#kure karla
gabi-theladylover · 1 year
Some stupid Kengan stuff I did :3
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Being in a relationship with Kure Raian...
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You’d think that Raian, although he’s the black sheep of the clan, would be as obsessed over strong people and fighting as everyone else is - Just like Karla is obsessed over Ohma not because she likes him, but because he’s strong and could produce strong offsprings and whatever - But Raian isn’t that way. 
In fact, even if people like that catch his eye, he would fight the urge to march up to them and strike up a conversation - Rather, if he does find strong people, he might just beat them up.
But there is something that would make Raian all hot and bothered - And that is getting ignored.
Yeah, that’s right.
Raian would literally spontaneously combust if he wants someone’s attention, and he’s getting blatantly ignored or brushed off.
That’s exactly what happened when his younger sister, Fusui, brought over one of her friends. At first, he didn’t care. You were just some pretty face, like many, many others he’s seen... But somehow, your aloof personality and the resting bitch face you were sporting, a complete opposite aura from Fusui, who held the most cheerful grin on her face - Okay, he was intrigued. Not only that, but from what his sister said, you were just a normal person - A cute, little rabbit in a den of lions - Yet you seemed completely at ease and unafraid.
In an instant, Raian found himself towering his large shadow over the spot on the grass where the two girls were having a picnic. He had that psycho grin of his ever present. Fusui greeted him cheerfully, though she sweatdropped, realising that he might be so bored that he wants to scare her friend away. 
Y/N simply gave him a lazy wave of her hand - Her attention was still on Fusui, and she didn’t once break the flow of their conversation. He frowned. Not even a hello? How rude!
Raian’s voice became louder, but also grittier, like the sound of nails scratching a blackboard. He was throwing the most random profanities, and telling Y/N about his latest assassination mission he had, hoping to creep her out with the gore details - Much to his surprise, the small girl casually got to her feet and looked, incredibly bored, into his eyes.
“Hey, Ryan, where did you get this shirt?” Raian blinked, his smile dropping immediately, feeling the girl gingerly pick the hem of his shirt and feeling it. “It feels like cashmere. Is it cashmere? It’s really good quality.” “My name is Raian, you bitch! Get it through that thick skull of yours!” Fusui immediately reprimanded him for insulting her friend - But the insult fell on deaf ears. “Tell me where’d you get it from, Kevin. I kinda want to get one myself.” her hands slowly traced up to his abdomen, but Raian was so flustered up and irritated by getting called such weird names, that he didn’t notice. “I SAID MY NAME IS RAIAN, ARE YOU DEAF?!” he was shouting so loudly, that Y/N could have sworn her eardrums ruptured. “It would be better if the store had an online site - I don’t really have much time to go shopping myself. Actually - Do you think I could have it delivered for Kure Miguel?” Fusui was sure her friend had a death wish, but at the same time, it was kinda hilarious seeing her brother so worked up over his name. “WHO THE FUCK IS MIGUEL?!” his screech was so powerful that he’d put a Banshee to shame. “Dunno.” Y/N shrugged and pushed Raian into the small water pond right behind him. The water barely reached his waist as he was sitting in it, a lilypad on his head. “I’ll kill you.” his voice was so ominous, low, dark, menacing - And solemn, above all else - That Fusui’s heart froze in fear for her friend’s life. “WAIT, NO, RAIAN DON’T ---” but Y/N was laughing so cutely, that Raian stopped abruptly, glaring down at her. Instead of killing her, he threw his arms around her, hearing her groan. “I~ Got~ You~ So~ Weeeeeeeet~ ♪ Babeeeeeeeeeee~♪“ Fusui has never seen her brother like this - She could just stare in complete disbelief. “Technically speaking, I made you wet, Fritz.” the girl put her palm over his face, pushing him away from her. “Now you’ve done it.” Raian grinned widely. Y/N realised his master plan, and she sighed in defeat. “You’re gonna throw me in the water, aren’t you?” he let out a ‘yup’ sound, before he threw her in the pond. If the water was any higher, he’d have jumped with her - But with how little it is, she probably would have barely gotten wet at all. He was laughing so hard, his sides were aching, but he couldn’t stop. She looked like a wet, grumpy dog - Until she, too, started laughing. “Alright, alright, you got me. Good one. Now help me up, psycho.” Raian missed the mischievous smile on her face, and as he crouched down, extending his hand for her to take - Only for her to tug on his hand and have him fall in the water again. “You’re the psycho, not me!” the two looked at each other and started sniggering like two idiots. Fusui just stared at them, perplex, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from them. Did Y/N just manage to tame the Black Sheep of the Kure Clan? Something that not even their Patriarch could do? “You owe me your shirt.” she said blankly, stopping her laughter abruptly. “Any time~♪“ Raian nonchalantly took his shirt off and let it fall on her head. “...Okay, I might have just sabotaged myself.” she sighed, getting up and out of the pond. “I was supposed to have a sleep over. I don’t have any dry clothes anymore.” she stole a glance at the man. “I suppose I can’t stay over anymore. What a pity. Time to get home, I guess.” she shrugged nonchalantly, waving at Fusui and walking towards the exit of the large garden, only to feel herself being picked up bridal style.
Raian had taken her to his room and threw at her all cashmere clothes he had, while Y/N could barely hide her amusement. Clearly, she could wear some of Fusui’s clothes, after all, they’re around the same frame and they are friends - Or she could borrow the clothes of literally any woman of the Kure - Silly boy, so easily tricked. Or maybe he wanted to be tricked? Either way, Y/N found this, by far, the most hilarious situation she ever faced.
By this time, Raian kept bugging on Y/N and Fusui for the whole day, and during the evening, at dinner, Erioh and Karla and her brother had them all eat together. Y/N looked at her friend, her eyes pleading, embarrassed at the get up she was wearing. Suddenly, the whole joke was ruined and she was the one being tricked. How can she possibly go eat dinner with their 1000 year old patriarch and the rest of the family, when she’s barely wearing Raian’s shirt, and albeit long enough to reach the middle of her thigh, it was still improper. Raian didn’t give her any time to beg Fusui for a proper change of clothes, for he grabbed her wrist and dragged her and his sister all the way to the table. He was also still shirtless, so it only made things worse.
Y/N kept her head down the whole time, hoping that her face wouldn’t betray her embarrassment. Karla, Sarla and Fusui were talking casually about their assassin work, Y/N threw some comments here and there, the old man was quiet, and Raian was... Being Raian, and wolfing down a shit ton of food. Until Karla suddenly noticed there was no more water, and the fight for who would be the loser to bring another water carafe started. It genuinely felt like all the Kure children were going to put down the chopsticks and start a brawl to the death - But Y/N broke the tension. “Ah... There’s no more water. This food is so good, but it got me so thirsty... Can you please tell me where the kitchen is, to get more water?” before the old man could blink, Raian had already returned, and was pouring water in Y/N’s cup. “Oh! Thank you, Jericho!” ... Jericho? Erio had no idea what was going on, but he was genuinely impressed by how this outsider managed to quite literally manipulate the most rebelious clan member to do whatever she wanted... And prevented a war. And he was also shocked when he saw Raian placing his small rice bowl over her face, and laughing like an idiot, to the point he was rolling on the ground like a manic.
Y/N slowly removed the bowl from her face and used a napkin to clean all the rice, and she sighed. “Alright, I suppose I deserve it.” her nonchalance was genuinely so weird for all these proactive people. “Your stomach is going to hurt if you continue rolling like that.” she warned. “Also, it’s not nice, playing with your food. What are you, a kitten, Abraham?” Raian straightened up immediately and glared at the girl, watching her continuing to eat without sparing him a single glance. “WHO THE FUCK IS ABRAHAM?! AND I’M NOT A FUCKING CAT, YOU STUPID BITCH!” he shrieked loudly into her ear, but she didn’t flinch. Instead, the hand in which she was holding her own rice bowl slowly made its way to his face. Raian’s whole face had rice all over it, and Y/N wasn’t removing the bowl. “Take this off me, bitch, or I snap your neck!” that is what he said - Or, at least, what he tried to say, for the rice kept muffling him. “It’s not nice to speak like that, especially in front of your family... Or... To me. You really made me sad...” her voice was pouty and upset - Erio couldn’t believe the power she had over him, and as far as he was concern, this was the first time they met. By the looks of it, everyone was still in shock. “Y/N....” she slowly took away the bowl from his face, and with perfect precision, used her chopsticks to take a single rice grain from his face, and taunted him by eating it.
The whole room was quiet. They were preparing for the girl’s funeral. That is, until they saw her turn her head to the side, biting her lip and her shoulders were shaking. Raian’s face also suddenly split in a wicked grin. Suddenly, a few rice grains started falling off his face, and Y/N couldn’t keep herself in check anymore, and she started laughing, and so did the psycho. Y/N took another rice with her chopsticks, and they ended up laughing even harder. “Weirdos.” Fusui smiled wryly, completely surprised that her friend was getting along with her brother better than with her. “Y/N’s going to be our new sister, Fusui! I want to take care of your babies with Raian! I bet they’re going to be so strong!” the laughter stopped, and the atmosphere changed immediately. Y/N looked down, her face red with embarrassment, whilst Raian immediately wiped his face and glared at Karla, shouting at her for being an idiot. After this, no other fun moments happened, and Y/N returned to Fusui’s room.
Surprisingly, Raian doesn’t always act like he’s fucked in the head, nor is his voice harsh and loud. Late into the night, he sneaked into the girls’ room and woke Y/N up, and with a playful smirk, he urges her to follow him outside, and he takes her back to the pond. The two didn’t speak much, and just gazed up at the stars for a while. It was a serene and comfortable silence, though there was a certain tension between them, and neither spoke. It was weird. 
Raian would take off his warm jacket and put it over her shoulders, as she was still wearing just his cashmere shirt - He knew it would be chilly outside. He knew he wanted to see her, but he had no idea what to say. Karla’s comment really threw him off his grove, and it seemed to have done the same for Y/N, who was able to purposely get a raise out of him so many times in a single day, to the point that he was so hot and bothered that he’d have claimed her on the spot. A hundred times, and more. But that vanished completely, and now he annoyingly felt like some kind of awkward teenage boy, and he hated it.
“Hey, Bruce Lee.” Y/N’s voice wasn’t challenging nor provoking, and though it irked Raian to be called by a wrong name again, the softness of her voice only made him grumble. “Do you know how to put 100 babies in a single bucket?” “Huh? What the hell are ya on?” he snapped his head at her, looking with a weird expression on his face.  Y/N turned to face him, and her smile grew, as if she was trying not to laugh at herself for the stupid joke she was about to reveal. “In a blender.” 
Raian stared stupid at her, eyes wide, unblinking - He almost looked as though he was analysing the very milimeters of her ever growing grin. Raian’s humour was shit. Dark jokes that involve carnage, or simply shock value... Maybe even a shit joke, but with a good momentum delivery... And Y/N’s joke seemed to check all the boxes.
His laugh resounded so loud through the Kure village that the two actually heard “SHUT UP” scolds right back. Y/N was trying hard to stifle her chuckles, but to no avail. “You’re actually kinda cute when you laugh.” “What’s big and smells like shit? GENOCIDE!” he was choking from laughing so much, while Y/N’s mouth twitched. Shit joke, shit delivery.  “Your joke was about as bad as your sense of humour, Jose. But it’s fine. I’ll be the funny one of us.” she looked away, shrugging nonchalantly. “If ya call me by another name ONE! MORE! TIME!!! I swear, I’ll fuckin’ kill ya, babe!” he sneered at her with a glare. “Do it, Dennis.” Y/N found herself being roughly pushed to the ground, though her head didn’t collide, as it was carefully pillowed by his palm. She did not see the starry night, but his face - Handsome, and so impossibly close to her own. He sniggered like a mischievous demon. “You’re trapped, babe~♪ What’cha gonna do now~♪?”
Y/N blinked, realising the situation she was in. Not only was she trapped in those big and warm arms of his, but his body was also almost flush against her own. They were so close, that she feared Raian felt how fast her heart was beating against her chest... And against his own also.
But Y/N’s response was unexpected - Gingerly wrapping her fingers into his cashmere shirt... Did he choose it intentionally? - She pulled herself up to plant tender kiss on his lips. For a maniac, he had very plump and kissable lips. Eventually, she pulled away and laid back on the ground, shyly looking at the completely unresponsive boy.
Kure Raian, the Demon, the Black Sheep of the Kure clan - Was blushing like a highschool boy with a crush. How is he supposed to react? What is he supposed to do? Just -- What just happened? He is so lost that he’s making Y/N uncomfortable with how he’s staring at her so intently.
“U-Uh... Wh-What do you call a baby with no arms and no legs in the middle of the ocean?” hearing her voice, albeit, shaky and unsure, unlike before, brought him back to reality. “What?” he breathed out. “...Fucked.” Y/N’s smile was so nervous and awkward. “Marry me.”
Since that night, Raian began his “Marry me” gimmick - And though it was obviously a gag, he half-meant it every time he said it.
Nobody ever believed that Raian would ever have a proper relationship, considering that everyone ostracizes him for being a merciless idiot, but the way he’s unintentionally simping SO hard for you is almost hilarious. How you learnt to tame the beast that he is, it’s a complete miracle. The Clan literally watches you, leaning at the base of a tree, reading leisurely, and you bait Raian into doing whatever you want, like - Make you a lemonade, or have him go get an ice-cream. All the weirdest things.
But if that wasn’t shocking enough, the fact that that boy can actually stay STILL for more than 5 seconds at a time, was absolutely fascinating. The patriarch would sit on the porch of the house and watch Raian sitting with his head on your lap as you absently play with his hair - And he actually stays there, and doesn’t laugh, or speak a thousand words per second, or throws profanities - He’s just laying there, a passive smile on his face, and living in the moment.
What a fascinating creature.
Raian always tells you all the most gruesome details of every mission he goes on, hoping he would creep you out - But you just nod at him dismissively and tell him to go on with his story.
Raian loves to show off when he’s training, knowing perfectly well that he’s attractive, wearing only his fighting shorts, with sweat dripping all over his flexed muscles... And then chases you around the garden to give you a hug, knowing you don’t want his disgusting sweat all over your clothes.
Fusui becomes your literal best friend, though you’re wary of Karla and her obsessive comments - She’s a good girl otherwise. Generally, you get along well with the clan, but both you and Raian agree that you need a break from them, so you crash at your own, away from all the madness the chaotic assassins dwell in.
When you’re hanging at your home, you feel more comfortable to act a bit more intimate. Don’t be fooled by his brashness, if you get together before he’s like - 20 years old, he’d probably brush off the idea of going any further - Unless you initiate it, then he’s game.
He just likes to be the best at everything he does, and while he was born into a family of fighting and killing, being intimate is something completely different, and it annoys him that he’s not a God from the very beginning - Although, he makes up with his eagerness and his absolute love of touching each and every part of your body and teasing you with a ton of kisses. He’s actually a natural, and the cute faces and sounds you make are his fuel, especially when he surprises you.
When you get intimate, he’s not afraid to experiment things and easily picks up on the things that you like and you don’t.
He also loves kissing you until you can’t breathe anymore.
Kisses with Raian are careful and soft at first, but quickly get deeper and more passionate, and he starts kissing and nipping at your bottom lip, licking and sucking on it before pulling you even closer to his body.
The problem is, he loves hugging you from behind and nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck that he forgets he’s not always at home, in private, with you only, and he starts nipping at the soft skin on your neck.
The inside joke of calling him different names continues well into the years, and it confuses most people - The problem is, you often forget what names you used, and he teases you by pointing out you called him the same name twice in a week.
He wants to see you wearing his shirt at home and preferably nothing else underneath, while he stays topless and purposely flexes, to the point that he’s ridiculous.
Raian is incredibly playful, even if it goes borderline genocidal, it’s just how he is - And you always make fun of him for trying too hard.
Years after you met, he gets in the Kengan Annihilation Tournament, and of course, he refuses to go unless you’re with him - And honestly, how can anyone complain, considering you’re the only thing keeping him somehow stable? Though, you sometimes have the bad habit of letting him play around a bit too much.
You also kinda laugh when he’s threatening and playing around with Lihito in the bathroom, though you also scold him for dragging you in the men’s bathroom and unintentionally being forced to see that idiot’s... Privates.  
You’re also a bit irked by his unnecessary sadist show against Mokichi, especially as he’s called out your name, and you wanted nothing to do with him killing the only guardian of a little girl.  
When you scolded and refused to speak to him until he apologised, he got angry as all fuck and went on a rampage, and despite the Kure literally pleading to you to make him stop - You didn’t.  
Surprisingly, though, he was humbled in the second round by Tokita Ohma - And you mentally thanked the brunet for being strong enough and putting a dent into Raian’s ever-going berserk attitude.  
 Though Ohma was in a coma, Raian woke up soon after, and he found in the infirmary, alone with Mokichi and Ohma.
The room was quiet, save for the beeping of the oxygen machines, and you refused to even look at him, which angered him.
But then you explained why you were pissed with him, and also, why he lost so pathetically - And though he wanted to snap your neck for scolding him, he also knows she was right, not that he’d admit.
During the coup d’etat, he threw all of his frustrations into mass-killing, but once again, his bloodlust made him lose focus, and he got injured again.
Though you didn’t say anything, you did patch him up - He was so silent, that it made you realise he was actually reflecting on his downfall.
And you kissed him.
Over the course of almost three years after the Kengan Tournament, when Ohma comes over to the village to life and train with them, you can see Raian focusing more, and though the brutality is still there, he can actually control it.
Ohma became a trusted confidant and good friend of yours, and the two of you could comfort each other with the two Kure obsessing over you.
Raian’s gimmick with the marriage thing was amped up, though it was more or less to make fun of Karla... Not that she’d realise.
Over the years, Raian made sure to actually teach you how to fight to defend yourself, despite priding himself with being being so powerful that she’d never get herself in danger.
When you reveal Ohma to the world and go visit Koga and Ryuki at the hospital, you see Raian had climbed up the 5th floor and was mocking the young boys.
So you went up to him and pushed him off.
Everyone except for Ohma gawked, afraid for his life.
You just show him the selfie Raian sent you, while he was falling - He was pulling an overly exaggerated kissy face.
He was a bit annoyed with how empathetic you were, comforting or cheering every fighter (except for Akoya) for their matches, so he keeps you caged in his arms, teasing you with small comments and kisses to your neck and cheeks.
To stop himself from going ape-shit from the wait leading to his own match, he snatched your hands and would absently play with them or kiss them.
Though the whole Worm thing was worrying you - You didn’t want anything bad happening to the family, or these Kengan people. They all looked like good people. 
But then Raian’s match came by and he was fighting Alan Wu, a clear enemy.
You pulled Raian into a kiss, more or less to have the time to warn him not to lose his cool and actually focus on the match, not on his bubbling emotions.
He just grins and brush off your worries, saying he’s a changed man and what not.
But then he gets threatened with a knife, sees Edward Wu in the hallway...
And he rips Alan in two in a split second, running after his arch enemy.
You stare at the mess left behind that was once a person, and you curse out loud - Raian’s lost it and he’s gonna get in trouble.
You don’t care that Alan was killed, but you fear Raian and his impulsiveness might get him in such a tight situation that he might get himself killed.
Even though Erio and the other two are there.
You and Ohma look at each other, and together, you pick Karla and rush to look for Raian, ready to potentially help him in a fight.
Only to see Kure Erio on the ground and dying.
Raian was sitting on the ground, livid with anger, feeling defeated.
They should have won with no casualties! So why the heck did the old fart use himself bait?! And why wasn’t he strong enough to kill those fuckers without the need of aid?!
He was filled with so many feelings of self-hatred and anger, that even your arms around him, or your comforting words couldn’t drown them out.
You held his hand throughout the funeral and comforted him for days on end, but Raian was still bitter.
Since then, you took a more active role in searching for the Worms - You might not have been a fighter, but you were smart enough to come up with plans and do the brain work for them.
Since the patriarch’s death, Raian visibly mellows down, at least around you, and he finally realises how fragile life can be - And if even that old man, who was the strongest man he knows, who was the first Fang of Metsudo and whatever... If even he could die... What about someone like you, who’s such a fragile little bunny? What if he’s not there to protect you? Not that his presence mattered when Erio died. And, worse - What if you’re used as bait to get to him? What if you get killed in front of him?
Being an assassin means that he’s seen and done a lot of cruel things himself, so he puts all the worst in front.
The night of the patriarch’s funeral, you hold his body close to your own, his head on your chest, and you play with his hair, allowing him to vent his anger with any profanity he might feel the need to spew.
But his silence is far worse than all his anger.
During that very night, Raian came to the realisation of a lifetime.
He pulls you into a tight embrace, and hides his face in the crook of your neck, so you wouldn’t see the single tear of sheer self-anger and regret.
 And in the most broken, vulnerable voice, you hear him voice the words that he’s been meaning to tell you for so long, but stopped himself, thinking he’d sound weak or something that didn’t matter anymore.
“I love you.”
Being in a relationship with Wakatsuki Takeshi... Being in a relationship with Yoroizuka Saw Paing... Being in a relationship with Kure Raian... Being in a relationship with Tokuno’o Tokumichi... Being in a relationship with Kano Agito... Being in a relationship with Gaolang Wongsawat... Being in a relationship with Gaoh Ryuki... Being in a relationship with Narushima Koga... Being in a relationship with Hatsumi Sen
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binding-vow · 5 months
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21 notes · View notes
sketchfanda · 2 months
Kirishima's Mystique Party 2
Titanic Duo
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Never let it be said that Ms.Midnight didn’t go out of her way to look out for and take care of her students, after all part of why she got into teaching was to ensure they got to enjoy the best years of their youth. It just so happened that being rated R heroine was, in her mind nothing embodied the peak of youthful energy than to indulge in their deep primal lust and desires to get through those awkward hormonal urges so it didn’t interfere with their hero studies. Now call it Unorthodox as it certainly was but it couldn’t be denied that it could be effective. Plus nothing made for strong bonds between men and women than the intimacy of casual sexual relations and if one wanted proof?
Well she would simply and happily point out Kirishima and his relationship with Mina and Maya as a prime example, after all a guy with two girlfriends? Both of which loved having him sleep with other women to boot was all the erotic heroine needed to show her methods worked which was likely why Kirishima was her go to guy in a manner of speaking for a little thing she called her S-exchange student program. Wherein any hero students visiting from abroad or vice versa did so with the intent of hooking up for a couple of rounds of adult twister and horizontal tango for the sake of “diplomatic relations”. Which was why our resident himbo currently found himself playing chaperone and escort for a pair of exotic pretty things from Jump City, USA by the names of Raven and Starfire.
To say they were knockouts or bombshells was an understatement, if Mina and Maya were his candy/bubblegum duo, these 2 could be just about called Sunshine and Nightlight. Starfire was a perky orange skinned redhead with the most bright emerald green eyes and a personality that could be only on par with the energy and playfulness of a kitty cat. Whereas Raven on the other hand was an ash skinned, violet haired goth wet dream made reality, violet eyes cool yet hiding much passion and energy beneath. A perky bimbo-like sweetheart and a broody zombie girl, what guy wouldn't be popping a boner or a straight girl questoning her own sexuality right now?
Star of course was more than eager to want see the sights Japan had to offer while Raven was content to seemingly just go along with the flow, to which Kirishima as their escort and chaperone did his level best to oblige of course. But part of him had to be on guard and wait for the other shoe to drop, after all these two came here on Midnight's S-exchange program. Hell Mina and Maya were sending him regular updates of their own chaperone runs with the pink and blue hotties "entertaining" Maya's two besties from Jagua del Toro in Mona and Jessie via some very saucy pictures and videos. The body language coming off of Star and Raven certainly wasn't helping in the struggle with his raging rising libido either.
Oh yes indeed in addition to those amazing puberty blessed bodies of theirs which put models and porn stars alike to shame, their choice in casual wear seemed intent on making him pitch a tent. From Star's simple violet tanktop which struggled to contain her bodacious bouncing bosom to those tight blue denim jeans which hugged her toned legs and well toned bubbly ass so tight that they might as well seem painted on. And ooh hers was an ass that wouldn't quit not that raven wasn't a slouch in that department either, especially as she also happened to be a living definition of the term big titty goth girl. For someone so cool and stoic that she could seem like a frigid ice queen, her black denim short-shorts, mesh thigh-high stockings and fishnet tanktop and onyx sports bra really showed off a lot of that slate grey skin of hers and to say nothing of how she and Star could give Mina a challenge with their own quite healthy, thick thighs.
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But so far, so good at the least, it was all just seeming to go well until the chivalrous himbo realised their recent train ride took them right into the Kabukicho district in Shinjuku....which was Ms.Midnight's turf and ooh lo and behold what should he see coming up but the rated R heroine's love hotel!! Not having anytime to try and comprehend what was going on, of course, as he found Star giggling as she forcefully yet playfully began pushing him to go along inside, backed by her quirk's flight and strength as well as a little boost from Raven's telekinesis. The trio soon inside the elevator after the latter confirmed a reservation check-in made under their name by Midnight and provided their room number and key card, this was when Eijiro found the shoe had dropped already before he could even see it coming. The overwhelming continuing as Star in the middle of the long elevator ride to the deluxe suite suddenly leapt into his arms, abushing him with a hug before she suddenly planted her lips on his with a deep, sloppy and passionate kiss while Raven watched on idly, albeit with a small blush on her cool face as she sensually bit her lower lip.
It wasn't long before of course the stoic gothic babe found Star pulling in towards them, raven rolling her eyes playfully at her friend's usual boundless enthusiasm and need to share the passion. The make-out becoming a three way sloppy dance of tongues as they kissed, feeling up Kirishima's muscles under his shirt while encouraging his hands to explore and grope their bodies, which truly put porn stars to shame and envy with the combination of natural tones, thickness and curves. Making sure he got a nice handful of their tits and ass while they caressed his groin, feeling the crotch of his pants forming a swelling bulge, it was no small wonder soon as the elevator finally arrived, they wasted no time getting to their room and stripping naked soon as the door closed. Kirishima now finding himself facing the sunshine and goth babes in all their nude glory as they themselves were more than liking what they saw of him, especially with raging hard cock of his.
The duo proceeded to entice their chaperone further into his most base instincts and desires as they knelt side by side on the queen sized bed, presenting their glorious bubbly asses like the bitches in heat they were. Giving those glorious cheeks a shake as they made them twerk and clap like thunder, the meaty buns jiggling like jelly as he caught glimpses of their wet slits as if they called him with a hidden siren song to mount these bodacious bombshells and fuck them like he wanted to put his babies into them. It was no wonder he felt like his body was moving on autopilot as he found himself squatting down behind Raven and Star as he shifted between fingering one of them and eating out the other, coaxing deep throated moans of desire from them. Especially when they felt his shark like teeth nibbling at them or even found that quite skilled tongue of his rimming their donut holes, small wonder he was more than experienced and used to pleasing two women at once.
But of course the contrasting duo wanted to gladly return the favour to their sturdy himbo guide as after having had an orgasm or few between them, they had Kirishima sitting on the edge of the bed and proceeded to perform a tag team tandem fellatio. Kissing and licking his length and girth with a sloppy blowjob as not even his balls were left untouched in their oral assault, taking turns sucking and blowing on that immense slab of meat as pink hearts lust began to form and glow in their exotic eyes. Indicating that their baser instincts and desires were taking over, further driving them into being little more than bitches in heat. Pussies dribbling juices down to growing puddles on the floor as their wombs yearned to have that Lil' Riot of his fuck them so hard that they'd feel like their guts were being rearranged.
But of course there was no rush for the duo and Kirishima knew it, intent on making this encounter a memorable experience for the visiting gaijin students that they would never forget as he stood on the bed, a seated Raven’s head held in his grasp as he facefucked her while star ate her out. Before giving the perky catlike redhead a deep, hard fast fuck doggy style as her gothic friend hugged him behind and made out with him as the trio became a tangle of limbs shifting and switching between positions and a variety of two on one to one on one. Filling the hotel room with their cries of lust and the primal pornographic sounds of heavy skin slapping sex with little to no signs of stopping for a good while, going at it with a pace and intensity that'd put porn stars to shame as much if not more so than their bodies.
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From doing one girl from behind or in missionary as she ate out the other to having one sit on his face so he could lick away at their snatch as the other bounced on him cowgirl style as they had a lesbian make out session. To having one of them in a mating press or whatever one on one position came to mind as the other girl recovered to the moody goth and sunshine girl keeping him in the mood with their slutty mouths and asses or giving him a little girl on girl show, the action was relentless. Especially whenever their quirks were used to enhance and spice up the proceedings, orgasm after orgasm marking the passage of time as seconds went into minutes and hours. Until finally as the sun was setting, the trio laid there in the messy, sweat and juice soaked bed sheets as the warmth of their afterglow and their erotic exhaustion had finally caught up to them with Raven and Star snuggling up on either side of their burly chaperone.
You think this was intense of course, just wait until the next day when Kirishima would come over with them to check up on Mina and Maya with their escorts. Because of course they were going to want details, not to mention get to know the pair personally and intimately. I was an absolute must with any and every girl that got wild and sexy with their Red Riot Alpha male of course. Just the fun of Midnight's S-exchange program a chance to meet new people...and have such naughty fun with them.
For those of you wondering of course, yes there were plenty of others enjoying Midnight's little program but you really expect me to cover all that? And no Bakugo and Mineta were not involved, I mean you really think I'm giving either of them a piece of that action? I'm sure there are plenty of writers or artists who'd satisfy your sadomasochistic thirst for that you sickos!! This writer sure as hell ain't one of them!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Succubus
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There is a saying about the best laid plans of mice and men and for Eijiro Kirishima, codename Red Riot, unfortunately that tended to be a fact of life in the pro hero life he was all too aware of. Ever since that day that hand covered killing touch psycho came into the USJ with an army of villains and a genetic freakshow made to kill All Might, it seemed a struggle just to have a normal highschool life. Even after that, the fact remained such as his current assignment with the Fatgum Agency, having been tasked to go undercover to take down a criminal group who had been stealing money from the banks across Japan to fund and pay for his secret underground fight ring. It was simple enough, go in with a disguise as a random contestant, find some evidence and boom, the sting operation commenced to bring the bastards down!!
That had all seemed eeasy enough but just his luck, seems first timers had the pleasure of their debut being to go up against the champion of this fight club, a young girl in his age group by the name of Karura Kure. Now he didn't know much of anything about Karura herself personally but her last name, well that was a different story entirely. You didn't get into the world of combat sports, underground fights or the field of mercenaries and assassins and not hear or know of the infamous, notorious Kure clan. Whose nature was such that they were just as willing and able to be hired to kill a target who just happened to have hired them previously, mercs, go figure.
But be that as it may, he knew he couldn’t back down at this point, besides which Even a quirk as basic as his was would be ideal in this sort of environment. And yet somehow in spite of all, to the shock and amazement of the crowd in attendance, he’d won but something told him that meant trouble and with good reason mind you. In spite of her defeat, Karura had quite the smile on her face as she now wanted the undercover hero and she wanted him, bad!! You see in Karura’s family, the males were encouraged to breed with women who came from strong families while the females sought out the strongest men whose genes would ensure potential and the secret Red Riot made her womb yearn for a bun in the oven.
Before she could see about approaching him for a little post fight intimacy, that was when the agency made its move and began the raid crack down on the fight club. Karura, seeing her services with her client were about to come to their logical end, made her move as she grabbed and began to pull Kirishima away with her to a hidden exit, offering to help him escape. Now of course he didn't want to but he had to keep his cover so course he had no choice but to go along with it. It wasn’t long after navigating the maze like passage ways that Kirishima found himself the infamous succubus of the Kure in a win form the warehouse the fight club had set up shop, all,done up to resemble something like the luxury rooms of Midnight’s love hotel.
He had a sinking sterling she had more than an ulterior motive for being him here, which was only proven right as he turned around to find Karura had stripped naked. The Succubus’ distinct eyes twinkling with wanton need and delight and a radiant, sensual smile beaming kn her face as she proceeded to pull a classic kabedon on him. Pinning the undercover Red Riot up against a corner of a wall, as he did his best to keep his eyes from wandering and drinking in every glorious detail of her nude from her exquisite tits to her stunning set of abs, she didn’t have a six pack as so much a 12 pack!! Leaning in close to him as she sensually whispered a simple set of words that had been running through her mind the moment she had first laid eyes on him and he had defeated her…..
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Karura:”I want your babies…….”*Soon as she had spoken thst, she locked her lips with his, tongue invading his mouth with a sloppy, passionate kiss. Romance and lust alike in her actions as she pushed her toned, honed, well trained naked body up against his, purring and moaning as her tits pressed and rubbed those firm pecs. Hands exploring his muscular form as the heat within her body grew in its need to have this himbo mate and breed with her. Her sensual ambush causing his own primal instincts to kick in as his libido took the helm, hands reaching out to grab and squeeze that glorious ass.*
The Kure Succubus naturally relished and welcomed such an assertion of dominance, her every nerve tingling with skyrocketing arousal and desire at having this fine specimen fuck her with the primal intent of putting a bun in her oven. Every scrap of clothing pried off of him until her exotic eyes finally behind that Herculean physique in all its naked glory, Michelangelo's David had nothing on this beefcake. For Karura of course, there was no need for foreplay or to use mouth and body to work up that fine third leg of his or get her in the mood, their fight alone she felt had been enough of a warm up. Any man that could take her in a fight without prompting her to use removal was a keeper she simply had to have as the father of her future children.
So little to no time was wasted in their making out as they were soon on the bed, making it creak an shake with enough force that it'd be no surprise the damn ting would break sooner or later once they were done with it. The Kure combat prodigy moaning with sensual wanton abandon as she was taken from behind doggy style, grasping and biting the bed sheets. Drooling all the while as Kirishima pumped and jackhammered away with absolute force, lie any true alpha male should when claiming his mate, his body language displaying that he was certainly no slouch, let alone a virgin when it came to sex. That thought of just how many other women her future baby daddy had been with was such a turn-on, as her arms and legs gave out causing her to lay flat on her front as Kirishima now took her in a prone bone position mounting atop her as he fucked her like his life depended on it...which it did, in a sense.
Her ass jiggling with every smack and impact of their loins, the thrilling rhythm and sensation of skin slapping on skin as they filled the room with the sounds of their mating as she relished each and every orgasm. More so whenever he came inside her, not wanting him to pull out since after all, she needed to ensure she'd finish this encounter knowing she'd get knocked up. And oh what a delight to find his stamina and staying power enough to keep up with her, this quirk of his especially helped, just the idea of how strong their children would become with a variation of it on top of the Kure family traditional style and techniques? Won't her clan be proud, hell if grandfather approved, and once he learned her suitor's name, he could become her future husband!!
It was a different sort of battle compared to their close quarters exchange in the fight club ring as the sturdy himbo tussled with the vinous little minx. Using all his experience and knowledge to try and sate the seemingly endless thirst Karura had for him, her desire only magnifying whenever he managed to assert dominance, going from taking her from behind to a mating press. To having to use his quirk to ensure the ferocity and intensity of her riding him cowgirl style as her toned, trained body glistening with sweat. Minutes passing into hours with orgasms after orgasm until finally, the noises had faded into a blissful silence albeit the bed had now been completely trashed.
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Karura of course made her escape, after leaving a little kiss on the lips for her sleeping prince and the father of her future children (given how thoroughly they fucked, if she wasn't pregnant? She'd have to find him again and try harder!!), vanishing into the night. Just in time as Kirishima's co-workers barged into the room, having finally found him, wondering what had happened to the poor guy as the amount of bites and scratches from the Kure girl had made it seem like he got into a tussle with a wild animal!! He was thankful that was their assumption and didn't question how or why said tussle had left him naked in a demolished bedroom.
The raid had been finished up after that, just about any and all main suspects rounded up and secured which left the usual post mission reports and paperwork to sort out. Boring stuff but bureaucracy was a necessary evil of course, besides which for Kirishima, it gave him time to recover and keep his mind off of Karura and her...unreal body and her...quite, sensual cute faces she especially made looking like some maiden in love....yeah okay for sure, soon as he got home? Mina and Maya were going to get an all night workout so h could burn off this excess energy, was this why they callled her the Succubus? Pretty fitting epithet all things considered and then some.
As for the Kure prodigy of course, soon as she got home, she had already looked into making some plans to see about another baby making session with her future chosen. Had to be thorough after all and besides which, wouldn't be too hard to find a guy with a scar, red eyes and shark teeth and a quirk like his, right? Especially if she knew what school he went to so she could transfer, after all, the family code made it a must for ehr to secure those fine genes. Pray for Kirishima, maniacs...God have mercy on us all.....
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Some days and nights they say that it was never easy being a hero and for Kirishima? This was proving to be one of those occasions he was finding that fact being proven right, which quite frankly he was still wondering how in the hey he even wound up in this particular situation. One moment he’d be out with some fellow Fatgum agency interns on patrol around the harbour, next thing he knows there was an explosion and gunfire happening all around. So of course they had to try make sense of the situation and contain it before is spread and spiralled out into a complete and total clusterfuck!!
Whatever had been going on or how it had been caused was a mystery but given how some of those shipping crates bite the logo of Arasaka? It had to be some major corporate espionage bullshit, that was for sure, especially when one could make out the ominous presence of the one and only Adam Smasher himself. Arasaka’s resident cybernetic attack dog, the bogeyman of Night City, California himself who they say was more machine than man these days…and had a reputation for taking any job for his bosses so long as he knew how much collateral he could get away with. Given that he had filled entire graveyards on Arasaka’s orders, that especially said a lot so it was imperative whatever the situation was, it had to be minimalists before that walking tank turned this harbour into a slaughterhouse.
Case in point of course being this pint sized shortstack of a cyborg girl who’d been pinned down under heavy fire, and whose collection of weaponry was only matched or exceeded by her potty mouth. Being the chivalrous guy he was, of course he had to help her out and save her, like hell he was going to let her risk becoming the latest name to be added to Smasher’s long, ever growing list of victims. Besides which even people who strong and powerful quirks never actually tried to lick a fight with the guy, it was said to be the only ones who ever did were if you had a suicidal death wish. So amidst the skirmish, he made the call and got her the hell out of there, by the skin of his sharky teeth.
After enough distance to be considered safe and sound with the clusterfuck seeming to die down, no doubt Arasaka deciding to cut their losses and call their killing machine back on his leash, The hero in training ducked into a quiet warehouse and gently placed down the cyber girl atop a crate. Now came the question of what to do with this errant little renegade, who so thoughtfully introduced herself as Rebecca.....after a very lengthy and profanity laden round of insults sent his way of course. For such a half-pint, she certainly had quite the vocabulary on her, a creative one to say the least, some of those words or terms he swore he had never heard before. But once she calmed down enough, she co-operated just a bit to brief him on what exactly the hell had just happened there that got so bad that she almost risked becoming just another casualty in the Adam Smasher.
Just so happens Rebecca was part of a small little misfit gang of mercs known as edgerunners, guns for hire when it came to tasks involving corporate espionage and sabotage among other things of which to name a few. Such individuals almost always tended to be cyborgs, composed of those among the population who were quirkless and/or especially needed a means to get by and survive in today's world and naturally along with omnics lead to a veritable distinct sub culture of gang warfare, hackers and others and Rebecca's crew, among which included her older brother had been in the middle of their latest job. Wasn't anything much, just a simple smash and grab run stealing some fancy tech equipment, turned out their client forgot to mention the competitor they were stealing from had been Arasaka and the security was high level enough that it was no wonder Adam Smasher was involved. But fortunately her crew had made their escape but she'd been too pinned down by heavy fire to make her own exit and so here she was now looking at some likely jail time.
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Kirishima:"Look I know you weren't intending anything wrong but from certain viewpoints, you're in plenty enough trouble that I can't just look the other way, you know?"*Doing his best not to blush at the rather cute pout the cyberpunk shortstack was making right baout now at his tough but fair point. Trespassing as well breaking and entering private property, outbreak of sudden violence that could;'ve escalated to riot levels if not literal corporate warfare and that was just off the top of his head. And edge-runners like herself were as frowned upon by the law as much as un-licenced vigilantes, she was going to be looking at quite the few weeks to months if not years behind bars. Especially with the kind of sway and pull Arasaka had, if they so wanted she could be getting life or the death penalty even, harsh as that sounded. Pity really when at her age, she still had some of the best years of her life ahead of her.*
Rebecca:*Still pouting adorably like a scolded puppy or kitten, yeah of course she knew she was fucking screwed, Christ Pilar would never let her hear the end of it. That is if he wasn't panicked after laughing his ass off at the idea of his little sister going up the river, then him and the rest of the crew would likely risk having to break her out, prison could be hell for cyborgs and omics. And this rather prime cut of himbo beef didn't look like someone she could buy off with a bribe of a few Eddies (Euro-Dollars), secretly biting her lip as she eyed those washboard abs of his, serious hunk material. Before the manic little chromed up pixie suddenly had herself an idea....a very awful, wonderful, awfully wonderful, wonderfully awful idea.*"Aww okay....but could I maybe just get one little request before you got to turn me in?"
The sturdy hero nodded, before having an uneasy suspicion about the sudden sensual gaze Rebecca wore for an expression as her hand reached out to his crotch. Proceeding to grope and rub it once she had a good grasp of his length, humming as she clearly liked what she was feeling as she used her free hand to grab his head and pull him down and in for a kiss. Ambushing him with a sudden sloppy make-out as the cyber-merc expressed her last request in the form of wanting this muscle mountain hunk to rock her world, suffice to say Kirishima never had much in the way of saying no to a girl once she pushed his libido's button. In no time at all, clothes went flying and the warehouse began to echo with the sounds of a wild little half-pint pixie cyber babe getting hot, sweaty and primal with an absolute unit plowing her like they were the last two people on Earth.
Now Rebecca wasn't what you'd call a slut by any means but she wasn't some prude virgin either by any stretch of the imagination. Christ the amount of porn pictures and video she had in her personal digital mental space folder would be enough to make even Mineta blush but Kirishima she found was putting any and every porno dude in that collection to shame. Not just in terms of his cock's length and girth but as well his skill as he currently had her pinned up against the wall, naked bodies pressed and rubbing together as he fucked fast, deep and hard. Her stomach bulging from his size and depth which was especially noticeable on her bison skull tattoo as her hair was loose and flowing, her pigtails knocked loose as her face wore an ahegao expression particularly whenever those heavy balls of his smacked her quite bubbly ass.
Rebecca wasn’t sure how much time had been passing at this point but really who could blame her with how amazing she was feeling right now?! The size difference between her and the sturdy himbo especially made it a thrill ride as she went from being folded like an accordion as he held in a mating press to bent over and laid out on a crate as she was taken doggy style and prone bone, her perky little cyber booty jiggling with every impact from Kirishima’s cock plowing her. At this point for the cyber halfpint, it was a competitive streak between the one who’d outlast the other when it came to stamina, a chromed up trigger happy shortstack or a hardening himbo who had quite a trail of experience when it came to women. Suffice to say, it went on for quite a while as that warehouse became a sexual battleground.
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Against all odds of course, Rebecca had managed to keep herself conscious enough to be able to move and make her escape though a bit hesitant of course at leaving Kirishima’s warm snuggling arms. Leaving him a little note sealed with a kiss as she disappeared into the night thanking him for a good time, Kirishima a king up to find her gone, the clever girl. Playing on his natural urges like that, ah well wasn’t like he had officially caught her in the act of trouble or anything. That was an edgerunner for you, always living it up to the name and then some.
it’d been a few days to weeks since thst chaotic evening in the harbour before Kirishima was back to his more regular daily routine, having not sen nor heard from Rebecca since then. No doubt she had long since gone back to Night City or was being out somewhere in Japan until then but given she hadn’t appeared on any headlines, she was keeping out of trouble. The Red Riot hero currently on his latest outing with Mina and Maya when his cell buzzed, fishing it out to find a notification for some messages which he checked. Eyes widening and his face blushing at the contents now laid bare on his screen.
Seems Rebecca had managed to find his number and had wasted no time in ambushing him with a series of naughty selfies, plenty of which were sexy, saucy nudes. The cyber minx smiling as she claimed to be showing off some new upgrades she had gotten that she promised would make the next time around she ever saw him again even wilder and thst he can have himself a little fuel for his fantasies. His girlfriends of course looking over his shoulder, grinning like the rolls they were as they no doubt had a lot of questions to ask about who their stud’s latest lady friend was. That is after they finished seeing some more of those pictures of course…then the interrogation would begin…
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aneenasevla · 2 years
Devil's Food - Chapter 20
MasterList /Ayami’s Profile / Previous
Chapter 20 - Punishment
The noise from the headphones wasn't loud enough for his senses to miss the girl's presence at his bedroom door. He got up and took out one of the plugs.
“Whaaaaaaat?!” he almost growled at his cousin.
“Congratulations, Raian” Karla said, clapping her hands and sitting on one of the chairs at the table in his room. “When I thought I was the queen of shame, you came and usurped my place. I'm relieved and impressed, thank you.”
Raian was confused. What? Just because he also scared off his candidate? Which happened to be a thousand times worse than Tokita?
“What are you talking about, Succubus?” Raian sits down “I didn’t destroy half of the old man’s mansion…”
“Ah, but I didn't destroy anyone's integrity and dignity” Karla raises her eyebrow, looking at her nails “so I think at least we're even…”
“Pfhah, if you're talking about that Mouse, I just did what you wanted. If she needed a punishment, I created the perfect one. Now she will never mess with us again.”
“Punishment?” the younger assassin raises an eyebrow “And what exactly did she do?”
“Don't tell me you don't know, girl. I overheard you and Hollis talking in the office two days ago.”
“And how much did you hear, Raian? Listening to the conversation of others is bad, you know…?”
“I've heard enough. And it's not illegal when they were just talking about something I should have known from the start. If they wanted me to torture her, they should have told me right away, instead of making a fool of myself.”
“Torture?” Karla blinks on purpose, her fingers on her head “now I'm curious, Raian, what the hell did you hear?!”
Raian was increasingly confused. He took off his headphones and turned off his cell phone's music player.
“Uh, that damn Mousie and her family betrayed our clan and she was sold to us so we wouldn't end up with them... Hollis was an idiot, he could have solved this by killing everyone instead of handing her over to me so that I got rid of. Well, you're welcome” he smiles mischievously.
Karla massages her temples, suddenly stressed. How could that creature, basically a combat genius, one hundred percent Removal, be so stupid and inconsequential?
And the idiot was still feeling like “the big shot” for having solved the problem.
”Uuughhh… I’m glad her family had really fucked up first so we don’t owe anything, otherwise I would have punched you myself, Raiaannn…”
“I didn't do anything wrong, you're the ones who got me into this mess!”
“She's right, Devil” they hear Hollis' voice before seeing him “this would be a case of harassment if they hadn't done something to us first.”
“But, what- Moral Harassment?! Are you a criminal lawyer now, Hollis? One more charge accumulated, what the fuck?”
“I don't need to be a lawyer to know that humiliating a girl in public is harassment, idiot” Hollis rolls his eyes “and she's not to blame for anything.”
“She didn't do anything about the fraud, her father did” Karla continues “her father has already been punished and is being held in prison.”
Raian grunts “It doesn't change the fact that she was sold by her father, practically as a slave for us.”
“She didn't was sell out, idiot, she sacrificed herself to save her family,” Hollis corrects, “she made a deal with us, that she was going to subordinate to us completely, she was going to take over her company and working for us in exchange for we not murdering everyone. Unlike you, we only shed blood if we have to, and they are more valuable to us alive.”
Raian stares at the two of them, a little confused but definitely surprised, mouth half-open, still sitting on the back of the bed. He could have said something constructive, yes, but does absolutely nothing and lets out a huff as he shrugs.
“Meh, it's not my problem. She was still a lil’ mouse who wanted to marry me to gain an advantage…”
“And you could gain rights to the Yamagami company, and erase once and for all the chance of them turning against us again! Beyond that, she is from an ancient lineage that we could have taken advantage of” Hollis crosses his arms, “By the way, if you hadn't scared the girl away, or rather, humiliated her and destroyed her integrity with all the clan, she might still had a chance with others in line, remember?”
That thought made Raian growl, for reasons other than the man's complaint, so many that he had to hold back and say to himself he didn't care for that bullshit to calm down. He didn't want to think about her… not anymore. That moment in the lake never happened.
“Should have thought of that Before throwing her at me, idiot” he says low, threatening, and waves his hand “Now leave before I kick you out. She's already gone, and that's it. If they make any other foolishness, I'll go after them myself and finish them off, as I, the Devil, am made for. End of story. And don't try to find anyone else for me. A lesson is only learned once.”
Karla gets up from her chair “Great, we're talking. But you won't get through this with impunity, Raian.”
“Bleh, bleh, when you take the Matriarch's place I think about respecting you, Succubus” he rolls his eyes as the girl leaves. Look at Hollis “what's the matter, plush wig? Are you sad because you lost your secretary?”
“No. I'm just in awe of your ability to fuck everything up.”
“No, uh-huh, I fixed your shit, it's different. I do not fuck up, I make things happen and get the job done.”
“Whatever” Hollis shakes his head, uncrossing his arms “but what amazes me the most is that you, unlike Karla, who is actually sociable, shooed away the only woman who really seemed to care about you, especially one who asked about you when you were outside. The only one who wasn't even afraid of you, and actually missed you.”
Raian was quiet. He watched his cousin leave and close the door. He growled low.
“Fuck” he silenced his thoughts in an uproar by what he just heard “I don't need her. I don't need anyone.”
“Here it is” the man handed the papers to the lawyer “all production assets, company shares, and legal rights, everything is now in your name, and with replacement indications for Mr. Akito Yamagami, his brother, as soon as he reaches the age of majority, in case something happens. And here's the Seal, miss” hands over a small box “all banking and accounting processes will be in the system starting tomorrow.”
“Thank you” Ayami bows to the person in charge “I will do everything possible to be a good CEO. As I am the daughter of the real owner, several of the employees know me, so I believe that an event will not be necessary…”
“It's a shame, normally a party cheers up the employees.” He shrugs, adjusting his sunglasses and leaning back in his chair. He was a very burly man, his hair thinning with baldness.
“Yeah, I know, but under the circumstances, I don't think I’m in the mood for celebrations. There's a lot of work to do before smiling.”
“I know, Miss Yamagami, I’m fully aware of your situation” the man nods “anyway, I hope your family continues to provide us with quality products, as is expected of your clan…”
“Oh no… my family hasn't been a clan for generations. But yes, the league tradition of our weapons is under exclusive patent, I sought to renew it as soon as I found out.”
“Heh, I foresee more of this good future between our families, miss.” As he is seated, he extends a hand. She holds it politely but squeezes it firmly “Thank you for continuing to do business with us.”
“I still hope you continue to accept our business, Sir Horioh Kure” she nods, as she drops her hand and straightens up “Excuse me now…” She bows again and leaves the room.
Horioh watched her leave, fingers joined, and watched as she closed the door. “Hm. That bastard… I didn't really believe it when I found out, but now…” he shakes his head “hnf, bad luck for him, indeed.”
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Next Chapter Here
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w1lkazavrr · 11 months
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my belovds............
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gabi-theladylover · 1 year
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foundfamilyhq · 21 days
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Could I request Raian being hit on by like a cute lil gyaru type of girl out of nowhere that is like both a really big fan of him and wants to literally have his kids. Like literally yandere for him. Like how karla is with ohma, I’d love to see how he’d handle such a situation. NSFW/SFW either one works for me👀
He would shove her into a steel wall, face first.
If she lives, he rips her heart out and punts her corpse to the dogs.
The thing y'all don't seem to understand is that Karla isn't actually all that into Ohma, she's only attracted to his strength because she believes he's the strongest available (I'll concede that she probably also thinks he's aesthetically attractive, but even then, she has an idolization issue because her family is established to push Kures with higher emission rates to marry into the strongest families possible.). Ohma sure as shit isn't into her, and is shown to be annoyed by this sort of fangirl behavior. You're somewhat delusional if you think Raian would react any better, sorry. But I'll try to humor this.
Actual Hcs:
He's not gonna be into some loser who has nothing better in life than to thirst after him.
If she's at all strong, he'll fight her. If she loses and dies, she wasn't worthy anyways, and he'll just be annoyed that she doesn't put up a good enough fight.
If she wins (and therefore lives), he'll briefly experience a character development arc and several existential crisises (crises? crisodes?) before either banging her because Erioh forces him to and then punting off the responsibility of raising the kid to the clan or killing her in a sneak attack and never thinking about it again.
Either way, he's not gonna be in love with her anytime soon, sure as hell not if she's stalking him and talking about babies constantly. If he's particularly merciful and doesn't kill her, he might do something especially petty and punch her to destroy her womb exclusively so he can gloat about how he took her dream away.
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Muscle Heads: Ohma x Raian
Chapter 1: Shut up, Raian
“Oi brat, wake up.” A large fist rapped on the Japanese-styled door separating the man and his neighbor; the occupant still fast asleep on the other side. He waited impatiently for a few seconds before knocking again.
“Hey,” Ohma Tokita raised his voice this time, eye twitching slightly as the sound of Kure Raian’s intense snoring somehow increased in volume.
Noisy idiot.
It was the middle of the night, the only light illuminating the room was thin, slivers of silver moonshine slipping through the curtains. The lithe fighter had about all he could take from his neighbor’s incessant snoring, if it could even be called that. It sounded like a motor engine malfunctioning, dying down every now and again only to suddenly start back up. Raian woke him up three times already, three times in the last five hours, and at this point he was on the verge of throttling him in his sleep. 
As expected, Raian wasn’t exactly the quietest roommate, but it wasn’t exactly like he had much of a choice. The main Kure mansion was mostly full, with the only room left at the end of this hallway a joint room next to Raian. Ohma could guess why his room was the only one unoccupied. Raian, the troublemaker that he was, liked to train late at night, meaning midnight or after, and oftentimes Ohma could hear him smashing something at one in the damn morning, a peal of his familiar cackling laugh piercing his peaceful slumber. For the sake of the old man Erioh who let him live there without rent, he grit his teeth and bore with it. And boy was it hard sometimes.
There’s free food here, Ohma reminded himself. Free food and all the strong fighters anyone could wish for. 
The first day he had moved in after his surgery he had found Raian squatting and looming over him at three a.m., staring down at him with a silent, toothy grin on his face right next to his futon. Ohma never thought there would be anyone weirder than Kiryu Setsuna until then, and in a sleepy haze he threw a sloppy punch that Raian easily dodged. And then that fucker proceeded to jump out his window. In his defense, Ohma was still a bit woozy from the medication for his heart and wasn’t expecting Raian of all people to break into his room, otherwise he probably wouldn’t have missed his target. Karla he had expected, which was why he made sure everything was locked down before he went to bed. But somehow Raian had managed to get through the locks without a sound and then proceeded to leer at him like a stalker.
Regardless, Ohma had grown accustomed to his weird habits as he himself was not exactly normal. But these past two days Raian had begun snoring loudly and constantly, and he was at the end of his rope. Or else he wouldn’t be standing in front of the backdoor, freezing in the chilly winter night in nothing but his boxers.
Damn, Ohma growled as Raian let out a particularly loud rumble, opting to just break the lock and deal with him before he was sentenced to another sleepless night. 
The bolt snapped easily under the pressure of his hand, the door creaking softly as he slid it open, revealing Raian spread-eagle on his back in the middle of the room. Somehow the demon Kure had migrated from his bed to the floor during the night without waking up, mouth parted and drooling.
The wool blankets were strewn around him, tangled around his powerful legs and barely covering what Ohma assumed was his naked groin.
Really? During the winter? Ohma sighed.
He let out an irritated huff and padded towards the younger fighter, nearly tripping over multiple items thrown haphazardly on the floor. Nudging him with his foot, Raian just snorted and rolled over to the other side letting out a string of curses under his breath. Several prods later and he was still snoring soundly, and Ohma subtly wondered how he hadn’t been murdered in his sleep yet. The Kures had a lot of enemies, and he was sure Raian had even more than the average clan member.
“Hey wake up,” Ohma stooped down and shook his shoulders hard, finally waking up the resting boulder.
Apparently Raian wasn’t used to being woken up in the middle of the night, immediately lurching forward and pushing Ohma to the ground with a snarl. “What the fuck do you want bitch?”
“For you to stop snoring, moron,” Ohma squeezed the wrists that were holding him down, eye blazing and rearing for a fight.
“Oh yeah?” Raian taunted with a wide smirk on his face, applying more pressure to his grip and drawing out a growl.
Pulling his leg back, Ohma rammed it into Raian’s stomach and threw him across the room, sending slight tremors through the walls of the house from the force of his kick. It was a miracle none of the other Kures were woken by the racket, but then they were probably already used to whatever unholy sounds came from Raian’s room at night.
Barely fazed, said Kure lunged forward and met him halfway, locking hands and wrestling each other to the carpet with an audible crash.
They rolled across the floor, knocking over any furniture in the way and spitting insults that would make any sailor blush. Normally Ohma was relatively immune to threats and curses, but something about Raian made his temper short-circuit sometimes. Perhaps listening to him “snore” that loudly for over a week had done it.
Eventually, Raian was able to get the upper hand on Ohma, hard knees digging into his waist as he rocked his weight back on the other man’s thighs. His body weight kept him pressed down on the ground, though Ohma could have easily broken free. 
But he was feeling generous (tired) today.
Ohma was almost tempted to smack the sneer off his face, but he knew that would just escalate the fight. Honestly he was surprised the whole place hasn’t been demolished-excluding the fist-sized holes in the plaster-and waking up the entire neighborhood wasn’t exactly on his to-do list.
Just bear with it for now, Ohma thought grumpily. I’ll slap the shit outta him in the morning. Just you wait kid.
He had completely forgotten about Raian’s state of undress until he glanced down, suddenly bucking up his hips and trying to push him off. It wasn’t like Ohma cared much about nakedness, but he’d much rather not have a grown man sitting on his dick when he was only in his boxers. Especially not Kure Raian, who was fully naked like the weirdo he was.
“Get off and put some pants on dipshit!”
Raian’s grin grew impossibly wider and he stuck out his tongue, forcing Ohma back down with his ass. “What, does it bother you or something, you perverted fuck?” With a harsh bark of laughter he roughly ground down on Ohma making him hiss.
“Son of a bitch!” Ohma swore noisily and redoubled his efforts to escape, whipping his head back and forth. This was giving him serious flashbacks to Imai Cosmo. Except back then his adversary was thankfully clothed.
“Uncomfortable? Or just excited to see me?” Raian thrust his face close, making Ohma bang his head on the ground with a solid thump to avoid being headbutted.
“Motherfucker,” Ohma grunted and turned his head to the side, too tired to deal with his bullshit anymore. His eyelids felt heavy, he had barely slept the last two days after all, and training over eight hours a day definitely didn’t help.
For a moment the only sound in the room was their panting, and neither men moved. 
“Going to sleep already?” Raian’s breath was hot on his face, so close that Ohma could smell the scent of the udon he had for dinner mingled with a faint trace of sweat and cologne.
Cologne? Since when did Raian wear cologne?
“Back off, your breath stinks,” Ohma groaned and held a hand between them.
“Oh yeah, you fuck? How about a closer whiff?” Raian cackled.
“For fuck’s sake-” The rest of his sentence was abruptly cut short as Raian surged forward to collide their lips together, or at least tried to. A jolt of pain shot through Ohma’s mouth as their teeth clashed, the familiar metallic tang of blood on his tongue.
Raian latched onto his bottom lip with his teeth, biting down hard as Ohma moaned in pain. Grabbing his shoulders, Ohma tried once again to push him off, but Raian had his biceps in a vice grip and neither fighter was budging.
Fine then, if he wanted to play rough then so be it. 
Snarling, Ohma shifted his weight onto one side and rolled Raian under him with all his strength, placing him on top this time. It shocked the Kure enough to let him go-finally, he was about to chew through his lip, and damned if he had to answer questions the next morning.
“You mothefucker! You call that a damn kiss fucking brat?!” Ohma roared, blood spilling from his cut and dripping down his chin, where it splattered in crimson pools all over Raian’s chest.
“What, like you can do better you dumb virgin fuck!” He flung his head forward again, but this time Ohma was one step ahead of him and got there first, trying to force his tongue in his mouth.
The ensuing battle for dominance was nothing short of a gross mess with an excessive amount of spit and blood, but as Kengan fighters it was nothing compared to the battles they’ve experienced. As expected, neither gave an inch, at least not until Raian suddenly grabbed a fistful of his seaweed hair and gave it a vicious tug, strong enough to pull out a clump of dark brown strands.
“Fuck!” Using the opportunity to slip into his opponent’s mouth, Raian’s victory was short-lived as Ohma took the chance to exact retribution by sinking his teeth deep into his tongue. Huffing through his nose, Raian saw red as Ohma bit down even harder. 
Sharp stabs of pain shot through Ohma’s back as Raian dug his fingers hard into his muscles, which Ohma returned by jabbing as hard as he could into his bulging biceps.
White hot agony exploded behind Ohma’s eyes as the delinquent rammed a knee into his groin and his legs gave out, his forehead bashing against Raian’s upper lip. 
“That...was for the fucking tournament…” Raian wheezed between breaths, chest heaving with the other man still laying on top.
“Shut up...Raian…” Eyes shut tightly, Ohma could feel himself drifting away in the darkness, too tired to even bother getting off of him.
“...You weigh...like a goddamn truck.”
“Shitty brat,” Ohma’s voice was barely audible and he didn’t respond to the poke in his ribs that would have normally pissed him off. There was the soft sound of rustling as Raian shifted underneath him before falling still, hand relaxing on his shoulder.
Giving up trying to fight back the darkness threatening to engulf him, he let the sound of Raian’s quieting pants and warm body lull him to an easy, dreamless sleep. He could always beat him in the morning, after all. 
There was no more snoring for the rest of the night.
“What the hell?” In the doorway stood Kure Hollis and Reiichi, who were sent to find them after neither man showed up to breakfast.
“Should we wake them up?” Reiichi whispered. Raian twitched from his position on the ground, face scrunching momentarily but didn’t wake. 
“No, I don’t want to deal with waking up that devil Raian in the morning.”
“Why are they covered in blood? And why is he naked?”
“I don’t know, but don’t tell Karla.” Hollis sighed.
“Don’t tell me what?” Speak of the devil, and she shall arrive.
“Oh fuck.”
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 7 months
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 7 months
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w1lkazavrr · 11 months
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The next night, Kisara and Ohma made their way towards the port, and they met with Kaede and Yamashita. There, Kiryu with his employer and her secretary came by to say hello - Same with Hatsumi and Nogi. Apparently those with the official invitation were allowed to go on the huge yacht that looked like the Titanic, while everyone else was forced to go on what looked like a beat down cargo ship that would sink the second people step on it. Awful.
Kisara felt absolutely sea-sick and she had to cling onto Ohma's arm - She loved going at sea, but not on a death trap ship! "Hatsumi Senpai, save meeeee~!" she wailed, getting dragged on that god-forsaken ship. "I think I feel more at place on this one" Ohma shrugged, patting her head simply. "But where are they gonna take us on this ship?" Yamashita asked, confused as he looked around. "No idea... I'm sure they'll make an announcement soon enough." Kaede sighed, trying to assess the situation as professionally as always. "Do you have any idea?" Ohma asked someone. "Uh, Ohma? Who are you talking to?" Yamashita asked, looking back with dread. "Huh? Who? I'm talking to her. Why?" Ohma pointed towards a girl shorter than even his partner. "Oh, hello! Nice to meet you!" she greeted the group cheerfully. "She's been following us around for a while now." the fighter spoke nonchalantly. "Oh, sorry - About that - Kind of missed my chance to introduce myself. Pleased to meet you! My name's Kushina Rin! I'm here on Mr. Nogi's orders to work as your secretary, Mr. Yamashita! So, Mr. Yamashita, I hope to serve you as best as I can!" she spoke very cheerfully. "S-S-Secretary?!" his jaw dropped to the ground, stunned out of his mind. "A secretary, eh? You've really made your way up in the world, Yamashita Kazuo." but before the poor man could protest, an announcer told the fighters to go through one of those doors, while everyone else was to go up the stairs. "Huh?! Does that mean that Ohma's parting ways with us now...?!" the old man was worried about his fighter. "Yeah, looks like it. Bye, Yamashita Kazuo. Hasashi Kisara, take care of them." with one last pat on her head, Ohma left through the door.
Up the stairs, there was a glass wall that remembered Kisara of the Louvre museum pyramid, and they could see the fighters from up there. Ohma looked pretty lonely out there, standing close to a corner - But he spotted them up there, and made a motion that he was thirsty. The manager realised that he forgot to return his drink, and wanted to hurry getting it back to him, but Kaede, with her dignified secretary look, said she'd do it. 
"Ohhh, so cool~ Hey, Mr. Yamashita, do you think they're... An item?" Rin got close to the old man and pretended to whisper. "Huh?! Miss Akiyama and Ohma? I really don't --" Yamashita blinked, looking in surprise at her. "You think so...? Well, I think they'd make a cute couple..." the smaller secretary spoke, making Kaede's eye twitch at how she was so shameless, speaking about her love life in front of her. "No, wait, you're right - It might actually be possible...!" the old man's eyes widened in surprise. "Will you two stop talking about things like that?" the blonde glared at the two.
Kisara bit her lip and nonchalantly took the bottle from the old man's hand, going on ahead without another word. She wasn't jealous, and she definitely didn't think any differently of Kaede or anyone else who felt attracted to Ohma, nor would she blame them, considering the two of them never came out and expressed their relationship directly. It didn't mean that she was happy hearing that someone else would look cute as her partner's girlfriend. It kinda stung, but at the same time, she really couldn't blame them. 
The door was pretty heavy, but Kisara had no huge trouble opening it and tossing the bottle to Ohma - He drank that drink in a blink, and he seemed pretty happy... And pumped up. "You're a life-saver." he smirked, crumbling up the bottle. "Ha, thank you, dear." she hummed in amusement. "Y'know - Rin and Yamashita Kazuo said that you and Kaede would look incredibly cute together. What do you think~ ♪?" she chuckled, teasing him. Ohma snorted, looking at her enigmatic smile. "Yeah, so? Let them think what they want." this typical him answer made her chuckle even more. "Well, darling, anything else I can do for you?" she asked, getting her hands in her pockets, swaying back and forth on her feet. "Nah, I'm good - But don't go yet. What do you think of this situation?" he asked, that cocky grin plastering on his face. "Well - Remember all those battle royale anime I've watched? That's what I'm thinking. You'll be fighting until there's only few of you left. So - You'll have lots of fun~ ♪!" she matched that grin of his, as hyped up as he was. "So you're thinking what I'm thinking. This is gonna be quite the show." that devilish look of his was making the red head feel heat on her cheeks - How handsome this man was, and he was all hers.
As they shared that mischievous look, the doors were slammed close, and the captain explained that they won't open until only 5 remain standing. Kisara slapped her forehead in disdain, and shrugged her shoulders - Nothing could be done about this tragic situation, so might as well enjoy the ride.
"Well, sweety, I guess, there is that! Protect thy fair maiden from the foes that threaten her life!" she laughed, stepping to lean back on a wall and watching her partner laugh at her words. "Ha, you've got a lot of nerve for someone who could easily beat these guys up in no time!" in that instant, two men jumped up, bashing Ohma for bringing 'a chick', and were ready to punch him - But he easily redirected them to punch each other. "Alright, then! Get ready to be protected, Your Majesty." he got protectively in front of her, while she merely smiled tenderly at him. "O, my knight in shining armor, purge this world of these puny weaklings that have deluded themselves into thinking they stand a chance against your might~♥️ !" she was having way too much fun with this. "More fancy words, and I'll throw you as bait." she simply pouted at his answer.
Still, as she watched Ohma get in a fighting stance, she heard his last name being yelled out rather passionately - Rihito has revealed himself, saying he's missed Ohma and all that - But that was irrelevant. He perfected his Razor's Edge... Not that he would ever be a threat or anything of the sort. 
"Hey, aren't you that chick I saw before at the fight?" Rihito's eyes widened greatly, as they trailed up and down Kisara's outfit, mostly, that black crop top of hers that looked so good with her 'neo-samurai girl' aesthetic of high-waisted black pants, boots and a black and red haori with spider lilies that was staying loosely around her form, and a fox mask next to her sword.  "Uh - Yeah, you did. I brought Ohma his drink, and - ... You're not even listening, are you" Kisara sighed, sweat dropping at the blond. "Are you single?" she wasn't even able to answer, she just hit hear head back on the wall. "No, she's not." she heard Ohma answering in her stead - It was the first time he ever said anything like that before. Frankly, it made her pretty happy. "Don't worry Miss Kisara! Rihito's here to protect you!" it's as if he didn't listen to anything either of them said. "No thanks, I'm fine." she replied immediately. "She says she's fine." he seemed as bored as she was about the obnoxious blond. Still Rihito was pretty hell-bent on 'protecting Miss Kisara' and getting Ohma to the main act, so they could have a match again. "Stand back, Miss Kisara! There's gonna be a bit of a blood rain tonight!" he was pretty hyped up, while Kisara could only hold her fist up in the air and say a monotonous 'yay'.
She's seen significantly better, granted, and she never thought Rihito was ever that great to begin with. Still, considering everything, for a preliminaries show, the most she can do is pick out any person with any above average skill that may get on to the main act of the tournament. Out of nowhere, the red head heard a bunch of really weird and completely non-sensical English curses, along with the sound of people getting knocked to the ground. From nowhere, a pretty tall guy with a huge grin was doing pelvic thrusts into the air. He was kinda creepy, and that mustache didn't help.
"Hasashi Kisara, is THAT a fighter too?" Ohma asked the girl. "Looks like it - But his curses kinda freak me out. Oh - He's looking our way. Great." she sighed, shaking her head in disdain. "He looks like he can entertain me a little." he smirked, confident that he could easily defeat him. "Oh! Are you my next target?!" thus, the American extended his arms forwards , fists closed, and propelled himself forwards, looking like a weird Superman, springing forwards towards Ohma. Kisara, just like Ohma, were looking with surprise at this man - His leaping was really weird and definitely something they've never seen before. He could pride himself for being very fast, like a missile... Though, this speed was nothing compared to theirs.
Ohma got his hands and fingers into position and waited until this man was close enough, so he completely changed the course of his phlight, with his Redirection Kata: Weeping Willow move - And he was thrown into the wall - Still, at that high speed, he was able to avoid collision and he redirected himself, as if he bounced or just like a diver in a swimming pool. "You're more fresh than mama's apple pie!" he cried out, triumphant with his technique. "Someone, please, knock him out already - I can't deal with those awful one-liners!" Kisara groaned, only for her eyes to widen, realising that he was charging in her direction. "When I said I wanted to die, I didn't mean in this fashion, and definitely not in this garbage bin of a ship." she sighed, crossing her eyes and waiting. The American tried to pull the breaks of his charge with his feet, but it was to no avail - He couldn't stop, nor stir in another direction other than Kisara's. He simply smiled in embarrassment and guilt. "I'm sorry, girl! This probably won't kill you, so please, forgive me for this!" The time she blinked, a flash of black found its way in front of her. "For God's sake, at least scream or something. You're not making yourself worth protecting. You could have knocked him out with a simple kick." he chuckled, looking past his shoulder and down at her. "O, my knight in shining armor, have you forgotten thy duty? Protect Thy Majesty, till death do us 'part? That and - I just like seeing you show off. You're very attractive when you do." she laughed nonchalantly, making his smirk widen. "Ha! You took at heart what I said four years ago. I really do have a thing for strong girl who're honest with their feelings."  saying that, he flexed a bit, getting in a fighting stance, something that was similar to the way he stood like a shield, before her - Kisara couldn't help but bring her hand up to her mouth, stifling an amused giggle. "Well then - Will you tell me what was that you just used? I never saw you using that technique before." she pointed out, stepping sideways to get a better look of his stance. "That's because it's fucking lame - And I can't control it. Guess I don't really have an option." his cocky smirk was ever present. "So confident with something you can't control - I aspire to get to that level of self-assurance." she grinned, leaning back on the wall. Ohma used his elbow to block and then hit the American's face, knocking him out immediately - But, unlike before, he complained about his arm and side hurting, because of the technique he can't control properly. Still, once this opponent was done for, Kisara counted the remaining fighter - Just five remained. The captain called out that the preliminaries were over, and thus, the doors were opened. Once the two met up with Yamashita and the two secretaries, the ship reached the great Titanic-esque yacht, and the winners were directed towards the S.S. Kengan.
The five members of the Yamashita Trading Company were assaulted by Rihito, mainly Kaede and Kisara, who couldn't stop his perverted comments, and how he tried to play off touching them by 'giving them a shoulder massage'. "Where do you live?" No. "Wanna go for dinner?" Don't touch me."At least give me your number?" Go kill yourself. "At least just let me get your pussy!" Okay, that's it -
Kisara was on the verge of turning around to sock him in the face, but much to that idiot's luck, Ohma grabbed her wrist and dragged her in front of him, his hand protectively on her shoulders. "Shouldn't you be with the people from your own company right now?" his voice was lower than usual, and annoyed as well. "It's just me. Ah, you wanna know? Fine, I'll tell ya! As a matter of fact - I AM the president of S.F. Cold Storage." thus, as he continued grabbing away at poor Kaede, Rihito proudly told everyone that, after working at Nogi's storage company, the CEO came over to him and made him a president, as long as he voted for him as a chairman. Although, a smart political move on Nogi's part, he didn't really choose this chess piece well... Rihito was the bottom of the bunch without a doubt, and he had no way of even coming close, when it came to Takeshi, Hatsumi, or even little Cosmo! Not to mention Ohma - Also, some of those preliminary fighters weren't half-bad either, especially that mysterious arabian guy, or the old man. Rihito had absolutely no chance.
Still, with this conversation going, Rin was able to explain that not only Rihito, but Yamashita was in the same situation, so basically, this tournament was a battle of wits between the puppeteers... And even so, the ones doing the fighting are equally important. Well - All Ohma and Rihito cared about was... All they gotta do is win. Easy as that, and honestly, not wrong either.
The Chairman was then presented before all of them, with a ton of bodyguards all around him, and rightfully so. At that moment, he might just be THE most powerful man in the world, without any exaggeration. The old man explained everything there was about the basics of the tournament, only for the mysterious fighter to get pissed off and step forward, complaining that the ones in the preliminations didn't deserve to be treated that way, and that they were in no way inferior to the 28 or so that received the special invitation and went straight to the main part of the tournament... And into the luxurious yacht.
The Prince stepped forward, ready to go up to the chairman, but he was easily defeated and thrown into the ocean... By a simple bodyguard - Not even one of the main, important ones, just one of those basic ones. Pathetic. Is this the level of competition that Ohma has? Because if so, his win is in the bag.
Thankfully, they were finally allowed to step inside the S.S. Kengan, and Kisara's eyes widened and she remained speechless. If she could describe this opulence with anything, she would think of Jay Gatsby's parties - She's been dreaming of being able to attend something like this ever since she was a little kid, watching Disney movies. She felt so out of place, dressed like this... At least she has a cute dress in her luggage and tomorrow, she won't be sticking out like a sore thumb anymore.  Hopefully, at least. She never had any reason to buy an elegant dress, considering she never had expensive events to attend, so... This was something else entirely.
Ohma immediately took off to find some food and he was nowhere to be seen, Rihito, thankfully, was lost in space, looking for girls, and Yamashita and the two secretaries were going towards a table. Kisara was alone, and freaking out internally. She was average height, but she couldn't see any of her friends from that spot, and she was afraid she might get herself lost in this huge place if she ventures too far away.
Oh, no, she was wrong. How could she not see Sekibayashi, even from the other end of the world? Kisara grinned and skipped towards the giant pro-wrestler, only to see, at the table, little Cosmo. Her smile grew ever larger. "Cos! Seki! Hi~ ♪ !" her whole mood changed to one much chirper and happy. "Ah! Kisara-nee-san! I should have known you'd be here too! Senpai and bro will be so happy when they see you!" the blond boy, still munching on food, jolted up from the table and hugged the girl tightly, swaying her a bit before allowing her to sit down next to him, pushing one of the plates towards her so that she would eat a bit too.  "Woaw, Cos, what a warm welcome. I'm so happy to see you two, and I can't wait to see them as well! I missed you, guys." she chuckled softly, making the smaller boy grin cheekily, yet his face was a tint pinker. "Ever the charmer, little princess. Glad to see that Tokita boy made it through. I hope to face him again and see if he's improved at all." the wrestler chuckled lowly. "As long as I don't see any back-breakers again, I'll be very happy. You really put on a great show, I can't wait to see you guys fighting. Actually... I don't think I've seen 'Tsuki-san fight before, have I? It's been four years and nothing. That's going to be exciting." she blinked, surprising herself with that realisation. "I've only seen him fight once or twice, but they're always very quick. Senpai's matches always end in less than five hits. He's a real pro, you'll love it!" Cosmo praised senpai.
It was already close to 2 or 3 in the morning, and Kisara was getting tired, but had no idea where she could go sleep or something... And she'd rather not do what kids do on a trip and use someone's shoulder, that would be embarrassing.  Her saving grace, however, came in the form of Ohma himself, who just swooped over, not greeting anyone - As always - And simply sweeping his partner to follow him. Apparently, after a filling dinner... And even more, in the plate he was holding, he asked a butler where the dormitories for the fighters would be, so he could crash. The Yacht will be arriving in about 27 hours, so it was enough time for a deep sleep... And even more food afterwards!
Getting inside the bedroom, Kisara quickly went to take a shower and dress in her nightgown so she could finally rest her exhausted body - She couldn't even imagine what the fighters would be feeling after that fight, and frankly, she didn't want to know either. Getting on the bed, she ate what remained from Ohma's dinner, dinner that he kept for her, and let out a deep sigh of content. Next to her, Ohma rolled to his side and extended his arms towards her, pulling her close to his body. Kisara smiled tenderly and hugged his head to her chest, playing with his hair. "You're gonna fuck them up, sweety~♥️ " she kissed his forehead softly. "It won't be easy, but you're gonna show them who's really the strongest man out there." Ohma let out a small hum of amusement and something that resembled a peaceful state that he rarely could achieve... Only in her arms, in that warm, loving embrace of hers, with those encouraging words and whatever woman-magic thingy she was doing to him. He never felt addicted to anything, nor attached to thing in general. He only needed his body and his wits alone to survive and finish any objective he wanted. Despite all this, he couldn't deny... The past four years have been the most 'emotionally happy', as she'd say.
He always remembers her rambling on the phone, when she'd comfort her dysfunctional friends about whatever relationship they had, he'd find himself agreeing with most of the things she'd tell them. He knew she liked him, but unlike what all her friends did, she never pressured him into anything - Hell, he never even called her 'girlfriend' or 'lover' or whatever other pet names normal people did. She was fine, as long as he was comfortable and at ease around her. She wanted him to trust and respect her, and that's what he did. Kisara is the only person alive that he trusts and cherishes. He won't name any word around the way he was feeling, but even if she doesn't ask him to, he will protect her.
She was so small and fit so well in his big arms, yet here she was, holding him like he was a little child seeking for comfort. She was cute back then, when she was more timid, but she's just as cute now, after gaining her confidence boost. Although until the kickboxer incident he's never seen her fight before, he was impressed that the girl who only survived on coffee and 2 hours of sleep was able to achieve, in such a short time, great speed and techniques. He was proud of his speed, but thanks to her petite frame and for weighting half of his kilograms, her great reflexes became unbelievable. He's never fought women before, and he had no idea what they're capable of, but her confident smirk and taunts were turning him off. Maybe that's why she always tells him to show off in front of her and gives him compliments. He knew he was declared universally 'attractive', but that mattered little to him. He wasn't like his stupid master, who told him to hit on any pretty girl he found. He couldn't care less about that.
And now, more than ever, in this tournament where only the strongest were present... He was going to show everyone that he was truly on top of the world. "That's right. And you're gonna be there to watch and cheer on me all the way to the top."
The next day, Kisara dressed in that cute blue summer dress of hers that flower around her ankles like the ocean waves, and her hair was falling down to her waist like a crimson cascade, and a cute bow was holding two small braids on the back. Most of the time of the day, she spent around Kaede and Rin, as Ohma was being pestered by Rihito and he wouldn't stop flirting around, but at night, she went by herself to get one of those really good cocktails, and on the way back to the dormitories...
She got lost.
I'm such a dumbass - Kisara thought to herself as she stepped forwards, hoping to find something to pin point her location. Lucky her, she heard the familiar voice of Cosmo. Smiling in relief, she walked a bit faster, hoping to still catch him. And he was with Wakatsuki too! "Hey, you two~ ♪ !" she called out cheerfully, lazily waving her arm around. "Ah, 'Nee-san!" Cosmo was the first to turn around, only to widen his eyes. "Behind you!" he cried out, but it was too late. Someone roughly slammed their hands on her shoulders. Kisara let out a small 'eep' sound, startled by the manhandling... But more, by the fact that whoever that was, made her spill some of that ice-cold drink on her hand, and it was going to get sticky. "Guess we've got our hands on a good bait, huh?" a dark voice called out from behind her. "Let go of her!" Cosmo stepped forward, cracking his knuckles. "Yeah, you heard him! I'm wearing my pretty dress and you're dirtying it with your gross hands." Kisara called out, reaching out in her purse to get some tissues, but before she could, she got shaken. And she dropped the glass on the floor. "Well, now you've done it! And it was really good too! You guys are jerks!" she groaned, looking down at the spilled cocktail with disappointment. "This bitch has no idea who she's talking to. Maybe we should teach her a lesson before we get to that small fry, eh?" the same voice growled and spun Kisara around so she'd face them. They, however, weren't expecting that the perpetrator would be feeling the heel of her thick wedged sandal in his chin. "Don't make me fight, I'm in a dress! What are you, perverts? Don't you know - Girls like being pretty around handsome men." she mocked the two idiots, and this time, by her own accord, she spun, making her cute dress fly around her gracefully, and she grabbed the other lackey that was lunging at her, and flipped him down, slamming her shoe down on his face... Down on the glass shards. "If you were trying to take down those two, but got taken down by me in two moves... You're even worse than those guys at the preliminaries. How pathetic." she scoffed, stepping on their bodies so she wouldn't be getting in the drink, and she made her way towards the two fighters. "Tsuki-san, could you please fix my bow? It always moves." she chuckled, turning her back to him, and she felt his fingers clumsily working around her hair. "Haha, Nee-san was so cool! You know, I really wanted a good workout, I was getting pretty bored of this voyage - But I guess you had all the fun to yourself! Well, I wouldn't call that fun, but still." Cosmo laughed, giving her a thumbs up. "You can still have your workout, kid - Look, they got up. So, have fun~!" she grinned at the younger one. "To think that I got Cosmo here, hoping to stay away from those guys, but they found us here too... How annoying." Wakatsuki sighed, stepping in front of the girl. Whilst the guy with a beanie went over to fight with Cosmo, the silent one went directly to the older fighter.
Cos got hit with that guy's brass knuckles - How unfair. He must be an assassin. No, she was wrong. That guy said he just needs to get Cosmo's fighter spot. He's in it for the money, but considering they came in a group of two... It didn't seem like he was just some stranger. "Cosmo, be careful. These guys aren't just thugs, they were hired by some company. Remember the Chairman's words. The one who wins gets to NOMINATE the future chairman. They're definitely working for someone who's in the tournament." Kisara called out to the younger boy. "Yeah, I see. I got it now. I really don't want you becoming a fighter." and with a simple grapple move, Cosmo got behind that guy weilding another baton weapon, and got him in a python hold, knocking him unconscious. "Don't worry, Kisara. I'll finish this quick. This isn't a place for girls to be at. We'll escort you back to your room." just after saying that, Wakatsuki stepped in front of the silent attacker. Before the enemy could even move, Wakatsuki, without getting in a stance... Or even bothering to blink or move a muscle, extended his arm... Or, punched, rather said, the attacker. He was slammed into the wall behind him. At the deafening, sudden noise, both Cos and Kisara jumped in their skin, only to look, more or less surprised, at the disaster the senpai made. "I... Think you went a bit overboard, senpai..." Cosmo chuckled awkwardly. "Pathetic. He broke after just one punch." Takeshi's voice was low and bored, completely unimpressed. Considering his 306 win record, and how long he's been fighting in the association, this must have been one of those stupidly easy fights. Well, if even Kisara could destroy them, it was no wonder Wakatsuki could blink and pulverize them. "That. Was. Absolutely. AWESOME!" Kisara cheered on the man, stupefied at the destroyed concrete wall. "THIS LOOKS LIKE IN CARTOONS - THERE'S NO WAY -- YOU'RE FUCKING FANTASTIC! See, I told you! YOU are the real Superhuman!" she laughed, unable to take her eyes away from the wall. "It's no big deal. Come on, let's go sleep, it's getting late." with an amused exhale, Wakatsuki walked ahead, followed by the two younger ones. "Ah - Before that, I want to go get myself another drink, I hope you don't mind. You don't have to come, I don't want to bother you!" she spoke quickly, not wanting to burden the two. "You already got lost once, who knows where you'll end up next. It's fine, we're men, that's what we do." he reassured her, not looking back even once. "Yeah, Nee-san, he's right, you know! So relax and enjoy that drink of yours!" Cos put his arm around her, and together, they rushed ahead like silly children. "Those two... I swear..." Takeshi shook his head, the ghost of a smile on his face, watching them being so innocent and cheerful. It was good they didn't yet lose any of that positivity of theirs. Hopefully, they never do. Not Cosmo, for being a fighter and having to go through all the ups and downs, the harsh training and all that beating, nor Kisara, who worked so hard to get stronger, and can only watch from the sidelines as her lover and all her friends, that became akin to her family, get constantly beaten up, while she can do nothing but worry and pray for their victory.
However, as soon as they got back up on the deck, and Kisara got her drink, she noticed Ohma and Rihito kneeling before Kaede, who was scolding them... For whatever reason, as if she was an angry mother reprimanding her children. Chuckling in embarrassment, she said goodbye to her two friends and stepped in front of Ohma, extending her free hand for him to take and get up. He was a fighter, his spot wasn't on his knees in front of anyone.
Well, maybe in front of her and her alone, but that was something that no one else should know.
"I wasn't done with them yet, Kisara!" Kaede was thoroughly ticked off at the interference. "Although I'm not opposed to expressing your feelings and what has bothered you, I don't think that putting fighters at respect by making them behave like guilty, submissive and obedient dogs would be in their, or the company's benefit, considering they will be seen like doormats. So, I'd like to know, Kaede... What did Ohma and Rihito do to incur your wrath like that?" she asked, subtly pulling her brunet partner behind her. "Well! First of all - This idiot lost EVERYTHING he had at the casino! Imagine what would have happened if I weren't there to shoulder his debt! And him - He had all those w-women waiting on him at the casino! What were you thinking?!" she yelled, pointing angrily at the both of them. "Dunno. They just came up to me." Ohma shrugged unphased. "I see... Well, I don't see what's the problem here. If they had fun and nothing happened to them, then it's no big deal. Besides... Rihito is more or less a slave anyway, I don't think anyone cares what happens to him." the red head chuckled, but it only made the blond confused at her words. "Kisara, it's not alright! What if they'd been targeted? The future of the Nogi group is in their hands as much as that guy's!" the secretary pointed out, earning a nod of approval. "Yes, I know - In fact, I have been targeted myself." this made everyone let out various sounds of surprise. "Y-You?! But you're not a fighter or a CEO, so why --" she gasped, her eyes widening from fear. "Well, I suppose I was the victim of circumstances. I wanted to go sleep, but I got lost. I found two fighters with whom I am friends with, but they got attacked by two guys sent by some company. They wanted to take their fighter spot so that their CEO would name their boss as the future chairman. So, yes, in this aspect, Kaede is right in her worries. You can be targeted at all times - However... If I can knock them out... And if my friend can defeat them in a single punch... Ohma will have no problem with them. I can't vouch for the SuperDumbass, but whatever." she explained, seeing the concern on the blonde's face. "Are you sure you're alright? That must have been frightening." she muttered nervously. "Oh, yeah, of course - Though, I'm not a fan of playing around in a dress. Still, the greatest damage that I took was that I dropped my cocktail... Hence, why I'm here. For a new one!" she showed off her brand new and very delicious drink. Seeing the familiar colour of the liquid, Ohma leaned down and sipped from the straw. Yep, it was his favourite, the same one from back at Nogi's office. Nice.
He was glad that Kisara came when she did, he wasn't sure how long he could take Kaede's annoying nagging, and for what reason? Was he supposed to throw all those girls off and injure them for climbing on him like a tree? Sure, he could see why his partner would be upset, but why a secretary? Was he actually right whenever he made fun of her for having the hots for him? And did Kushida Rin's and Yamashita Kazuo's conversation make her think weird thoughts about him? Not that it mattered. He just really couldn't stand all this stupid scolding. He did nothing wrong, and just like Kisara said, if he were to get attacked, he'd crush that poor idiot.
As he absent-mindedly tuned out the conversation between everyone present, still leaning on Kisara's shoulder and twirling a soft strand of her hair and sipping from that delicious drink - Until, from the corner of his eye, he noticed a presence closing in at a remarkable speed. That small bastard lunged at the spot him and Kisara were. Unfortunately for this jerk, he was too fast and weathered by combat, so he jumped away with his partner in his arms, and the drink not having spilled even one drop, and they were away, at safety.
"Ohma, he's targeting you!" the red head called out, watching as the attacker easily jumped up and stomped his boot in Rihito's face. Once again, even some hand-me-down fighter like this assassin could beat Rihito. What a surprise.
As expected, once he was done with the blond dumbass, the dressed in that hooded winter jacket found his way attacking Ohma at great speed and easily evading all of his attacks. He even used Ohma's leg as a spring board and showed him the middle finger, sticking out his tongue, tauntingly. As Ohma launched one more attacked, the enemy dodged and grabbed a strong hold of Ohma's shirt, bending him down, one leg coiled behind the back of his knee, while the other was over his shoulder. "... I'd have killed you if I hadn't noticed... Brat." Ohma stopped attacking - Instead, he took off the hood of the attacker, revealing a beautiful young girl, yet her eyes were different from anyone else. Instead of the normal white sclera, it was jet black, and her pupils were light of colour. "Don't try to hide it, I can smell it on you. Now, what the hell do you want?" he asked, and in that instant, the girl grinned widely, and tightened the grip of her leg around his neck, bringing him dangerously close to her face.
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gabi-theladylover · 2 years
I deleted Tumblr for a while, the pornbots were too much. Have some doodles I made after Artblock
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Kure Karla said gay rights friends
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