#kpop bullet poin scenario
onibugis · 7 years
☆When they see you crying | Nu'est
Requested by a really sweet anon♥ I hope you like it and that you’re feeling better now! I’m really exhausted after all the exams I had so excuse me if this is a bit too short ;; 
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He’d panic a lot at first
Wouldn’t know what to do. Hug you? Talk to you? Give you space?
Would probably find a way to blame himself istg this man
He’d give you a full speech on how you were the best and most amazing person he had ever known and how you were strong enough to overcome any bad situation
He’d remember the incident during the following days and would keep checking if you were actually okay
Would also try to tell you bad jokes or make lots of puns to see your silly smile
But it would actually be him laughing at his own jokes what would cheer you up
Baekho would be a lil bit awkward
He’d want you to stop crying but wouldn’t know how to cheer up
At the end he’d just hug you and caress your hair until you calmed down a bit
After that he’d ask you if you wanted to talk about it
If it was a bad day he’d actually scold you a bit, because you would have scared the shit out of him
Also pinch your cheek or ruffle your hair in a very sweet way to make you smile
He would keep reminding you about some other bad moments you had, not to make you feel worse but to prove that you could get over anything
Minhyun would be very serious about the situation
He’d approach you and ask what happened while wiping your tears
He’d insist on you telling him, reminding you that he would help in any way he could
He would help you solve any problems you had, or at least advise you on it
If it was just a bad day, he’d help you relax and forget about everything
He’d cook your favorite meals, watch a film with you and even give you a massage
After seeing you happy again he would smile in the purest way ever, happy and satisfied that you were fine again
Aron would actually know if something was wrong even before you started crying
He would come and hug you really tight immediately
He’d rub your back and pat your head while you cried
“Come on baby, tell me what happened, you know I’m here for you”
He’d want to know everything that made you upset, and even if it wasn’t a big thing he’d take it very seriously
Anything that hurt you would bother him too
If it was a serious matter he’d give you lots of advice, but would let you make the ultimate decision and support you on it whatever it was
Ren would start joking and trying to make you laugh
“(Y/N)!!!! What happened??? Look, look at this funny face I can do!!”
If you didn’t stop crying he’d immediately become serious
He’d even threaten to fight anyone who made you cry
He’d be the one crying if that had to happen let’s be real, but he’d really use his fists if it was extremely necessary
Would spend the rest of the day being extra sweet and caring just to make sure you felt alright again
Like you’d talk to him about anything and he’d just end his answers with “Also, you know what? You’re the most beautiful person I know” and variants
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onibugis · 7 years
☆ A day with Nu’est | Minhyun
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Just imagine waking up to his sleepy smile every day... ahh...
He’d bring you breakfast to bed on free days
Then cuddle with you while telling you if he had any funny dreams
And then falling asleep again because you were playing with his hair
On work days he’d probably even help you get dressed and ready to go
He’d prepare you lunch for that day
And then walk you to the bus stop or even drive you to your work place.
On free days or weekends you’d split up your house chores or do them together
While having music on at full volume and dancing and running around like kids
He’d love to bake or cook with you after all that work
And also go do the groceries with you
If he had to go alone he’d just send you a message for every thigh he’d buy, asking if that was what you wanted / preferred
On week days you wouldn’t probably hear much about him if he had work
But be sure he’ll be thinking about you all day
Some days he’d surprise you with a romantic date
Dinner with candles and wine and all that fancy stuff just because
If he had had work all day he’d usually come home with some bough sweets
Would also love to help you make dinner, even if he was tired
After dinner, he’d give you a massage even if you didn’t ask
And would be extremely grateful if you gave it back to him
On free days he’d love to go see the sunset wherever, it would really relax him
Then again, on special occasions he’d go over the top and prepare a bath with bath bombs and rose petals and candles for you two
On normal days he’d just be waiting for you in bed with a smile
Would sing you to sleep if you asked
Or even if you didn’t — he’d know when he had to do it
Would like to fall asleep caressing your hair or your back
But most importantly, having you in his arms
Would enjoy reading a little before sleeping
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onibugis · 7 years
☆Nu’est as monsters | Baekho
Finally... this is the first one of that Halloween AU that for sure won’t even be all published by Halloween... I’m sorry! If you have any members you want next tell me, if not i’ll just do whoever I want~ Hope you like it!!
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So Baekho would be a werewolf. Big, scary and intimidating werewolf. But a fluffy puppy on inside a bit confused about human stuff
During the day he’d just be like a normal person, he’d have a normal job like idk, a personal trainer or whatever people do in gyms
But during the full moon nights he’d transform in a werewolf
Wouldn’t really hurt anyone, just stay in the nearest woods sleeping
He also wouldn’t have a pack — he’d just be a lone wolf (never better said)
He left his original one when he was still a cub because they left him behind
He started living as a normal human and even tho he has still some problems controlling his animal instincts, people just think he’s a bit odd and don’t really mind him sniffing the air a lot, scratching his head and ears in the weirdest ways and eating like crazy whenever there’s meat
Actually no one would be surprised that he was a wolf, like he just gives off that beast vibes
Anyways, one day you’re walking back to your apartment which coincidentally is near the local gym
You’re actually a bit hurried because the streets are dark and you don’t really live in the safest area in town and you see him, walking towards you
You get scared because, well, he’s like 2 meters tall and a lot wider than you
But just when he’s in front of you and you can finally see his face, he collapses and drops his knees to the floor
You get even more startled and are really reluctant to help him
Like, what if he’s just acting and when you couch down he assaults you or something?
But after seeing he isn’t really gonna move you bend down a little and ask if he’s okay
And then, thanks to the light of a streetlight, you see the river of blood near him
“S-sir! Are you okay? Hold on, let me call an ambulance!”
You start looking for your mobile phone, but he grabs your wrist really hard
“Don’t” and your blood freezes because he’s voice is so raspy and scary
You look at him terrified and then realize something you hadn’t seen before
He has ears — like animal ears… and lots of hair, which is slowly disappearing in his arms and jaw
You look at him astonished and without saying nothing, until you hear him breathe heavily
Now you don’t have any doubt that he’s really hurt, but he’s still holding you tight and you can’t call the ambulance nor the police
You end up taking him to your home to treat his wounds, and while two are going up in the elevator you end up staring at his face… he’s actually very handsome, but you’re just as crazy for helping him this way
When you start trying to clean his wounds you see that he has all his chest scratched — No human could ever do that
“What the fuck did you do? Fight with a wolf?” You joke. He probably just got chased by a stray dog or something? But you freeze when he says “yeah” in the most serious tone you’ve ever heard.
You look at him with a puzzled expression, and he just rubs it off “I’m thankful to you for helping me, but please matter your own issues”
You immediately nod and finish up healing him
“Don’t worry about that” He says when he sees you looking at his torn and dirty shirt “And thank you very much again… I don’t have anything to repay you with”
“It’s nothing, I’m glad it wasn’t a deep wound…” You say while you walk him to the door “Just be careful when walking back home… um…”
“Baekho, just call me that” He finally introduces himself. You also tell him your name and wave him goodbye.
Next morning, you see some news about some wolves sighting near the limits of the local forest… but still don’t understand what Baekho had done that night.
You also just convince yourself that all that hair were just shadows and that the ears you saw on top of his head was just his messy hair
So after that day you keep meeting Baekho when you pass by the gym at your way at work
You discover how socially awkward he is when all his coworkers are amazed by how much he talks to you
Even more, he asks you out on a date.
He tried really hard — lots of stuttering, messing up and even biting his own tongue.
So even tho it’s more like casual dates, you two end up going out
Most of that dates are walking through the park, he really enjoys that
But ends up paying more attention to dogs than you
So anyways, a month or so after you met Baekho, you’re walking home alone again
You haven’t seen him that day nor gotten a text — you’ve supposed he has lost his phone as always
He isn’t really fond of technology
You’re lost in your thoughts and then you see it, a big ass wolf walking around in front your apartment block
You get scared shitless and want to run away, but freeze up when you realize he’s looking at you
He starts approaching you but your legs don’t move, and at this point if he takes one step more you’ll cry at once
But you realize he’s the one crying. His head, ears and tail are down, and he can’t even walk that much
So long story short, you let him in your house cause you’re still crazy and he doesn’t seem aggressive, but you have to try to not make noise because animals aren’t allowed in your apartments
You try to clean up his wounds with a wet towel, not wanting to risk it using human products. You get really surprised when he doesn’t flinch away nor gets irritated when you touch his cuts and bruises
You also realize he has a familiar scar in his chest, but you’re really nervous so don’t mind it that much
You put a blanket on the sofa and let him get up while you go to bed
Next day you plan to call the police or animal control or whatever, and you make sure to lock your room’s door just in case the wolf gets hungry at night
Next day, when you get up, there’s no wolf in your sofa
There’s a naked man
More specifically, Baekho
The scream you let out doesn’t even sound human and it wakes him up
He panics at the sight of you panicking and starts trying to explain himself, even more when he sees himself naked
After you calm down a bit he explains himself, and tells you about him
He’s a werewolf and even though he has been doing well all alone during his life, another pack has taken the forest he used to stay on during full moon nights, so he often gets in fights with them and ends up hurt because of that
You take a bit to take in everything he explains to you, but what more can you do? You let him stay in your house, at least during those nights when he surely can’t control his wolf form
Obviously, with the promise that he won’t make a mess or destroy or eat anything
He’s actually very clean and neat in his wolf form, just leaves hair everywhere
Now you understand more the weird things he does, and now that he doesn’t have to keep the secret around you, he isn’t that shy anymore
Doesn’t show that much of animal instincts in public, just being a bit protective around you
He’s also very gentle and caring, afraid he might hurt you with his strength or lose control around you
Maybe sometimes he exceeds himself with kisses or tight hugs, but starts apologizing immediately thinking you don’t like it
Also, likes chasing cats down the street
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onibugis · 7 years
☆ A day with Nu’est | Ren
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First thing in the morning he’d do would be kiss your whole face
But wouldn’t want to get out of bed for nothing
Ren’s a baby in the morning, he’d complain, groan and whine because he wouldn’t want to get up
He’d just get out of bed if he smelled the scent of your breakfast
He’d dress, brush his teeth and get ready for work clinging by your side, dozing off if you didn’t keep an eye on him
Wouldn’t go at work without a goodbye kiss
Which means he’d spend like 5 minutes kissing your whole face and then be late for work
If he didn’t have to go to work, he’d be all over you during the day
You couldn’t even cook without him backhuggin you, or trying to rest a bit without him trying to lay his head in your lap
He wouldn’t want you doing chores, he’d just want to cuddle with you
If you had to work, but he didn’t, he’d try to fake cry to see if he could convince you to stay
At work he’d be texting you constantly, so he’d probably get scolded
He’d come to you every day insisting in going out to have lunch, and would take you to the weirdest restaurants
But that’s better than letting him cook for you, for sure
Every free day he’d want to have a date with you
Ren would want to do lots of things with you, so you two would never get bored
He’d love to go shopping and buy you lots of clothes, almost like he was your personal stylist
After shopping, he’d take you to the arcade and you two would play until it got dark
He’d win you like 543984 plushies every time
After a day of work he’d just come home and request for more cuddles
He’s a drama queen, so he’d even ask you to feed him during dinner if he was really tired
During weekends, he’d love to stay up late watching movies — specially horror ones
On normal days you two would do your night beauty routines together
And if you didn’t do that kind of things then he’d just ask you to help him put the face mask  
Guess what he’d want before going to sleep... that's right, more cuddles.
He’d start talking and wouldn’t let you sleep because he’d want to spend more time with you
But at the end it’d be him who’d fall asleep first
You better hug him tight at night because he kicks and moves a lot if you don’t hold him still
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onibugis · 7 years
☆ A day with Nu’est | Aron
I’m sorry again for taking so long fsadfsdf... Thank you so much for reading!! I hope y’all like it~ Now i’ll just... go watch the Where you at MV for, like, the 839248th time...
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You would always wake up in different positions
Sometimes you’d be in his chest and other times he’d rest his head in yours
The first thing you would see when waking up would be his smile
But also be ready because nothing would awake him
He’d like to have breakfast with you, even if it was quick because he had to go to work
He’d be the happiest man alive if you brought him breakfast to bed
When he didn’t have any work forget about getting up because he would hug you tight and cover your face in kisses
If he was free he’d roam around the house or help you get chores done
After lunch, he’d love to have a nap
Or just cuddle with you and check Insta or any SNS and laugh with you at silly comments or videos
He would love to have lazy days with you just lying around and laughing your asses out at his bad jokes or stupid pranks
If he had work... he’d spend his break time sending you memes
If you made lunch for him he’d take like 3204903 photos of it and upload it to every social media he had
Would also take every opportunity he had to boast about you to his coworkers
He’d love to go to dates with you to coffee shops and take lots of photos
You two would probably be out until dusk and then just be so tired you’d just order some take out food
On work days he’d try getting away with work so he could see you sooner 
He’d come pick you up at work and then just drive around the city 
And while driving he’d put his hand on your tight or hold yours
Sometimes he’d even bring you flowers or chocolate — it wouldn’t have to be a special occasion, he’ll just feel like it 
Sometimes he’d also like go hang out with your friends in common
He’d like to watch some movies or TV shows with you before going to bed
Or just the news, but cuddling with you in bed / the sofa and relaxing a bit after a tiresome day
But also, he’d really like to have midnight walks with you
Go to the convenience store and grab something and then eat it in a park watching the stars and enjoying the night breeze
If he was too stressed the only way he could sleep would be lying his he'd on your chest and you caressing his hair
If not he would just like to talk with you before falling asleep
Not in a creepy way, but sometimes, when you fell asleep first, he’d like to look at you at pinch your cheek a little
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