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TS7 meets TS8
Lover meets folklore
Heart glasses meets cardigan
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Happy Aussie Selfie Night!!
Behold! A rare photo of me in glasses 😂 😎I can't wait to reblog all your faces and find more beautiful Aussies to follow!!
PS send love to @in-her-wildest-dreams for making this a thing
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Happy Aussie Selfie night to all of my Aussie Swiftie Sisters and Brothers!!
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Covid is exhausting me.
I am a primary care doctor, a general practitioner, a family care physician - whatever your name for my job is. And I am exhausted. Alas, the struggle has only just begun...
It's the start of cold and flu season here in Australia. Every cold or sniffle I see makes me worried. Is it Covid? Will I get it and give it to my husband? Will I pass it on to my next patient? Will I need to be tested? Will I need to trace every contact I've had in the last 2 weekz? Where have I been and when? Round and round how's the mind...
The fact is... We don't have enough protective gear. If we wore a mask and gloves and gown for every patient, we would be out in a day.
We are mostly doing consultations via telephone, but there is so much that can't be done over the phone. I still need to listen to chests. Measure babies. Immunise. Insert contraceptive devices. Take smears. Check skin lesions. Feel breast lumps. Look in ears.
So I gown up. I disinfect. I try to be swift to protect you. To protect myself.
Not only that, but our phone calls aren't just "I have a sore throat". It's "I want to kill myself today". "My dad just died". "I just lost my unborn baby". The hardest part of my job in this era is wanting to hold my patients' hand, to show them with my eyes I hear them, to acknowledge their pain with my whole being. That's the kind of GP I am. And I can't do that. I don't know when I will again.
Life as we knew it will never return, but life as I knew it professionally hasn't left - it's just had a huge add on. People are still getting sick, not just with Covid. People still need us. Still need our hospitals. Need our ventilators. Our nurses. Our wardies. Our admin staff. Our lab staff. Our time. Our energy. Our love.
I went for a walk on the weekend to clear my head, and I passed maybe a dozen people. Not one stepped aside to keep social distance. It begs the question, to those people not taking this seriously... Why do I bother to keep you safe if you aren't helping yourselves?
I have lost 2 colleagues in the last month. Neither to Covid. God forbid when I start losing more, and to Covid.
Australia is doing well, but we need to keep going. Keep washing your hands. Keep to your homes unless essential. Keep trips out short. Keep a 2m distance between you and others at all times, with a few exceptions like your spouse or kids. Do not go to work if ill. Call your doctor for an appointment. For everything you normally would - scripts, vaccines, coughs, belly pain, weight changes, poor sleep, mental health. We will organise you to be seen face to face of needed. We haven't forgotten you. We still care, very much.
I can't stay home. I can't stop work, I wouldn't live with myself if I wasn't doing all I can do. But if you can, please. Please.
I didn't mean this to be this whiny, but I am tired. So tired. And I can't fathom the thought that it is for nothing. I am not looking for praise. I don't want your pity. I want this to pass, as quickly and casualty free as possible.
My name is Kris. I am a GP. And I am exhausted. But, I will carry on to do my role. Please, help me help you. Stay home.
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I haven't been on tumblr for a long time
This is why
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I am a doctor. I am working hard to keep my community safe. I, personally, am the designated person to see every fever, cough, cold and runny nose that comes through the door.
This puts me at an exceptional risk. I am lucky. If I get Covid, I am likely going to be fine.
That is what I am doing for my loved ones.
The best thing you can do is stay at home.
Help me help you.
I'll keep the heath system going (with my colleagues!), if you can help me from it going under.
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I am simply in love
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Step 1: Pick more merch you'd love to buy, but can't justify sacrificing a kidney to have it shipped to you down under
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Step 2: Buy plain white shirts in a similar style. Ladies of Aus, Kmart has you!
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Step 3: Print the logos you want on paper, and test the size. Once you're happy, print them on transfer paper (again, Kmart!). Don't forget to mirror all writing!!
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Step 4: Step 4: Bring out the iron!
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 Step 5: Iron them on!
Step 6: Voila!! Note - I intend to crop The Archer tee
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Step 7: Support Taylor in anyway you can - buy Lover, stream it, buy merch when you can, spread the word,
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Lover inspired for dinner tonight 💕
Also - Yay or nay on the fringe folks??
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One year ago today... 💕
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Trying to figure out Lover chords be like...
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Killing it this Saturday.
Groceries? ✅ Laundry? ✅ Vacuuming? ✅ Mopping? ✅ Baked bread? ✅ Baked ANZAC biscuits? ✅ Slow cooking dinner? ✅ Listened to Lover? ✅✅✅
To do - Exercise (see small muscles for reference). Study. Go outside.
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Updating my blog - sunset photo from my honeymoon, and photo from my wedding day. Ended up using the Facebook frame because I couldn't find it take a selfie I liked for you lovely ladies to help me with, but meh!
Can't wait for Lover 💕
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Thinking bout how I get to listen to Lover again after work 😍
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Sitting outside at sunset in the cool air, Lover in my ears, wine in my hand -- perfevt Friday
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In anticipation for Lover Release Week (!!), I decided to write (love) letters to friends I haven't spoken to in a while
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I ended up writing 8 tonight!
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I've had a wax seal, courtesy of a friend, for nearly 10 years now - and it makes me so feel so fancy!! Purple is my colour, so I always use purple wax.
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I used to write letters all the time, so this was fun!
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But now it is bed time!
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