#kung fu skratch! comic
skratchblog · 5 years
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These two don't get along.
Kung Fu Skratch! no.1 - E(X)tended P(L)ay Preview
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skratchblog · 5 years
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Happy New Year! New KFS! Preview Art!
It's been a while a lot of stuff went on during the 2nd half of the year but we're back on track and Kung Fu Skratch! Issue One: E(X)tended P(L)ay is coming in 2020!!!!! #kungfuskratch #preview #digitalcomics #webcomics
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skratchblog · 6 years
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skratchblog · 6 years
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skratchblog · 6 years
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Kung Fu Skratch! #1: Extended Play - Art by Erwin Prasetya
“If you're gonna b-boy do it right.“
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skratchblog · 6 years
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Erwin Prasetya's rough draft for a page Kung Fu Skratch! Issue 1 - - what's going on Jason?! Sneak attacks while you sleep?
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skratchblog · 6 years
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Kung Fu Skratch! #1: Extended Play - A 2018 Preview
Art by Erwin Prasetya
Preparing for a 2019 (re)debut . . .
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skratchblog · 6 years
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skratchblog · 6 years
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skratchblog · 6 years
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skratchblog · 8 years
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“Since my trip, I had to think long and hard over this but came to a final choice. You will be my heir, you will carry on the tradition and legacy of the Shōryū- - -  ”
KFS! #1: Extended Play Preview Roughs 2 Final BTS Process Rough Thumbnail - Adrian Engmann Final Page - Erwin Prasetya
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afrobot3000 · 11 years
Big Switcheroo! The KFS Tumblr is now my Personal Tumblr
Since I'm posting a lot of non-KFS specific materials on this Tumblr I decided to make this into my Personal Blog. The Kung Fu Skratch! Tumblr is still active but now a developmental blog for the comic and I'll be reposting stuff on both. 
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afrobot3000 · 11 years
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Kung Fu Skratch!: The Issue 2 Kickstarter is live and we've got over 2 and 1/2 weeks to go! We're $101 left to reaching the $2,000 mark (400% funding goal) and I'm thinking up some more rewards as well! Issue 2 will feature a trifecta of kickass art by Erwin Prasetya, Dong Zhang, and Steve "Kandoken" Mack!
Read the five page preview to Issue 1 and if you dig it - - visit the campaign and lend your support!
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