#krithika is kirsten
orangeispice · 1 year
"Chai tea. Not chai, or tea, he says chai tea. Can you believe these Americans? They watch Mindy Kaling and think they know everything, I swear."
Mateus Mardhak glared at the young man sitting/hanging out of his open window. "Pavitr, either come inside or stay outside."
"But it smells so nice over here! I can smell Chaitra Madame's panneer from here. We should go see her."
"I have work to do."
Pavitr rolled his eyes. "Bhai, you've been sneaking glances at Krithika every few minutes. Maybe you're not hungry, but you're clearly VERY thirsty."
Mateus sputtered in a futile attempt to deny his statement.
Krithika looked up from her laptop, eyebrows raised in amusement.
She gave him a cheerful wave, which Pavitr returned, and opened his mouth to speak, when Matt shot up from his seat.
"Alright, Pavitr and I are going to get food. You want us to grab anything for you, Krithika?"
"I'm fasting today, but thanks for asking," she said, giving Mateus a warm smile. Gods, he loved her.
Pavitr all but dragged him outside, and Mateus nearly tripped over himself when he heard Krithika whisper "Although I could use a glass of water, Mateus; I am feeling a little thirsty."
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