arc-77 · 1 year
@kuatiisms continued from [here]:
"Yes." There's a brief pause before Fordo moves to stand adjacent to Bultar, his motions careful, as if wading into her space. Resting his forearms on the railing to their front, he joins her in gazing outwards in silence. "Strategic gains."
Trying. He makes note of her word choice, seeking to understate that which ails her. Some Jedi took to the war better than others. He found Bultar Swan to be dutiful. Valiant, as many were. Most notably, she strove to maintain the poise he'd come to associate with Jedi Masters, more so than her fellow Knights. Strive as she might, he could see the cracks were spreading.
"Are you at all familiar with the Mandalorian Wars, some twenty-nine-hundred years pre-reformations?" His helmet turns slightly so that he may gauge Bultar's reaction. "A few of the trainers back on Kamino thought to teach us about Mandalorian history. It's a conflict I've found particularly fascinating ever since — a historic lens with which to view the Jedi's current predicament."
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kyberled · 1 year
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@kuatiisms​ asked:
“I’ve seen a lot of death, a lot of pain, a lot of suffering.”
Braig nods, folding his hands in his lap. 
“I know.” He says softly. It’s an unfortunate truth of their lives. An unfortunate truth of war. She had been fighting longer than he had. She’d lost so much more. And yet, she carried on. It was a testament to her resolve, if nothing else. Though everyone had their limits. Even Jedi. 
“And there will be more.” Another unfortunate truth. Until the war was over, the suffering would continue. That’s why they had to be resilient. They didn’t have any other option. They couldn’t abandon the innocents of the galaxy to face the war alone. He closes his eyes, breathes in slow, holds it, exhales. 
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“How do you handle it?” He asks, brow furrowed. “All of this. I know that we meditate. I know that we centre ourselves, but… Does it ever feel overwhelming?”
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tachiisms · 2 years
@kuatiisms​ sent “ i  feel  like  you’re  trying  to  get  under  my  skin . ”  ( meme , accepting )
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Siri can hear the mild indignation in Bultar’s voice, and she grins. The ends of her chopped blonde hair stick to the back of her neck with sweat, and the training room smells like plasma from how long their blades have been clashing as the spar, circling ‘round and ‘round, leaping and twirling and slashing as much like a dance as a duel. Bultar’s artistry with a blade is one of the reasons why sparring with her is as much fun as it is practice; she isn’t predictable, and her movements are as fierce as they are delicate. 
Violet clashes with emerald again, and Siri holds the pressure long enough to throw Bultar another crooked grin below the sizzling blades above their heads. “And I feel like it’s working,” she teases, before pulling her blade away and dancing back and away.
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oftwileks-archived · 4 years
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❝     IT IS GOOD TO SEE YOU.     ❞     Body battle worn,   scars from the past covered up by familiar,   brownish robes.     ❝     When did you come back?     ❞
*・゚—— ┊ 𝙸.𝙳.:    @kuatiisms,   x.
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onlyhopc · 5 years
✦✧ start. bultar swan. [ @kuatiisms​ ] 
Strange how the war had a habit of keeping people apart. It had been -- how long since they last met? Weeks? Months? Just the sight of an old friend brings a smile to the General’s face.
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❛ Bultar? ❜ he calls after her, hoping to catch her attention before she disappeared down the hall. They were all busy - he knew that all too well - but hoped she could perhaps spare a minute to catch up.
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alphatwosix · 5 years
"Captain, if I may. What exactly do you do at a mandatory fun day? Ice breakers and team building exercises?"
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“TRAMIP, simply put, is a day of games and food. Meant to get the men out of the barracks - Whether or not they have actual work that needs to be done.” 
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bellassan · 5 years
@kuatiisms | starter call
It’s war. And Ferus really should have anticipated having to meet one of the Jedi Generals at some point, but when faced with one it still makes him feel off guard and strangely vulnerable and open.
He didn’t know Bultar Swan. She was Knighted a fewo years before he himself became a Padawan. But he’d seen her a few times, had heard her name, and he wondered if she remembered him - and if she didn’t, if she could sense his Force connection, weak as it was now, and make her own conclusions. 
Should he make it clear right away that he used to be one of them? 
It was all too easy to overthink. It was eerie how quickly that came back to him, thoughts overwhelming him, in the presence of a Jedi. That’s who he’d used to be, he reminded himself. Not who he is anymore.
So he makes himself smile and tries to shake off the strange prickle of anxiety he feels.
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“General Swan? Lieutenant Olin. Great to meet you, other than the backdrop.” 
Oh, yeah. There’s a storm on-planet. 
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@kuatiisms liked for a starter
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“Master Jedi, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance once again. I did not expect to find a Jedi in the senate building.” Then again, she would not be here if she did not absolutely need to be. Arguing with the senate as to why she must be allowed to remain neutral never failed to be exhausting. “Might I ask what brings you here?”
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faithstrxng · 5 years
“We let our battles choose us.”
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“Oh come on, Bultar, you know that’s only true in the most metaphorical of senses.”
Lyra lightly tutted and shook her head, a teasing glint in her eye and her expression giving way to a bemused smile. “You’ve been hanging around Master Yoda, haven’t you?”
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holonetnews · 5 years
“ can i get you a drink? “
“I am running low some... ”
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“Then again, I feel like I’m one tremor in The Force away from losing my lunch. What do you think, Master Jedi? Any poignant wisdom to share?”
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isooto · 5 years
♗ : Your muse falling asleep with their head in my muse’s lap.
a meme! (that im thankful came with descriptors so i know what im writing im the worst im so sorry)
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     Some missions sucked. Beyond belief. Especially the ones that last for days and left no room for sleeping during them. At the very least, they ensured the journey back to the Temple was quiet - troopers silent as they sleep and the two Jedi sit. 
     The ride is not turbulent free, a little jostle here and there. Shaak sits upright, with her head resting on the wall behind her, breathing growing steadily slower as she finds sleep claiming her too. Bultar Swan sat beside her, having succumbed to the need long ago. Shaak opened one eye a fraction, glancing at the ship around her and the Jedi Knight at her side. She was safe. Everyone was safe. A little nap wouldn’t hurt anyone... 
     The ship encounters a particularly rough bump then, and Bultar’s sleepy, limp form is jostled just enough that she kinda falls on Shaak’s shoulder. Shaak blinks, going still as the human groaned and rose. Bultar briefly looked around the cabin, eyes heavy with sleep, before huffing and settling herself in a more horizontal position. 
     With her head across Shaak’s lap. 
     Shaak definitely freezes then, suddenly awake as she realizes what’s happening. But her companion is in desperate need of rest, and she would be a fool to deny that over something as frivolous as physical contact. She was also warm, a welcome weight. 
     The Togruta smiles, letting her head rest on the wall behind her again. One hand comes to rest on Bultar’s side - keeping her aware should the other begin to stir awake. There were still many hours before they returned home, they needed the rest. 
     Shaak drifts off, warm, safe, and comfortable with her companion. 
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kyberled · 4 years
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Relationship doodle for @kuatiisms​:
Aunt Bultar has a lot of stories of Obi-Wan’s teenage years,
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and Dad does not approve.
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tachiisms · 4 years
@kuatiisms​ sent: in my defense, i have none ( meme )
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“And here I thought I was supposed to be the reckless one, Master Swan,” Siri tosses back, stretching her feet up onto the control panel of the cockpit, crossing one booted ankle over the other and leaning back in the pilot’s chair to look over her shoulder at Bultar. “Good thing I was in the area... at least you’re not as bad as Obi-Wan,” she adds teasingly.
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rutalonidir · 7 years
(   * @kuatiisms   )
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             “  in  the  wrong  light,   anyone  can  look  like  DARKNESS.  ”
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alphatwosix · 7 years
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Holy crap-a-roli you guys. Where did you all come from? 
Johnny, roll the list of the blogs that light up my typically crushed soul when I see ‘em on the dash.
@arc-77  @fivc555/ @blce-stripe  all of @merliamun‘s blogs - @tachiisms  - @roguejyn - @commanderversio​ - @gurlpilot - @guarded-battalion - @vadersstarkiller​ - @starkniight​ - @addaspotofmaraniumtothewarhead​ - @mandalorian-huntress​ - @holonetnews​ - @wolffeleader​ - @hiddenjedi - @oftwileks - @ofalderaan - @kuatiisms
(We’ll just ignore this is a reboot of a 300+ blog that was hacked a year ago) 
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@kuatiisms  liked for a jedi satine starter
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This is the first mission Satine has gone on since being knighted, and she is more excited than is becoming of a Jedi. It’s meant to be a diplomatic mission, but the world is dangerously close to a civil war, which is why she is being sent with a fellow knight, according to the council. She was meant to meet with Bultar Swan, as she was also a diplomat, and if anything went wrong she would have backup. She had met Bultar a couple of times around the temple, but had never worked alongside her. “I look forward to working with you.” She began. “I assume you have already been briefed on the situation?”
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