eclipsecrowned · 16 days
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kris lore w ax is literally so funny like. oh her sister is making money hand over fist working for part of the coven. imagine what she'll make being the social media handler for one of the biggest celebrities in the world. it'll be a great gig her freshman year as she's getting into the swing of uni life. he's just given her free reign. she's going to modernize her favorite artist of all time.
then it's 4 am and she has a class in the morning and her favorite artist is waking her up demanding she tweet back at her sister's boss about how bad he wants to fuck him--
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eclipsecrowned · 8 months
thinking about how all the Lindholm children have coordinating names. Not just the first names starting with K (Karin, Kurt, Kaja, Kalle, Kristina) but the middle names all being for musical acts their parents liked. For the most part, this is totally normal. But then you get to Kris, the baby of the bunch, who Dr. and Mr. Lindholm knew would be their last.
So they named her for where it all began, the act they never saw but met while trying to sneak into the venue. It only seemed right. Anyway when Kris uses ‘thevampirekristat’ online she’s actually referencing her first and middle name, Kristina L*stat Lindholm. And she thinks it’s metal as FU—
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eclipsecrowned · 16 days
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Surreptitious fingers twist the offering towards present company, a cassette sliding across the table. The thing is older than she is by some decades, yet she handles it with ease. Raising grey eyes, she blinks slow, comfortable.
"No, trust me. If you want to hear them, you want to start lo-fi. Digitizing took out a lot of the authentic... Sound." Kris pauses. She's waging her own private war with a wince as her voice hits her own ears. Is she turning into her dad, or a pick-me? Likewise, which option is worse?
"I'm not trying to gatekeep, dude, just trust me. The Vampire Lestat sounds way better on tape. At least try it before you go running for Spotify?" // open. KRIS LINDHOLM.
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eclipsecrowned · 22 days
thinking about the fact kris' actual legal from birth middle name is 'l*stat.' kristina l*stat lindholm.
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eclipsecrowned · 8 months
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Rubs my hands together and then slaps the names of all your TVC OC muses down on the table. Give Us Halloween Facts!!! // @teardownheaven
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Candel Silverio: Victoriana chic! It's not her standard look at all, stiff ruby brocade and deep gorgeous midnight shades, but Halloween is a busy time for the Mystic Alley. She has to as much dress for the occasion as dress to impress, to sell a story and an eyecatch for her little shop. The spooky old world madame of her dominion of back rooms and candlelit parlors. She's in a lush evening gown with lace elements and a corset that's made of real bone -- but please don't ask after what creatures bones make the inner workings. Bonus is her alligator familiar is curled up in her little bed with a novelty headband festooned to her head. She's a kitty cat!
Josette St. Yves: Going full drag! Has the drawn on stubble, has the shaded adams apple, has the shoulder pads and the slicked back hair and is just selling it. Like her bestie the aforementioned Candel, is going for a more historic look, with matching brocade vest and a long coat the color of sin. The dandy to Candel's noble lady. If you detect in her Vampire verse that she's imitating her 'older brother' slightly, no the fuck you do not. She's not here to sell anything or impress, she's just in town to have some fun and take her oldest friend out for a drink once the shop closes down. Probably has on some era extant accessories courtesy of her Maker.
Karin Lindholm: She's working tonight. She's got responsibilities. Halloween is a fucking nightmare on the Island. Don't ask her to dress up. She's going to do it anyway, but don't ask her to do it. It has to be done spur of the moment as she's throwing her clothes on. Cream button up blouse, dark pants, overlapping dual belts, high riding boots, an old capelet and most importantly, a single earring. No one has any idea what in Hell she is supposed to be. This was a calculated risk she took and she is hilariously bad at math. Only asks if someone has read Mistborn once before feeling too cringe to ask again. Don't worry about her outfit. None of you know what a Vin is.
Kris Lindholm: To the shock of absolutely no one, Lestat. However, she's very proud of herself this year, as a lot of the outfit is either thrifted or DIY'd. Shes becoming a real punk step by step. Spent several evenings at her bestie Mahmoud's house borrowing his mom's sewing machine to get the velvet coat made. It walks a fine line between the iconic Tom Cruise 'Interview' look and some of the in-universe 'IRL' Lestat's music video ensembles. It's everything she ever wanted in a look, but her hair's going to be begging for mercy between the bleaching dyeing and color correcting and then curling it for the authenticity. She's also gone heavy on the contour and makeup effects. Who is she.
Susan Howard: Susan is 50+ years old. Susan is a professional and a fearsome hunter of the undead. She does not have time to dress up for it. If anything, she's spending a night in, drawing up plans and having a festive spicy drink. She's in her knit sweatpants, a half-buttoned flannel, and a lovingly woven old shawl from another life. Her hair is pulled up into a utilitarian bun with a pen forgotten at the base. She's poised over her desk, reviewing building plans, cross-referencing historical records, the sounds of a classic horror movie totally ignored but whispering away from another room. It's simultaneously cozy dark academia and subtly offputting, the whole vibe of her rented room at odds with itself.
Yalizaveta Molyboga: Naughty nun. It amused her. She's played many roles in her time and costumes are a strange sort of comfort to her, her nightly haircut hidden away under a wimple and her marble thighs exposed to the cool night air. She was never Catholic in life, and was turned as a scrawny serf girl, so she has no real idea why she chose this, but she's having fun. Moving among living rabble jubilating in the streets, Vieta's having a fun time herself, just enjoying the vibe and roaming part. On several occasions she has offered passerby 'Body of Christ' via a shot glass and the contents of a vodka bottle strapped to her waist. Sufficed to say, she's a hit and a features on social media feeds throughout the night.
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eclipsecrowned · 2 years
muses that have canonically written fanfic:
Aria Mahariel (Andraste/Shartan. Also known to read bad smut novels about herself, which probably qualifies for being a consumer of fic as well.)
Zorya Constantine (K*ngdom H*arts, F*n*l F*nt*sy XV, The M*gn*s Arch*ves. Not the best writer, but a prolific one that focuses on queer or polyamorous arrangements between canons and one oc/canon fic that is clearly a self-insert Zorya with serial numbers filed off.)
Z*tara Constantine (The M*gn*s Arch*ves. If you mention something called ‘Come On and Rescue Me’ or an AO3 handle known as ‘LaughingMagi’ you will be hexed into next week. His sister discovers this on an annual basis whenever he needs humbling.)
Astraea Lucis Caelum (Anonymously involved in the fandom of a The V*mpire Chr*nicles pastiche for the setting, largely focused on Leonie de Lestallum/Lucienne de Lac, Leonie/King Akarin or Amanda di Tenebrae/Diana Montalbano.)
Kayden Connors (D*red*vil/Sp*derm*n ; Nearly had a stroke realizing that she’s been writing about a family friend and swore off the hobby ever since.)
Claude di Montoya (In their Vampire verse, they got away with writing operas/plays off of Armand’s recollections. What else do you call writing a chamber opera about a sexy gay love triangle between very thinly veiled expies of Nicki, L*stat, and Armand replete with Seraph symbolism for a motif?)
Kokoro Kyriakou (As a teen, she wrote extensively on the Foretellers. It’s as cringe as it sounds.)
Orpheus (I’m right. His cult has several AU ideas about established lore.)
Kris Lindholm (Writes extensive The V*mpire Chr*nicles fic as it exists within the universe. Mainly writes slice of life or adventure stories involving the Brat as her favorite character, while acknowledging this is a highly fictionalized version of what is, in-universe, a real person.)
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