ichoiheedong · 6 years
I Met You In The Winter[BTS J.J.K] pt.1
bts members Jeon jungkook x y/N 
                     summary : " He cheated on me , she cheated on you" you said looking at his eager eyes and continued " you need to help me to deal with it!! "
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do not copy my work or post it anywhere without my permission also i don’t allow translation i work hard on this and it’s unfair because i recently find out some of my work posted in Youtube without any credits and it’s a crime !!  
part one : innocent potato 
it was cold tonight , and for a girl who used to be her mother's spoiled child you missed being engulfed into someone's hug, patting your hair or just sweetly talking to you , you like when some one makes love to your ear but you have to be real you were here alone ,a popular tv show was on on your TV that was the only beaming thing around you as you crawled into your sofa having a green tea and scrolling up into facebook messaging your friend, a sudden argue made you look up for the tenth time to your boyfriend profile
where the heck was he ? you just wondered , he didn't reply to your texts or called you back and you felt upset as he did ,you both have been together since you made it to Seoul ; a year passed and things instead of being great they were all crushing down ,every thing in your relation with Jin was chaotic now he wasn't here like usual anymore , he didn't stay for nights since a month now ,his scent changed , his hair color his fashion taste every thing about him seemed like strange to you and you being alone tonight in this cold weather was included into this long list
he changed and you were sure something made him change but no one would believe you not your mother who adored him; of course! he was the sweetest creature ever someone who knows how to spend hours in kitchen cooking without getting bored how would you expect that your mother will be by your side; even your best friend Lilly she was always calming you saying that he was stressed because of his father's company and you should be grateful to have him as a boyfriend
it wasn't your fault though ,you didn't try to seduce him it was an innocent serendipity when both met at first he was sweetly naturally attracted to you and you like him he was freaking handsome and rich he was talented and has his own stylish look also he was tall and his shoulder were wide something you craved right now to be engulfed in but Jin wasn't the young man you met a year ago and helped you to get back your purse when you lost it in the lotte world
it wasn't only hard to think about it but also to prove it ,
every time your eyes looked up to the wall watch ,you couldn't believe that jin isn't going to come tonight, he promised you this morning before he ran out of here he would be here tonight to cuddle with you as you were on period but look at him only gods knows were is he
giving up on this, you stood up on adjusting your sweatpants and over sized shirt heading to the kitchen ,chocolate was the best option to calm you down you grabbed a chips bag and some chocolates and came back to turn off your tv it was turned on since hours without any attention so you decided to go to bed at least it was comfy
you grabbed the curtains and closed them so the day lights will not disrupt your sleep in your free morning then you took off your sweatpants and slides into your pajama shorts and went to bed grabbing your laptop wasn't off you noticed that it was on hibernate and as realization hits you it was Jin again you don't know why but he really liked to do some works in the early morning so he used your laptop to finis some works or send some mails and as last night he passed out next to you of course he will be the one using it
you sighed and decided to reconnect to your Facebook and twitter accounts again before putting a film to help you fall asleep in this boring night
you hit the tab waiting for the Facebook page to pop out and you frowned as you see your account already opened , it's been a while since you really log in using your PC you were always on your iPhone you looked again scrolling down seing your boyfriend face on the little profil picture
"oh god it was his account not yours ,something you got the gold card now , jin hated so much that some one try to peek to his list message or to his private group chat with his friends and it was funny tonight to see this , for so long you watched him replying at their silly texts and it was funny to read that when he was laying with you in the bed but he refused to let you do that and you really didn't care, he has his rights to have private conversation with his friends but now you were bored and reading some funny crazy men stuff will be perfect just perfect !
you opened the chat box ,and your eyes danced through the names , until your sight fell into a chat, it popped out firstly and it seemed like you didn't notice it before
'Oh Seyna' was the girl's name you didn't want why you became nervous as you clicked you never in your life thought that will be an end to you and Jin relation and for sure not this way
"okay baby see you tonight then <3 "
your heart dropped and your hand were shaking as you scrolled down the texts , they were sweetly talking but briefly too but Jin had you as a girlfriend why would he call an other woman baby girl and kitten !!
you gulped hitting her profile and got the chock of your life she had some private picture were jin was there with a bunch of other friends in a bar she was sitting in his lap
why you never see this before it's been months since the picture had been aploaded in her facebook !!
you panicked taking out your phone and search for her name looking up in all the popping list but she wasn't there , you were blocked it hits you
he was cheating ..
cold sweat run into your body and your breath hitched , you felt like you want to cry but you held it ,this is not the prove you want any way !
your fingers brushed your hair nervously almost severing it as you tried to calm down
you were now sat on your knees as your laptop was in front of you, as you went back to the chat and started reading you wanted to see if they will meet or where they meet usually and it felt like life was on your side as your eyes dropped to an hotel address with a room number
your feet felt like freezing when you jumped out off bed ,damn it you were already bleeding and your hormone rage made it worse as you tried to think and think
nothing came up with your trouble ,you just fell down collapsing on the floor and cried hard ..
who's there ?? Lilly shouted before she reach her apartment door , it can't be her boyfriend right !! it's like 1 am she peeked on the door secret crystal hole and she panicked
" oh my god y/N what the heck did happen ??Lilly was shocked as you rushed in her apartment throwing your self on the coach crying
"y/N please tell me what's going on "
you cried harder and as soon as Lilly started to cry too you stopped sniffling trying to say something but you couldn't gather your words
"he's cheating on me Lilly you finally let out panting hard like you've got the biggest rock tossing you down
"crap ! is this why you're here for i thought someone's die or something and why would Jin cheat on you y/N he adores you "
"he doesn't not any more , not when i caught him finally "
the girl sitting beside you jumped off the couch " what do you mean finally??
" because you don't know any thing you didn't want to believe me ,no one does you sobbed , it's been a while since he changed and i didn't say any thing because no one will actually believe me ,you all love him and it's hard to believe that he is fucking someone right now!! you cried more eyes blood shot as you hugged your head
"oh my god , Lilly tried to approach you "tell me let's work out this together ho did you know
"he forgot his Facebook actif on my laptop and i got some pictures and texts i even know the hotel address
"oh crap ! what the heck is this please tell me you're lying and i'm having a bad dream
you were angry , your coat was soaked as you walked out the taxi on to get into Lilly's building block
" you need to find the truth she said and you looked up"
"every thing is clear now i will just confront him "
"how ?
"i want to go see him i want to kick his face so he would become the ugliest creature ever
"c'mon let's go see him then let's just find out if you're right or not
it hurts you hearing this why it seemed this hard to believe you why it felt bad to put Jin in this kind of situation when he was just a cheater
"Lilly got you into her car and drove off to the hotel you told her about and it turned out that she knows it well of course she would know this kind of places she was rich and she was always invited to events and she knows every place down town here
you let the mission of finding Jin's and the girl room to her as she was the person who was thinking right now , you were done every cell on your brain was destroyed and you stopped half way
"hey! are you okay Lilly hissed as she checked you "we're almost here look that's the room "
"i can't assume this i will not bear that no no you backed up wanting to run to your place hide into your sheets and stay there until you calm down and tomorrow sun sneaks on the room but you realized it was hard your curtains were closed and your room is gonna stay dim just like your coming days , pain was there digging into your body and you whimpered there is no more shiny days jin cheated on you and you're here to see this with your own eyes
"do you want me to go first "Lilly said as she kept dragging your lifeless body to the door "
"c'mon knock !"she said and you looked terrified
"i'm not ready , what if it's not true , what if it's true Lilly i'm done i can't work out any thing
"let's just cut this crap forever she furiously knocked the door ignoring the door bell and as soon as someone's behind the door was angrily shouting your heart dropped
it was his voice you will never got it wrong fuck!
jin walked to check the door he was furious and annoyed , it's not a cheap motel so people could easily break in and annoy him damn it
and as soon as his head popped out; it was few seconds that feels like a century a whole world crushed in front of you in this room full of sex smell and betray , you pushed the door open you didn't even know from where you get the energy to do as you broke into the place with your best friend behind !!
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