casside-sionnach · 11 months
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renemartinss · 1 year
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rima-niki · 2 months
I need everyone to know that the absolute vibe switch between Ajax (going through the horrors and possibly dying) Zephyr and Krit ( Imma just be a lil guy and play crab rave) Dawn is wonderful as the person running both of those accounts.
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skyland2703 · 6 months
Just watched Crew. Here’s my takes:
Women who commit crimes together stay together
You can commit any crime in the world if you have the stubbornness for it and friends the same level of insane as you <3
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andresfpena · 1 year
Meet Lily! She is the main character of my book series, The Legend of Krito the King. SURPRISE! Krito is indeed an important character, but the way he fits into Lily’s story will come into play later. For now, allow me to introduce to you, the youthful, light-hearted, nervous mess of Liliana Lumen 🤣
Despite growing up with no magic in a world where magic was common and taught at an elementary level, Lily was never quite satisfied with her stock in life. How she longed to be something more. As it turns out, there’s more than meets the eye and her lack of magic has proved crucial in keeping her hidden from the gods who have a vested interest in wiping her from existence. Why? Well… her father never said. And her mother was long gone. When the underworld attacks her home, Lily feels she has no choice but go out and make something of herself, joining the fight against the underworld even if it’s against her father’s wishes, setting her on a path steeped in secrets, contracts, and blood…
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uranusdeki-koala · 1 year
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sardar106 · 2 months
This is for anyone who wants to make/find any Sherbverse, Fable SMP, Bound SMP and Mer SMP roleplay accounts!
The characters who have more than one account will also be added
I will put the Sherbversions in their specific world too, but both but Midas and Charles will be only on the sherbverse list
The list will go alphabetically (hopefully)
Tell me if I missed any and if new ones are made!
Not that I’ve seen any, but I should have said this before. Do not, and I mean do not make an rp account of anyone who stated that they aren’t okay with them.
Ashril: pigeon-prince-or-something, run-run-roadrunner Ajax: ajax-lightning-zephyr, lighting-in-my-veins, thunder-twink Caine: the-better-coyote Cedar: cedars-potionshop EP-S110N56 (Epsilon): error-404-location-not-found Helix: hidden-amongst-the-dark, eyeblood-engineer Icarus: icarus-morningstar, icarixis-morningstar, icarus-m0rningstar, a-little-tragedy-arent-you, gilded-wings-and-golden-hearts Krithos: kritos-dawn Midas: colorful-shades-of-gray, quixis-midas, your-guardian-this-millennia, rainbow-decay Reo: armoured-fighter, cracked-armour, theyoungeststellam Ripley: navigating-spectral-seas Sherbert: elf-lad-says-things Sherwood: sleepy-pirate-person
Sherbverse misc:
Azalea: local-herb-lady Castrel: castrel-is-hunting Charles: charles-and-no-one-else Emma: emmie-ocie-golden Graeme: the-betterstellam Hayraen: hey-a-skyrate Helios: helios-event Lily: the-lil-lady Rae (Among Us): scientist-in-orbit Rayko: host-of-curses Rondael: rondael-richard Theia: flowers-by-a-different-name
Sherbverse AUs:
Band AU! Midas: under-rainbow-spotlights Band AU! Icarus: bird-song-shines, songbird-soars Corrupt! Icarus: wilted-feathers Decaying! Icarus: decayed-wings-of-gold Midas as new Quixis: rainbows-of-flashing-lights Icarus as young Quixis: lost-in-the-bright-lights Icarus raised by Fable: prince-of-the-gilded ^^^ + younger than Rae: im-prince-icarus Icarus raised by Ulysses: bird-underwater Icarus raised by moms: icarus-mindstar Icarus with wither sickness, wack, and decay: protector-of-decay
Fable SMP
Aax: thebesttesttubeuncle, tiny-perseus Arisanna: the-librari Athena: athena-morningstar, small-athena, withering-alliums Caspian: caspian-solcrect Centross: centross-mistvale, baby-reaper Easton: easton-pine, professorpine Fenris: fenris-nightingal Haley: oracle-haley Icarus: icarus-morningstar, icarixis-morningstar, icarus-m0rningstar, a-little-tragedy-arent-you, gilded-wings-and-golden-hearts Jamie/Bruin: bruin-pine Momboo: momboo-pine, rain-and-rotting-flowers Oceana: ocean-bringer Rae: rae-m0rningstar, vessel-of-wonder, tiny-raemorningstar, rae-morningstar13, little-rae-morningstar13 Seven: that-one-robot-guy Ulesses: ulysses-themist Ven: reclusive-author, notafakeginger, wet-fox-artist
Gods and NPCs:
Alerion: little-space-major Cari: cari-morningcrest Casus: casus-luck, siren-of-luck Enderian: enderian-morningstar Epros: the-void-of-the-end Everett: everett-morningstar Fable: fable-creation, king-of-the-overworld Hope: hope-pup Isla: isla-morningstar Jerry: jericho-cree Kinaxus: protectorofenergy Malitae: x-malitae-x, god-of-expression Netherum: nethrum Oscar: oscarlittleguy Perix: perix-illusion Soul: goddess-of-souls Raemond: raemond-morningstar Terry: the-best-cree-brother Vaeh: thebestestnightingstar, loyalty-goddess-pt2 Vikesh: vikesh-moon Vorago: vorago-god-of-depths and also Fable pets cus why not: fable-pet-collective
Fable AUs:
Band AU! Aax: drum-olm ^^^ Arisanna: songs-of-the-allay ^^^ Athena: flame-sings ^^^ Caspian: cas-chord ^^^ Centross: song-reaper, soulstone-rockstar ^^^ Fable: creation-records ^^^ Fenris: singing-wolf ^^^ Icarus: bird-song-shine, songbird-soars ^^^ Isla: orchid-morningstars ^^^ Malitae: artist-on-the-stage ^^^ Rae: void-star-singer ^^^ Ven: wet-fox-artist Corrupt! Centross: the-violet-reaper ^^^ Fenris: vengful-danger-wolf ^^^ Icarus: wilted-feathers ^^^ Momboo: rain-and-rotting-flowers ^^^ Rae: mind-prince Decaying! Icarus: decayed-wings-of-gold Fable be good dad: guiding-gilded-light Icarus as young Quixis: lost-in-the-bright-lights Icarus raised by Fable: prince-of-the-gilded ^^^ + younger than Rae: im-prince-icarus Icarus raised by moms: icarus-mindstar Icarus raised by Ulysses: bird-underwater Icarus with wither sickness, wack, and decay: protector-of-decay Isla never leaving Fable: the-trapped-princess Rae if he took Enderian’s deal in s1: prince-of-the-court Rae raised by Enderian after Ic’s “death”: son-of-mind Rae raised by Fable after Ic’s “death”: never-his-son Skulked! Aax: decaying-test-tube Skulked! Ocie: polluted-ocean
Faye: shark-biter Gyn: the-final-leviathan Krithos: kritos-dawn Raylen: raylan-dawn Theodore: theo-sealan, theosealan
SkyBound SMP
Armor: winged-warrior-1 Ashril: pigeon-prince-or-something, run-run-roadrunner Gavrien: fashionable-bird Marcel: cardinal-north Mojave: the-onewinged-artist Rune: engineer-lad Sylph: zip-zap-sylph Vast: ranger-of-the-sky, the-remaining-cadere13
Bound misc:
Jade: littlebirbie Jasper: stringtheif
Bound AUs:
Pokemon AU! Vast: ranger-of-the-sky
ohhkay. this took a lot of brain cells /pos and as stated in the beginning, tell me of other accounts!
I thought I’d add this here too; make sure to use #roleplay on every post/reblog and #sherbverse roleplay and #fable smp roleplay when roleplaying either!
also! I have made a google docs with the same exact list, but with the links of each account intro if you press the username
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Hi! Your a fimsh! I'm a crab! or lobster, some sort of crustation!
-Krit @kritos-dawn
Oh! Hi! I am.....axolotl shaped-
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god-of-expression · 5 days
Hi! :D
You look really cool!
-krit @kritos-dawn
Hello! You like the silly faces, too? {0v0}/
Thanks! I try :3 You look cool as well! Are you like a kind of animal or something?
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athena-morningstar · 2 months
You look like my cousin, Solaris! I think you would get along with him!
-Krit @kritos-dawn
Ooo! Well I’m sure they must be pretty cool then if they look like me! :D
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casside-sionnach · 1 year
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Kirito and Asuna picnic .
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theo-sealan · 2 months
Hi Theo!!!!!
-krit @kritos-dawn
Hi Krit! How have you been?
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isla-morningstar · 2 months
Wait you also look like my mom! :D
her name isn't Isla, it was Vanda!
-Krit @kritos-dawn
I bet you're mother was a lovely woman
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phantasmagoricl · 8 months
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outfits for kritos
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andresfpena · 1 year
Hello all! Um… I’m just gonna wing it and see where this goes. My name is Andres F. Pena and I’m an aspiring author writing a series called the Legend of Krito the King. I’ve been working on this story for quite a bit and I’m nearly finished with the manuscript for the series’ first book, The Secret of the Seal. So, with that, here’s a little glimpse of the world Avenra, more specifically, the Kingdom of Desmaria, the setting where we meet our main character, Lilianna Lumen, and the various people and creatures that inhabit this frigid northern land!
If you guys are intrigued! Stick around cause there’s more where that came from! Farewell for now, or as the Desmarians say “Vieg Ohven!”
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fantasticalbiology · 11 months
Jax really reminds me of SWE abridged Krito. Like he's the type of guy who brought all his highschool baggage into his adult life and hasn't been able to get a handle on it. So he hides behind the mask of an absolute douche to hide the fact he was probably bullied in college to. At least that's how I'm interpreting for his character
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