zahard, my majesty.
To think that a Zahard princess is pointing a spear at me. // I don't know if you're crazy. Or perhaps you think I'm weaker for being just mere data.
Well, I don't really care.
Are you crossing over?
This "line." [T/N: line can also be read as gold?]
Good. // Come.
Big sis has crossed over the line!!
Everyone, get ready!!
Crap.. I'm shaking...
Don't be..
He just kept still.. // But my magic..!
(Oi!! Don't be scared! Don't be scared!)
Don't let him get you down!!
Right now before you
is the Tower's strongest adventurer!!
Team RaKoonBaam Lodging
Alright. It'll be enough if you manage to keep up that level of jangryuk.
Now then, how about you try attacking using that orb?
That rock is your target. // Give it a try.
What.. //the..
Hey, I told you. // The orb isn't used by throwing it like that!
I-I'm sorry..
The orb was originally a tool to maximize shinsoo.
If the form of shinsoo that fits you is an orb // then the way you use it should resemble the original orb.
Don't throw the orb by itself
Instead, think of it as releasing the shinsoo inside it while maintaining its form as an orb.
The orb is not to be "thrown"- // but to be "used", get it?
Come out, shield!!
Why am I doing this..
F***ing come out!!
(They're shinsoo impotents..)
Koon-ssi, so you had been able to form the bang
Well.. I had kept practicing as I climbed. // Although it's not usable at all aside for reinforcement.
(Arrghh why won't it come out!)
You're pretty incompetent for a member of the 10 Great Families.
In my view, your biggest problem is your pride, Koon-ssi.
Well, no matter how little shinsoo talent you have.. // Those who are from the Koon family and has an ideal attribute
Even if they have hard time using shinsoo aside from that attribute // They still can usually handle shinsoo of that specific attribute quite well.
(It just takes a lot of time trying to find that ideal attribute. But you've got it easy..)
Rather than trying to resist it from your subconsciousness
Why don't you follow your natural power for once?
Handling shinsoo will become easier that way.
Still, that's the difficult part..
Ah shit.. // Why can't I do it..
What are you doing!! Gator!?
I'm eating stones!! // If I have a pile of stones inside of me, I'll be able to make a stone shield!!
I doubt that's gonna work, idiot!!
Shut up!! // A turtle like you shouldn't tell me what to do!
A stone-eating gator like you shouldn't be acting so conceited!!
Spit it out quickly!!
Don't wanna!!
......How pathetic..
Why can't they do something as simple as this?
(Did it in two days)
Maintain the form of the orb with jangryuk // and maximize the shinsoo inside it
Maintain the orb as much as possible.
And maximize while maintaining it-
...!! // I did it!!
Now to attack-!!
W-what.. was that just now?
That's.. an incredible power.
..That was dangerous..
This is.. the orb's power..!!
Good. // It would be useful once he can maintain it
That's enough to get to the next level.
Now then- // let's go hunting for our nemeses.
Those are..
They will make for good practice..
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jainarepellista · 6 years
Tower of God S2ch282 Rough Translations
And a Happy New Year~
What do I do now.
I could catch them in the next stage.. // But it'll become annoying if they disappear into the Hidden Stage..
..It looks like there is a problem.
Yes, the new data people were displaying suspicious behavior..
...Do they know about the secret of the Hidden Floor?
...It.. seems so. // Although I'm not sure if they know anything more than that..
.....Hmm.. is that so..
Actually, there's a person who got in the King's Cradle.
He is probably one of their companions. // They are certainly not normal people. I'm not sure what their objectives are either.
We shouldn't touch them until Zahard-nim gives his orders // and let their nemeses deal with them instead.
He might become greatly angered if we make a mistake here. // And if Ed'an-nim or the Libra of Balance interferes, we won't be able to handle it. // It is important that we eradicate them all at once.
Do not forget that our utmost duty is to guard "that", and to hide Zahard-nim's location. // We will dispose of them when they try to access Libra.
So.. what do we do? // If we happen to meet the Big Breeder in the next stage..
It's highly likely.. // But still, you can't just give up looking for your companions, can you?
We'll have reinforcements once they meet up with Ed'an-nim. // I think it's better if we continue completing the stages and looking for your companions.
..It can't be helped.
Then let's keep going-
[card] STAGE 3 Rough Land
But it's weird..
I felt a great chile while were leaving the stage a moment ago // But now it's gone like it didn't exist at all. (Well, the place was quite cold..)
What could it have been, that freezing aura...
??F Hell Train - Koon Ed'an - 05
Two days later
Team Boro Hidden Stage ???
We've finally arrived.
This is the place where Father resides.
Residence of Koon Ed'an's Data Palace of Spears
!! At last~ // We're finally here, Sachi!!
Did you even do anything except press the buttons on your sin meter...
Oi, what are you talking about! I finished off my nemesis too!!
Yes, and there was a lot suffering thanks to you. // Your nemesis looked like a monster in a movie from when I was young.
Shut up, Sachi!! It was really scary!!
..Yeah, it was really strong.
(Really annoyingly)
You're late!!
What? A woman's voice?
Who's there!?
B-big sister..!! [T/N: Again, noonim is used which is a more respectful version of noona]
Why are you late, Asensio.
Father got tired of waiting and left the palace!!
What? This kiddo is your sister?
(Boro, don't be rude!)
D-don't speak so rashly!! // It's just that she cleared the Hell Train at such a young age!!
Her name is Koon Maschenny Zahard!!
..Stop talking about the outside me, Asensio.
Outside, she's among the strongest princesses who has received the 13 Months!!
What!? // A 13 Month princess!?
(That kiddo is?!)
Yeah!! That's how great my sister is!!
I said stop it.. it's embarrassing.
By the way, Maschenny-noonim. // What do you mean father's gone?
I mean exactly that. // He was waiting for you all day yesterday, and then he just left me without a word.
..That's bad news.
Well.. wherever Father is, it'll be easy to find his presence for sure.
He must be there.
Run, run!!
My body won't cool down now that it's this warmed up.
I wish to meet you soon. // Son of "V".
Team RaKoonBaam // Stage 7 Bull's Labyrinth
Congratulations for clearing the champion villain!! // Now, you can move to the next stage once you get to the exit!!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Get rid of the bull and save the little villains. This one was different from the other quests.
Y-yes, indeed.
Androssi, how's it on your side?
We're done over here. I think we just need to find the exit?
*Contact within the Hidden Floor is possible if you register them in your sin meter.
With this, we can pass through this stage. // It's good that Big Breeder didn't appear but we still haven't found any of our companions.
What..? I felt a sudden chill..
Koon-ssi, is it..!!
Big Brother.. [T/N: she calls him oraboni as opposed to oppa]
An observer!?
It's been a long time, Big Brother Aguero.
I did not expect to see you in the Tower like this
This voice..!!
I'm so relieved that you thought of me as your nemesis
I'm waiting for you in this place. // Come quickly.
Or else, one of your companions might disappear-
She's a very cute child wearing a red dress. // Right now.. I feel really strange.
Like I want.. to kill something..
So.. I might just kill her if I can no longer bear it, you know?
!! // Is it Miseng-ssi!?
We should go and save her!!
...No, Baam.
I think I should go alone.
You guys should look for the exit first. // I'll leave one of my lighthouses. Contact me if you find it.
Looks like she's my nemesis so I'll deal with her.
Let's go.
.......... // Okay..
.......... // As I thought..
It was you. // Khisea.
.....You're here alone? Big Brother.
I thought you'd go together with your companions.
..There's no need.
Because you don't want them to find out
how filthy of a human you are?
Do you want to hide the fact that big sis died because of you?
Fight me. // Big Brother.
If you win, you can kill me and take the girl with you. // But if I win, I will take your life.
Outside.. I only just hated you...
But I.. really want to kill you right now.. // I can't stand it..
So you are my nemesis.
I guess there's no other choice. // But to fight you.
Thank you, big brother.
For giving me the opportunity to kill you!!
Baby Growler
So you didn't forget. // That I could neutralize your lighthouse with this growler that I received from mother-
Everything that she needs has been recreated..!!
As always, it's hard to block
Trail of her dagger that is fast as lightning...!!
Your flesh is so warm even when it's just data.
As if you're not mere data but the "real person" himself.
With this, perhaps mother-
could feel a bit better?
You murderer.
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delineative · 9 years
(subtly prompting all of zahardverse) yuri/maschenny + the forehead flick
Maschenny's smile is bladelike, a slash of crimson against all that blue, just as it had been the first time they'd met -- she'd slammed lightning into Yuri with the disdainful flick of a wrist to gauge her strength, then watched her convulse on the granite floor -- but they are no longer the same people: she can now see all the places where Maschenny's steps have worn brittle, and Yuri's answering grin is no less sharp.
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delineative · 9 years
enne/maschenny + forehead flick
Even now Enne’s eyes are disturbingly lucid; she shifts onto her knees and instinct snaps Maschenny’s limbs into Enne’s characteristic defensive stance, her movements superimposed over Maschenny’s like a second skin – the third thing Enne ever taught her, leaning over her winded figure, never let your guard down, especially once you think you’ve won – but she’s grown past Enne, she doesn’t need these vestiges of useless sense memory, she’s won.  
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