#kouyuu li
shoujoseii · 1 year
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maomao9jinshi · 6 months
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Just a couple being cute on their date
Saiunkoku Monogatari
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minsarasarahair · 11 months
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Kou Reishin & Ko Houjo (Kijin) > Head of Civil Affairs & Finance Department + their assistants
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xinyuehui · 1 year
Was anybody gonna tell me Tian Jiarui is acting as Li Jiangyou (Li Kouyuu) or was I supposed to randomly find out 😭
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caladhel-iarian · 5 years
Introduction: Dhel, Vocalist for Dysphoria
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full name.  Caladhel Ia’rian.
pronunciation.  CULL-uh-DELL. YAH-ree-ON.
This is both his stage name and a family nickname.
This is a family nickname only. His grandmothers, his parents, and his siblings typically call him this.
Professor [Ia’rian].
His more ambitious students and his colleagues address him by this title.
Master [Caladhel].
It may seem trite, but Dhel has his reasons for enjoying this title beyond, “I’m a big, bad Dom, now get on your knees.” 
His students call him this behind his back. Unfortunately for them, while his vision may not be great, he has excellent hearing.
The Ice Prince
Would-be wives and ex-girlfriends call him this, usually with wistful sighs and a glint in their eyes that says they want to be the one to melt that ice.
Thanks, Ji.
An obscure pronunciation of Dhel, you probably shouldn’t call him this if you like yourself the shape you currently are.
A lot of people seem to want to call him this, but if you enjoy his company and want to continue to enjoy it, I can’t recommend this. Dhel hates this and likely any woman who tries to address him this way. Use this term in bed and he’ll probably toss you straight out the window without bothering to open it first. Did I mention he lives in the penthouse on the top floor?
Various other silly endearments his brothers come up with on the fly.
Usually some form of alliteration.
height.  8′. He’s a big boy.
age.  305. Roughly equivalent to a human in his mid-to-late 30′s.
zodiac. Scorpio, with many of the negative traits said to come with the sign.
languages. If it’s a language, he probably has some passing familiarity with it, at least enough to ask for directions. He has native-speaker-fluency in Thalassian, Darnassian (ancient and modern), Shalassian, and Common. 
hair colour. Thick, silky, and blacker than a crow’s wing with azure highlights in the sun. Mostly straight, though the jagged ends often sweep out in all directions. He has two long strands that drape over his shoulders and touch his abs, shaggy bangs, and the rest is a choppy mess.
eye colour.  Beneath the lime green glow, his irises are a rich chocolate brown with gold flecks. They resemble a deeper, darker tiger’s eye held up to light.
skin tone.  Olive with gold undertones.
body type.  Enormous, broad-shouldered, and covered in lean, ropy muscle, Dhel has the athletic build of a man who could outswim a shark on cocaine. 
accent.  Shalassian. He sounds like a cross between someone who speaks a Slavic tongue and an eastern Asian tongue.
dominant hand.  Ambidextrous, but he’s a southpaw naturally.
posture. Tall. Stately. Proud. Self-assured. Dhel walks like a man who knows exactly where he belongs in this world: in charge of it.
Thick, knotty scars cover his ankles, his heels, and his soles. They appear to be the results of clumsy hands wielding serrated knives.
The rest of his body bears the typical scars earned through childhood adventure:
A long, thin scar runs up the back of his left calf as a result of a tree-climbing accident.
His knuckles bear the marks from a stupid game of “does it hurt?” he played with his brothers and other students. The game involves rubbing a pencil eraser over the knuckles until the victim either cries uncle or bleeds.
A thin scar spans the length of his left palm. Made by Bren’s treasured pocket knife, it’s the reminder of a blood pact he made with his brothers as children.
Left arm:
Family crest on the inside of his forearm. It’s a massive wisteria tree on a hill with the sun rising behind it.
Infinity symbol curling around his wrist. It looks like a musical staff with several notes.
A trio of fox kits chase a red butterfly down the outside of his forearm.
Musical staff around his bicep. The staff contains notation and a few lyrics written in ancient Darnassian.
Canary, I want to break your wings but if I do, will you ever sing again? Canary, here is all I can give you. You can have everything as long as you promise to stay in my gilded cage...
Oh, sweet Alice, who do you love? How many suitors do I have to get rid of?
Right arm:
Azure cloud serpent Ouroboros on the outside of his forearm.
Slumping marionette with severed strings on the outside of his bicep.
Fleur de lis on the inside of his wrist.
A Punch ‘n Judy stage with the titular characters on the inside of his bicep.
Words from his favourite poem on the inside of his forearm.
The poem reads:
If I freed you now, to whom next would you fly? I’d rather watch you wither under these hands than see you tamed by a snake who can only slither in the dirt, belly-down and ambitions no higher than his eye level. I’d decapitate every liar who approached you with sweet words. I’m not better than a devil who slept so long without you that my bed forgot your shape and my trembling fingers nurture the weeds that grew in the home I made for you where your sunshine still lingers.
Full body:
From his jawline to his toes, he is covered in runic tattoos that are only visible when he uses magic. They glow a vivid violet during his spellcasting and should you catch a glimpse of them, the runes come from a language thought long dead. 
most noticeable features.
An expression that says he wakes every morning to find someone has pissed in his shoes.
A lower lip piercing that he usually only wears onstage and for photo shoots.
His height. The man is enormous.
Glasses. If he’s not wearing contacts, he’s wearing his glasses. Otherwise, he can’t see his hand in front of his face.
A glacial glare, harder than diamonds and sharper than the edge of an obsidian blade.
Tattoos. Many, many tattoos.
His cheeks dimple when he smiles and his smile is crooked; the left side of his mouth pulls up higher.
Dhel is a chainsmoker. You’ll rarely see him without a cigarette and a cloud of purple smoke hanging around him.
The air around him is a good 3-5 degrees colder than the rest of his surroundings and if you touch his skin, you’ll find it cool as a cucumber. When he’s angry, the temperature drops even further and he’s been known to sprout ice crystals.
place of birth.  Sunset Palace on Skyfire Isle. The palace sits at the end of Morning Glory Lane in the eastern part of the capital city, Berl’din Mor. Skyfire Isle is a massive island about fifty leagues to the northeast of Quel’danas.
hometown.  Berl’din Mor, Skyfire Isle.
birth weight / height. 8 lbs. 23 inches.
manner of birth. He was the second of the triplets born to first-time parents, Taenaran and Sumire Ia’rian. His brother, Calaglin, preceded him by two minutes and his other brother, Calabren, followed Caladhel two minutes later. Sumire gave birth to her first three children in the royal family’s wing of the palace with her mother (Mienari Ker’anith) and her mother-in-law (Tekkele Ia’rian) attending her alongside the midwives.
first words.  “Mm-mh.” (He couldn’t quite say “no” yet, so this was a suitable substitute for him.) “Ann’da.”
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Dhel with his tired baby brothers, Yenchul (red shirt) and Tevryn (blue shirt).
Calaglin Ia’rian 
Elder twin brother by two minutes.
305 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in his mid-to-late 30′s.
Calabren Ia’rian
Younger twin brother by two minutes.
305 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in his mid-to-late 30′s.
Ylinderwyn Ia’rian
Eldest sister.
218 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in her mid 20′s.
Kethian Ia’rian
149 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in her early 20′s.
Istaunna Ia’rian
84 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 14 year old human.
Kouwin Ia’rian 
Brother and older twin of Kouyuu by five minutes.
68 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 9/10 year old human.
Kouyuu Ia’rian 
Brother and younger twin of Kouwin by five minutes.
68 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 9/10 year old human.
Yenchul Ia’rian
Brother and adopted twin of Tevryn.
25 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 6 year old human.
Tevryn Ia’rian
Adopted brother and twin of Yenchul.
25 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 6 year old human.
Phirayaela Ia’rian
3 years.
Taenaran Ia’rian
Current monarch of Skyfire Isle.
Elder twin brother of Taenorin Ia’rian (deceased).
722 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in his 40′s.
Sumire Ia’rian nee Ker’anith
Current empress of Skyfire Isle.
621 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in her late 30′s to mid-40′s.
parental involvement. High. His parents love their children and, despite having governesses and tutors to aid in watching their large brood, both Taenaran and Sumire made it a point to spend as much time with their kids as they could. The entire family is close-knit and protective of one another, and they always spend the holidays together. Not to mention, each of the older children has a comm device and the family keeps in regular contact.
Vocalist, lyricist, and pianist for Dysphoria.
Crown prince and heir apparent.
Adjunct professor at both the Sunfury Spire (Silvermoon) and the Violet Academy (Dalaran).
He teaches:
World Mythology (fall term).
Ancient Runes (fall term).
Advanced Evocation (spring term).
General education (both terms).
He only teaches general education to students 12 and younger.
On occasion, he also teaches ballroom dancing as an afterschool club elective.
close friends. Dhel is a private, moody man and if you aren’t part of his family, he’s more likely to shove you an arm’s length away than welcome you into his embrace--and he has a wingspan greater than seven feet. But he does have a few people who have managed to get reasonably close to him. They include:
Lin @calaglin-iarian
Bren @calabren-iarian
Eldya @eldya
Ji @puppet-master-jihye
Kearhyn @kearhyn
and Amorette, @amorette-frostsong
Reikandalin Ia’non (who doesn’t have a Tumblr)
Ishikilan Phyr’yl (who also doesn’t have a Tumblr).
He needs more friends. 
relationship status. Although he’ll tell you he’s married to his work, Dhel isn’t actually committed and doesn’t even seem to be dating anyone. But honestly, with his acid tongue and icy nature, that probably isn’t surprising. At this point, I’m not sure anyone could put up with him long enough to actually want to start a romantic relationship. When it comes to warming up to people, he moves slower than a glacier. A romance with Dhel takes time and effort, but in return, you’ll get a devoted elf who will move the universe for you.
financial status. Wealthy. Although a teacher’s salary won’t usually afford you a lavish life, Dhel is a prince from two long lines of royalty and noble blood... which means he has plenty of access to the family coffers. He also offers private tutoring for promising students and fronts a popular rock band during the summer and winter semesters.
driver’s license. I don’t think Azeroth really requires a driver’s license, but if it did--or if he were transplanted to modern day Earth--he would certainly make it a point to get his license. And probably be heavily invested in car mechanics.
criminal record.
Dhel has never been suspected of, charged, nor convicted for any crimes; his record is cleaner than a fresh sheet. But he is certainly guilty of several less-than-savoury activities, including (but not limited to):
Illegal drug use.
Blackmail and bribery.
Human trafficking and false imprisonment.
Use (and abuse) of fel magic.
Grand larceny and looting.
Assault and battery.
He is a careful planner who takes precautions to hide his tracks. Royalty can be dethroned.
With more vices than the sky has stars, I’ll provide a few of his more prominent vices and a link to a complete list of his personality problems for those interested in seeing it.
Addiction (painkillers and cigarettes).
Full list of Dhel’s vices can be found here.
sexual orientation.  Heteroflexible, sapiosexual, and demisexual. If you want Dhel’s attention, bring a strong personality and a brain. You can have the prettiest face and most perfect body in the world, but if you don’t have anything more than cotton candy or air inside your skull, Dhel will not be interested. romantic orientation.  Once again, heteroflexible, sapiosexual, and demisexual. Want to romance him or encourage him to romance you? Banter with him. Few things draw his attention more readily than a person who can keep up with him and go verbal blow for blow. His idea of flirting is bickering to test the waters.
preferred emotional role.  Dominant. Wholly dominant. Follow his lead or he will make you follow his lead.
preferred sexual role.  Dominant. Dhel typically has zero percent interest in allowing others to orchestrate any part of his life and that definitely includes the bedroom.
libido.  High, though he’s picky and doesn’t always indulge his baser wants. 
turn on’s. Intelligence. Guts. Strong personalities. Smart mouths. Dark, dry humour. Curiosity and willingness to learn. Talented people with a passion for their craft. Brats that must be broken. Creativity. Stubborn submissiveness. Adventure. Dominating others. Complete control. BDSM. His favourite riding crop. Poetry. Class (elegance). Loyalty. Obsession. Brunettes. Curves. People who can respect his solitude. Power play. Tears.
turn off’s.  Willful ignorance. People who waste his time. Wishy-washy people. Conceit. People who display evidence of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Stupidity. Listlessness, laziness. Nosiness. People with pudding spines. Infidelity. Women who try to dirty talk during sex--they inevitably say something that kills his mood. Blondes. Skin and bones. Those who haven’t figured themselves out enough to be consistent personalities. Being touched. Loss of control.
love language.  Acts of service. Gifts. Quality time.
relationship tendencies.  While he won’t hesitate to make his move for a one-night stand, Dhel is extremely picky when it comes to relationships. When he manages to land himself in a romance, he tends to think of his partner the same way a spoiled kid thinks of his favourite toy during show and tell--he wants to keep it to himself, wants to hide it away so no one else can play with it or break it. For his brothers and his family, he is wholly generous and willing to go out of his way to please them... but with a romantic partner, he looks for someone who will martyr themselves for him the same way he feels he plays the martyr for his loved ones. He seeks out those who like pain, those who have abandonment or connection issues so he can wind them around his finger and force them to be completely reliant on him. It’s another form of having control and Dhel is one bajillion percent a control freak.
And if you don’t have those issues? 
You will.
hobbies to pass the time.
Snowboarding and ice skating. He loves winter sports. 
Polar bearing with his brothers, much to their mother’s concern.
Tinkering with engineering. He likes building clockwork golems and toys, and his little siblings’ rooms are full of his experiments; the music boxes and robotic dinosaurs sit on the shelves alongside the dolls Bren creates.
Ice sculpting. His mother has a private garden dedicated to all the sculptures he’s made over the years.
Collecting books. The man could rent out his houses as libraries and if he’s traveling, you can bet he’s probably stopping in every bookstore he comes across.
Reading everything he can get his hands on. Doesn’t matter what it is, he’ll read it. You can never have too much knowledge.
Traveling and urban exploration. Dhel enjoys the strange peace he finds in the ruins of past civilizations.
Baiting people with biting banter. It’s how he vets them and uncovers those he deems worthy of his time.
Tea ceremony. Tea is his drink of choice and, as with anything he enjoys, he takes great care to learn everything he can about it. He is certified to teach the tea ceremony and has given demonstrations as an afterschool activity for those students who are interested.
Playing piano. As a child, he and his brothers were encouraged to study everything, including the arts. The triplets were allowed to choose their instruments and Dhel chose piano. He certainly has the fingers for it.
Making paper lanterns and origami. Folding the paper in such careful lines gives him a measure of peace and control; crafting soothes him in much the same way teaching does. 
Astronomy. He’s insanely curious about the stars and the worlds that lie beyond his own. One of his goals involves visiting foreign planets, especially when he visits the Consortium and hears their tales of strange places light-years away.
Hide-and-seek. As a kid, he was the hide-and-seek champion and he still enjoys playing with his younger siblings, his nieces, nephews, and small cousins.
mental illnesses.
Clinical depression.
PTSD. Thanks, Dalaran.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder. His OCD manifests in:
Unwanted acts of aggression (the urge to harm people)
The need for exactness or being as close to correct as possible.
Excessive cleanliness. Everything must be clean.
Hoarding objects gifted to him by loved ones (with the idea that if he can hold onto these things, he can hold onto the people).
Checking, double- and quintuple-checking his private possessions to ensure no one has touched or even seen them.
He gets turned on by making his partners cry.
Impostor Syndrome.
Paranoid Personality Disorder.
physical illnesses.  While these aren’t exactly illnesses, they do cause him great physical stress. Dhel’s runic tattoos are actually a terrible curse etched into his skin and any time he channels magic of any variety, his body suffers excruciating agony of the sort that makes a person pray for death. When the weather is bad, his ankles cause him tremendous pain and he becomes even grouchier than usual while he struggles to keep himself from limping in front of other people.
left or right brained.  A pretty even mixture of both. He’s coldly logical but capable of great creativity and emotion.
Losing any members of his family or his few friends.
Never being good enough for anyone or anything.
Invasive thoughts and existential crises.
Watching his brothers crumble under the weight of their own issues and being powerless to do anything to help them.
Failing his people as a leader.
Unrequited love. He watched it come far too close to destroying Lin.
self confidence level.  Dhel comes across as perfectly at home in his own skin and, for the most part, he is. It’s the stuff behind the attractive curtains he worries people will see, but he keeps those curtains glued together.
vulnerabilities.  Thanks to his curse, he isn’t able to sustain extended spellcasting. If you can exhaust him magically, then he’ll be forced to fight you physically. His ankles and feet are a weak spot. His family, though he takes great pains to ensure their safety behind the scenes because he’s a suspicious asshole.
Tagged by: @loveherdekay and @snowfallen-nymph (Thank you both for the tag; I really appreciate it!) 
Tagging: @kolabooc @sanasunbringer @amorette-frostsong @eldya @dae-shadowvale @latildarommel @veleanthe @valishoneybee @nymm-wildseeker @sanguinesorceress @susan-gampre @duraxxor @silvertonguedaggermaw and anyone else who wants to do this thing. If you do it, please tag me in it so I’ll be sure to see it.
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theresa-draws · 6 years
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day 8 - Ran Shuuei, day 9 - Li Kouyuu
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undinefin · 6 years
miss mellen name all ur sons DO IT NOW- nom
hi ive been saving this for a while this will literally take me forever okay im making this organized. sons will remain male and those who identify as male. i have daughters and children as well, we will nOT go into that today
you asked for this.
bold = the ones that i LOVE (to save you from reading everything if you do you get a gold star
anime (last name first even if its uncomfortable):kashiwagi sora, kamiya tazuki, otonashi yuzuru, yadomi jinta, akabane karma, shiota nagisa, chiba ryuunosuke, horibe itona, isogai yuuma, karasuma tadaomi, maehara hiroto, asano gakushuu (i guess), A106, midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki, iida tenya, todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, kirishima eijirou, kouda kouji, ojiro mashirao, sero hanta, tokoyami fumikage, yamada hizashi (mic), aizawa shouta, testsutetsu tetsutetsu, monoma neito, amajiki tamaki, togata mirio, shinsou hitoshi, hawks, wash (HES A WASHING MACHINE), sir nighteye, dabi, dazai osamu, nakajima atsushi, nakahara chuuya, edogawa ranpo, akutagawa ryuunosuke, kunikida doppo, miyazawa kenji, tanizaki junichirou, oda sakunosuke, fyodor dostovetsky, edgar allan poe, togashi yuuta, decim, clavis, ginti, kida masaomi, kishitani shinra, heiwajima shizuo, dragneel natsu, fullbuster gray, happy, fernandes jellal, redfox gajeel, conbolt romeo, eucliffe sting, cheney rogue, doranbolt, erik, midnight/macbeth, tachibana makoto, nanase haruka, matsuoka rin, hazuki nagisa, ryuugazaki rei, yamazaki sousuke, shigino kisumi, souma kyou, souma yuki, souma hatsuharu, souma hiro, kira takuto, rio izumi, sousuke (ponyo), all male named haikyuu!! characters, raven, maou sadao, ashiya shirou, urushihara hanzou, howl, usui takumi, kanou soutarou, yukimura shouichirou, tachibana taki, ishida shouya, shimada kazuki, phantomgive ciel, stucliff grelll, finnian, kanbara akihito, nase hiroomi, reigen arataka, kageyama shigeo (mob), hanazawa teruki, kihara tsumugu, isaki kaname, juugo, nico, uno, rock, sugoroku hajime, gokuu samon, natsume takashi, tanuma kaname, natori shuuichi, sora (ngnl), nezumi, shion, yato, yukine, kazuma, ebisu, genos, onsou no sonic, suou tamaki, hitachiin hikaru, hitachiin kaoru, morinozuka takashi, haninozuka mitsukuni, ootori kyouya, nekozawa umehito, hyakuya mikaela, hyakuya yuuichirou, saotome yoichi, hiiragi shinya, bathory ferid, natsuki subaru, haku, watari ryouta, arima kousei, yukihira souma, isshiki satoshi, hayama akira, aldini takumi, ryou kurokiba, ibusaki shun, arlert armin, death the kid, evans soul, black star, stein franken, cecil guy, ooji mochizou, tanaka, oota, pazu, yoshida haru, takasu ryuuji, katsuki yuuri, plisetsky yuri, chulanont phichit, altin otabek, ji guang-hong, lee seung-gil, inuyasha, shippo, miroku, sesshoumaru, kisaragi shintarou, kano shuuya, kokonose haruka, seto kousuke, son hak, shin-ah, jae-ha, ki-ja, yun, zeno, okumura rin, okumuro yukio, kuro (does he count), shima renzou, suguro ryuuji, yagami light, lawliet L, ryuk, elric edward, elric alphonse, mustang roy, yao ling, envy, zoldyck killua, kurapika, freecss gon, paladiknight leorio, kaneki ken, suzuya juuzou, uta, nifuji hirotaka, kabakura tarou, nifuji naoya, miyamura izumi, ishikawa tooru, iura shuu, yanagi akane, nekota, ichijou raku, maiko shuu, shi ryuuki, kou houju, kou reishin, li kouyuu, rou ensei, to eigetsu
books:ronald weasley, charlie weasely, harry potter, neville longbottom, draco malfoy, cedric diggory, scorpius malfoy, newt scamander (shhh im not doing a movie section), percy jackson, leo valdez, nico di angelo, simon snow, tyrannus basilton grimm-pitch (baz), levi stewart, magnus damora, felix gaebras, kaz brekker, jesper fahey, wylan van-eck, will herondale, james carstairs, oba yozo, the little brother in shatter me that deserves more, rudy steiner, max vandenburg 
kpop (i stan everyone equally so no bolds ;-; ):donghun/lee donghun, jun/park junhee, wow/kim sehyoon, kim byeongkwan, chan/kang yuchan, s.coups/choi sung cheol, jeonghan/yoon jung han, joshua/joshua hong, jun/wen junhui, hoshi/kwon soonyoung, wonwoo/jeon wonwoo, woozi/lee jihoon, dk/lee seokmin, mingyu/kim mingyu, the8/xu minhao, seungkwan/boo seung kwan, vernon/hansol vernon chwe, dino/lee chan, sungin/park sung jin, jae/park jae hyung, young K/kang young hyun, wonpil/kim won pil, dowoon/yoo do woon, woosung/kim woosung, dojoon/park dojoon, hajoon/lee hajoon, jaehyeong/lee jaehyeong
and the last pillar of my existance.....
utaite (no bolds):risru, houkagou no aitsu, maruguri, ityouyaku, noristry, banayuu, azusa yuu, stungun, wolpis, syun, kidi, kanseru, tsukasashi, shakemii, kogeinu, silvana, meychan, 3bu, rim, yukimi, again, utau onii-san, colon, shintaro, izu, ivu, senra, shima, aho no sakata, uratanuki, invaderT, clear, bee, pusu, s!n (ww), natsushiro takaashi, isubokuro, sou, rib, eve, amatsuki, shounenT, luz, itou kashitarou, kain, shoose, panaman, kradness, araki, nqrse, un:c, soraru, mafumafu
im sorry for any spelling mistakes and if ive forgotten anyone at this rate i probably have. i cant believe i spent 1.5 hours on this why do i take thing seriously
(how is it that ur off tumblr but still looks at my blog enough to ask me shit like this ily best mom)
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minsarasarahair · 11 months
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Kouyuu: It will be all for naught if I can't lick our majesty of his inconvenient blabbering! *angry* Ryuuki: I think I'd enjoy it if you licked me... Kouyuu: *confused* ???
Is this supposed to be one of Ryuuki's dirty jokes? My favorite thing in re-reading Saiunkoku manga or re-watching the anime is finally noticing the sexual innuendo in their dialogue because I'm older now lol Ryuuki and Shuuei have so many of it I swear. Kouyuu is dense so most of the time he don't get it. I think Kouyuu can be consider as AroAce too. Yeah, he got married as a duty but this man is not really interested in romance.
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gusty-stuff · 10 years
Random thoughts of the day: Saiunkoku Monogatari and the reverse harem.
I find it frustrating when Saiunkoku Monogatari is categorised as a reverse harem story.  For me, reverse harem series tend to feature a male cast who revolve around the female lead.  Much of their motivation, time, and thoughts are at least heavily influenced by the female lead.  Saiunkoku is the story of an intelligent young woman who enters into a political field that has traditionally dominated by men.  As a result, many (but far from all) of the friendships and relationships she strikes up are with male characters.   In a reverse harem, most of the relationships have some sort of romantic feel attached to them, no matter how fleeting or one sided.  Shuurei’s relationships in Saiunkoku are complex and varied.  There are friendships, mentor relationships, authoritarian relationships, the occasional romantic relationship, sibling relationships, parental relationships.  Each character has development and storylines independent of Shuurei, and often the person who helps them through the difficult times is someone else entirely. 
  These aren’t characters who can have all their problems solved in one episode.  They’re not characters who can be loved by one person and magically be fixed as a result.  Hell, look at Kouyuu. 
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  Aw.  Chibi!Kouyuu is still one of my favourite things ever. 
  He’s surrounded by people who adore him.  Reishin.  Shuuei.  Youshuu. Yuri.  The Kou family.  Shuurei and Ryuuki.   And yet, he’s so screwed up that it takes him 13 volumes to start moving on.  Shuurei plays a role in this, but it is the people who have known him the longest who play the most important role in his recovery.  In the end, the people around Kouyuu (as well as Kouyuu himself) end up having to pay quite dearly for Kouyuu to reach this point.  In a harem series, this would have been solved just by showing Kouyuu how much everyone cares.
And.  Guh.  I could just talk for thousands of words about Kouyuu.  I still hold out hope that we'll get a third season, because it's criminal that we never got Kouyuu's story in the anime.  I'm sure I had a point here, but I have now been distracted by All Things Kouyuu.
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caladhel-iarian · 5 years
Talking to Dhel is like going to dinner at Dick’s Last Resort
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General Information—— —
FULL NAME:  Caladhel Ia’rian.
The Ice Prince.
Daddy. This is an excellent way to ensure he never talks to you again. Use with caution. And by caution, probably don’t ever call him this if you like his company.
Various other silly, syrupy endearments his brothers come up with on the fly.
Crown Prince Caladhel.
Master Caladhel.
Professor Ia’rian.
AGE:  305. Roughly the equivalent of a human in his mid-to-late 30′s.
BIRTHDAY:  October 29.
RACE:  Highborne. Yes, he has distinctly Sin’dorei colouring. But take a look at his ears, his height, his build, his face--he is not Sin’dorei. 
GENDER:  Male.
Married to his work.
(He’s single. Good luck changing his mind.)
Physical Appearance—— —
Thick, black as pitch, and silky. Mostly straight, though the jagged ends tend to swoop in all directions. He has two long strands that drape over his shoulders and touch his abs, long bangs (often swept to one side in a ponytail), and the rest is a choppy mess.
The irises are a rich chocolate brown with gold flecks. If they didn’t glow lime green, they’d resemble a deeper, darker tiger’s eye stone held up to the sunlight.
His eyes are narrow and almond-shaped, and they slant up at the outer corners. They’re also rimmed in black lashes thick enough and long enough to make many women envious.
HEIGHT:  8′ even. He’s a big boy.
Many students express surprise when first confronted by this professor. They expect withered, hunched old men with beards longer than table runners, or frail, fragile dolls who would shatter in a stiff breeze. Instead, they get an enormous, broad-shouldered elf who looks like he could probably swim the entire Great Ocean without getting winded.
While he’ll never resemble a walking refrigerator, if you catch him naked, you’ll find plenty of lean, defined muscle. Dhel has a swimmer’s build.
A lip piercing that he doesn’t always wear.
Glasses. If he’s not wearing contacts, he’s wearing his glasses. Otherwise, he can’t see his hand in front of his face.
Tattoos. Many, many tattoos.
Knotty scars around his ankles, his heels, and his soles.
He has a birthmark on the tip of his right big toe; it resembles a bird with wings spread.
Both cheeks dimple when he smiles.
His smile is crooked; the left side of his mouth pulls up higher.
You’ll rarely see him without a cigarette and a cloud of purple smoke hanging around.
TATTOOS:  Left arm:
Family crest on the inside of his forearm (a massive tree on a hill with the sun rising behind it).
Infinity symbol curling around his wrist. It looks like a musical staff.
Musical staff around his bicep. The staff contains notation and a few lyrics.
A trio of fox kits chase a red butterfly down the outside of his forearm.
Right arm:
Azure cloud serpent Ouroboros on the outside of his forearm.
Marionette with cut strings on the outside of his bicep.
Words from his favourite poem on the inside of his forearm.
Fleur de lis on the inside of his wrist.
A Punch ‘n Judy stage with the titular characters on the inside of his bicep.
From his neck down, he is covered in runic tattoos that are only visible when he uses magic. They glow a vivid violet during his spellcasting. 
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PIERCINGS:  A lower lip piercing. He doesn’t always wear it.
Pen and paper.
A mithril ring on a simple silver chain around his neck. The ring is shaped like an ivy vine set with emerald leaves and tiny moonstone flowers.
A string of jade prayer beads wrapped around his wrist like a bracelet.
A briefcase and/or messenger bag filled with folders. The folders contain assignments he needs to grade and outlines for future assignments he can give his students.
Personal Information—— —
Crown Prince and Heir Apparent.
Vocalist, pianist, and lyricist for the rock band, Dysphoria.
Adjunct professor for the Sunfury Spire (Silvermoon) and the Violet Academy (Dalaran). 
He teaches World Mythology, Ancient Runes, and Advanced Evocation for the older students during the fall term, and general education for the kiddies during spring and fall terms. 
On occasion, he also teaches ballroom dancing as an afterschool elective.
Collecting books.
Reading everything he can get his hands on.
Writing poetry and short stories he never publishes.
Ice sculpting.
Working on the book he does plan to publish.
Traveling and urban exploration.
Baiting people with harsh banter.
Tutoring kids.
Tea ceremony (both teaching and indulging in).
Making paper lanterns.
Solitary walks.
Playing piano.
Pointing out all your faults.
Natural inclination for frost magic.
Playing piano.
Undefeated champion of hide and seek.
Making people upset.
Making people cry.
Born to teach.
Being an asshole. He’s real good at it.
Likes to think he’s great with words.
Despite how acerbic he is around adults, he’s fantastic with kids. 
Observant. Probably too observant.
Analytical to the point of paranoia.
Pointing out your flaws.
Making a damn good cup of tea.
He’s a walking, insulting bag of dicks, but he’s surprisingly good at picking out gifts for people.
Getting pissed off faster than you can blink.
Fashion. The man’s a snappy dresser. Just as snappy as his mouth.
Darnassian (ancient and modern).
He owns a penthouse apartment in Silvermoon. It’s located near the Court of the Sun and he shares it with both Lin and Bren--and the rest of his family whenever they come to visit.
He also has a penthouse apartment in Dalaran, smack in the middle of Runeweaver Square.
In the Brydydd Theatre outside Tranquillien (Ghostlands), an entire suite of rooms has been set aside for him.
Back in his homeland, he still has his private suite in the royal palace.
BIRTHPLACE:  Sunset Palace on Skyfire Isle. It sits at the end of Morning Glory Lane in the capital city of Berl’din Mor.
RELIGION: He’s about as religious as a rock.
Relationships—— —
Unmarried--whether by choice or because no one can put up with his acid tongue, who knows? 
If you’re interested in getting him down the aisle, best of luck to you.
None at the moment. But he’d love to have a large family of his own.
Because his genes are just as dominant as the rest of him, if he ever knocked a woman up, she can expect that her first child will be children, either twin boys or triplet sons. His line has bred true in this fashion for countless generations.
Taenaran Ia’rian (father).
Sumire Ia’rian nee Ker’anith (mother).
SIBLINGS:  In order of age:
Calaglin Ia’rian (triplet and elder brother by two minutes).
Calabren Ia’rian (triplet and younger brother by two minutes).
Ylinderwyn Ia’rian (sister).
Kethian Ia’rian (sister).
Istaunna Ia’rian (sister).
Kouwin Ia’rian (brother and twin to Kouyuu).
Kouyuu Ia’rian (brother and twin to Kouwin).
Yenchul Ia’rian (brother and twin to Tevryn).
Tevryn Ia’rian (adopted brother and twin to Yenchul).
Phirayaela Ia’rian (sister).
OTHER RELATIVES:  Too many to name here. Suffice to say, he comes from an enormous clan and holidays are busy. Both his grandmothers are still living, as well as his many-times great-grandmother.
Traits—— —
•extroverted / introverted / in between.
•disorganized / organized / in between.
•close minded / open-minded / in between.
•calm / anxious / in between.
•disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
•cautious / reckless / in between.
•patient / impatient / in between.
•outspoken / reserved / in between.
•leader / follower / in between.
•empathetic / indifferent / in between.
•optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
•traditional / modern / in between.
•hard-working / lazy / in between.
•cultured / uncultured / in between.
•loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
•assertive / timid / in between
Additional Information—— —
SMOKING:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never/ sometimes / frequently / to excess.
Extra—— —
FACECLAIM(S):  Aoi of the GazettE (Shiroyama Yuu). But mostly, I just draw him.
VOICE CLAIM(S):  His own, I suppose.
ALIGNMENT:  Chaotic. 
CULL-ay-dull is also a possible pronunciation, but this is considered obscure and doesn’t really see use anymore.
I don’t really play WoW anymore, but if you’re interested in him and you play Final Fantasy XIV, you can find him on Balmung under the name Kaito Fujiwara.
Otherwise, you can hit me up on Discord. Ask me for it. But be warned that I am slow to respond both because I have projects to work on and I make drafts of all my posts; I want to give you the best I can write.
You May Know Them If:
You’re a fan of music and you follow any bands around Azeroth and/or Eorzea. He and his band have been featured a few times in a popular music magazine called “Azerothian Axes.”
You’re a Magister/Magistrix. He’s part of the Conclave of Mages in Silvermoon and a decorated war veteran.
You ever attended classes at the Sunfury Spire or the Violet Academy; he’s taught there for several years now.
You also teach classes at either of these locations.
You’ve been to music concerts, including the concerts held each month in the Darkmoon Faire. He and his band have performed on this stage.
You’re friends with a girl who’s had her heart broken by this icy bastard and you’re out for some revenge.
You grew up in Silvermoon and played with the other kids. He’s probably kicked your ass at hide and seek.
Rp Hooks:
Find him in a bookstore and he’s more likely to be mellow enough to carry on a conversation with you. He likes books. Get him talking about them.
Find him in his favourite cafe in Silvermoon and he’s probably sitting at a table alone, grading student papers. Be smart in your approach and he’s less likely to try to bite your head off. Tea is a good way to get him interested.
If you’re a fan of his band/music, interact with him after the show. Approach him during the meet and greet. Just be sure he’s around his brothers or he’ll probably say some unpleasant things. And for the love of all that is holy, don’t bring him gifts. Or do, if you’re the sort of person who really enjoys conflict.
If you’ve ever taken one of his classes, talk to him. Ask him about his lectures. It’s a surefire way to get his attention and if you can speak with him intelligently, you’ll get on his good side. Or at least not on his “I wish you’d fall off the face of this planet” side.
Are you the adventurous, treasure-seeking type? Meet him on one of his journeys to collect ancient knowledge from ruined cities and tombs. Just be wary of his brothers lurking in the shadows.
Have kids who are fond of wandering off when you’re a little distracted? They are a bazillion percent safe with Dhel. Let your kid approach him and they’ll find a stern but gentle caretaker who will protect them while he helps them find their lost parent/sibling/nanny/governor. Just be ready for him to give you a tongue lashing for being an inattentive adult. And definitely do not call him “daddy” unless you never want to see him again.
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Dhel is pointing out your flaws.
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minsarasarahair · 11 months
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Kou Reishin: Good thing Yuushun is here. He closed the grave that you and that snot-nosed Emperor foolishly dug for Shuurei. You're too naive. You don't think ahead, and that's why those old foxes can trip you up. You'll work in the Civil Service Ministry for the time being. Don't expect you'll be able to continue to fool around with your snot-nosed Emperor. Are we clear?
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minsarasarahair · 6 months
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Ryuuki: Oh no. I'm lost. Is this what Kouyuu always felt like? Kouyuu: Is someone talking about me? It must be the stupid emperor. He better return with Shuuei.
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minsarasarahair · 5 months
Saiunkoku Monogatari character songs (sample)
0:00 Kou Shuurei's character song
2:18 Li Kouyuu's character song
4:02 Ran Shuuei's character song
5:48 Shi Seiran's character song
7:27 Rou Ensei's character song
9:43 Tou Eigetsu's character song
11:31 Shi Ryuuki's character song
13:15 Kou Shuurei and Shi Ryuuki's duet song
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minsarasarahair · 7 months
I'm very picky in reverse harem but I like Saiunkoku because it make sense. Kou Shuurei is a beloved princess of the influential Kou clan. Kou clan is not only rich but has a strong ties with Ran and Shi family. Being connected to this clan will obviously make one powerful so that's why men want her. But what's interesting is every man in the story has their own motives and not all are romantically attracted to her. Some are either kind or hostile to her without romantic feelings. In addition, Shuurei is not even interested in them.
A summary of how the men saw Kou Shuurei
Emperor Shi Ryuuki - Bisexual King. The only one who respected, understands and love her romantically. The end game who repeatedly court Shuurei until he manage to persuade her.
Shi Seiran - Her family's retainer who saw her as his little sister but not interested in being more than that. He probably like her but the thing is he's okay with the way they are.
Rou Ensei - Act like Shuurei's bodyguard and hinted that he like her romantically but he has the same problem as Seiran. Not interested in confessing and fine with their current platonic relationship.
Sa Sakujun - Dangerous hedonist suitor who's obsessed with her. He made Shuurei kill him with poison unknowingly. He's the worse.
Ko Kijin - Former strict but kind Boss and only say he's going to marry Shuurei to annoy Reishin but not really interested in her in that way. He treasure their healthy boss-employee relationship.
Kou Reishin - Shuurei's eccentric uncle who want to marry her to keep her away from other clans but not interested in her romantically. He only like her platonically and he's just being protective.
Li Kouyuu - Uncle Kuro is suggesting him to marry Shuurei so he can be finally become a Kou because his adoptive father Reishin won't give him the surname. He only see Shuurei as his student and nothing more. Tbh Kouyuu felt more attracted to either Ryuuki(he cried hard when Ryuuki is dying) and Shuuei(bestie). He has a wife in the ending that he probably married politically.
Shin Suou - His dad told him to propose to Shuurei for money and power but not interested in her romantically. He's a great friend to Shuurei though because he don't sugarcoat his words unlike others.
Riku Seiga - Shuurei's sly nemesis in the Censorate investigation team who hates her. Well, she hates women because they are weak according to him.
Hyou Riou Sr. - Obsessed in Barahime aka Shuurei's mom who's sleeping inside her and willing to sacrifice Shuurei to wake her up.
Ki Kouki - Terror boss who tend to test Shuurei's wits but obviously not interested in her romantically.
Ryou Anju - Bisexual who sleeps with Shuurei's mom figure courtesan Kochou and with former head of Kou clan. He used to see her as little girl but now he probably see her as a pawn for his goals.
Ran Ryuuren - Eccentric genius of Ran clan but only view Shuurei as his soul friend who he annoy from time to time.
Santa - Shuurei's childhood friend who has a crush on her for a long time. He confessed but rejected. Shuurei is not interested.
But I do think Ryuuki is the most special one because Shuurei treasure the cherry blossom tree sapling Ryuuki gifted to her. She also always try to protect Ryuuki from his political rivals.
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minsarasarahair · 11 months
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I can actually pair Ko Kijin (aka Ko Houjo) with 3 characters except for Shuurei. Every time he mentioned marrying Shuurei, its like he only want a strong reaction from Reishin but he's not really interested in her romantically so No. They looked like they only have boss and subordinate relationship. Ko Kijin is like Shuurei's silent but kind uncle.
With Reishin
First met with Reishin during the civil servant exam of the country. In their batch, they are the top 3 together with their treasured friend Tei Yuushun since then they developed a unique friendship. The gentle Tei Yuushun is the one who connects the two. They have a love and hate relationship like a cat and dog. They don't mind hanging around with each other but they are always seen bickering. They also fell in love with the same girl and Reishin won so Kijin hold it against him. They are both feared cold-hearted officials in the palace and experienced politicians who can't be tamed by the emperor. They are a funny pair I swear, power couple and have so many miscommunication but until now they are still friends for some reason.
With Yuri
He has a healthy calming relationship with Yuri. His bad temper is a good match with Yuri's calm personality. Exact opposite of his dynamic with Reishin. Yuri usually know what Kijin wanted to say or want to talk about even if he don't say much. They been working together in the same department for years and Yuri is his competent right hand man. Only few are willing to work with Kijin because of his mask and not so good personality.
With Ensei
Works under him with Shuurei because they need manpower preferably young (old men officials are suffering from heatstroke) during the sunny season so Li Kouyuu recommended them. Ensei found out Kijin's secret, his handsome appearance during the time he works for him and keep it a secret from Shuurei. In return, Kijin knew who is Ensei. He's just not a normal dude but a temporary governor of the Sa province.
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minsarasarahair · 5 years
Ran Shuuei teasing Li Kouyuu with his gay jokes (English dub)
I guess I should be grateful to Saiunkoku for their gay jokes. Thanks to this I’m a little immune to same sex love stories. Like I don’t find it something weird but I just accept it as it is so I rarely overreact if I see two men flirting in anime. I will probably smile and ship them but I don’t really find it a big deal. 
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