#kukui was satoshi's first experience with mistrust as opposed to unconditional trust immediately upon meeting
meistoshi · 1 year
due to kinda dash reasons rattling sumo for lusa reasons,, im an anime-only so i only found out what lusamine was supposed to be like as per games After id already seen a few eps with her, & that. changed how i see anime!lusa only in the sense of "ah. i shall superimpose that the quirky oopsie airhead mother thing is a big ol Pleasant Mask so alolans dont literally rip her to shreds for what a piece of work she actually is". that said, man it is ridiculous how quick satoshi (per my canon) went from "haha she kinda reminds me of my mama" to "wait lilie's less Embarrassed uncomfortable & more Genuinely uncomfortable, & i know her more than her mother, so i'm gonna stick on lilie's side just in case" to "why does looking her in the eye when she talks about nebby feel exactly like staring at fuladari talking about me & gekkouga" to "maybe i'm just being paranoid. i better be being paranoid. since when do i get paranoid???" until The Shit Went Down & he immediately went to "oh for fuck's sake"
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