vantaeto · 7 years
Ahh maybe a vampire bambam mood board or a secret agent/spy T.O.P mood board?? Idk you can pick ; w ;
How can you expect me to pick from those!! They’re so good!! I’ll try my best to do both, and I’ll tag you on the posts but also link them here, BamBam and T.O.P. Thank you for the request!
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laventelimorso · 7 years
Artemis, Centaur, Nymph, Hippolytus, Trident, Lightning Bolt, Sun Chariot, Harpe, Tartarus, Underworld, Sparta, Troja, The Labyrinth for the greek myth asks ;^)
Alright holy shit anon (except that i have an idea who sent this bc of that smiley) thank you and bless your sweet little soul i’ve been dying for some asks sooo okay here we go!Artemis - What do you first notice about people?
i guess usually their voice and also eyes, since i try to look at people in the eye when they’re talking to me
Centaur - Last book you read?
the last book i read was harry potter and the halfblooded prince!
Nymph - Last dream you remember?
honestly i can’t answer that, i fucking never remember my dreams >>
Hippolytus - Tell an experience you will never forget
sdgh ok there are few of these but this is easily the funniest one and one of my faves:so i was at a convention with friends, and u know we each had one of those ‘free hugs’ signs and stuff. so then this one dude, in some combat game cosplay, walks over to me and instead of asking for a hug, he asks me if he could pick me up. so, being a fool that i am, i agree to it since i had no idea how he was going to do that. so then he proceeds to put some of his things down, grabs me, and lifts me on his shoulders sideways, and starts walking off carrying me like it was normal. my friends and i were extremely wtf but yeah naturally he just came back and put me back down and we all go nice laughs out of it, he thanked me for letting him do that and said i had so far been the only one to do soit was a fun experience honestly, despite being unexpected :D
Trident - Who are your favourite people
oh this one’s easy, my favourite people are my girlfriend @teepurkki​, my absolute best friend @kowaiilo-ren​ (i see u sending this u lil nerd), my also very important friend @mangomunkki​ and my brother miska, who has few tumblr blogs so, idk which one to tag? but ya here are my fav people in the world~
Lightning Bolt - What are your top three favorite movies?
oh god yikes, uuuhhh definitely fantastic beasts and where to find them, treasure planet, and both how to train your dragon movies, i can’t pick either one of themmm i love them too much
Sun Chariot - What is your favorite mythological creature?
D R A G O N 
Harpe - What are your top 3 favorite places
christ save me, uuhhh well my home is obviously one, the waffle cafe here where i live, aaannndddd, god, i don’t know? i don’t exactly have favorite places? i guess this one park i used to visit lots as a kids, i have a lot of memories from there
Tartarus - What’s a short term goal you hope to achieve?
dunno how short term these are but i have two: getting a stable income that is enough for rent, food and some nice things, and getting to meet my best friend
Underworld - Describe your dream vacation
hhhhhh well i guess my dream vacation would be going back to germany, more precisely to bernkastel-kües, and getting to take my brother, my girlfriend and my best friend along and getting to have fun with them there because i’ve been there once and it was great
Sparta - Do you have a bucket list? If so, what’s on it?
ok i should have a bucket list but i don’t so i have no idea what i’d put there lmaobesides meeting @kowaiilo-ren of course but that one’s obvious anyway
Troja - What is the craziest thing you want to do before you die?
dfghj it’s nothing “crazy” honestly, i just wanna travel, maybe go to conventions aboard (and visit haunted locations lmao ok that one is an okay answer)
The Labyrinth - Have you ever died and came back to life as a vampire?
how do you know that’s not the case for me right now? ;^) 
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captain-kirrahe · 6 years
Henlo ya'll
This is Kowaiilo-ren formerly Dolceboi-69
Now I'm captain-kirrahe and yes I'm feeling this one the best so I most likely won't change my user from this ♡
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see-y0u-spacec0wb0y · 7 years
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《 A Big Bang Mafia / Gang AU that me and my friend @kowaiilo-ren doing a mini story too ( maybe idk ) but here are some aesthetics ! 》
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vantaeto · 7 years
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Vampire AU // BamBam | Requested by @kowaiilo-ren 
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vantaeto · 7 years
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Secret Agent AU // Choi Seunghyun | Requested by @kowaiilo-ren 
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see-y0u-spacec0wb0y · 7 years
whos your favorite tumblr user here right now *insert eye emoji*
Honestly I have a few the squad ( @chogiwamy , @ratbyun , @yeoleow @baozibunns , @soo-now-what etc ) Then people like @androgynous-nctzen , @taetaesbandana , @toplite , @0hny @kowaiilo-ren @confessionsofashyfangirl etc Sorry if I forgot some I'm literally hurting and can't remember all of you !! But I love you all 💖✨
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