girl-please-study · 2 years
okay first off, you have a drop dead gorgeous handwriting TT jealousy is literally taking over me rn!
and next i need some recommendations :/
I'm looking for an affordable Android stylus pen for my digital ones and you are literally the best person to ask this to TT
also, could you please share what application you use for the digital notes? currently im using one notes but i just wanted to try something new for a bit.
I haven't used any other pencil other than Apple’s so I'll suggest that you refer few YouTube videos —
1. emilystudying
2. Brad Colbow
Note : the roundtip stylus isn't meant for drawing, but you can use it to take notes. And Logitech’s work in any device without the need to pair & if you do decide to get an iPad someday, it'll be able to perform all sorts of functions like an Apple Pencil (i.e. scribble, shortcuts) + it's prettier
I personally use CollaNotes for note-taking (it's completely free although its just for IOS)
In terms of note-taking (Android)
Try out Touchnotes , as far as I recall almost all the needed features are free.
Google Keep is another app to try (doesn't really have many features but it may fit your requirements)
You'd want to have Gridzzly to make your own templates!
Also, you can use drawing apps like Sketchbook or IBIS Paint for rough work, note-taking or making mindmaps because :
1. as they are art apps, they have tons of brushes, including Ballpoint pens (and you can create your own highlighters by decreasing opacity of round brushes)
2. choose your canvas size (which will be your paper size — potrait, landscape whatever)
3. you can import writing templates (grid, hexagonal etc)
4. Sketchbook & IBIS both provide cloud storage
there are cons for this approach like — you can't create a notebook, you can just use 1 paper at a time.
And yeah, OneNote can get boring after a while & the export system isn't impressive either :/
feel free to reach out if you have any other questions, if I can, I would be glad to help!
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