#kotarou fuuma
blu-moon-art · 4 months
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*reappears from the fog*
*drops a fanart from a dead fandom*
*leaves again*
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nero-draco · 1 year
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Wholesome mother and son bonding.
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cloudy-reverie · 2 years
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“Forget it. I had to kill Father. Would you like that? Since my rite of passage, Mother has not smiled at me even once.”
“There will be no more rites when I become Head of the Fuuma Clan. I will create the era of shinobi again.”
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celiascarlet · 2 years
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kotaro kyun fashion
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300iqprower · 2 years
the las vegas event was like the worst summer event for me? i mean it wasn't that bad (besides the whole jeanne big sister hypnotism bs) but summer hokusai felt so... cringy? like i get she was made 10 years younger or so but she barely listened to anyone and jumped into fights. and the hell was even going on with that "i'm gonna become a fairy" crap?? like anytime she started talking in the event i was just cringing or skipping the scenes. it felt so unnecessary to make her like that, especially compared to her "actual" version – in the event she felt like a 13yo in their weaboo phase, it didn't add any humor whatsoever to the event.
maybe it's just me idk but now that the event is over i just had to get that out
So, story time! Hokusai used to be on my list of "save for" servants after Summer 3 introduced me to her and I adored her everything. Then Summer 4 killed my interest in her completely.
Hokusaber is honest to god one of the worst written characters. Barring the outright offensive characters, she's a contender for the worst written character, and of all the events I've done (everything from the rerun of Mecha Eli onward) she's unquestionably the worst written welfare servant I've seen.
Summer 4 has a lot of fantastic comedic bits. Not ONE of them belongs to Musashi or Hokusai. It also has no substance whatsoever - it's pure comedy akin to a christmas event. That's especially damning after Summer 3 perfected a balance of character depth and comedy.
As for Hokusaber herself, the cringe weaboo stuff is SUPPOSEDLY the joke itself. Well it's not funny. It's just annoying. There's not even an attempt at a joke, it's just her making an ass of herself in a way that screws over everyone and we're meant to just go along with her being a selfish jackass who doesn't care about anyone but themselves and does nothing to grow as a person throughout the entire event, even with the game loudly claiming she's bettering herself. On top of all of that, she bears zero resemblance to Hokusai proper, so as someone who liked that version there's not even the "more accessible version of limited SSR" thing going on with her; it's just a completely different character I hate.
Her valentine is the only good writing she has, and annoyingly it's really. really. really. REALLY good. Like, if she somehow had the entire characterization that she SHOULD have had in her event, instead jammed into a several minute long odyssey of a valentine.
TLDR: No you're right. I've only been around for 2 summer events, soon to be 3, so this doesn't mean much when I only know 3 and 4, but...Summer 4 is, while far from the worst event I've played, the most disappointing event by a very large margin. I hated every second Hokusaber was on screen and only about half of MUSAshi's screentime had any meaning to it. CARmilla and Soakkie unquestionably stole the entire show and without them it would be a complete bomb as far as I'm concerned. It's all a massive downgrade from Summer 3 where not only did every main servant get a ton of characterization, from Ibaraki to Robin to Ushi to MHXX to Jalter, but all the side appearances were amazing and made me love characters I previously hated like BB, Blackbeard, and Medb. Meanwhile Summer 4 has...well, every single moment CARmilla and Soakkie are on screen was gold, that's for sure. But Kotarou and Siegfried were completely sidelined which pisses me the fuck off because I love both of them and was really expecting to get to see two dreadfully wasted characters finally get to shine. Only one of them even got a good costume out of it. The entire Jeanne section was absolutely grating, and fuck the entirety of the Sakura 5 section. The Pharaoh's casino was easily the highlight, even putting CARmilla aside. The Gudagudagang section was probably the comedic highlight but it was the shortest as well. The Camelot bit was great as well, though that's on the presumption we'll get to see Gareth get a REAL confrontation in Lostbelt 6. If that was seriously all we get of that it'll retroactively ruin that bit as well for me.
So even giving the benefit of the doubt, that's like 3/7 of the event I actively disliked. That's over 40%, almost half of the damn event was a miss as far I'm concerned. Compared to the 98% hit, close-as-we'll-get-to-perfect that was Summer 3, Summer 4 is easily my biggest disappointment with an event, and Hokusaber is unquestionably one of my most hated characters in the game outside of her valentine. I would have preferred no Welfare at all if it at least meant all that wasted screentime went to giving Kotarou an actually meaningful role for once. Heck, it could have been some 4 star welfare Summer Oni Kotarou.....
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flipflops007 · 5 months
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thexvthmember · 1 month
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Two Assassins, One Conclusion
Ft. Fuuma Kotarou and Hoshi (Shining Star Hassan)
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typemoonconfessions · 8 months
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derpderpi · 8 months
SHIMOUSA MANGA CHAP 37 ( after 1 year of hiatus 🥲🤘)
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Yep no ritsuka-chan/gudako on shimousa chap 37
It is still cool chapter though 🥹👍
Always in high quality
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oooh, do you have any blessed kotarou merch :0?
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going to make red bean paste out of him...
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nero-draco · 2 years
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cloudy-reverie · 2 years
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nu-omicron-alpha-eta · 8 months
Fate Grand Order Servant Comparisons
Fuuma Kotarou
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Left - FGO
Right -
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lady-byleth · 5 months
Random fandom switch of the day brought me back to Donten ni Warau and I realized just how fucking shitty the situation is the twins are born into and what especially Isuke (I like the names the movie gave them sm) has to live with
The Fuuma are weakened and in hiding, shinobi having grown mostly obsolete since the end of the Sengoku period and since the story plays at the start of the Meiji period there's the whole Edo period between these events so the Fuuma probably aren't doing great in general even without the ceremony whittling their numbers down cuz work is nonexistent for shinobi
So the Fuuma are a dying clan, desperately clinging to life
And into this the twins are born
But as twins they're considered bad luck and Isame is supposed to be killed but their parents refuse and hide Isame away
They probably manage to get by at first cuz the twins either switch places without anyone noticing until they get caught and Isame has to stay in hiding indefinitely or cuz Isame is always kept hidden and never really has any freedom
Isuke grows up watching his brother suffer cooped up in a cave while he and his parents have to pretend he doesn't exist so despite clearly adoring each other they have very little time together
Meanwhile Isame lives completely shut off from the world and watches his brother lead the life he's always wanted too
All they want is to live openly as a family and be useful to the clan
At the same time the people around them have to constantly kill each other off cuz of the ceremony demanding each potential Fuuma between the ages of 4 and 10 kill someone they care about
Then the ceremony comes around for Isuke and he's forced to kill his own father so now his mother can't look at him anymore
As a chosen candidate for next clan chief Isuke vows to change the Fuuma so his brother and mother can live in peace and cuz no one should have to suffer through the ceremony the current chief insists on
Of course it doesn't take long for Isame to be discovered again, he and their mother are captured and sentenced to death
She tries to save her son but is set on fire and falls off a cliff, Isame tries to save her but Isuke cuts off her hand to save his brother...which is when she smiles at him for the first time since he killed his father
So now Isuke has personally ended the lives of both his parents and is still looking at a clan chief who wants him to kill his brother
Then the chief also kills his best friends for talking back
Anyway, he and Isame kill the chief and now they're the chiefs but the Fuuma are still hanging on by a threat, shinobi are still obsolete, the Orochi is still gone, so what do two deeply traumatized teenagers decide to do?
Bring back the age of shinobi
Because, as the series likes to remind us of, shinobi don't know how to be anything but shinobi, they have no other purpose and were never thought to find another purpose for themselves
But in a world where shinobi are needed, necessary or even in charge there is absolutely no need for the ceremony, no need to hide away from the world, no need to watch their own clan fall apart in obscurity
They'd be free
Isuke, as the driving force in his and Isame's duo, comes up with a plan that will restore everything for the Fuuma and Isame of course happily goes along with it
Except Isuke inserts himself into the Kumo clan and spends 10 years living the way he's always wanted to, with a family that he can openly dote on and he begins to waver
Isame meanwhile has to once again watch his brother live a life he can't be part of
The 4-koma about them really shows he's just a needy little brother who wants Isuke's attention
Isuke gives up everything with the Kumo brothers because his biggest desire is still to give his brother and clan a good life but instead of getting that the Kumo destroy not only his plans but also the very reason the clan exists in the first place and the one thing Isuke had to actually make his dream come true
The Orochi
And to avoid that from happening Isame sacrifices himself
So now Isuke has killed his parents to survive and keep his brother alive, given up on the peaceful life he always wanted for his brother, made himself into the villain and cut all ties for his brother only for his brother to die
And he can't go back to the Kumo either cuz if he leaves the Fuuma to fend for themselves...they, without guidance, will die out for real and everything he's done would be completely in vain
Isame's sacrifice would be in vain
Everything he's ever done since the ceremony, where he was at most 10 years old, would have been completely pointless the second he goes back to the one place he was ever even a little bit happy in
The twins, especially Isuke, were born into a time and place where everything was falling apart around them, a time and place they could not be happy in and had no way out of because thinking as anything other than shinobi was not something they were ever taught, and in trying to fix things they lost what precious little they had instead
In his own words, Kinjou Shirasu is dead and Fuuma Isuke will never smile again
And this is why the twins make me cry every fucking time
The End
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thexvthmember · 2 months
Colored this silly old sketch I had laying around in my wips
Enjoy lol
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