vikingpoteto · 8 months
girl help the soulmate au is over 5k words long and i barely touched the subscorp part
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I have been looking for this for FOREVER! And then I realized that Google Docs has a search feature 😅 This was THEEEE first attempt at Fire in Heat and you can see some early concepts of ideas used later on. I stopped this version because Takeda coming in and talking about his wedding just threw me completely. Keep reading
Michael needs more work for the beautiful fics she writes even the parts she scraps at the end of the night are wonderful.
😭😭😭😭😭 you’re too good to me
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arcana-shipper · 2 years
Subscorp- O
Ah, another SubScorp.
BTW just a reminder, If the ask doesn’t specify which verse, it will automatically be set to MK11. Just thought I’d throw that out there. Anyways, let us begin.
SubScorp O- Oral; Giving or Receiving and why
Hanzo is generally the one on the receiving end. It's not that he doesnt LIKE giving Oral, it's just that he never did such a thing to another man until Kuai came around. When he does have the courage to do it, he does. He isn't exactly well practiced but he does get Kuai to orgasm at the end.
Now Kuai...Kuai loves giving and knows what he's doing thanks to exploring his sexuality and one-night stands. Making Hanzo squirm and make the sounds he absolutely lives for is a highlight for him. If he had to choose, he'd choose giving every time except for when Hanzo asks to give, though those times are rare.
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starmon · 4 years
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just a lil vent i made from yesterday to cope with some mental shenanigans 
also im tryna upload more art here since MK’s my current focus rn!!!!! so lemme know how thats working out for yall [pleadingface]
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oriworii · 2 years
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smoke m’boy! a commission for @kuai-liangst!
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mcbethins · 2 years
WIP Game
Post the last line you wrote and tag the same number of people as words.
Tagged by @kuai-liangst
He plopped back down at the kitchen table, going through his mental Mad Dogz check list. 
Tagging just a single pal, @katiemonz :)
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original-jade · 2 years
WIP Game!
Post the last line you wrote and tag the same number of people as words.
Tagged by @avi17
“I need you to look up. Face out of the pillow, please.”
no more context :)
tagging @likeshipsonthesea @brassm @somaybeamystery @cowlos-reyes @kuai-liangst and whoever else wants to!! uhhhhh i have too many words and not enough people oopsies
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erenaeoth · 6 years
Kuai n Hanzo for drama prompt 31
here’s Zenmaster Kuai Liangst sorrynotsorry
31.Don’t cry for me.
Starlight painted the Lin Kuei Temple in muted tonesof silver and shadow. The Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei was a part of its stillness– a statue in its ornate, silent finery. If Hanzo didn’t know better, he mighthave thought the man had become like the ice he wielded.
“You have returned again.” The Grandmaster spoke withno coldness, but also no warmth. His words were perfectly neutral.
“To discuss clan matters.” Hanzo said quickly. He tooka step over the threshold and into the room. He realised now that it was ashrine, with a large steel gong set up before a plain alter. With the door open,the little shrine was open to the elements, and swirls of snow collected in itscorners. He suddenly felt very out of place – even more so than any Shirai Ryumight naturally feel in Lin Kuei territory.
“What more is there to discuss? We have set outaccords and treaties for peace. The old feud is behind us.”
“Not… entirely.” Hanzo said with difficulty. Thisplace spoke Sub-Zero from its glacial quiet to its frigid temperature. He had asudden urge to light all the snuffed out candles in the shrine and bring somewarmth and light to the place. He resisted, on seeing that the melancholy wasn’tjust in the architecture. “When I was last here… we discussed the uh –” It wasstill hard for his pride to say aloud, “The… mistakes I made. The… way I wasmanipulated. The… wrongs I did.” Hanzo frowned. He had practised these words,but when saying them now they didn’t quite convey all that he wanted. “The wrongsI did to you, Sub-Zero.”
The Grandmaster turned. He cut a very different figurefrom the furious young man who had demanded his blood at the tournament manyyears ago. The energy was gone, even if the hurt still remained.
Grandmaster Kuai Liang tilted his head,
“We did indeed discuss that. And as I said, you canhardly be held responsible for those events.”
“You are stilled pained by them.” Hanzo said abruptly.
Kuai stiffened. Then he gradually smoothed over thereaction,
“As you well know, all things take time to heal.” Heturned back round. As he did, Hanzo realised that not all the candles weredark. One flickering flame danced on the alter, so small that until Kuai hadmoved it had been invisible. Hanzo didn’t need to be able to read thecharacters beside it to know who it was dedicated to.
“I’ve come at a bad time.” He cursed himself internallyfor always bursting into every moment with the subtlety of a freight train. “Pleaseexcuse me, Sub-Zero.” He made to back out of the shrine.
“No, it’s alright.” Kuai said quietly, gesturing forHanzo to stay. Then he admitted more slowly, “I… light a candle every night. It…helps.”
Hanzo stilled and try to give the shrine the samereverence Kuai did. Regretting Quan Chi’s influence over him didn’t exactly makeit any easier to see the old Sub-Zero in the same radiant light Kuai Liang did,but he could begin to at least imagine. He thought of the things that hurt, hisfamily, his clan – twice over – irreplaceable moments in time that belonged nowonly to fading memories. Bi-Han was one of those for Kuai Liang. He was a Kanaor a Jubei. Once of those holes that never filled. A death that took so much ofoneself with it.
Hanzo started, touching a finger to his cheek. Tears. He wiped them away quickly. Itwas one thing to offer an old nemesis a truce, it was quiet another to give himtears.
“Don’t cry for me.” Kuai Liang said in his sameemotionless monotone.
Hanzo opened his mouth to retort angrily. Sub-Zerohadn’t even turned around, how could he know-… He decided against any response.Acting on fiery impulse was after all the source of most of his troubles, pastand present.
“I am not angry. Only a little lost. We have all lostthings. I no more so than any other. And there are new things to occupy us. Newwars. New generations. Youth that has not seen the horrors you and I have seen.Today you catch me in one of my more self-indulgent habits. Lighting a candlefor…” The Grandmaster stopped unexpectedly. Hanzo tried to read his perfectlystill shoulders. The silence continued until Kuai Liang could speak again inhis even tone. “Lighting a candle for him gives me designated moments for grief,so that the rest of the day may go on its way.”
Hanzo nodded. He still felt an imposter for standingin this sacred space.
“So… the peace between our clans still stands?”
“Of course.” Kuai Liang said with the first hint ofpassion in his voice. He extinguished the flame with two fingers. Then turned andwalked with Hanzo out of the shrine and into the clear cold night, “So thatnone after us suffer as we have.”
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Kuai Liang: So I met somebody.
How would the other Lin Kuei react?
Context is functional and community based Lin Kuei that allied with the Shirai Ryu AU. Our 6 are the only teenagers, but not the only kids in the clan.
There’s still a Sub-Zero (Bi-Han and Kuai Liang’s grandfather) so Bi-Han was given the code name Tundra and Kuai Liang got Taiga (which I stole from @kuai-liangst )
I’m a little rusty but I’ll give it a go!
Hydro: “How did you ‘meet’ someone? You never leave Arctika. You don’t talk.”
Sektor: “Hmph. Don’t tell anyone else. Cryomancers are only to be betrothed to other cryomancers. What’s stopping me from telling?… Fuck off, Taiga.”
Cyrax: (realizing the potential danger of this situation) “Hmmm.”
Smoke: “Are they Lin Kuei? If you must keep this person a secret, they may not have your best interests at heart, Kuai Liang. I will escort you, the next time you meet them. If they don’t want to meet your friends, they are not worthy of your time.”
Bi-Han: “It’s that guy from Japan, isn’t it? I told the grandmaster that taking you on the diplomacy mission was stupid. Well, I don’t care, Taiga. I don’t know why you told me. You better pray that Dad never finds out.” (Later, he not only tells their father but he also writes a threatening letter to send to Hanzo Hasashi, who is confused as hell)
Bing Yun: (doesn’t acknowledge the statement but spends the rest of the day thinking about it. When he goes to meet the grandmaster, he initiates an awkward conversation on how to handle his sons potentially getting their heart broken. Randomly hugs Kuai Liang later which makes them both uncomfortable)
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mcbethins · 2 years
WIP Game
WIP Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. You can make your own post or reblog this one!
Oh Lawd thank you for tagging me, @kuai-liangst xD All of these are things I hope to finish/post one day - except for the Avengers one because that movie was such a colossal disappointment to me that even thinking about it hurts me lmao
Wolf AU
Untitled document 
Baby Kuai
Botr Sequel Chapter 3
The one where Kuai adopts a child
Shameless Smut
Harumi/Hanzo/Kuai AU
Subscorp drabbles
She Would Have Loved You
Avengers EG fixit 
Metroid/TNG fic
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