#kotxx you are very strange.
eorzeashan · 11 months
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how it feels to be forced into being Commander when your PC isn't a leader
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borealtwilight · 1 year
Ashala, what little things does Malavai do to make you smile? What are the little things you do to make him smile?
(post-Baras, pre-SoR/KOTXX Ashala)
“I couldn’t say if I really noticed the things he did that made me smile.” She glances down where her hands are clasped in her lap, shrugs. “Not at first. Over time— I realized it was the way he looked first thing in the morning. A... strange notion, you would think, but it was such a far cry to the Malavai that most others saw. It wasn’t just the way he looked — dark hair falling across his face, eyes showing various stages of sleepiness, the way he spoke, voice rough with sleep..."
A pause, as she recollects herself, having apparently gotten off track.
“It’s all very human. Very raw, natural. And when he noticed me smiling at him when he was like that, despite myself... Well, he began to linger in bed. Not rushing off to get up for the day, to become the perfect Imperial officer. I gradually came to realize that he was doing it deliberately, and I just... It’s something I’ve come to love about him, really.”
There’s another pause, then, something like a frown upon her face.
“As for things I’ve done on purpose to make him smile...” Another shrug. “I don’t think I could say. It can be hard to tell, sometimes. I know he’s— he’s very enamoured with me. He smiles more readily at me, than I him. I’m too used to smirking or not smiling at all, I suppose.” She huffs what might be a laugh, faint and tinged with something like regret. “I’d like to say I know I’ve done things — that I do things — to make him smile on purpose, but... I mean, perhaps... I think I’ve noticed him smiling at me when I’m victorious on the battlefield against a particularly skilled adversary. Just this— this small, private, barely there thing. One you can see more in his eyes, because he doesn’t want anyone to notice...”
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sullustangin · 3 years
Fictober Master Post
I completed Fictober21!  I did all the prompts, and I did them on time.  That was my goal.  Here’s the rundown and links to everything I did.  Feel free to interact either on the AO3 chapters or the individual Tumblr posts, whichever floats your boat.
SullustanGin’s Fictober2021 Collection on AO3  contains the following:
1.  “I need you”  -- Corso and Risha, post-Eternal Fleet
2.  “You have no proof”/Flufftober Prompt: Sneaking out -- Theron/Eva, with Lana, sometime during KOtXX
3.  “I’ve waited for this” -- Tim Drake, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, and Bruce Wayne; DCAU
4.  “Fine, I give Up”/Flufftober Prompt: Fireworks -- Theron/Eva, minor mention of terrorism
5.  “I’m not saying I told you so”  -- Eva and Risha, early days of the search for Nok Drayen’s treasure
6.  “Didn’t we already have this conversation?” -- Hugh/Dot with Phryne and Jack, MFMM, sometime after Season 2
7.  "That could have gone better” -- Theron/Eva, with Satele Shan and kid!Shan, 37 ATC
8.  “This is it, isn’t it” -- Phryne/Jack, sometime after Season 3
9.  “There is no right side to this.”  Eva, Risha, Corso, Bowdaar; before Smuggler Story Chapter 2
10.  “It’s so quiet”/Flufftober Prompt: Pillow Talk -- Theron/Eva, a very mild M, 25 ATC (takes place 3 months after Nathema)
11. "I swear, it’s not always like this” -- Dot, Phryne, and the entire Williams family plus one pig; early days of Dot working for Phryne
12.  “You keep me safe” -- Theron/Eva, with Bowdaar and Miot the Sullustan, between Chapters 9 and 10 of KOFTE (Star Fortresses)
13. "The things you make me do” -- Carth Onasi, with F!Revan, Mission, Zaalbar, Canderous, and Bastila, on Tatooine (first planet after Dantooine)
14.  “Your information was wrong” -- Darmas Pollaran and Keeper, in between Smuggler Chapters 1 and 2.  This can occur at the same time as #9.
15.  “I like that in you” -- Theron, Marcus Trant, and Jonas Balkar, 10 ATC (after Lost Suns)
16.  “Not this again” -- Theron/Eva, through the years: 15 ATC, 21 ATC, 25 ATC, 29 ATC; vague reference to PTSD
17.  “I’m with you, you know that.” Theron/Eva, with Vette, Koth, Jakarro, and C2-D4, 29 ATC (takes place before #16) -- Mention of healthy pregnancy
18. “This was not part of the plan” -- Lana and Koth, after retrieving the Outlander, 21 ATC.  Not a happy fic.
19.  “I feel strange” -- Theron/Eva, sometime during KOtXX; references to drug use and sensuality
20. “That’s what I’m known for” -- Lana with Theron and Eva, anytime post-Rishi; silly fic
21. “What did I say?”  -- Phryne/Jack, sometime after #6
22.  “No Promises” -- Carth and Dustil, post KOTOR, implication of Carth/F!Revan
23. “This time, do what I say” -- Arcann, Koth, Lana, with cameo by Senya, sometime after KotET
24.  “Is this supposed to impress me?” -- Bruce/Diana, with Lex Luthor DCAU
25.  “Do you know what time it is?”  -- Theron/Eva and Lana, post #19
26. “I’m sure this has never worked, ever” -- Kid!Shans, with Theron/Eva, 44 ATC
27.  “You could have died!”/Flufftober: "I’m cold”; “Here, have my jacket”   -- Theron/Eva, with the smuggler crew, 3 months post #10, just before Ossus
28.  “I don’t have to explain myself” -- Jace Malcom, same time as #10, thoughts of Theron/Eva and Satele. Mention of Theron’s stupid haircuts.
29.  “Why are we whispering?”  Bruce and Diana and Clark
30. “Don’t ruin this” -- Carth/F!Revan, with Canderous; just before Leviathan
31.  “Take me with you” -- SWTOR/KOTOR crossover with Theron/Eva and Carth/f!Revan and Dr. Oggurobb.  Basically, my headcanon explanation for why my Revan isn’t Keanu Reeves.
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