axolotluv · 4 months
Do Dollas and Spud get along.. ASSUMING THEY BOTH HAVE BOOCKETS... Also I'm gonna laugh like scooby doo REHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEH
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I think Spud! and Dollas would get along well! Dollas would probably ramble a lot about materials after mentioning that their buckets are made of different material
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officeof-crimsonskies · 4 months
(She is slightly weirded out.)
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askblog-of · 4 months
*Sprays Mach with a spray bottle.* ''take a bath you purple grape.''
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ask-regretevator · 5 months
Ahem, Dear Mach... How has your lovely day been? ever since you met Pilby it turns out you look quite fine today. any Issues with the incinerator my dear? just making sure you have a nice little evening off work, and how is traveling through different universes like? is it interesting, I would quite like to know as a lovely curious fellow.
My days been quite fine, thank you for asking. Pilby has definitely done a lot to help me out, they're probably the one thing keeping me sane around here, honestly.
Ah, no issues with the incinerator, it's up and running just fine. As for the universe question, it's definitely interesting to say the least. Not for the faint of heart, or stomach. It's very hard to explain, but it's basically teleporting to put it simply.
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officeof-crimsonskies · 5 months
Mach do you like the song 'Die in a fire'? :]
I keep hearing it everywhere and I enjoyed it. Though it was a complete surprise to me when it turned out to be a song connected to that bear...
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officeof-crimsonskies · 5 months
Mach I burnt the water and exploded the house.
I'm not gonna ask how you managed to blow up an entire house just by boiling water, but you'll have to pay for any damage yourself. Sorry about it.
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ask-regretevator · 5 months
Dunno if it's to late to ask..! Mach can I hug you? your so tall and look perfect for a hug :]
A hug? I don't see why not.
[She initiates the hug first, wrapping her arms around you! She... has to kneel to reach your height, but she doesn't seem to mind.]
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