stitchthelilo · 1 year
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drew that one long necked cat from battle cats (why is bro so tall..)
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greaterbalrogcat · 11 months
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val val cat. true form of bean cat. unit initially added in update 2.3, when freeze and slow didn't exist. true form added in update 12.7, almost nine years later. took a little while.
no, it's not valkyrie cat's bra. it's her headpiece. common misconception.
bean cat is unlocked after clearing greece in empire of cats 1. being one of the earliest units you get in the game, it's not exactly very good. at level 30 (in second form, brah cats, due to first form having lower stats), it has 1.7k damage per hit and 541 dps with 230 range, 6.8k health with three knockbacks, and 30% chance to knockback red enemies.
these are obviously pretty shit stats. it's really only useful against one horn, but it's still half decent until you get much better counters to red such as witch and pirate cat, at which point it becomes irrelevant. some people use it on the SoL stage merciless onslaught, which requires you to KB three one horns behind the base or die to assassin bears, but pirate cat (and generalist KB units such as sniper the deadeye and kubiluga if you have them) work just fine.
combos don't exactly save this unit, but they give it a use. the combo Bouncing Four with rope jump cat is a starting money up M, which continues to be usable for rushing stages into the later game. this can be combined with Lingerie Special with panties cat, a worker level up SM, for a three-slot, no-gacha equivalent of the combos given in one slot by the true form of reinforcement super rare rich cat sr. not incredible, but usable. it's also included in Team of Two, a five-slot defense up M, which happens to also give you Bouncing Four automatically. while it becomes obsolete as soon as you need more than five units in a lineup (six if you use drama/slapsticks), it has its uses in early game. its final combo is a cannon recharge up M with twinstars. being an uber combo does hurt its usage, given that the majority of players aren't gonna have twinstars, but it's good on assassin bear stages and stages with a big zombie boss you want to holy blast spam. solid combo.
true form, which requires three red seeds, three red fruits, and one red behemoth stone, fixes a couple things. first off, it doubles health (and adds one (1) point) to get to 13735, and gives it resist. this, when combined with behemoth slayer, gives it 91566.667 health (not sure how the game rounds that lol, probably 91566). while its cooldown is slightly too long to serve as a meatshield, it can survive decently well and continue CCing. speaking of CC, its guaranteed level 1 wave gives it a pseudo-area attack, removing the main weakness of many otherwise decent CC units, single target. its damage is still incredibly awful, but it has decent survivability and mobility, with 8 speed and a 9.47 second cooldown.
red is a very powercrept trait, and so is behemoth (technically a sub-trait but still powercrept). you may look at this unit and think "courier better lol", and you would be entirely right. this thing is largely outclassed by courier in effectively every situation where it could hold relevancy. HOWEVER, it holds usage in ONE situation, being the first appearance of ahirujo. you need to beat five behemoth stages to unlock courier's egg; however, only four stages (first three of gapra and first of ashvini) lack ahirujo, and the stages immediately after that (and the first of jinfore) have the duck. val val is a surprisingly decent counter, having enough health to tank a non-savage blow attack without getting knocked back, and attacking fast enough that it has a good chance to proc KB. while this is obviously not the best counter to ahirujo, and is arguably not worth the behemoth stone, it can work if you struggle on the duck, as i've seen many people do.
tl;dr: not a very relevant unit, but can work early game, and true form has a couple of niche usages (especially with combo). might not have been worth the nine year wait, but it's a neat design at the very least.
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