#krit can go the fuck away now though
iguessitsjustme · 1 year
My love for King just grows with each episode. I fucking adore that man. I mean, his name is King for a reason
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yannig · 2 months
I watched Bed Friend
And I loved it!
Ngl, the premise of them starting as friends with benefits made me a bit hesitant to start it. I'm ace, and generally not a big fan of sex scenes on screen. I put up with them when they're relevant to the story, but getting into a show whose whole starting point was that the main couple were having sex together - yeah, I wasn't too hot. But I heard that the show dealt with Uea's trauma pretty well, so I decided to give it a shot.
And boy am I happy I did! First of all, there isn't that much sex. Like, we got more intense and developed scenes in Kinnporsche. Second of all, it was great!
This is one of my favorite BL so far!
Bed friend is a pretty good term for FWB, actually. I don't know if the show came up with it or not, but it's the first time I heard it and it's great!
I have a type! Apparently the cold-and-dismissive-because-traumatised meets cocky-but-caring-who-will-give-anything-to-take-care-of-them dynamic really does it for me. This is the exact same dynamic than between Sky and Prapai, who are one of my favorite BL couples. x) I guess I just like black cat x golden retriever uh.
Though I will say, I think Bed Friend handled the trauma better. By quite a large margin. My boy Uea is actually going to therapy! And taking medication for his mental health! And takes time to recover.
Yeay for STD awareness! Going to get tested after a night where no one was sober enough to remember to use a condom is a great idea! Especially when you've just learned your boyfriend was cheating on you. Get tested friends!
What's up with King's interior design, seriously? Listen, you wanna put copies of classical paintings in your condo, sure, have fun. It screams "I'm rich", but it can work. But what the fuck is up with the painting in his bedroom???
I'm pretty sure it's The Coronation of Napoleon. And I do. not. understand. why anyone would put that in a bedroom. If you want to flex about it, put it in your living room or something, but the bedroom?? I - I don't get it. Of all the classical paintings to chose from. Why this one?
Mind you, it's a detail, and one that has no impact on the story whatsoever. But it bugged me every time it was on screen.
King's reaction at the end of episode 7 was bad enough I almost didn't forgive him.
This is one of the tropes I hate the most ; the love interest getting jealous over what was clearly sexual assault. I hate it with a passion.
Especially when the love interest already has reasons to suspect it wasn't consensual. And King very much did. He spent the entire episode protection Uea from Krit, and now he's accusing Uea of asking for it?! I was waiting the whole scene for him to bash the door in or something, and instead he goes victim blaming?!?!
Listen. I know the context. Uea was pulling away full stop, and King was getting angsty and insecure. But to the point of getting jealous of what he knew was sexual harassment?! Fuck you King.
Props to Uea for telling King they couldn't even be friends if that was how he talked to him! Good job! Don't let the man be an asshole just because you like him!
So, why did I forgive him?
I frankly would have liked it better if we got an actual apology scene. He should have had to hear exactly how he made Uea feel that night.
But. Except for that, he did pretty good to fix his fuck up. Beginning with making sure Krit faced consequences and would never bother Uea again. Even if it meant putting his own job on the line. As far as grand gestures of apology go, this one is pretty good.
And then, because grand gestures are good but what matters is how you behave on the daily, he consistently showed Uea he respected his boundaries. Including asking if he could go after the step-father instead of just doing it, and later respecting Uea's need for time before acting on the info they obtained.
Also yes, a man who can make the system work to actually punish rapists and abusers is hot. The mafia way of murder and torture is great, but not very applicable for most of us. Having actual examples of the system working once in a while is good for the soul okay.
I would have liked for him to grovel a bit more, because I love grovel, but overall he's doing pretty well. So I forgive him. But I'm not forgetting!
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
This trip’s been INNNNSAANNNNE (jet lag) (so. much. jet. lag.), but dammit, I DID watch episode 7 of Bed Friend because WHAT THE FUCK KRIT GOING TO UEA’S MOM’S HOUSE??? PREDATOR!
And in that dining room! Predator on predator on abuser! Pran’s dad! (lol @wen-kexing-apologist) Krit! That JACKASS MOM! Too many assholes!
But unfortunately, something hit about this episode (and I do have to say that each episode gets better and better). Now that I’ve been in a hemisphere and continent different than mine for a while now, and I’ve been catching up with my overseas-from-me fam and friends — there was something unfortunately realistic about that scene from my Asian lens, even though I think, from my American lens, it was a little over the top.
There was something about an OBSESSION FOR CONTROL in that scene that I could relate to from my Asian lens. A lot was happening there. Before that scene, Uea’s mom hit him up for money again — there’s filial piety, there’s collectivism. Uea still cannot prioritize his pain and healing in the face of his mom’s demands — that’s the movement away from his past abuse that he needs to make.
Pran’s dad needs Uea to shut the hell up about the past. If Uea forces this revelation (which he ultimately does), both Pran’s dad and Uea know that their family falls apart (which it does).
And fucking Krit. Krit knows — likely because he can vibe Uea’s weak spots, likely because Krit has, in the past, abused the abused — that going to Uea’s family would cause Uea MORE pain (wanting to hurt him), AND add ANOTHER layer of control over Uea, not only by being his boss, but by also getting Uea’s mom on his (Krit’s) side, all while Uea still supports his mom grudgingly.
And that’s why the anger that Uea threw was such a relief. His shell is beginning to crack.
There’s so much to say about King, but I don’t have the time, but I thought Net was FABULOUS in this episode, and I can’t fucking wait for the big-ass vacay and throwdown that’s previewed for next week. I LOVE THIS SHOWWWWW.
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