whitejxker-blog · 8 years
kunoux has been changed to a new url: whitejxker
In addition, a mun name change has also taken place. Rather than referring me to as Iko, I will be known now as Zwei.
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na-gachiika-blog1 · 8 years
█  `☼ &&. @kunoux​  |  ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
“ no, no — don’t you cry, you jackass — ”  hide is blubbers and not much else. it’s in the permission to cry, impart in the good ol’ waterworks show, have a nice, salty shower, that hide finds himself crying too  ( it’s not graceful. nothing hide does is graceful, he feels, because if he has to do anything he’s got to do it to the extreme, all at once or none at all ).  breathing in kaneki is like breathing in the sea. something nostalgic, cold and dark and familiarly unfamiliar, rings in his ears crash against crash. he wants to speak but words don’t match up with his lips, missed in translation. 
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toukaweek · 8 years
Hello! As an independent writer who portrays Kaneki, will your prompts require a specific length?
nope! just post whatever you want in any format you want and that’ll be fine!! 
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lctern-blog · 8 years
Send “UNF” to pin my muse against the wall with DESIRE
                                              bitter reminisce over a pinned gesture were made. a predator normally pounces on its  PREY  to devour its flesh without remorse. here, warmth transferred (  despite being ‘ cold-blooded ’ as he was  ) throughout their bodies; sentiments gone far beyond her control, unknowing how to react. hues shut themselves to reflect on her feelings while twisting a somewhat  SMIRK . it might have been a smile (  not really certain with the dark lighting around  ) but left an empty feeling of ‘ desire ’. it was a rotten  PLAGUE  — something she never foresaw to happen. was he under the same shoes or did he ever experience this? another girl as part of his list before swallowing up her tragic situation … it could be that. fingertips curled gently against  ROUGH HANDS , not bothering to summon bikaku because she understood this breathing trailing to her neck. fangs didn’t meet perfect flesh, though small puffs of luscious breaths ghost over. 
                                              her spine  TINGLED , sending off immediate waves to her hollow heart. it felt  NICE  — almost craving for their bodies to meld in a passionate night. is that what he desired desperately? men truly are amusing, a soft chuckle escaped but kept a still form without squirming out. it’d be best for the ‘ prey ’ to not squirm underneath his grip. instead, the brunette’s head tilted downward to  SURRENDER . 
                                              ❝you know something … this is like the first time you pinned me down when we were fighting. old habits never die hard … do they?❞
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lctern-blog · 8 years
continue from  ✖ ::
                                              rest of their night for bodies to meld together ended. the break of dawn awakened the ‘ beauty ’ who was a true  BEAST  by vague noises. even he couldn’t have escaped without her awareness. normal chestnut optics flickered to the rays of light, an image of someone’s absence let a discontent huff to escape. no one should tread without leaving some message. temptations of her perfect body to rest against his back (  quite the elegant  PHYSIQUE  she grew allured last night  ), drawing the one-eyed ghoul for another duration of their time together. being absent-minded to turmoil inflicts her mind the most because of a final  SALVATION  she was granted. what lurks the most was to be ‘ abandoned ’ by her own kind after obtaining something to sate their desires. the brunette couldn’t easily subdue herself to a gullible mind (  just yet  ). slender arms remained ever firmly around while her bosom rubbed gently around a hardened back. venomous lips trailed along his neck, applying a collection of kisses. sweet but soften voice whispered around an earlobe, using her strength to pull him back (  whether he wants it or not  ). out of her mouth escapes a subtle threat to keep an eye on him but also yearns to be held for a little longer.
                                              ❝what if i ‘ forced ’ you to stay, kaneki-kun? still, it amazes me to see how much  ENDURANCE  you have ...❞
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ambitionborn-blog1 · 8 years
kunoux started following you
“Well, well, well,”  the coo is soft, taunting, and Seidou’s grin stretches from ear-to-ear, all to say hello to the man-made-monster--for Kaneki-Haise is a monster much like Seidou, though one here had still clung to the facade that humanity still existed in this form.
“Look what the scent of blood dragged in,”  Seidou’s blood-stained teeth practically glimmer as ey steps forward to meet the predecessor in the flesh for the first time in a while,  “a pretty thing masquerading like it’s not a cannibal in the great will-we-won’t-we of the world.”
“How are you Kaneki-Haise?  Surely, you must want something, if you’ve come out this way.  Aren’t you supposed to have a partner?  Or did the CCG decide after you fucked up with Eto, that they’d move your partner to someone less volatile?”
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infcrmant-blog · 9 years
✣ bringing them food
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                             “Ohh, look what we have here...” A low tone rolled off of colored lips, petite fingers lacing between themselves as chin rested atop the backs of her hands. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Kanekichi.”
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