#krovs fight club 2020
familiar-finn · 4 years
Round Two || Finn & Mathias
So far Finn was quite thrilled with the tournament this year. More competitive provided more of a challenge, and the demon so did love a challenge. His first fight had gone well against Kai, and he'd taken the time he had to heal from any wounds he'd sustained while watching the rest of the matches. 
His next opponent, Mathias Attano, had him excited. He didn't know the necromancer so well, but he remembered him from the tournament last year. In his few centuries of life, he couldn't recall ever seeing such powerful displays of magic from two witches so young. He hoped that this would be another fun fight for him. 
Finn waited for his opponent to join him in the ring and he grinned at him, cracking his knuckles. "Hope you're not planning on takin' it easy here, kid," he said, "I could use a challenge."
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gaothnamara · 4 years
Round 1: Boyd and Artagan
When Bear asked if he could enter, and he found out he could sign up as well, he didn’t hesitate to put his name in. It sounded like a good chance to see what the men in the castle could really do. Plus, he was kind of hoping to face Bear in battle and see which one of them was stronger, if they actually ended up fighting at full force. 
Instead, probably to his luck, he was matched up with a name he didn’t recognise. When he stepped into the fighting ring, however, the face was a handsome and familiar one he didn’t mind seeing again. “Well, if it isn’t the handsome fae who wanted to get in my pants,” he said with a big grin. Right away, he knew to be mindful of the fae’s wings and his ability to fly, something he envied himself. 
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mannythejaguar · 4 years
Round One || Manny & Hwan
It’d taken Manny quite a bit of convincing with his master to get himself into the tournament again this year, but he’d say it was worth it. Last year he’d been disappointed that he didn’t make it to the second round, having been persuaded by his opponent to yield. He’d lived through dozens of battles against vampires. The shifter liked to think he could do better this time around. 
Armed with a silver blade tucked away in his boot, Manny stepped into the ring for his fight. His opponent was someone he didn’t recognize so much by name, but he’d seen the guard before in the Undercroft when he’d briefly been unclaimed. With his full abilities, he caught the distinct scent of death and rotting that reminded him of the few wendigos he’d met in the castle. Shockingly, that still didn’t deter him. He flashed Hwan a grin before settling into his jaguar form, determination clear in the feline’s eyes. The moment the start signal went off, his roar echoed in the arena. He sprinted towards the wendigo, sharp teeth bared and jaws snapping as he pounced to take a bite.
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witchysethharper · 4 years
Round Two || Seth & Josh
So far so good. Seth made it through the first round without too much incident. The win against Jaxon felt pretty good, he almost felt like he’d gotten a handle on this new magic Lilith left behind. Less wild and more contained. Maybe. He’d see as this tournament went on. 
His next fight was up against Josh Williams, a slave he remembered meeting once or twice. From the leftover memories from Lilith, he knew that he’d met her as well and she knew exactly what he was. Seth didn’t particularly care what type of creature Josh was so long as he could put up a decent fight. He wasn’t looking to seriously hurt the other slave, but the witch didn’t want an automatic win. He needed to prove to himself that he could do this tournament himself without a demon possession intervening. 
He smiled small as Josh stepped into the ring across from him. “As much as I don’t want to harm you, I hope you won’t make this super easy for me,” he chuckled, holding out his hands at his sides as they sparked with red and black energy. 
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kkang-zi · 4 years
round four | finn & kang
Kang had really not expected to get this far in the tournament. While he had told himself that he would do anything in his power to defeat the vampires, he still did not think it would be so easy. Out of the three that he fought, two of them put up a fight but both the Councilmen ended up conceding. There was something inside Kang that hated how the matches turned out because it meant that going on to the next round had not been by his own merits and it only seemed to generate more annoyance and anger inside him towards the vampires that he wanted to bring to his next match. When he saw that his next opponent was a slave, the thought of conceding immediately crossed his mind because Kang had told himself not to fight the slaves given his new status as a master in the castle. That was why he had approached Finn before their match to tell him, though it had not been received very well given that Finn wanted a fight. The kirin gave in after awhile when he realised that the other man really wanted this and he made it clear that it was going to be a friendly match only, and that if things went too far, Kang would not hesitate to admit defeat. 
 They stepped into the arena against each other some time after and even Kang had to admit that he was excited for their fight to start. He had been promised a good one and judging from Finn's previous matches, the demon was a very skilled fighter himself. Dressed in his usual sleeveless shirt and loose pants, Kang stayed in his corner as the bell rang to signal the start of their match. He needed to get close to Finn, seeing as he was more of a close combatant than anything and he immediately launched himself towards him, his new vampiric speed somehow making the already fast kirin even faster. Kang found himself managing to get close enough to Finn to land a first blow and he pulled his arm back to strike out, his fist aiming for his opponent's face.
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jadenthehybrid · 4 years
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Jaden’s Fight Club Outfit
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krovscastlerpg · 4 years
Krovs Fight Club 2020 – Poll
Hello players!
We would like to have a second annual Krovs “Fight Club” as our August event this year, but we’ve been discussing some changes from last year. Staff will be allowed to participate and we are debating including vampires as well. However, given that vampires are notably much stronger in Krovs’ universe than most other species, we’d like to ensure that fights are still fair and many characters will have a chance to become champion, even if they square up against a vampire. 
We have created a mandatory poll HERE for all players interested in participating in this year’s Fight Club event. If anyone would like to have their characters join, please complete and submit this form by 11pm EST on Wednesday, July 29th. Please do not miss this deadline as we need these responses to determine how to run this event with the addition of vampires. This is so we can get a feel for which vampire characters would definitely be involved and precisely how strong they are compared to most of the slave/staff characters joining this year’s tournament. 
While players with multiple characters can include all of them in our Fight Club event, we only need to know the ones with the highest Fighter Points values for vampires and slaves/staff. Please see below for the Fighter Points calculations and include your highest scores where needed in the form. There are two separate calculations for vampires and non-vampires so please ensure you’re using the right one! If you’re unsure the final result you received is correct, you may reach out to us on the main and we can help double check the total is correct.
Players, please LIKE this post so we know it has been read. 
Thank you!
– Krovs Castle Admin Team
Please refer to our species and hybrids pages and start with your character’s power level number. 
For tri-hybrids and quad-hybrids, take the individual species power level numbers, add them all up, divide them by 3 (for tri-hybrids) or 4 (for quad-hybrids), and round down to the nearest whole number – this will be your character’s power level. 
Age plays a large factor in a character’s strength and power. The older the character, the more knowledgable and powerful they can be with their abilities. Add the following points to your character’s power level based on their age:
18 – 99 (0)
100 – 199 (+1)
200 – 499 (+2)
500 – 999 (+3)
1,000 – 4,999 (+4) 
5,000+ (+5)
Has your character had any of the following experience in fighting BEFORE this event? Add all options that may apply. (Please be honest based on your character’s bio and/or anything mentioned in threads/headcanons – don’t make something up just to make your character stronger than they actually are)
No experience (0)
Self defense / boxing / martial arts / wrestling / any other regular fitness training before this event was announced (+1) (NOTE: You may include any training done before last year’s fight tournament.)
Street / gang / underground fighting / supernatural hunting (+2) (NOTE: If your character participated with active threads – regardless of completion – in last year’s fight tournament, you may add an additional +1 to this bonus. Headcanons and non-dash participation do not count to gain this extra point bonus.)
Was involved in a rebellion against vampires before Krovs (+3)
Military training / participated in at least one war in their lifetime (+4)  (NOTE: This includes active thread participation from the fae battle against Lokie event in May 2019 – this does not count if your character was not involved in any actual threads on the dash)
Based on your character’s species and abilities, what sort of style/advantages do they have against other species? For hybrids, please check our hybrids page for your combined species and add the appropriate number.
No special abilities – Humans (0)
Enhanced physical abilities – Werewolves, Shapeshifters, Some Hybrids (+1)
Magical abilities – Witches, Faeries, Mermen, Elementals, Some Hybrids (+2)
Both enhanced physical abilities and some sort of magic – Demons, Celestials, Phoenixes, Spirits, Dragons, Some Hybrids (+3)
Please refer to our species and hybrids pages and start with your character’s power level number. 
For tri-hybrids and quad-hybrids, take the individual species power level numbers, add them all up, divide them by 3 (for tri-hybrids) or 4 (for quad-hybrids), and round down to the nearest whole number – this will be your character’s power level.
Age plays a large factor in a character’s strength and power. The older the character, the more knowledgable and powerful they can be with their abilities. Add the following points to your character’s power level based on their age:
18 – 99 (0)
100 – 199 (+1)
200 – 499 (+2)
500 – 999 (+3)
1,000 – 2,400 (+4) 
2,500 – 4,900 (+5)
5,000+ (+6)
Has your character had any of the following experience in fighting BEFORE this event? Add any and all options that may apply. (Please be honest based on your character’s bio and/or anything mentioned in threads/headcanons – don’t make something up just to make your character stronger than they actually are).
Since most vampires are older than 1,000, for every 2,000 years of age, these choice options may be doubled. For example, a 4,000 year old vampire with both self defense (1 x 4 = 4) and military experience (3 x 4 = 12) would add a +16 to their total experience value. 
No experience (0)
Self defense / boxing / martial arts / wrestling / any other regular fitness training before this event was announced (+1)
Street / gang / underground fighting (+2) 
Military training / participated in at least one war in their lifetime (+3) (NOTE: This includes active thread participation from the fae battle against Lokie event in May 2019 – this does not count if your character was not involved in any actual threads on the dash) 
Based on your character’s species and abilities, what sort of style/advantages do they have against other species? For hybrids, please check our hybrids page for your combined species and add the appropriate number.
For vampire tri-hybrids, consult your individual species pages. If your combination of hybrids contains both enhanced physical abilities and some sort of magic, you would go with the second option. If your trio combination does not contain any magical abilities, you would stick with the first option’s value. 
In vampires, age equals strength, so the older a vampire is, the stronger his abilities are. For every 2,000 years of age in each of these categories, add another +1 or +2 to the base value. For example, a 6,000 year old Vampire/Demon would have a bonus of +8 (2 (base value) + 2 (2,000) + 2 (4,000) + 2 (6,000) = 8). A 5,000 year old Vampire/Shapeshifter would have a bonus of +3 (1 (base value) + 1 (2,000) + 1 (4,000) = 3).
Enhanced physical abilities – Vampires, Vampire/Humans, Vampire/Werewolves, Vampire/Shapeshifters, Vampire/Spirits (+1)
Both enhanced physical abilities and some sort of magic – Vampire/Mermen, Vampire/Witches, Vampire/Dragons, Vampire/Faeries, Vampire/Demons (+2)
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mannythejaguar · 4 years
Round Two || Manny & Hemi
Manny was thrilled he'd won his first match. This was already turning out better than last year. Finally, he could really prove himself in this tournament. Getting through a wendigo in round one hadn't been an feat, the shifter winning with a few good scratches and bruises. Healed up and ready to go, he prepared for his next fight. 
This one, he wasn't so confident in winning, but he planned on giving it his all. He knew the name of his opponent as one of the councilmen mainly thanks to his brief ownership under Kol back in the day. Clearly, Hemi was older and definitely stronger, but that wouldn't stop Manny from trying to crush his skull or his throat in his jaws. He stepped back into the ring, rolling his shoulders and stretching his neck. He eyed his opponent across the ring in that barely there armor before seamlessly transforming into his jaguar state. The moment the bell rang to start their fight, he roared and sprinted across the ring with his teeth bared, ready to strike.
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familiar-finn · 4 years
Finals || Finn & Bear
Just one more round. One more fight. That was the only thing separating Finn from the title of champion for this year's tournament. He hadn't expected to make it this far with the quality of fighters this time around, but boy, was he proud of himself. Albeit, he'd been a little nervous stepping into the ring against Bear. Having watched his previous fights and knowing they were both demons around the same age, he liked to think they were evenly matched. Though Bear might be a bit more physically stronger while Finn had more speed. It'd be an exciting match for sure. 
While the ring was being repaired for their final fight, it felt normal for the two of them to discuss their motivations for winning at this stage of the tournament. Both of them were so fucking close. Bear seemed more focused on the money while Finn wanted the victory to prove he was useful as more than just a pet. And when Finn checked the latest update on the betting pool, he was struck with an idea that might just help both of them. No one had appeared to bet money on Finn winning this year, so he had Charlie put in $20,000 under his name to win and reassured his fellow familiar that he could earn five times as much even if he lost this round. The younger demon had no need for the money, he just wanted the glory, which was he asked if Bear would still fight him with everything he had. Finn didn't want his final fight here to be easy; he wanted a true challenge to show everything he was capable of, even if it nearly killed him. 
He stepped into the finished ring opposite of Bear, smirking at him. "Remember, don't take it easy," he said. Absently, Finn's hand slipped into his pocket, checking that he had his piece of insurance to ensure Bear would hold up his end, ready to pull it out if he had to. "I'm a demon. You should know I can take it."
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witchysethharper · 4 years
Round One || Seth
Krovs Fight Club 2020 event self para. Seth faces a werewolf NPC named Jaxon in the first round. 
The day of the tournament came and Seth could not have been more stupidly nervous. He watched the first pair of fighters go off in the ring, a knot forming in his gut. Images of last year’s fight against Mathias flashed through his memory. Lilith might be gone, but he could still feel some of that demonic magic coursing through his veins, ready to strike. 
Fuck, maybe this was a bad idea. Too late to back out now though. 
His heart thundered in his chest as he stepped into the ring to face his opponent. He was a tough, burly looking guy, maybe about 40s or 50s in appearance, with dark hair and a scruffy beard. The roster had him listed as Jaxon Hughbert. Seth didn’t sense any magical energy about him, so he safely assumed the man was some kind of werewolf or shifter, most likely an alpha type. He doubted any humans had the confidence to join a fight against any supernatural creature here. 
The bell rang, signalling the start of their fight. Seth’s nerves were vibrating in anticipation as the wolf charged at him. Eyes wide, he quickly stepped to the side and swung around, firing off a shadowy scarlett bolt of magic energy square into Jaxon’s back. He knew it wouldn’t be enough to knock him out, but it did get the wolf stumbling forward a few steps. The witch only had a moment to pride himself on the control he’d exhibited in that moment before his opponent turned back on him, snarling. Clearly Jaxon didn’t appreciate it so much. 
Seth started backing up, wanting to put distance between himself and Jaxon. Unlike his opponent, he wasn’t so durable, and he had a feeling that a couple hits from an alpha werewolf would not be ideal. Jaxon charged at him again and swiped at him with claws out. Seth wasn’t quick enough this time to dodge or defend and cried out as the hot sting of the wolf’s attack tore through his skin and clothing, leaving a nice gash on his side. His hand immediately felt on the bloody wound with a hiss of breath, but there wasn’t any time to lament over it for Jaxon came at him again. His fist connected with Seth’s jaw and he fell back from the force of it with a grunt. Fuck, that was going to hurt in the morning. 
He quickly learned his lesson. Seeing Jaxon coming at him again, Seth forgot his wounds and focused back on the fight. His irises glowed red as his energy manifested in his palms and he went sliding back across the floor just as Jaxon slammed his fist where he’d been laying. The witch pushed himself to his feet, one palm pressed to his bleeding side with gritted teeth. Screw it, he’d taken worse than a couple scratches. He’d live. 
He shot off a few more projectile bolts of red and black energy, each of which Jaxon easily dodged. The wolf launched at him again and Seth instinctively held out his hands to create a force field. Jaxon was quicker than his reflexes and his punch managed to break through his construct and connect with his torso, sending Seth back a good few hundred feet until he hit the wall hard with an audible thud echoing throughout the arena. He doubled over, wrapping one arm around his midsection as he painfully sucked in air to catch his breath again. 
“What, are ya holdin’ back on me, kid?” Jaxon scoffed, already making his way over to Seth again. “This fight’s gonna end real quick if you keep this up.” 
God damn it, he knew Jaxon was right. Seth definitely was pulling his punches to avoid another incident like last year. His tainted magic writhed within him, wanting to be unleashed properly instead of so carefully as he had been. He just needed to find that right balance between power and control without fearing it. And he needed to figure it out pretty fast. 
The werewolf broke out into a sprint towards him, ready to take down his cornered prey. Seth stood up straight now, the whites of his eyes turning jet black around piercing scarlet irises. Sparks of red and black energy swirled around his biceps and forearms. Jaxon leapt in the air towards him, claws out to strike. Seth reached up in one swift motion and grabbed him easily by the throat in a vice grip. With his strength augmented by his magic, he slammed the other man down into the ground with a sickening crack as the ground dented from the force. 
Seth knew that wouldn’t be enough to take out a werewolf though. The dust hardly settled before Jaxon struck again, swiping up with his claws and getting another good scratch across the witch’s cheek as he got back up. Seth flinched away and hissed out a breath, instinctively pressing a hand over the fresh wound for a second. He spun back around on Jaxon and thrust his palms forward, unleashing a barrage of scorching hot plasma blasts. Each one searing through fabric and flesh on his opponent, eliciting cries and howls while the wolf tried to escape the unrelenting assault. 
Using his enhanced speed, Jaxon found a brief opening and charged after Seth again. The witch’s eyes narrowed and he held out his hand again as it became enveloped in swirling red and black energy. That same energy wrapped itself around the wolf and stopped him in his tracks only a few feet away from Seth. 
“What the…?” 
Seth raised his hand and lifted Jaxon into the air effortlessly with his magic. One flick of his wrist sent his opponent rocketing to the left into the wall with an echoing boom!, leaving behind a humanoid shaped crater underneath the dust cloud. Another flick had Jaxon crashing into the wall on the opposite end with the same effect and Seth heard a few sympathetic gasps from the crowd. 
One more flick of his wrist and the wolf flew up into the rafters and then barreling down uncontrollably into the ring’s ground again. The impact echoed louder than thunder in the arena, generating a cloud of dust and debris covering the whole stage. When it cleared, the center of the ring now featured a decent sized Jaxon-shaped hole with a groaning werewolf. A few moments of silence rested over the arena until it was clear Jaxon was not getting up any time soon. While Seth wandered off to get ready for his next fight, the referee officially declared him the winner of this round. 
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familiar-finn · 4 years
Round One || Finn & Kai
Finn was bouncing with excitement when he stepped in the ring. He had been looking forward to this tournament ever since it was announced. He saw a few familiar faces from last year’s competition along with some new ones. It was definitely a bigger pool this year and that was both exciting and nerve wracking for the competitive demon. 
HIs first fight was up against Kai, a friend he knew not to underestimate. The hellhound might have a few centuries on him, but they both were warriors. He expected a good fight from Kai, but Finn had no intention of going easy, especially since Kai belonged to Nikolas. He smirked at the other slave across the ring, rubbing his hands together while he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, ready to begin. “I hope we can still be friends after I kick your ass,” he called out to him, “Don’t go easy on me, pupper, I wanna have a little fun.” 
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kkang-zi · 4 years
round three | kang & hemi
Kang had been lucky enough that he had been matched with vampires so far in this tournament. He had won his first round and taken it in his stride. When he was matched with Gotrik in the second one and his old master was a no-show, it seemed almost insulting, but perhaps Kang should have expected it. His third match was to another Councilman named Hemi, a vampire demon that he had not interacted with very much but knew enough about. His many years at Krovs as a slave had helped him get to know the masters well because it helped to know ones enemies.
There was an atmosphere of excitement in the arena for this next round. The audience was cheering as Kang stepped into the ring to face his opponent dressed in a loose sleeveless top and track pants. His feet were bare because it was easier for him to move that way. They moved to their respective sides of the ring to get ready before the bell sounded and signalled the start of the fight. Kang circled the pit, his eyes staying on Hemi. “Why don’t you make the first move?” he called out as he gave the other man the option. It helped to see what he was up against.
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familiar-finn · 4 years
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Finn’s Fight Club Outfit
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gaothnamara · 4 years
Round 2: Carter & Boyd
Truthfully, he was rather happy to get to face the gargoyle. He didn’t doubt that the guard was tough, and they already got along wonderfully. Seeing him made Boyd grin wide. “If it isn’t my favourite hybrid,” he cooed as they made their way into the ring. “If you want, we can get naked instead of fighting.” He winked with his offer, one that was completely genuine. It would still be a show the vampires would enjoy so nobody could really complain.
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kkang-zi · 4 years
fighting spirit | self para
Kang had always been a fighter. It was a role that had been instilled in him from a young age when he was brought into this world to serve as protector to a great emperor. His calling to find someone or a cause to protect was probably what made him so adept at it. He took to all forms of martial arts very easily and fell in love with the physicality of it from a young age. The kirin had even travelled the world after he left China, looking to find ways to learn different styles of fighting so that he could hone and push his body to its limits. After all those years of training and the number of battles and wars he had been through, there was little in the physical realm that Kang felt he could not overcome. 
It was the reason he managed to pull through being a slave at Krovs for so much of his life. It was also one of the reasons he believed allowed him to survive his eventual turning into a vampire and the control he managed to muster to regain control of himself in just a few months. Young vampires usually turned feral very easily and he was glad that he had managed to avoid most of that. 
When the castle announced that they were holding another Fight Club that allowed masters to participate, Kang did not hesitate to put his name down, much to Louie’s dismay. It was in his blood to fight, he told his lover and sire. He had also told himself that he would throw whatever matches he had against slaves and even some of the nicer members of staff, but if his opponent was a vampire, he would have the chance to go all out to defeat them in front of his peers. When the fight roster was put up and his first opponent was a master he knew who frequented the castle over the last few decades enough to know him, the kirin was glad. 
The crowd was cheering loudly when he finally stepped into the ring, but Kang paid the noise no mind. His attentions were solely focused on his opponent. It had been a long time since he stepped into a space like this and the nostalgia of the days of his past spent travelling the world came back to him. Kang had missed this. 
As Kang readied his body into its most comfortable fighting stance, he watched as his opponent smirked, recognising the kirin for who he was. This vampire knew Kang from his years of being a slave and had never let him forget his place back then and, it seemed, even now as a very clear and insulting taunt rang through the air. 
Kang merely blinked at the man as the words rolled off his back. He had not spent years being humiliated in so many different ways inside this very castle for something as trivial as words to affect him. But insulting him now also meant that he was insulting Louie and that would not do. His eyes flashed a red colour that Kang could not control. It seemed to do so whenever anger started rising inside him and his opponent noticed that. 
They both moved on the other at the same time, neither one of them wanting to give ground. Kang had the advantage of the magic his kirin half still possessed, but his opponent possessed speed and slightly greater strength.  They were quite evenly matched, Kang realised as they continued to exchange blows to the point where they both started to tire, but neither of them wanted to give up. His opponent refused to let an ex-slave beat him and Kang’s only wish was to tear the master down. 
In a swift move, the other man’s fist connected with the side of Kang’s face in a rare moment that he did not see it coming and it sent Kang flying. He just barely managed to right himself in mid-air, his body twisting so that he could land on all fours and his now-clawed hands dug into the ground as he raised crimson eyes up at his opponent. The kirin could feel himself getting angrier as the match became mroe drawn out, an emotion he usually tried to and could successfully suppress when he was fighting. It did not do well to lose his head in such situations because it meant making mistakes, but Kang had not realised how his new vampiric half would affect him in such a manner. 
His opponent was quick to follow through and Kang had a feeling that he man knew exactly what he was going to do when he launched himself at Kang. He was so fast and the kirin did not manage to avoid the hand that closed around the back of his neck to shove him face first into the ground with a loud crack that split the earth. It hurt -- a lot -- and Kang could feel blood on his face as he was held down by the other man in an attempt to get him to concede the fight. The vampire told the crowd that he wanted Kang to admit defeat as if he were ending this honourably, but when he leaned down to press his lips to Kang’s ear, he spoke of wanting to make sure that Kang knew his place and that he would be beneath him forever, no matter what he had done to trick Louie into turning him into one of them.
The kirin was not able to tell in the next moment what came over him. It was either the panic of being held down like that by one of his many old abusers or the anger. Or maybe it was a mix of both because all he could see was red -- the type of red that was loud and angry and it took over his senses completely. The sounds of the arena were muffled in Kang’s ears and he could barely feel himself pushing up from the ground as if he hand on the back of his neck and the weight holding him down meant nothing. 
Time seemed to shift in that ocean of red him because when it finally lifted and he could breathe again, Kang blinked open his eyes and the sight that greeted him was that of his arms stretched out before him and his hands holding what looked to be the vampire’s lifeless body. Where the man’s head had once been was now reduced to a misshapen mass of charred black and Kang could feel a tell-tale heat in his throat that told him he what happened. He had breathed enough fire to burn his opponent’s head to a crisp. 
The stunned silence of the arena began to return to Kang’s ears as all eyes were turned on the scene in front of them. He dropped the vampire’s body to the ground then, blinking a few times before he lifted his head up, his still-red eyes scanning the crowd in defiance as if he were daring them to react. The commentator stuttered out his win and the crowd went wild as they seemed to lap up the spectacle of it all. This was all entertainment after all and Kang had given them a very good show. Sparing a glance for the lifeless vampire at his feet, Kang felt the ringside medics rush in to carry the body out as he turned to walk out of the ring himself. 
Losing any sense of self during a fight would usually have alarmed Kang, and he would have panicked had he been of a clearer mind, but he had his next round to prepare for and if he was lucky, he would be facing off against the one man in the castle he most desperately wanted to defeat. 
He was going to be fighting Gotrik.
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gaothnamara · 4 years
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Boyd’s fighting outfit
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