zantedeschia-praesul · 4 months
Continuing Where @kowaindar0u Left Off: x
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He was Kinji again for that few harrowing days, and in those days Nagasone was starting to understand the extent of his saniwa's power--or rather, how far he could stretch it.
This reminded him of that first night he came into Yuichi's room, but this time, it was much intense than he expected.
Nagasone didn't say a word--didn't need to. Right now, his master needs to get away from all of this, despite everything that was going on. He leaned down and swiftly lifted Yuichi off the floor in a princess carry, holding him close. He was about to turn away to leave when--
"Shh," Nagasone gently hushed Horikawa, still holding their sage close. "Take over for me, won't you? …Yuichi needs me right now."
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Horikawa only nodded firmly. "Understood. I'll tell the rest."
Nagasone smiled gratefully, and almost in an instant, make his way uphill. Mentally apologizing to Yuichi for having to sprint his way up, he got to the fork of the off-beaten path and eventually slowed down, where he made his way to the little pocket garden.
Their little pocket sanctuary.
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amare-praefector · 2 months
Into My Office, @kowaindar0u
Nagasone holds Yuichi's hand gently but firmly as they stand outside of a speakeasy bar overlooking the city. It seems so out in the open, how is it possible for somebody to do under the table deals with hooligans much less vampires out here??
But their "blood bank" intel is one of their most trusted people operating under the guise of liquor distribution, so much so that this place has never been detected by authorities. Which helps a lot.
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Nagasone pulls Yuichi close to him this time. "Stay close to me, Yui. They're trusted men, but I still want you to be safe."
The bouncer before them notice Nagasone and instantly allows them in without question. Its doesn't taks long before they head to a rather secluded part of the bar, covered in curtain for privacy purposes.
Especially what they're about to do now...
The man before them could not have been older than Nagasone by a few years. Leaning back into his seat, only his eyes are visible at the moment, light blue blending into violet. From his silhouette, he has slick back hair and is wearing an open collar shirt.
He nods at the couple, but his eyes are dead set on Nagasone.
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"Katsugoro... no, you much prefer to be called Nagasone Kotetsu this time, don't you...surprised that you would go so far to make a deal with me on behalf of a beloved..."
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melancholicblossom · 3 months
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[ continued from here ]
"i'm soaked. surely there's some rags around here we can dry off with ..."
Rummaging through the rubble left behind, he finds two ratty old towels and shakes them out. It'll have to do for now. He starts shimmying his layers off, starting with the wrap that goes around his kimono.
"come here. i'll dry you off."
He fluffs out Taikyuu's wet hair and then does the same for himself, shivering a little. Surely there's some kindling and a fireplace in here ... somewhere!
"ugh, my poor battle outfit. i wasn't expecting a downpour."
He has to wiggle out of his kimono next. Its fine because they're both men ... right? He's trying to ignore the embarrassment of being mostly naked in front of his boyfriend for the moment.
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nxmelessfighter · 2 months
Ookurikara can't help but think that Yuichi has been acting quite strange lately. 
It all started when Yuichi returned to work after not showing up for a while. For one he came back taking the night shift. Ookurikara's shift started at the obnoxious hour of 6am and by the time he got to the pharmacy, Yuichi had already been there, wrapping up. Not that either of them were one for conversation, but Yuichi seemed so rushed to leave, he didn't so much as glance at him when he arrived, instead hurriedly putting away his things and saying a quick "Good morning" as dashed to the staff exit. 
Not to mention Yuichi had always been somewhat pale but now it was to a ghostly degree. And as the days went by he seemed to be getting more and more haggard. Ookurikara wouldn't say they were particularly close, but for some reason he couldn't help but worry about him. 
As the days grew colder, Yuichi became a little less rushed to leave after his shift, and Ookurikara started noticing some strange quirks that seemed vaguely familiar to him. 
One day a customer came in wearing a very prominent silver cross and Yuichi had backed away from them seemingly instinctively. He definitely saw Yuichi's eyes on the thing as he did so and Ookurikara wasn't going to pry about it and didn't want the customer to do so either so he took over that interaction. He wondered if Yuichi had some sort of religious trauma but that was none of his business anyways.
There was this other time when Ookurikara had been cleaning out the fridge and someone had left something in there that smelled very strongly of garlic. He heard Yuichi gag from halfway across the room. Yuichi definitely did not have a problem with garlic before. 
And then this one time Yuichi had handed him a paper clip, Ookurikara noticed that Yuichi's hands were freezing. He's definitely had moments when his hands were cold but this combined with everything else that had happened lately was making him start to think something was really off. 
And now Ookurikara is standing over the sink, washing the blood off his hand, wondering if Yuichi is even human. 
Ookurikara had been opening a package when the box-cutter hit his finger and gave him a painful, bloody gash. Yuichi just stared at him nervously, which would have been one thing if this was the first time this had occurred, but at this hour Ookurikara wasn't really fully alert so this kind of thing has happened before. And despite his anxious demeanor Yuichi had offered to help him. But this time it was as if the very sight of his blood was causing Yuichi to be frozen in place. Despite the fact that this cut hadn't been as bad as the last. 
Ookurikara doesn't have many dealings with the supernatural save for his vampire roommate that had happened to also know Yuichi. If anything it would have made more sense for Ookurikara to ask him rather than putting Yuichi on the spot but after getting an average of four hours a sleep a night ever since he took this job, he would speak without thinking more often than he would have liked. 
"Yuichi… are you… a vampire?"
As soon as he says it he realizes how ridiculous he sounds.
"Never mind, forget that." 
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chishigure · 3 months
#19! (diary meme)
19. entry made featuring pain.
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It's been so many decades since the Boshin war and the water of life came to an end. After so many losses and victories from those endless battles, I've become married man with two wonderful sons, and I also became a police officer with Hajime-kun. It's a shame that Kondou-san couldn't be there for my wedding, physically. His life... He didn't deserve to die. If anybody were to die, it should have been me. After all, I was practically already a walking corpse when I had fallen ill from that famous disease that was going around and I had been cursed with it. Eversince my boys have grown, the disease that nearly turned me into a walking corpse me has come back to curse me again. I thought I was cured from it because I haven't shown or had any symptoms of it. I haven't felt sick in so long and neither have I been coughing up blood, feeling weak and all that. But now I'm weak again. I'm getting sick and coughing up blood again. I've become more fatigued than usual. Chizuru-chan would ask me how I've been when I come back from my duties, and I've only told her that my duties as a police officer have been tiring and all I want is to be with her and our children. That's not wrong, but the real answer is that I'm only growing weaker each day because I've become ill with tuberculosis again. That's why I've been awfully fatigued lately. How long ago did I get my diagnosis? How long have I been sick for and went on without treatment? I hate to say it, but about a month ago I visited Doctor Matsumoto without telling anybody what was going on with me. I told him how I've been feeling and what symptoms I've been having, and according to him I've got tuberculosis again. I'm not sure how and he's not even sure how either. Maybe I'm just cursed. I can't show how weak I've become. Not to my family. No one. I have to stay strong for them all. If I die so soon, that would hurt my family gravely. There has to be a cure for this disease. If I had been cured before then I can be cured again, right? I can't live on like this anymore. Chizuru-chan, Yasusada-chan, and Kashuu-chan need me. No one needs me more than they do. I have to stay strong. I can't let them see me getting weaker and weaker.
Though he had much more to write, this is where Souji's entry ends. Whatever else he was trying to write had become illegible and now covered in a bit of the blood he coughed up.
From afar he could hear Yasusada's cheerful voice. Souji tried so hard to keep his own act up that nothing was wrong with him. However his vision was slowly becoming blurred. Despite his vision becoming blurred, Souji quickly but also struggled to close his diary and hide it under his futon.
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As soon as he had gotten lucky enough to even be able to hide his diary, his vision had darkened and he fell at the top of his futon.
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snowwhitecrane · 3 months
@kowaindar0u replied to your post “I have no idea if I have ever mentioned this on...”:
Sengo offers.
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iizvmi · 2 months
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@kowaindar0u ( yamatonokami ! ) / starter
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❛    I  met  your  former  master.     ❜      he  made  his  entrance  with  his  own  type  of  punch  line,  straight  to  the  point  and  with  no  space  for  deviations.      as  soon  as  he  returned  from  his  “kiwame”  (  as  they  called  it  )  he  almost  made  a  beeline  straight  to  him  in  order  to  tell  him  about  that  particular  detail  of  his  trip.      but  heavens  bless  horikawa  kunihiro  who  waited  for  him  in  the  right  place  at  the  right  time  to  welcome  him  back…      how  could  he  skip  his  presence  after  that?      as  to  why  yamatonokami  yasusada  crossed  his  mind  when  he  recalled  details  about  his  trip,  he  thanked  the  blue  haori  they  both  carry  in  honor  of  their  previous  masters. but  still,  despite  the  cool  excitement,  he  couldn’t  help  but  feel  slightly  hesitant.   (  talking  about  former  masters  was  always  a  soft  spot  no  matter  how  many  upgrades  one  can  have  )        izuminokami  tilted  his  head  a  little  and  closed  his  eyes  as  he  grinned.      ❛    heh,  imagine  my  surprise  when  I  found  that  you  were  not  so  wrong  after  all  ––he  was  strong…   nonetheless,  hijikata  san  was  stronger.     ❜
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citadelofroses · 2 months
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"... I know you've been talking about me, Yukimitsu-san."
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fonzeworth · 3 years
@kowaindar0u​ said:  😘 (do with this what you will lol) / int’l kissing day! | accepting bc he always accepts them ngl. >:I
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A smooch from the toudan catches him in surprise, but Elias is joyful nonetheless. “Ahh--did you hear about the date, too, Sengo?” he asks curiously. They seemed atypical, to him at least.
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“Here, I gotta return the favor!” To be fair, Sengo is simply just the kind of dude that deserves the attention.
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swordsbesword · 5 years
@kowaindar0u 「idol au starter」
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Out of all the things that had to done, sitting to meet the new idol was not on the top of Kogitsunemaru’s list of great things to send time doing but an order is an order. That and his brothers all conveniently ran out before their shared manager came over. Instead he sat in the waiting room carefully combing every section of hair to make it nice and shiny before tying it back up into a ponytail. For the remainder of the unknown amount of waiting time, the application was slowly read through to try and take in every single bit of information give including the most useless parts. Going out for fried tofu sure seemed nice. Oh wait his siblings ran off. He huffed and sat back in the arm chair only to stare at the clock. Carefully watching the time go by.
Then the sound of the main door opening forced his head to slowly rotate to stare at whoever walked in. What a..strange person. Though seemed like the kind of person his manager searched for.
“Are you Sengo Muramasa by any chance?” He was almost begging for it to be the case.
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autumnxsage · 5 years
✘ How are you, master? You seem tense. Maybe you should join me for a dip in the bath? Huhuhu....?
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks.
Ask them funny questions, get personal, query about the people around them or pester them for their deepest darkest secrets - go wild! Include ✘ with the asks!
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“Hell no.”
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zantedeschia-praesul · 5 months
Continuing Where @kowaindar0u Left Off: x
Saseki was listening, even chuckling at Sengou's antics on the lone Date sword, but right in the middle of it, he started to feel faint. Didn't even have the time to process everything when he eventually collapsed on the taller man.
By the time Sengou had reached the repair room carrying the unconscious sage, Yagen was, fortunately, was exiting the place. The look on the tantou's face indicated that this had happened before, in a much more dire situation than this.
Unfortunately, Ishikirimaru was currently deployed in an expedition and won't be back for another four hours...
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"Oh dear... I hope his curse isn't acting up again. Bring him in, quickly."
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shokudaiquiri · 5 years
kowaindar0u replied to your post: kowaindar0u replied to your post: ...
I CAN FIND A TOWEL OR SOMETHING but i can’t put on clothes with one hand
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“I...I got you covered. Literally for now.”
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melancholicblossom · 3 months
❰❰ TACKLE ❱❱ sender hugs the receiver so hard they almost fall over / do fall over (from Sengo :3)
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here he is, minding his own business, thinking about maybe dinner or something. and then, suddenly ---
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"wait, what are you doing murama --- stop!! don't you dare --"
bowling.sfx. he's so tiny and light that they both just fall over.
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nxmelessfighter · 3 months
<< @kowaindar0u
It was already strange enough that the History Revisionists sent their forces to a year in which nothing in particular happened, but it soon became clear that this was an assassination attempt, on Date Masamune-- or rather, Bontenmaru, who had not even reached the age of ten.
This time the History Revisionists seemed to be sending their forces out in smaller but more numerous waves, and if this kept up, it was only a matter of time before exhaustion would start to kick in. As it was a night battle he could already see the fatigue setting in for Mitsutada and Tsurumaru. Hasebe was doing a little better. And Sadamune was having no problems at all, but he couldn't count on that lasting. And as for Fudou--
Where was Fudou.
Ookurikara turned and saw an enemy tachi about to hit the tantou, who seemed to be stuck in place. He dashed towards them and grabbed Fudou, pushing him out of the way.
He's about to just nod and continue cleaning his sword when Fudou thanks him, but then he hears the tantou call himself stupid.
For what? Trying to confront the enemy? Wasn't that their job? Or was it the fact that he tried to go at a wave of them alone?
Sounds like something Ookurikara would have done himself.
So he really couldn't tell him off for that.
"Just... let someone know what you're doing before dashing off like that next time."
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chishigure · 4 months
6 & 7 for the munday meme!
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More Munday questions
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6. What is something that you didn’t think you will write but now you are writing it?
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Honestly I did not think I would ever write South Park muses, but eversince playing the games (Stick of Truth, and Fractured But Whole), also watching the show, I forgot how much I loved this stupid show/game. I've watched this show since I was a kid. I shuldn't have, but me and my brother did lol. I have a lot of fun writing my SP muses. Craig being my favorite one, probably cuz he's feels kinda relatable to me. He's just a cynical little guy that wants no part in some random bullshit (although he did take part in some stupid bs before lol). He's also known for flipping everybody off, and he tends to be bluntly honest whether people like it or not, also tends to call people (including his friends) out on stupid bullshit haha. Of course I'm not EXACTLY like the little guy, but he still feels kinda relatable for me cuz I sometimes wish I could call people out on their bs at work lol -shit-
BTW I would NOT recommend South Park to anybody that is not too fond or crude or dark humor. I especially would not recommend this show to minors. SP is known to poke fun at actually serious topics like racism, homophobia, politics, health issues, a lot of things.
Welcome to South Park where anything can happen and I mean anything. There is a literal towel named Towelie that gets high, and I kid you all not a literal talking piece of shit named Mr. Hanky.
7. What is something you didn’t think you have a problem writing it and now you stopped writing it?
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I'm not sure, really... I guess smut???? While I am still very self-conscious with writing smut-related content, especially on this hellsite, I have written smut on discord with a few friends before with whatever muses we actually ship together. But now I hardly write smut... Maybe smut is just not priority for me, and neither is shipping???? Although sometimes some of my muses are horny LOL. And as for ships, while I do have ships of my own, I'm actually very picky with ships these days. IDK why, I just am. I need chemistry. I won't just ship just to ship, and I won't write smut just to write smut. I also don't wanna force ship or force smut -shrugs- And even if there's a popular ship out there, sometimes even I don't ship that ship????? I hate to admit it, but sometimes it's people who tend to ruin whatever ship for me that it's hard for me to ship it now. Though sometimes it's also me disagreeing with how the ship is written even in canon haha.
Not for smut... While I'm not completely against it anymore, it's really not my top priority either even if my muses might be horny lol. It's also just me being self-conscious with writing smut in general. I'll probably write smut if we're close friends, but even with that it's not always guaranteed or promised lol. And honestly like I said before, I don't wanna write smut just to write it. I'd like for something to lead to there. I'd want the smut to feel natural if that makes any sense?????? LOL. Same goes for writing ships.
Anyway, I guess we can say that I haven't stopped writing ships or smut. I'm overall just very picky with ships, and very self-conscious and therefore very highly selective with writing smut LOL.
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