#kuplii was so nice thank you for everyone there !!!!
kiitoskiitos · 6 months
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put leftover prints up in my store with lowered prices! Zine and stickers mayhaps also there. [STOREEE LINKK]
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virhevara · 8 years
Tampere Kuplii 2017 afterword
I'm quite speechless and more or less tried at the moment, but felt that I seriously need to tell all of you who bother to follow me and read my ramblings, about my first ever artist alley experience.
To those who don't know about them, artist alleys are usually a section at conventions where artists sell their own productions. Be it art, jewelry or some other (usually) handcraft stuff. And last weekend at Tampere Kuplii comic convention (15-19.3) I was there.
Technically it wasn't my first time ever being behind table since I've "worked" as my friends' emotional support and extra helper at last Tracon. We shared table, but this was my first time selling MY stuff.
Don't really remember when was the exact time I decided this idea, but I've been stressing over this for about six months! Working like I've never worked before. But there were always so many worries that weighed me down:
What if I can't get enough done
Don't remember anything about putting documents in printing condition
What if they mess up the printing and I can't sell anything
Had to make comic in two months
I don't have enough fan art that usually sells more
Do I have enough money to pay for expenses
I've talked more or less about how much I lack confidence as an artist. So it might not be surprise that my biggest fear was
what if not even one person deems their money is worth of the scribbles I make...
And it was a legit possibility in my mind, despite how encouraging my friends where. There was no chance that my artist ego made from thin glass could take that blow. Much less find the will to mend it. I had pretty much decided that if that came to be, I would gracefully accept my defeat and try to find new path for my life. It would had hurt yes, and I've no idea what else could I possibly ever do besides art for my living without loosing myself...
To get back on the track, I had no need for those plans. This experience far exceeded my wildest expectations! Not only did I get back what I used up on printing, table and other expenses I got some extra too! One store bought five of our comics! We were so shocked when we sold even one and then they just came, flipped through it, asked which one of us made it and told it was funny. Then asked do we have price for re-sellers if she bought five or ten?! Don't think I've gotten over that yet.
But most important and valuable was the positive reactions I got. So many people took my info card even if they didn't buy anything. I'm seriously starstruck. Some were even nice enough to stop by and talk with us, even give some personal opinions what they liked most about some of my works, about fandoms or ask about inspiration/technique.
I'm so thankful to everyone with such kind heart who follow me here and/or other social websites and those who have even one kind opinion of me or my work. Don't really know how I could express my gratitude properly to every single one of you. Maybe even tell how much difference you make in my motivation and how it keeps me on believing that just maybe, somehow, someway, I can pull it off at this profession...
I owe everyone of you more thank I have in this life time, but I'll keep working and improving so that I'll be worthy of your support someday.
Thank you all!
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