#kris turned off autocorrect a long time ago
augujerdeer · 4 years
Hi! I'm new to systems and things like this.. uh. What does your headspace look like? Or do you have a history with yours. I dunno what to do for mine...
Oh hey! Sorry we haven’t responded kdbjdb
Uhh honestly our headspace is a Little Big so, im not sure where to start.. it’s not very simple to explain since we have a map’s worth of area to cover! And each place has it’s own Feel and stuff. I’ll try to be a bit brief- maybe going through our Headspace History (HH /j)
So along time ago, we only had the Meadow, and for the OG members, they thought it was all we had. Then over time and after some exploring, it grew! Well, it didn’t grow, but they started exploring and finding new stuff. Then Jaiden made the mansion, and it kind of explodes from there until it slowed down again sicne we all had no interesting in exploring anymore
RIP desktop users. Mobile users, freel free to tap the image and zoom in!
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It’s not accurate but this is what we have today. It’s VERY Huge. We even have a second planet, but we don’t really visit that nymore, nor do we want to. On the other side of the world, i know there’s a beach.. but we haven’t gone more than a year though with how Big this map is, do know that there’s trees and LOTS of unexplored areas! We don’t have NPC’s other than Small critters like mice, rabbits, owls, fireflies, bugs, birds, etc! So we don;t have predators either, but it’s possible there are wolves in the mountains.. I am NOT going to try and confirm that. The other NPC’s we have are the Robots in the ruined City. They are NOT friendly! theyre 3+ stories high, and look liek a GIANT marble on stilts that can shoot lasers. I don’t wanna go into detail unless anyone asks specific questions. There’s just TOO many stuff to talk about it one post haha
I will go into the mansion though
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This is the mansion, or the main oarts of it at least! Ignoring the interior, this is it! It started with only the main room at first, but expanded to have a tall corridor with Alven’s arrival. Then people just started adding rooms from there. It’s VERY tall! It’s taller than a 2-3 story HOUSE in there. It’s so tall, Peter could practice swinging using the huge coloumns dkhdkh. It’s also very long, so if you don’t run, you won’t reach the end after a while.
The interior for the main room and Tall corridor is very Victorian and Elegant. So lots of golds and whites for the main room. In tne Tall Corridor, it has a lot of cool colors- purples and darker but not edgy-reds. There’s almost a permanent sun/moon ray from the windows flowing into the floor.
When we (the teens) started moving in this year, I’m pretty sure Jaiden didn’t fill up the whole corridor just because there’s so many of us. So he made our own living quarters sub-room
The way the mansion works, is that it;s always bigger on the inside. So no matter how small thae main room might be, once you open a door, it’s bigger than what it might feel like from the outside. Also, for the mansion- it has no exterior. On the outside, it’s two big doors. But yeah, if you look outside the windows, you see the meadow. Which is weird... because one time, someone crashed into Jaiden’s room via the window from the outside- but my brain hurts trying to explain how that’s possible
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The above is a VERY crude simplified version of our living hallways!! I’m too lazy to draw and assign which door is what- but MJ and Peter’s doors are across the hall from/in front of each other. Me and kris have rooms next to each other, and so on. The interior here is like a cozy and simple hotel, and we all have our own rooms.
Here’s our old post about our headspace! Some updates are:
Farmhouse: nobody lives there anymore; Jamie moved in to a deeper level of the mansion somewhere only Cahra and Jaiden can get to properly
The Bunker: empty... everyone moved out and into the Mansion (Withe the exception of Matthew but he’s.. dormant now)
Toriel’s cottage: described as a very otherworldy area not because it’s alien, but because it feels so nice and calm, that it feels unreal. The sun shines so nice and peeks through the trees in a pretty way all the time
Crowley’s apartment: we don’t know where it is and we never will
General stuff about our headspace:
Jamie discovered it more than made it. Not all of us can edit or make things from thin air but some people can! (see: Jaiden and Crowley).
Some areas we didn’t make, and just appeared with more exploration OR when someone splits. Toriel didn’t make her cottage, it was just like the brain made it for her without us asking. Same for Fluttershy. For Crowley, he had to make his apartment and Bentley from scratch
After that, I can’t give much advice for your headspace <:-) meditation is definitely key, and trying to connect to your headspace more might help! From what we;ve seen, every system has different “headspace rules” (like for example some behave very realistic where instead of summonign a sofa, they need to order one or build one ikea style. For us, we have magic, some don’t, etc)
The headspace is a ‘pwerful’ place!! So With enough practice you should be able to make small things if not big things. What you wanna add, go for it! If it’s big and permanent, then talking to your system members and asking for what they might like can give you ideas!
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ogeeitsme · 4 years
How have you guys been recently?
It was better before quarantine, or back at the beginning of it. We have been getting worse very slowly as time passes.
The home environment was never completely healthy, but it has become more obvious to us just how much it has been.
Immediately after coming to terms with and discovering something we have been going through outspace is considered trauma... quarantine hit, and we have been doing trauma processing alone besides the help of some friends.
The lack of any outside support physically is slowly taking a toll on us, honestly. Not that we are in any immediate danger, but it has heavily been affecting our productivity and how we handle school, which has just started.
Everyone... is hurting in some way. Ever since what happened in February, we have slowly gotten quiet on this blog as well, I will be honest. Yes, we still post and interact with everyone on our personal blogs, but this blog is more public, and has a wider audience. We HAVE tried to vaguely talk about the situation before without naming names, as it would be unfair to them.
Instead, one party member thought our vague-ness was directed towards them and to “make the relationship worse” (not a quote) when it never was. They were never even involved... and yet they think it is because we want to hurt them! I will never forget that. I will never forget how they got angry at us depite them not wanting to accept the truth. I digress..
The other party member, who is actually involved and who hurt us, well their system members got mad. Haha, it did not end well.
That may be why we have been less active on this blog. It is the internet, dear anon. No matter how much we want to think they may not be stalking us, they still might be. And by stalking, I mean “checking in” because I do know, as hard as it is to accept, that they cared and was also hurt by the separation.
“It is hard to vent on your own blog when people you loved got angry at you for it.”
Anon hate is different and ignorable, but love-ones telling you to stop is anither, haha.
That is a summary if what has been happening from April to this day. It has been a rough year, but that is not a surprise to anyone.
Edit; Do not get me started on hiw much physical pain we have been ex-eriencing. We are very tired of it. One time, it was so bad, thta it kept making Peter pass out from how painful it was, and waking him up at the same time. It was awful.
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